The Sacred Bible:  The First Book of Maccabees

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[I Machabæus 1]
[1 Maccabees 1]

{1:1} Et factum est postquam percussit Alexander Philippi Macedo, qui primus regnavit in Græcia, egressus de terra Cethim, Darium regem Persarum, et Medorum:
{1:1} And it happened afterwards that Alexander, the son of Philip the Macedonian, who first reigned in Greece having come from the land of Kittim, struck Darius the king of the Persians and the Medes.

~ Notice that the book begins as if it were a continuation of another book: “And it happened afterwards....” The author of this book must have written another book (apparently one not inspired as Scripture), on the topic of Jewish history. That book is not part of Scripture and this one is.

{1:2} constituit prælia multa, et obtinuit omnium munitiones, et interfecit reges terræ,
{1:2} He appointed many battles, and he took hold of all the fortifications, and he executed the kings of the earth.

{1:3} et pertransiit usque ad fines terræ: et accepit spolia multitudinis gentium: et siluit terra in conspectu eius.
{1:3} And he passed through even to the ends of the earth. And he received the spoils of many nations. And the earth was silenced in his sight.

{1:4} Et congregavit virtutem, et exercitum fortem nimis: et exaltatum est, et elevatum cor eius:
{1:4} And he gathered together power, and an exceedingly strong army. And he was exalted, and his heart was lifted up.

{1:5} et obtinuit regiones Gentium, et tyrannos: et facti sunt illi in tributum.
{1:5} And he captured the regions of nations and of sovereign leaders, and they became tributaries to him.

{1:6} Et post hæc decidit in lectum, et cognovit quia moreretur.
{1:6} And after these things, he fell down on his bed, and he knew that he would die.

{1:7} Et vocavit pueros suos nobiles, qui secum erant nutriti a iuventute: et divisit illis regnum suum, cum adhuc viveret.
{1:7} And he called his servants, nobles who were raised with him from his youth. And he divided his kingdom to them, while he was still alive.

{1:8} Et regnavit Alexander annis duodecim, et mortuus est.
{1:8} And Alexander reigned twelve years, and then he died.

{1:9} Et obtinuerunt pueri eius regnum, unusquisque in loco suo:
{1:9} And his servants obtained his kingdom, each one in his place.

{1:10} et imposuerunt omnes sibi diademata post mortem eius, et filii eorum post eos annis multis, et multiplicata sunt mala in terra.
{1:10} And they all put diadems on themselves after his death, and their sons after them, for many years; and evils were multiplied on the earth.

{1:11} Et exiit ex eis radix peccatrix, Antiochus illustris, filius Antiochi regis, qui fuerat Romæ obses: et regnavit in anno centesimo trigesimo septimo regni Græcorum.
{1:11} And there went forth from among them a sinful root, Antiochus the illustrious, the son of king Antiochus, who had been a hostage at Rome. And he reigned in the one hundred and thirty-seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks.

{1:12} In diebus illis, exierunt ex Israel filii iniqui, et suaserunt multis, dicentes: Eamus, et disponamus testamentum cum Gentibus, quæ circa nos sunt: quia ex quo recessimus ab eis, invenerunt nos multa mala.
{1:12} In those days, there went forth from Israel sons of iniquity, and they persuaded many, saying: “Let us go and negotiate a covenant with the Gentiles that are all around us. For since we have withdrawn from them, many evils have found us.”

{1:13} Et bonus visus est sermo in oculis eorum.
{1:13} And the word seemed good in their eyes.

{1:14} Et destinaverunt aliqui de populo, et abierunt ad regem: et dedit illis potestatem ut facerent iustitiam Gentium.
{1:14} And some of the people determined to do this, and they went to the king. And he gave them the power to act according to the justice of the Gentiles.

{1:15} Et ædificaverunt gymnasium in Ierosolymis secundum leges Nationum:
{1:15} And they built a sports arena in Jerusalem, according to the laws of the Nations.

{1:16} et fecerunt sibi præputia, et recesserunt a testamento sancto, et iuncti sunt Nationibus, et venundati sunt ut facerent malum.
{1:16} And they made themselves uncircumcised, and they withdrew from the holy covenant, and they were joined to the nations, and they were sold into evil-doing.

~ Literally, they made themselves foreskins, in other words, they tried to undo their circumcision. This verse has a spiritual meaning, referring to those Christians who abandon the faith and act as if they were never baptized.

{1:17} Et paratum est regnum in conspectu Antiochi, et cœpit regnare in terra Ægypti ut regnaret super duo regna.
{1:17} And the kingdom was ready in the sight of Antiochus, and he began to reign over the land of Egypt, so that he might reign over two kingdoms.

{1:18} Et intravit in Ægyptum in multitudine gravi, in curribus, et elephantis, et equitibus, et copiosa navium multitudine:
{1:18} And he entered into Egypt with an oppressive multitude, with swift chariots, and elephants, and horsemen, and a great abundance of ships.

{1:19} et constituit bellum adversus Ptolemæum regem Ægypti, et veritus est Ptolemæus a facie eius, et fugit, et ceciderunt vulnerati multi.
{1:19} And he appointed a war against Ptolemy, the king of Egypt, and Ptolemy was filled with dread before his face, and he fled, and many fell down wounded.

{1:20} Et comprehendit civitates munitas in terra Ægypti: et accepit spolia terræ Ægypti.
{1:20} And he took hold of the fortified cities in the land of Egypt, and he received the spoils of the land of Egypt.

{1:21} Et convertit Antiochus, postquam percussit Ægyptum in centesimo et quadragesimo tertio anno: et ascendit ad Israel,
{1:21} And Antiochus turned back, after he struck Egypt, in the one hundred and forty-third year, and he ascended against Israel.

{1:22} et ascendit Ierosolymam in multitudine gravi.
{1:22} And he ascended to Jerusalem, with an oppressive multitude.

{1:23} Et intravit in sanctificationem cum superbia, et accepit altare aureum, et candelabrum luminis, et universa vasa eius, et mensam propositionis, et libatoria, et phialas, et mortariola aurea, et velum, et coronas, et ornamentum aureum, quod in facie templi erat: et comminuit omnia.
{1:23} And he entered into the sanctuary with arrogance, and he took the golden altar, and the lampstand of light, and all the vessels, and the table for the bread of the Presence, and the vessels of libation, and the vials, and the little mortars of gold, and the veil, and the crowns, and the golden ornament, which was at the face of the temple. And he crushed them all.

~ Literally, ‘mensam propositionis’ is ‘the table of showing,’ i.e. the table for the bread of the Presence used in ancient times by the Jews. This bread of the Presence was a foreshadowing of the Eucharist, in which Christ is fully Present. Antiochus was a foreshadowing of the Antichrist, who will take away the Eucharist from most places on earth, and replace it with the abomination of desolation.

{1:24} Et accepit argentum, et aurum, et vasa concupiscibilia: et accepit thesauros occultos, quos invenit: et sublatis omnibus abiit in terram suam.
{1:24} And he took the silver and gold, and the precious vessels, and he took the hidden treasures, which he found. And having taken all these things away, he departed into his own land.

{1:25} Et fecit cædem hominum, et locutus est in superbia magna.
{1:25} And he caused a massacre of men, and he was speaking with great arrogance.

{1:26} Et factus est planctus magnus in Israel, et in omni loco eorum:
{1:26} And there was great wailing in Israel and in all of their places.

{1:27} et ingemuerunt principes, et seniores: virgines, et iuvenes infirmati sunt: et speciositas mulierum immutata est.
{1:27} And the leaders and elders mourned, and the virgins and young men became weak, and the splendor of the women was changed.

{1:28} Omnis maritus sumpsit lamentum: et quæ sedebant in thoro maritali, lugebant:
{1:28} Every bridegroom took up lamentation, and those who sat in the marriage bed mourned.

~ A bridegroom is either one who is about to marry or one who has recently married. The expression, ‘those who sat in the marriage bed’ refers to newlyweds.

{1:29} et commota est terra super habitantes in ea, et universa domus Iacob induit confusionem.
{1:29} And the land shook on behalf of the inhabitants in it, and the entire house of Jacob was clothed with confusion.

~ The land shook because of an earthquake; this verse predicts an earthquake about the time that the Antichrist invades and conquers the holy land of Israel (about 2430/2431).

{1:30} Et post duos annos dierum misit rex principem tributorum in civitates Iuda, et venit Ierusalem cum turba magna.
{1:30} And after two years of days, the king sent the prince of his tributes to the cities of Judah, and he came to Jerusalem with a great crowd.

~ The expression ‘two years of days’ means two full years, as opposed to the usual Jewish method of counting the years, which would count any length of time overlapping two calendar years as two years.

{1:31} Et locutus est ad eos verba pacifica in dolo: et crediderunt ei.
{1:31} And he spoke peaceful words to them, in deceitfulness; and they believed him.

{1:32} Et irruit super civitatem repente, et percussit eam plaga magna, et perdidit populum multum ex Israel.
{1:32} And he rushed upon the city suddenly, and he struck it with a great scourging, and he destroyed many of the people of Israel.

{1:33} Et accepit spolia civitatis: et succendit eam igni, et destruxit domos eius, et muros eius in circuitu:
{1:33} And he took the spoils of the city, and he burned it with fire, and he destroyed its houses and the walls around it.

{1:34} et captivas duxerunt mulieres: et natos, et pecora possederunt.
{1:34} And they led away the women as captives, and they possessed the children and the cattle.

{1:35} Et ædificaverunt civitatem David muro magno, et firmo, et turribus firmis, et facta est illis in arcem:
{1:35} And they built up the city of David with a great and strong wall, and with strong towers, and it became a stronghold for them.

{1:36} et posuerunt illic gentem peccatricem viros iniquos, et convaluerunt in ea. Et posuerunt arma, et escas, et congregaverunt spolia Ierusalem:
{1:36} And they set up in that place a sinful people, wicked men, and together they grew strong in it. And they stored up weapons and provisions. And they gathered together the spoils of Jerusalem,

{1:37} et reposuerunt illic: et facti sunt in laqueum magnum.
{1:37} and deposited them in that place. And they became a great snare.

{1:38} Et factum est hoc ad insidias sanctificationi, et in diabolum malum in Israel:
{1:38} And this became a place of ambush against the sanctuary and a diabolical evil in Israel.

{1:39} et effuderunt sanguinem innocentem per circuitum sanctificationis, et contaminaverunt sanctificationem.
{1:39} And they poured out innocent blood around the sanctuary, and they contaminated the sanctuary.

{1:40} Et fugerunt habitatores Ierusalem propter eos, et facta est habitatio exterorum, et facta est extera semini suo, et nati eius reliquerunt eam.
{1:40} And the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled because of them, and the city became the dwelling place of outsiders, and she became a stranger to her own offspring, and her own children abandoned her.

{1:41} Sanctificatio eius desolata est sicut solitudo, dies festi eius conversi sunt in luctum, Sabbata eius in opprobrium, honores eius in nihilum.
{1:41} Her sanctuary was desolate, like a place of solitude, her feast days were turned into mourning, her sabbaths into disgrace, her honors into nothing.

{1:42} Secundum gloriam eius multiplicata est ignominia eius: et sublimitas eius conversa est in luctum.
{1:42} Her shame was multiplied according to her glory, and her loftiness was turned into lamentation.

{1:43} Et scripsit rex Antiochus omni regno suo ut esset omnis populus, unus: et relinqueret unusquisque legem suam.
{1:43} And king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, that all the people must be one, and that each one should relinquish his own law.

~ Again, this is a foreshadowing of the Antichrist, who will try to unite all nations under his one government. All the unbelievers will comply, but the true believers in God will resist him.

{1:44} Et consenserunt omnes Gentes secundum verbum regis Antiochi:
{1:44} And all Gentiles consented, according to the word of king Antiochus.

{1:45} et multi ex Israel consenserunt servituti eius, et sacrificaverunt idolis, et coinquinaverunt Sabbatum.
{1:45} And many out of Israel consented to his servitude, and they sacrificed to idols, and they polluted the Sabbath.

{1:46} Et misit rex libros per manus nunciorum in Ierusalem, et in omnes civitates Iuda: ut sequerentur leges Gentium terræ,
{1:46} And the king sent letters, by the hand of messengers, to Jerusalem and to all the cities of Judah: that they should follow the law of the Nations of the earth,

{1:47} et prohiberent holocausta, et sacrificia, et placationes fieri in templo Dei,
{1:47} and that they should prohibit holocausts and sacrifices and atonements to be made in the temple of God,

~ This prohibition against religion was a foreshadowing of the Antichrist’s reign.

{1:48} et prohiberent celebrari Sabbatum, et dies sollemnes:
{1:48} and that they should prohibit the celebration of the Sabbath and the solemn days.

{1:49} et iussit coinquinari sancta, et sanctum populum Israel.
{1:49} And he ordered the holy places to be defiled, along with the holy people of Israel.

{1:50} Et iussit ædificari aras, et templa, et idola, et immolari carnes suillas, et pecora communia,
{1:50} And he ordered altars to be built, and temples, and idols, and he ordered the immolation of the flesh of swine and of unclean cattle,

~ This text refers, eschatologically, to the time during the Antichrist’s reign, when he tries to destroy the Church from within by promoting a perverse imitation of the sacrifice of the Mass and of the Eucharist. This perverse imitation of the Eucharist is called the abomination of desolation.

{1:51} et relinquere filios suos incircumcisos, et coinquinari animas eorum in omnibus immundis, et abominationibus, ita ut obliviscerentur legem, et immutarent omnes iustificationes Dei.
{1:51} and that they should leave their sons uncircumcised, and defile their souls with all that is unclean, and with abominations, so that they would forget the law and would alter all the justifications of God,

~ Here is a clear example where ‘filios’ can only refer to male children, i.e. ‘sons.’ The word clearly means ‘sons,’ yet many translators insist on translating it inaccurately as ‘children.’ Inclusive language pleases society and displeases God.

~ The abomination of desolation is mentioned here, in its foreshadowing during Old Testament times. Also mentioned is the badly altered version of the Christian faith that the Antichrist supports (beginning about halfway through his reign) in order to try to destroy the Church from within.

{1:52} Et quicumque non fecissent secundum verbum regis Antiochi, morerentur.
{1:52} and that whoever would not act according to the word of king Antiochus should be put to death.

{1:53} Secundum omnia verba hæc scripsit omni regno suo: et præposuit principes populo, qui hæc fieri cogerent.
{1:53} According to all these words, he wrote to all his kingdom. And he appointed leaders over the people, who would compel them to do these things.

~ These leaders foreshadow the apostate and severely heretical Christians who will be appointed by the Antichrist to try to destroy the Church from within. It is these ones who devise and set up the abomination of desolation, the perverse imitation of the Eucharist with its false and perverse imitation of the Mass.

{1:54} Et iusserunt civitatibus Iuda sacrificare.
{1:54} And these ordered the cities of Judah to sacrifice.

{1:55} Et congregati sunt multi de populo ad eos, qui dereliquerant legem Domini: et fecerunt mala super terram:
{1:55} And many from the people, who had abandoned the law of the Lord, were gathered together by them. And they committed evils upon the land.

{1:56} et effugaverunt populum Israel in abditis, et in absconditis fugitivorum locis.
{1:56} And they drove the people of Israel into hiding and into the secret places of fugitives.

{1:57} Die quintadecima mensis Casleu, quinto et quadragesimo et centesimo anno ædificavit rex Antiochus abominandum idolum desolationis super altare Dei, et per universas civitates Iuda in circuitu ædificaverunt aras:
{1:57} On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev, in the one hundred and forty-fifth year, king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation on the altar of God, and they built altars throughout all the surrounding cities of Judah.

{1:58} et ante ianuas domorum et in plateis incendebant thura, et sacrificabant:
{1:58} And they burned frankincense, and they sacrificed before the doors of houses and in the streets.

{1:59} et libros legis Dei combusserunt igni, scindentes eos:
{1:59} And they cut up the books of the law of God and destroyed them with fire.

{1:60} et apud quemcumque inveniebantur libri testamenti Domini, et quicumque observabat legem Domini, secundum edictum regis trucidabant eum.
{1:60} And all those who were found with the books of the testament of the Lord, and whoever observed the law of the Lord, they butchered, according to the edict of the king.

~ The word ‘trucidabant’ refers to killing someone, or a group of people, in a particularly violent manner, i.e. to butcher or to slaughter.

{1:61} In virtute sua faciebant hæc populo Israel, qui inveniebatur in omni mense et mense in civitatibus.
{1:61} By their power, they did these things to the people of Israel, as they were discovered in the cities, month after month.

{1:62} Et quinta et vigesima die mensis sacrificabant super aram, quæ erat contra altare.
{1:62} And on the twenty-fifth day of the month, they sacrificed on that altar which was opposite the high altar.

{1:63} Et mulieres, quæ circumcidebant filios suos, trucidabantur secundum iussum regis Antiochi,
{1:63} And the women who circumcised their sons were butchered, according to the order of king Antiochus.

{1:64} et suspendebant pueros a cervicibus per universas domos eorum: et eos, qui circumciderant illos, trucidabant.
{1:64} And they suspended the children by their necks in all their houses, and those who had circumcised them, they butchered.

{1:65} Et multi de populo Israel definierunt apud se, ut non manducarent immunda: et elegerunt magis mori, quam cibis coinquinari immundis:
{1:65} And many of the people of Israel decided within themselves that they would not eat unclean things. And they chose to die, rather than to be defiled with unclean foods.

~ Some Christians will choose to die, rather than to consume the abomination of desolation, that false and perverse imitation of the Eucharist.

{1:66} et noluerunt infringere legem Dei sanctam, et trucidati sunt:
{1:66} And they were not willing to infringe upon the holy law of God, and they were butchered.

{1:67} et facta est ira magna super populum valde.
{1:67} And there was a very great wrath upon the people.

[I Machabæus 2]
[1 Maccabees 2]

{2:1} In diebus illis surrexit Mathathias filius Ioannis, filii Simeonis, sacerdos ex filiis Ioarib ab Ierusalem, et consedit in monte Modin:
{2:1} In those days, there rose up Mattathias, the son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joarib from Jerusalem, and he settled on the mountain of Modin.

{2:2} et habebat filios quinque, Ioannem, qui cognominabatur Gaddis:
{2:2} And he had five sons: John, who was surnamed Gaddi,

{2:3} et Simonem, qui cognominabatur Thasi:
{2:3} and Simon, who was surnamed Thassi,

{2:4} et Iudam, qui vocabatur Machabæus:
{2:4} and Judas, who was called Maccabeus,

{2:5} et Eleazarum, qui cognominabatur Abaron: et Ionathan, qui cognominabatur Apphus.
{2:5} and Eleazar, who was surnamed Avaran, and Jonathan, who was surnamed Apphus.

{2:6} Hi viderunt mala, quæ fiebant in populo Iuda, et in Ierusalem.
{2:6} These saw the evils that were done among the people of Judah and in Jerusalem.

{2:7} Et dixit Mathathias: Væ mihi, ut quid natus sum videre contritionem populi mei, et contritionem civitatis sanctæ, et sedere illic, cum datur in manibus inimicorum?
{2:7} And Mattathias said: “Woe to me, for why was I born to see the grief of my people and the grief of the holy city, and to sit there, while it is given into the hands of the enemies?

{2:8} Sancta in manu extraneorum facta sunt: templum eius sicut homo ignobilis.
{2:8} The holy places have fallen into the hands of outsiders. Her temple is like a man without honor.

{2:9} Vasa gloriæ eius captiva abducta sunt: trucidati sunt senes eius in plateis, et iuvenes eius ceciderunt in gladio inimicorum.
{2:9} The vessels of her glory have been taken away captive. Her old men have been butchered in the streets, and her young men have fallen by the sword of the enemies.

{2:10} Quæ gens non hereditavit regnum eius, et non obtinuit spolia eius?
{2:10} What nation has not inherited her kingdom and taken from her spoils?

{2:11} Omnis compositio eius ablata est. Quæ erat libera, facta est ancilla.
{2:11} All her beauty has been taken away. She who was free, has become a slave.

~ The word ‘compositio’ can refer to medicine, or musical compositions, or ornaments. In the eschatological interpretation of this verse, it probably refers to things related to the Sacraments, which will be taken away by the Antichrist.

{2:12} Et ecce sancta nostra, et pulchritudo nostra, et claritas nostra desolata est, et coinquinaverunt ea Gentes.
{2:12} And behold, our sanctuary, and our beauty, and our splendor has been desolated, and the Gentiles have defiled them.

{2:13} Quo ergo nobis adhuc vivere?
{2:13} Therefore, what is it to us that we still live?”

{2:14} Et scidit vestimenta sua Mathathias, et filii eius: et operuerunt se ciliciis, et planxerunt valde.
{2:14} And Mattathias and his sons tore their garments, and they covered themselves with haircloth, and they lamented greatly.

{2:15} Et venerunt illuc qui missi erant a rege Antiocho, ut cogerent eos, qui confugerant in civitatem Modin, immolare, et accendere thura, et a lege Dei discedere.
{2:15} And those who had been sent from king Antiochus came to that place, to compel those who fled into the city of Modin to immolate, and to burn frankincense, and to depart from the law of God.

{2:16} Et multi de populo Israel consentientes accesserunt ad eos: sed Mathathias, et filii eius constanter steterunt.
{2:16} And many of the people of Israel consented and came to them. But Mattathias and his sons stood firm.

{2:17} Et respondentes qui missi erant ab Antiocho, dixerunt Mathathiæ: Princeps et clarissimus, et magnus es in hac civitate, et ornatus filiis, et fratribus.
{2:17} And those who had been sent from Antiochus, responding, said to Mattathias: “You are a ruler, and very splendid and great in this city, and you are adorned with sons and brothers.

{2:18} Ergo accede prior, et fac iussum regis, sicut fecerunt omnes gentes, et viri Iuda, et qui remanserunt in Ierusalem: et eris tu, et filii tui inter amicos regis, et amplificatus auro, et argento, et muneribus multis.
{2:18} Therefore, approach first, and carryout the order of the king, as all the nations have done, and the men of Judah, and those who remained in Jerusalem. And you and your sons will be among the friends of the king, and enriched with gold and silver and many gifts.”

{2:19} Et respondit Mathathias, et dixit magna voce: Et si omnes gentes regi Antiocho obediunt, ut discedat unusquisque a servitute legis patrum suorum, et consentiat mandatis eius:
{2:19} And Mattathias responded, and he said with a loud voice: “Even if all nations obey king Antiochus, so that each one departs from the service of the law of his fathers and consents to his commandments,

{2:20} ego et filii mei, et fratres mei obediemus legi patrum nostrorum.
{2:20} I and my sons and my brothers will obey the law of our fathers.

{2:21} Propitius sit nobis Deus: non est nobis utile relinquere legem, et iustitias Dei:
{2:21} May God be forgiving to us. It is not useful for us to abandon the law and the justices of God.

{2:22} non audiemus verba regis Antiochi, nec sacrificabimus transgredientes legis nostræ mandata, ut eamus altera via.
{2:22} We will not listen to the words of king Antiochus, nor will we sacrifice, transgressing the commandments of our law, so as to set out on another way.”

{2:23} Et ut cessavit loqui verba hæc, accessit quidam Iudæus in omnium oculis sacrificare idolis super aram in civitate Modin, secundum iussum regis:
{2:23} And, as he ceased speaking these words, a certain Jew approached in the sight of all to sacrifice to the idols upon the altar in the city of Modin, according to the order of the king.

{2:24} et vidit Mathathias, et doluit, et contremuerunt renes eius, et accensus est furor eius secundum iudicium legis, et insiliens trucidavit eum super aram:
{2:24} And Mattathias saw, and he grieved, and his temperament trembled, and his fury was enkindled according to the judgment of the law, and leaping up, he slaughtered him on the altar.

{2:25} sed et virum, quem rex Antiochus miserat, qui cogebat immolare, occidit in ipso tempore, et aram destruxit,
{2:25} Moreover, the man whom king Antiochus had sent, who compelled them to immolate, he killed at the same time, and he destroyed the altar,

{2:26} et zelatus est legem, sicut fecit Phinees Zamri filio Salomi.
{2:26} and he was zealous for the law, just as Phinehas did to Zimri, the son of Salomi.

{2:27} Et exclamavit Mathathias voce magna in civitate, dicens: Omnis, qui zelum habet legis statuens testamentum, exeat post me.
{2:27} And Mattathias exclaimed with a loud voice in the city, saying, “All who hold zeal for the law, maintaining the covenant, let them follow me.”

{2:28} Et fugit ipse, et filii eius in montes, et reliquerunt quæcumque habebant in civitate.
{2:28} And he and his sons fled to the mountains, and they left behind whatever they had in the city.

{2:29} Tunc descenderunt multi quærentes iudicium, et iustitiam, in desertum:
{2:29} Then many who sought judgment and justice went down into the desert.

{2:30} et sederunt ibi ipsi, et filii eorum, et mulieres eorum, et pecora eorum: quoniam inundaverunt super eos mala.
{2:30} And they camped there, with their sons, and their wives, and their herds, because evils had overwhelmed them.

{2:31} Et renunciatum est viris regis, et exercitui, qui erat in Ierusalem civitate David quoniam discessissent viri quidam, qui dissipaverunt mandatum regis in loca occulta in deserto, et abiissent post illos multi.
{2:31} And it was reported to the king’s men, and to the army that was in Jerusalem, in the city of David, that certain men, who had cast aside the commandment of the king, had departed into the hidden places in the desert, and that many had followed after them.

{2:32} Et statim perrexerunt ad eos, et constituerunt adversus eos prælium in die Sabbatorum,
{2:32} And immediately, they went out to them, and they arranged a battle against them, on the day of the Sabbath.

{2:33} et dixerunt ad eos: Resistitis et nunc adhuc? exite, et facite secundum verbum regis Antiochi, et vivetis.
{2:33} And they said to them: “And now, do you still resist? Go out and act according to the word of king Antiochus, and you will live.”

{2:34} Et dixerunt: Non exibimus, neque faciemus verbum regis, ut polluamus diem Sabbatorum.
{2:34} And they said, “We will not go out, and we will not do the king’s word, so as to profane the day of the Sabbath.”

{2:35} Et concitaverunt adversus eos prælium.
{2:35} And they rushed against them in battle.

{2:36} Et non responderunt eis, nec lapidem miserunt in eos, nec oppilaverunt loca occulta,
{2:36} But they did not respond, nor did they cast a stone at them, nor did they barricade the hidden places,

{2:37} dicentes: Moriamur omnes in simplicitate nostra: et testes erunt super nos cælum, et terra, quod iniuste perditis nos.
{2:37} for they said, “Let us all die in our simplicity. And heaven and earth will testify for us, that you destroyed us unjustly.”

{2:38} Et intulerunt illis bellum Sabbatis: et mortui sunt ipsi, et uxores eorum, et filii eorum, et pecora eorum usque ad mille animas hominum.
{2:38} So they carried out a battle on the Sabbath. And they were put to death, with their wives, and their sons, and their cattle, even to the number of a thousand souls of men.

{2:39} Et cognovit Mathathias, et amici eius, et luctum habuerunt super eos valde.
{2:39} And Mattathias and his friends heard of it, and they held a very great lamentation for them.

{2:40} Et dixit vir proximo suo: Si omnes fecerimus sicut fratres nostri fecerunt, et non pugnaverimus adversus Gentes pro animabus nostris, et iustificationibus nostris: nunc citius disperdent nos a terra.
{2:40} And every man said to his neighbor, “If we all do just as our brothers have done, and if we do not fight against the Gentiles for the sake of our lives and our justifications, then they will quickly eradicate us from the earth.”

{2:41} Et cogitaverunt in die illa, dicentes: Omnis homo, quicumque venerit ad nos in bello die Sabbatorum, pugnemus adversus eum: et non moriemur omnes, sicut mortui sunt fratres nostri in occultis.
{2:41} And they decided, on that day, saying: “Every man, who will come against us in warfare on the day of the Sabbath, we will fight against him. And we will not all die, like our brothers who were put to death in the hidden places.”

{2:42} Tunc congregata est ad eos synagoga Assidæorum fortis viribus ex Israel, omnis voluntarius in lege:
{2:42} Then there was assembled before them the synagogue of the Hasideans, strong men from Israel, each one with a will for the law.

{2:43} et omnes, qui fugiebant a malis, additi sunt ad eos, et facti sunt illis ad firmamentum.
{2:43} And all those who fled from the evils added themselves to them, and they became a firmament to them.

{2:44} Et collegerunt exercitum, et percusserunt peccatores in ira sua, et viros iniquos in indignatione sua: et ceteri fugerunt ad nationes, ut evaderent.
{2:44} And they gathered together an army, and they struck down the sinners in their wrath and the wicked men in their indignation. And the others fled to the nations, so as to escape.

{2:45} Et circuivit Mathathias, et amici eius, et destruxerunt aras:
{2:45} And Mattathias and his friends traveled around, and they destroyed the altars.

{2:46} et circumciderunt pueros incircumcisos quotquot invenerunt in finibus Israel: et in fortitudine.
{2:46} And they circumcised all the uncircumcised boys, whom they found within the limits of Israel, and they acted with fortitude.

{2:47} Et persecuti sunt filios superbiæ, et prosperatum est opus in manibus eorum:
{2:47} And they pursued the sons of arrogance, and the work was prosperous in their hands.

{2:48} et obtinuerunt legem de manibus Gentium, et de manibus regum: et non dederant cornu peccatori.
{2:48} And they obtained the law from the hands of the Gentiles, and from the hands of the kings. And they did not surrender the horn to the sinner.

{2:49} Et appropinquaverunt dies Mathathiæ moriendi, et dixit filiis suis: Nunc confortata est superbia, et castigatio, et tempus eversionis, et ira indignationis:
{2:49} Then the days drew near when Mattathias would die, and he said to his sons: “Now arrogance and chastisement have been strengthened, and it is a time of overturning and of the wrath of indignation.

{2:50} Nunc ergo, o filii, æmulatores estote legis, et date animas vestras pro testamento patrum vestrorum,
{2:50} Now therefore, O sons, be imitators of the law, and give your lives for the sake of the covenant of your fathers.

{2:51} et mementote operum patrum, quæ fecerunt in generationibus suis: et accipietis gloriam magnam, et nomen æternum.
{2:51} And call to mind the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations. And you will receive great glory and an eternal name.

{2:52} Abraham nonne in tentatione inventus est fidelis, et reputatum est ei ad iustitiam?
{2:52} Was not Abraham found to be faithful in temptation, and so it was accounted to him as justice?

{2:53} Ioseph in tempore angustiæ suæ custodivit mandatum, et factus est dominus Ægypti.
{2:53} Joseph, in the time of his anguish, kept the commandment, and he was made ruler of Egypt.

{2:54} Phinees pater noster, zelando zelum Dei, accepit testamentum sacerdotii æterni.
{2:54} Phinehas our father, being zealous in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an eternal priesthood.

{2:55} Iesus dum implevit verbum, factus est dux in Israel.
{2:55} Jesus, since he fulfilled the word, was made a commander in Israel.

{2:56} Caleb, dum testificatur in ecclesia, accepit hereditatem.
{2:56} Caleb, since he testified in the assembly, received an inheritance.

{2:57} David in sua misericordia consecutus est sedem regni in sæcula.
{2:57} David, in his mercy, obtained the throne of a kingdom for all generations.

{2:58} Elias, dum zelat zelum legis, receptus est in cælum.
{2:58} Elijah, since he was zealous with a zeal for the law, was received into heaven.

{2:59} Ananias et Azarias et Misael credentes, liberati sunt de flamma.
{2:59} Hananiah and Azariah and Mishael, by believing, were delivered from the flame.

{2:60} Daniel in sua simplicitate liberatus est de ore leonum.
{2:60} Daniel, in his simplicity, was delivered from the mouth of the lions.

{2:61} Et ita cogitate per generationem, et generationem: quia omnes qui sperant in eum, non infirmantur.
{2:61} And so, consider that, through generation after generation of all those who trusted in him, none have failed in strength.

{2:62} Et a verbis viri peccatoris ne timueritis: quia gloria eius stercus, et vermis est:
{2:62} And fear not the words of a sinful man, for his glory is dung and worms.

{2:63} hodie extollitur, et cras non invenietur: quia conversus est in terram suam, et cogitatio eius periit.
{2:63} Today he is extolled, and tomorrow he will not be found, because he has returned into his earth and his thinking has perished.

{2:64} Vos ergo filii confortamini, et viriliter agite in lege: quia in ipsa gloriosi eritis.
{2:64} Therefore, you sons, be strengthened and act manfully in the law. For by it, you shall become glorious.

{2:65} Et ecce Simon frater vester, scio quod vir consilii est: ipsum audite semper, et ipse erit vobis pater.
{2:65} And behold, I know that your brother Simon is a man of counsel. Heed him always, and he will be a father to you.

{2:66} Et Iudas Machabæus fortis viribus a iuventute sua, sit vobis princeps militiæ, et ipse aget bellum populi.
{2:66} And Judas Maccabeus, who has been strong and resourceful from his youth, let him be the leader of your militia, and he will manage the war of the people.

{2:67} Et adducetis ad vos omnes factores legis: et vindicate vindictam populi vestri.
{2:67} And you shall add to yourselves all who observe the law, and you shall claim the vindication of your people.

{2:68} Retribuite retributionem Gentibus, et intendite in præceptum legis.
{2:68} Render to the Gentiles their retribution, and pay attention to the precepts of the law.”

{2:69} Et benedixit eos, et appositus est ad patres suos.
{2:69} And he blessed them, and he was added to his fathers.

{2:70} Et defunctus est anno centesimo et quadragesimo sexto: et sepultus est a filiis suis in sepulchris patrum suorum in Modin, et planxerunt eum omnis Israel planctu magno.
{2:70} And he passed away in the one hundred and forty-sixth year, and he was buried by his sons in the sepulchers of his fathers, in Modin, and all Israel mourned for him with a great mourning.

[I Machabæus 3]
[1 Maccabees 3]

{3:1} Et surrexit Iudas, qui vocabatur Machabæus filius eius pro eo:
{3:1} And his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, rose up in his place.

{3:2} et adiuvabant eum omnes fratres eius: et universi, qui se coniunxerant patri eius, et præliabantur prælium Israel cum lætitia.
{3:2} And all his brothers assisted him, along with all those who had joined themselves to his father. And they fought the battle of Israel with rejoicing.

{3:3} Et dilatavit gloriam populo suo, et induit se loricam sicut gigas, et succinxit se arma bellica sua in præliis, et protegebat castra gladio suo.
{3:3} And he expanded the glory of his people, and he clothed himself with a breastplate like a giant, and he surrounded himself his weapons of war in battles, and he protected the camp with his sword.

{3:4} Similis factus est leoni in operibus suis, et sicut catulus leonis rugiens in venatione.
{3:4} In his actions, he became like a lion, and like a young lion roaring in the hunt.

{3:5} Et persecutus est iniquos perscrutans eos: et qui conturbabant populum suum, eos succendit flammis:
{3:5} And he pursued the wicked and tracked them down. And those who disturbed his people, he burned with fire.

{3:6} et repulsi sunt inimici eius præ timore eius, et omnes operarii iniquitatis conturbati sunt: et directa est salus in manu eius.
{3:6} And his enemies were repelled by the fear of him, and all the workers of iniquity were troubled. And salvation was well-directed in his hand.

{3:7} Et exacerbabat reges multos, et lætificabat Iacob in operibus suis, et in sæculum memoria eius in benedictione.
{3:7} And he provoked many kings, and he gave joy to Jacob by his works, and his memory will be a blessing for all generations.

{3:8} Et perambulavit civitates Iuda, et perdidit impios ex eis, et avertit iram ab Israel.
{3:8} And he traveled through the cities of Judah, and he destroyed the impious out of them, and he turned wrath away from Israel.

~ Judas Maccabeus’ actions during the reign of Antiochus foreshadows the resistance of some Christians, especially in the holy land of Israel, against the followers of the Antichrist. This future resistance may involve some force of arms as well as the peaceful resistance of refusing to follow unjust and sacrilegious laws.

{3:9} Et nominatus est usque ad novissimum terræ, et congregavit pereuntes.
{3:9} And he was renowned, even to the utmost part of the earth, and he gathered together those who were perishing.

{3:10} Et congregavit Apollonius Gentes, et a Samaria virtutem multam et magnam ad bellandum contra Israel.
{3:10} And so Apollonius gathered together the Gentiles, with a numerous and great army from Samaria, to make war against Israel.

{3:11} Et cognovit Iudas, et exiit obviam illi: et percussit, et occidit illum: et ceciderunt vulnerati multi, et reliqui fugerunt.
{3:11} And Judas knew about it, and he went forth to meet him. And he struck him and killed him. And many fell down wounded, and the rest fled away.

{3:12} Et accepit spolia eorum: et gladium Apollonii abstulit Iudas, et erat pugnans in eo omnibus diebus.
{3:12} And he took away their spoils. And Judas took possession of the sword of Apollonius, and he fought with it during all his days.

{3:13} Et audivit Seron princeps exercitus Syriæ, quod congregavit Iudas congregationem fidelium, et ecclesiam secum,
{3:13} And Seron, the leader of the army of Syria, heard that Judas had gathered together a company of the faithful and an assembly with him.

{3:14} et ait: Faciam mihi nomen, et glorificabor in regno, et debellabo Iudam, et eos, qui cum ipso sunt, qui spernebant verbum regis.
{3:14} And he said, “I will make a name for myself, and I will be glorified in the kingdom, and I will defeat Judas in warfare, and those who are with him, who have spurned the word of the king.”

{3:15} Et præparavit se: et ascenderunt cum eo castra impiorum fortes auxiliarii ut facerent vindictam in filios Israel.
{3:15} And he prepared himself. And the camp of the impious went up with him, with strong auxiliaries, so as to act with vengeance upon the sons of Israel.

{3:16} Et appropinquaverunt usque ad Bethoron: et exivit Iudas obviam illi cum paucis.
{3:16} And they approached even as far as Bethhoron. And Judas went forth to meet him, with a few men.

{3:17} Ut autem viderunt exercitum venientem sibi obviam, dixerunt Iudæ: Quomodo poterimus pauci pugnare contra multitudinem tantam, et tam fortem, et nos fatigati sumus ieiunio hodie?
{3:17} But when they saw the army coming to meet them, they said to Judas, “How will we few be able to fight against so great and so strong a multitude, even though we are weakened by fasting today?”

{3:18} Et ait Iudas: Facile est concludi multos in manus paucorum: et non est differentia in conspectu Dei cæli liberare in multis, et in paucis:
{3:18} And Judas said: “It is easy for many to be enclosed in the hands of a few, for there is no difference in the sight of the God of heaven to liberate by means of many, or by means of few.

{3:19} quoniam non in multitudine exercitus victoria belli, sed de cælo fortitudo est.
{3:19} For victory in warfare is not in the multitude of the army, but in the strength from heaven.

{3:20} Ipsi veniunt ad nos in multitudine contumaci, et superbia ut disperdant nos, et uxores nostras, et filios nostros, et ut spolient nos:
{3:20} They come to us with a contemptuous multitude and with arrogance, in order to destroy us, with our wives and our sons, and to despoil us.

{3:21} nos vero pugnabimus pro animabus nostris, et legibus nostris:
{3:21} In truth, we will fight on behalf of our souls and our laws.

{3:22} et ipse Dominus conteret eos ante faciem nostram: vos autem ne timueritis eos.
{3:22} And the Lord himself will crush them before our face. But as for you, do not fear them.”

{3:23} Ut cessavit autem loqui, insiluit in eos subito: et contritus est Seron, et exercitus eius in conspectu ipsius:
{3:23} And as soon as he had ceased speaking, he attacked them suddenly. And Seron and his army were crushed in his sight.

{3:24} et persecutus est eum in descensu Bethoron usque in campum, et ceciderunt ex eis octingenti viri, reliqui autem fugerunt in terram Philisthiim.
{3:24} And he pursued him from the descent of Bethhoron, even to the plains. And eight hundred of their men were cut down, but the rest fled into the land of the Philistines.

{3:25} Et cecidit timor Iudæ, ac fratrum eius, et formido super omnes gentes in circuitu eorum.
{3:25} And the fear and dread of Judas, as well as his brothers, fell upon all the nations around them.

{3:26} Et pervenit ad regem nomen eius, et de præliis Iudæ narrabant omnes gentes.
{3:26} And his name reached even to the king, and all the nations told stories of the battles of Judas.

{3:27} Ut audivit autem rex Antiochus sermones istos, iratus est animo: et misit, et congregavit exercitum universi regni sui, castra fortia valde:
{3:27} But when king Antiochus heard these accounts, he was angry to his very soul. And he sent and gathered together forces from his entire kingdom, a very strong army.

~ The expression ‘iratus est animo’ means ‘he was angry to the soul,’ in other words, he was very thoroughly angry.

~ The Antichrist, about halfway through his reign of nearly seven years, will ready a huge army to bring against the dissension and uprising of the faithful in Israel and the surrounding regions.

{3:28} et aperuit ærarium suum, et dedit stipendia exercitui in annum: et mandavit illis ut essent parati ad omnia.
{3:28} And he opened his treasury, and he gave out stipends to the army for a year. And he commanded them to make ready for all things.

{3:29} Et vidit quod defecit pecunia de thesauris suis, et tributa regionis modica propter dissensionem, et plagam, quam fecit in terra, ut tolleret legitima, quæ erant a primis diebus:
{3:29} And he saw that the money from his treasures had failed, and that the tributes of the country were small, because of the dissension and the scourging that he had caused on earth in order to take away the legitimate laws, which had been since the first days.

~ As he prepares his army, the Antichrist will run low on money, having spent so much on his military in trying to subdue uprisings around the world, enforcing his unjust changes to laws. And he will suffer a lack of tributes (taxes) because his wars and vicious attacks will have devastated the world economy. Also, he will have given out much wealth in gifts and bribes to his supporters.

{3:30} et timuit ne non haberet ut semel et bis, in sumptus et donaria, quæ dederat ante larga manu: et abundaverat super reges, qui ante eum fuerant.
{3:30} And he feared, lest he not have enough the second time as the first, for expenses and gifts, which he had given before with a liberal hand. For his excesses were more than the kings who had been before him.

{3:31} Et consternatus erat animo valde, et cogitavit ire in Persidem, et accipere tributa regionum, et congregare argentum multum.
{3:31} And he was alarmed to his very soul, and he intended to go into Persia, and to take tributes from the regions, and to gather together much money.

~ The reason that the Antichrist will seek money especially from Persia and the surrounding area is that he is from that general region (more specifically, west of Persia, in Assyria). After he begins his reign, he shows particular favor, financially, to that area of the world. So, when taking tributes, he expects more money from them.

{3:32} Et reliquit Lysiam hominem nobilem de genere regali, super negotia regia, a flumine Euphrate usque ad flumen Ægypti:
{3:32} And he left behind Lysias, a nobleman of royal family, to preside over the kingdom from the river Euphrates, even to the river of Egypt,

{3:33} et ut nutriret Antiochum filium suum, donec rediret.
{3:33} and to raise his son, Antiochus, until he would return.

{3:34} Et tradidit ei medium exercitum, et elephantos: et mandavit ei de omnibus, quæ volebat, et de inhabitantibus Iudæam, et Ierusalem:
{3:34} And he handed over to him half of the army, and the elephants. And he commanded him concerning all that he wanted, and concerning the inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem:

{3:35} et ut mitteret ad eos exercitum ad conterendam, et extirpandam virtutem Israel, et reliquias Ierusalem, et auferendam memoriam eorum de loco:
{3:35} so that he would send an army against them to crush and to root out the virtue of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem, and to take away the memory of them from that place,

{3:36} et ut constitueret habitatores filios alienigenas in omnibus finibus eorum, et sorte distribueret terram eorum.
{3:36} and so that he would establish dwelling places for the sons of foreigners in all their parts, and would distribute their land by lot.

{3:37} Et rex assumpsit partem exercitus residui, et exivit ab Antiochia civitate regni sui anno centesimo et quadragesimo septimo: et transfretavit Euphraten flumen, et perambulabat superiores regiones.
{3:37} And so, the king took the remaining part of the army, and he went forth from Antioch, the city of his kingdom, in the one hundred and forty-seventh year. And he crossed over the river Euphrates, and he traveled through the upper regions.

{3:38} Et elegit Lysias Ptolemæum filium Dorymini, et Nicanorem, et Gorgiam, viros potentes ex amicis regis:
{3:38} Then Lysias chose Ptolemy, the son of Dorymenes, and Nicanor and Gorgias, powerful men from among the king’s friends.

{3:39} et misit cum eis quadraginta millia virorum, et septem millia equitum ut venirent in terram Iuda, et disperderent eam secundum verbum regis.
{3:39} And he sent them with forty thousand men, and seven thousand horsemen, to enter into the land of Judah, and to destroy it, according to the word of the king.

{3:40} Et processerunt cum universa virtute sua, et venerunt, et applicuerunt Emmaum in terra campestri.
{3:40} And so, they proceeded with all their power, and they arrived and took a position near Emmaus, in the land of the plains.

{3:41} Et audierunt mercatores regionum nomen eorum: et acceperunt argentum, et aurum multum valde, et pueros: et venerunt in castra ut acciperent filios Israel in servos, et additi sunt ad eos exercitus Syriæ, et terræ alienigenarum.
{3:41} And the merchants of the regions heard of their name. And they took very much silver, and gold, and servants, and they came into the camp to take the sons of Israel into servitude. And armies from Syria and from the lands of foreigners were added to them.

{3:42} Et vidit Iudas, et fratres eius, quia multiplicata sunt mala, et exercitus applicabant ad fines eorum: et cognoverunt verba regis, quæ mandavit populo facere in interitum, et consummationem:
{3:42} And Judas and his brothers saw that evils were being multiplied, and that armies had been positioned near their borders. And they knew the words of the king, which ordered the people to be put to death and to be utterly consumed.

{3:43} et dixerunt unusquisque ad proximum suum: Erigamus deiectionem populi nostri, et pugnemus pro populo nostro, et sanctis nostris.
{3:43} And they said, each one to his neighbor, “Let us relieve the dejection of our people, and let us fight on behalf of our people and our sacred places.”

~ Or, ‘our holy things,’ or ‘our holy places,’ or ‘our sacred places.’

{3:44} Et congregatus est conventus ut essent parati in prælium: et ut orarent, et peterent misericordiam, et miserationes.
{3:44} And an assembly was gathered together, so that they would be prepared for battle, and so that they could pray and ask for mercy and compassion.

{3:45} Et Ierusalem non habitabatur, sed erat sicut desertum: non erat qui ingrederetur et egrederetur de natis eius: et sanctum conculcabatur: et filii alienigenarum erant in arce, ibi erat habitatio Gentium: et ablata est voluptas a Iacob, et defecit ibi tibia, et cithara.
{3:45} Now Jerusalem was not inhabited, but was like a desert. There was no one who entered or exited from among her children. And the sanctuary was trampled upon, and the sons of foreigners were in the stronghold. This place was the habitation of the Gentiles. And delight was taken away from Jacob, and the music of flute and harp ceased in that place.

{3:46} Et congregati sunt, et venerunt in Maspha contra Ierusalem: quia locus orationis erat in Maspha ante in Israel.
{3:46} And they gathered together and came to Mizpah, opposite Jerusalem. For a place of prayer was in Mizpah, in the former Israel.

{3:47} Et ieiunaverunt illa die, et induerunt se ciliciis, et cinerem imposuerunt capiti suo: et disciderunt vestimenta sua:
{3:47} And they fasted on that day, and they clothed themselves with haircloth, and they placed ashes on their heads, and they tore their garments.

{3:48} et expanderunt libros legis, de quibus scrutabantur Gentes similitudinem simulacrorum suorum:
{3:48} And they laid open the books of the law, in which the Gentiles searched for the likeness of their idols.

{3:49} et attulerunt ornamenta sacerdotalia, et primitias, et decimas: et suscitaverunt Nazaræos, qui impleverant dies:
{3:49} And they brought the priestly ornaments, and the first fruits and tithes, and they roused the Nazirites, who had fulfilled their days.

~ They will call back to service the religious brothers and sisters, who had retired due to old age.

{3:50} et clamaverunt voce magna in cælum, dicentes: Quid faciemus istis, et quo eos ducemus?
{3:50} And they cried out with a loud voice toward heaven, saying: “What shall we do with these, and where shall we take them?

{3:51} et sancta tua conculcata sunt, et contaminata sunt, et sacerdotes tui facti sunt in luctum, et in humilitatem.
{3:51} For your holy things have been trampled and defiled, and your priests have been in mourning and in humiliation.

{3:52} Et ecce Nationes convenerunt adversum nos ut nos disperdant: tu scis quæ cogitant in nos.
{3:52} And behold, the Nations gather together against us, to destroy us. You know what they intend against us.

{3:53} Quomodo poterimus subsistere ante faciem eorum, nisi tu Deus adiuves nos?
{3:53} How shall we be able to stand before their face, unless you, O God, assist us?”

{3:54} Et tubis exclamaverunt voce magna.
{3:54} Then they sounded the trumpets with a loud call.

{3:55} Et post hæc constituit Iudas duces populi, tribunos, et centuriones, et pentacontarchos, et decuriones.
{3:55} And after this, Judas appointed commanders over the people: over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens.

{3:56} Et dixit his, qui ædificabant domos, et sponsabant uxores, et plantabant vineas, et formidolosis, ut redirent unusquisque in domum suam secundum legem.
{3:56} And he said to those who were building houses, or who had betrothed wives, who were planting vineyards, or who were terribly afraid, that they should return, each one to his own house, according to the law.

{3:57} Et moverunt castra, et collocaverunt ad Austrum Emmaum.
{3:57} So they moved the camp, and relocated to the south of Emmaus.

{3:58} Et ait Iudas: Accingimini, et estote filii potentes, et estote parati in mane, ut pugnetis adversus Nationes has, quæ convenerunt adversus nos disperdere nos, et sancta nostra:
{3:58} And Judas said: “Gird yourselves, and be sons of power, and be ready in the morning, so that you may fight against these nations that have assembled against us, so as to destroy us and our sacred things.

{3:59} quoniam melius est nos mori in bello, quam videre mala gentis nostræ, et sanctorum.
{3:59} For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see evils come to our nation and to the sacred places.

~ The sacred things are the Sacraments, which the Antichrist will try to destroy by supporting apostates and severe heretics.

{3:60} Sicut autem fuerit voluntas in cælo, sic fiat.
{3:60} Nevertheless, as it shall be willed in heaven, so let it be.”

[I Machabæus 4]
[1 Maccabees 4]

{4:1} Et assumpsit Gorgias quinque millia virorum, et mille equites electos: et moverunt castra nocte
{4:1} Then Gorgias took five thousand men and a thousand chosen horsemen, and they moved out of the camp by night,

{4:2} ut applicarent ad castra Iudæorum, et percuterent eos subito: et filii, qui erant ex arce, erant illis duces.
{4:2} so that they might set upon the camp of the Jews and strike them suddenly. And the sons who were from the stronghold were their guides.

{4:3} Et audivit Iudas, et surrexit ipse et potentes percutere virtutem exercituum regis, qui erant in Emmaum.
{4:3} And Judas heard of it, and he rose up, with his powerful men, to strike the force from the king’s army that was in Emmaus.

{4:4} Adhuc enim dispersus erat exercitus a castris.
{4:4} For the army was still dispersed from the camp.

{4:5} Et venit Gorgias in castra Iudæ noctu, et neminem invenit, et quærebat eos in montibus: quoniam dixit: Fugiunt hi a nobis.
{4:5} And Gorgias came by night, into the camp of Judas, and found no one, and he sought them in the mountains. For he said, “These men flee from us.”

{4:6} Et cum dies factus esset, apparuit Iudas in campo cum tribus millibus virorum tantum: qui tegumenta, et gladios non habebant:
{4:6} And when it had become day, Judas appeared in the plain with only three thousand men, who had neither armor nor swords.

{4:7} et viderunt castra Gentium valida, et loricatos, et equitatus in circuitu eorum, et hi docti ad prælium.
{4:7} And they saw the strength of the camp of the Gentiles, and the men in armor, and the horsemen surrounding them, and that these were trained to fight.

{4:8} Et ait Iudas viris, qui secum erant: Ne timueritis multitudinem eorum, et impetum eorum ne formidetis.
{4:8} And Judas said to the men who were with him: “Do not be afraid of their multitude, and do not dread their attack.

{4:9} Mementote qualiter salvi facti sunt patres nostri in Mari Rubro, cum sequeretur eos Pharao cum exercitu multo.
{4:9} Remember in what way salvation came to our fathers in the Red Sea, when Pharaoh pursued them with a great army.

{4:10} Et nunc clamemus in cælum: et miserebitur nostri Dominus, et memor erit testamenti patrum nostrorum, et conteret exercitum istum ante faciem nostram hodie:
{4:10} And now, let us cry out to heaven, and the Lord will have mercy on us, and he will remember the covenant of our fathers, and he will crush this army before our face this day.

{4:11} et scient omnes gentes quia est qui redimat, et liberet Israel.
{4:11} And all nations shall know that there is One who redeems and frees Israel.”

{4:12} Et elevaverunt alienigenæ oculos suos, et viderunt eos venientes ex adverso.
{4:12} And the foreigners lifted up their eyes, and they saw them coming against them.

{4:13} Et exierunt de castris in prælium, et tuba cecinerunt hi, qui erant cum Iuda:
{4:13} And they went out of the camp into battle, and those who were with Judas sounded the trumpet.

{4:14} Et congressi sunt: et contritæ sunt Gentes, et fugerunt in campum.
{4:14} And they came together. And the Gentiles were crushed, and they fled into the plains.

{4:15} Novissimi autem omnes ceciderunt in gladio, et persecuti sunt eos usque Gezeron, et usque in campos Idumææ, et Azoti, et Iamniæ: et ceciderunt ex illis usque ad tria millia virorum.
{4:15} But the last of them all fell by the sword, and they pursued them even to Gazara, and even to the plains of Idumea, and Azotus, and Jamnia. And there fell from them as many as three thousand men.

{4:16} Et reversus est Iudas, et exercitus eius, sequens eum.
{4:16} And Judas returned, with his army following him.

{4:17} Dixitque ad populum: Non concupiscatis spolia: quia bellum contra nos est,
{4:17} And he said to the people: “Do not desire the spoils; for there is war before us.

{4:18} et Gorgias et exercitus eius prope nos in monte: sed state nunc contra inimicos nostros, et expugnate eos, et sumetis postea spolia securi.
{4:18} And Gorgias and his army are near us on the mountain. But stand firm now against our enemies, and fight against them, and you shall take the spoils afterwards, securely.”

{4:19} Et adhuc loquente Iuda hæc, ecce apparuit pars quædam prospiciens de monte.
{4:19} And while Judas was speaking these words, behold, a certain part of them appeared, looking out from the mountain.

{4:20} Et vidit Gorgias quod in fugam conversi sunt sui, et succenderunt castra: fumus enim, qui videbatur, declarabat quod factum est.
{4:20} And Gorgias saw that his men were put to flight, and that they had set fire to the camp. For the smoke that he saw declared what had happened.

{4:21} Quibus illi conspectis timuerunt valde, aspicientes simul et Iudam, et exercitum in campo paratum ad prælium.
{4:21} When they had seen this, they became very afraid, seeing at the same time both Judas and his army in the plains prepared to do battle.

{4:22} Et fugerunt omnes in campum alienigenarum:
{4:22} So they all fled away into the encampment of the foreigners.

{4:23} et Iudas reversus est ad spolia castrorum, et acceperunt aurum multum, et argentum, et hyacinthinum, et purpuram marinam, et opes magnas.
{4:23} And Judas returned to take the spoils of the camp, and they obtained much gold and silver, and hyacinth, and purple of the sea, and great riches.

~ The ‘marinam purpuram’ is a purple dye, or cloths colored with such a dye, made from shellfish and often called Tyrian purple or Royal purple. By today’s standards, this color is actually more of a scarlet hue. The reference to ‘hyacinthinum’ is probably silk or other cloths colored with this blue dye.

{4:24} Et conversi, hymnum canebant, et benedicebant Deum in cælum, quoniam bonus est, quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
{4:24} And returning, they sang a canticle, and they blessed God in heaven, because he is good, because his mercy is with every generation.

{4:25} Et facta est salus magna in Israel in die illa.
{4:25} And so, a great salvation occurred in Israel in that day.

{4:26} Quicumque autem alienigenarum evaserunt, venerunt, et nunciaverunt Lysiæ universa, quæ acciderant.
{4:26} But those among the foreigners who escaped went and reported to Lysias all that had happened.

{4:27} Quibus ille auditis consternatus animo deficiebat: quod non qualia voluit, talia contigerunt in Israel, et qualia mandavit rex.
{4:27} And when he heard these things, he was discouraged, being alarmed to his very soul. For things had not occurred in Israel according to his wishes, nor as the king had commanded.

{4:28} Et sequenti anno congregavit Lysias virorum electorum sexaginta millia, et equitum quinque millia, ut debellaret eos.
{4:28} And, in the following year, Lysias gathered together sixty thousand chosen men and five thousand horsemen, so that he might defeat them in warfare.

{4:29} Et venerunt in Iudæam, et castra posuerunt in Bethoron, et occurrit illis Iudas cum decem millibus viris.
{4:29} And they came into Judea, and they positioned their camp in Bethzur, and Judas met them with ten thousand men.

{4:30} Et viderunt exercitum fortem, et oravit, et dixit: Benedictus es salvator Israel, qui contrivisti impetum potentis in manu servi tui David, et tradidisti castra alienigenarum in manu Ionathæ filii Saul, et armigeri eius.
{4:30} And they saw the strength of the army, and so he prayed, and he said: “Blessed are you, Savior of Israel, who crushed the assault of the powerful by the hand of your servant David, and who delivered up the camp of the foreigners into the hand of Jonathan, the son of Saul, and his armor bearer.

{4:31} Conclude exercitum istum in manu populi tui Israel, et confundantur in exercitu suo, et equitibus.
{4:31} Enclose this army in the hand of your people Israel, and let them be confounded in their soldiers and their horsemen.

{4:32} Da illis formidinem, et tabefac audaciam virtutis eorum, et commoveantur contritione sua.
{4:32} Strike them with dread, and melt away the boldness of their strength, and let them shudder in their grief.

{4:33} Deiice illos gladio diligentium te: et collaudent te omnes, qui noverunt nomen tuum in hymnis.
{4:33} Cast them down with the sword of those who love you, and let all who know your name praise you with hymns.”

{4:34} Et commiserunt prælium: et ceciderunt de exercitu Lysiæ quinque millia virorum.
{4:34} And they went forth to battle, and there fell from the army of Lysias five thousand men.

{4:35} Videns autem Lysias fugam suorum, et Iudæorum audaciam, et quod parati sunt aut vivere, aut mori fortiter, abiit Antiochiam, et elegit milites, ut multiplicati rursus venirent in Iudæam.
{4:35} But Lysias, seeing their flight and the boldness of the Jews, and that they were prepared either to live or to die with fortitude, went to Antioch and chose soldiers, so that they might come back to Judea with greater numbers.

{4:36} Dixit autem Iudas, et fratres eius: Ecce contriti sunt inimici nostri: ascendamus nunc mundare sancta, et renovare.
{4:36} Then Judas and his brothers said: “Behold, our enemies have been crushed. Let us go up now to cleanse and renew the holy places.”

{4:37} Et congregatus est omnis exercitus, et ascenderunt in montem Sion.
{4:37} And all the army gathered together, and they ascended to Mount Zion.

{4:38} Et viderunt sanctificationem desertam, et altare profanatum, et portas exustas, et in atriis virgulta nata sicut in saltu, vel in montibus, et pastophoria diruta.
{4:38} And they saw the sanctuary deserted, and the altar profaned, and the gates burned, and weeds growing up in the courts, as in a forest or as on the mountains, and the adjoining chambers demolished.

{4:39} Et sciderunt vestimenta sua, et planxerunt planctu magno, et imposuerunt cinerem super caput suum.
{4:39} And they rent their garments, and they made a great wailing, and they placed ashes on their heads.

{4:40} Et ceciderunt in faciem super terram, et exclamaverunt tubis signorum, et clamaverunt in cælum.
{4:40} And they fell to the ground on their faces, and they sounded the trumpets of alarm, and they cried out toward heaven.

{4:41} Tunc ordinavit Iudas viros ut pugnarent adversus eos, qui erant in arce, donec emundarent sancta.
{4:41} Then Judas numbered men to fight against those who were in the stronghold, until they had cleansed the holy places.

{4:42} Et elegit sacerdotes sine macula, voluntatem habentes in lege Dei:
{4:42} And he chose priests without blemish, whose will held to the law of God.

{4:43} et mundaverunt sancta, et tulerunt lapides contaminationis in locum immundum.
{4:43} And they cleansed the holy places, and they took away the stones of defilement to an unclean place.

{4:44} Et cogitavit de altari holocaustorum, quod profanatum erat, quid de eo faceret.
{4:44} And he considered the altar of holocausts, which had been profaned, as to what he should do with it.

{4:45} Et incidit illis consilium bonum ut destruerent illud: ne forte illis esset in opprobrium, quia contaminaverunt illud Gentes, et demoliti sunt illud.
{4:45} And a good counsel fell upon them, to destroy it, lest it might become a reproach to them, because the Gentiles had defiled it; so they demolished it.

{4:46} Et reposuerunt lapides in monte domus in loco apto, quoadusque veniret propheta, et responderet de eis.
{4:46} And they stored the stones in the mountain house, in a fitting place, until there should come a prophet, who would provide an answer about these.

{4:47} Et acceperunt lapides integros secundum legem, et ædificaverunt altare novum secundum illud, quod fuit prius:
{4:47} Then they took whole stones, according to the law, and they built a new altar, according to that which was before.

{4:48} et ædificaverunt sancta, et quæ intra domum erant intrinsecus: et ædem, et atria sanctificaverunt.
{4:48} And they rebuilt the holy places and the things that were in the inner parts of the temple, and they sanctified the temple and the courts.

{4:49} Et fecerunt vasa sancta nova, et intulerunt candelabrum, et altare incensorum, et mensam in templum.
{4:49} And they made new holy vessels, and they brought the lampstand, and the altar of incense, and the table into the temple.

{4:50} Et incensum posuerunt super altare, et accenderunt lucernas quæ super candelabrum erant, et lucebant in templo.
{4:50} And they placed incense on the altar, and they lit the lamps, which were on the lampstand, and they gave light in the temple.

{4:51} Et posuerunt super mensam panes, et appenderunt vela, et consummaverunt omnia opera, quæ fecerant.
{4:51} And they placed the bread on the table, and they hung up the veils, and they completed all the works which they had begun.

{4:52} Et ante matutinum surrexerunt quinta et vigesima die mensis noni (hic est mensis Casleu) centesimi quadragesimi octavi anni:
{4:52} And they arose before the morning, on the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month, (which is the month of Kislev) in the one hundred and forty-eighth year.

~ The Jewish month of Kislev falls in November/ December in the Christian calendar. In the future, the Church will celebrate Christmas, beginning on November 25th, for eight days. November 25th is the true date of the Birth of Christ.

{4:53} et obtulerunt sacrificium secundum legem super altare holocaustorum novum, quod fecerunt.
{4:53} And they offered sacrifice, according to the law, on the new altar of holocausts that they made.

{4:54} Secundum tempus et secundum diem, in qua contaminaverunt illud gentes, in ipsa renovatum est in canticis, et citharis, et cinyris, et in cymbalis.
{4:54} According to the time and according to the day, on which the Gentiles had contaminated it, on the same day, it was renewed with canticles, and lutes, and lyres, and cymbals.

{4:55} Et cecidit omnis populus in faciem, et adoraverunt, et benedixerunt in cælum eum, qui prosperavit eis.
{4:55} And all the people fell upon their faces, and they adored, and they blessed, toward heaven, him that had prospered them.

{4:56} Et fecerunt dedicationem altaris diebus octo, et obtulerunt holocausta cum lætitia, et sacrificium salutaris et laudis.
{4:56} And they kept the dedication of the altar for eight days, and they offered holocausts with joy, and sacrifices of salvation and praise.

{4:57} Et ornaverunt faciem templi coronis aureis, et scutulis: et dedicaverunt portas, et pastophoria, et imposuerunt eis ianuas.
{4:57} And they adorned the face of the temple with crowns of gold and small shields. And they dedicated the gates and the adjoining chambers, and they set up doors on them.

{4:58} Et facta est lætitia in populo magna valde, et aversum est opprobrium Gentium.
{4:58} And there was very great rejoicing among the people, and the disgrace of the Gentiles was averted.

{4:59} Et statuit Iudas, et fratres eius, et universa ecclesia Israel ut agatur dies dedicationis altaris in temporibus suis ab anno in annum per dies octo a quinta et vigesima die mensis Casleu, cum lætitia et gaudio.
{4:59} And Judas, and his brothers, and all the assembly of Israel decreed that the day of the dedication of the altar must be kept in its time, from year to year, for eight days, from the twenty-fifth day of the month of Kislev, with joy and gladness.

{4:60} Et ædificaverunt in tempore illo montem Sion, et per circuitum muros altos, et turres firmas, nequando venirent Gentes, et conculcarent eum sicut antea fecerunt.
{4:60} And they built up, at that time, Mount Zion, with high walls and strong towers all around, lest the Gentiles should at any time come and trample upon it, as they did before.

{4:61} Et collocavit illic exercitum, ut servarent eum, et munivit eum ad custodiendum Bethsuram, ut haberet populus munitionem contra faciem Idumææ.
{4:61} And he stationed a garrison there, to keep it, and he fortified it, in order to guard Bethzur, so that the people might have a fortification opposite the face of Idumea.

[I Machabæus 5]
[1 Maccabees 5]

{5:1} Et factum est, ut audierunt Gentes in circuitu quia ædificatum est altare, et sanctuarium sicut prius, iratæ sunt valde:
{5:1} And it happened that, when the surrounding nations heard that the altar and the sanctuary had been rebuilt as before, they were very angry.

{5:2} et cogitabant tollere genus Iacob, qui erant inter eos, et cœperunt occidere de populo, et persequi.
{5:2} And they intended to destroy the people of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute them.

{5:3} Et debellabat Iudas filios Esau in Idumæa, et eos, qui erant in Acrabathane: quia circumsedebant Israelitas, et percussit eos plaga magna.
{5:3} Then Judas defeated in warfare the sons of Esau in Idumea, and those who were in Akrabattene, because they besieged the Israelites, and he struck them with a great scourging.

{5:4} Et recordatus est malitiam filiorum Bean, qui erant populo in laqueum et in scandalum, insidiantes ei in via.
{5:4} And he remembered the malice of the sons of Baean, who were a snare and a scandal to the people, lying in ambush for them in the way.

{5:5} Et conclusi sunt ab eo in turribus, et applicuit ad eos, et anathematizavit eos, et incendit turres eorum igni cum omnibus, qui in eis erant.
{5:5} And they were trapped by him in the towers, and he took up a position near them, and he anathematized them, and he burned their towers with fire, along with all who were in them.

{5:6} Et transivit ad filios Ammon, et invenit manum fortem, et populum copiosum, et Timotheum ducem ipsorum:
{5:6} Then he crossed over to the sons of Ammon, and he found a strong hand, and an abundant people, and Timothy was their commander.

{5:7} et commisit cum eis prælia multa, et contriti sunt in conspectu eorum, et percussit eos:
{5:7} And he engaged in many battles with them, and they were crushed in their sight, and he struck them down.

{5:8} et cepit Gazer civitatem, et filias eius, et reversus est in Iudæam.
{5:8} And he seized the city of Jazer, and her sister cities, and he returned to Judea.

~ The word ‘filias’ means ‘daughters,’ but here it is used to refer to the smaller cities and towns around Jazer.

{5:9} Et congregatæ sunt gentes, quæ sunt in Galaad adversus Israelitas, qui erant in finibus eorum ut tollerent eos: et fugerunt in Datheman munitionem,
{5:9} And the Gentiles, who were in Gilead, gathered together against the Israelites, who were within their borders, to take them away, and so they fled into the fortress of Dathema.

{5:10} et miserunt litteras ad Iudam, et fratres eius, dicentes: Congregatæ sunt adversum nos gentes per circuitum, ut nos auferant:
{5:10} And they sent letters to Judas and his brothers, saying: “The Gentiles all around have been gathering together against us to carry us away.

{5:11} et parant venire, et occupare munitionem, in quam confugimus: et Timotheus est dux exercitus eorum.
{5:11} And they are preparing to come and occupy the fortress into which we have fled. And Timothy is the commander of their army.

{5:12} Nunc ergo veni, et eripe nos de manibus eorum, quia cecidit multitudo de nobis.
{5:12} Now, therefore, come and rescue us from their hands, for many of us have fallen.

{5:13} Et omnes fratres nostri, qui erant in locis Tubin, interfecti sunt: et captivas duxerunt uxores eorum, et natos, et spolia, et peremerunt illic fere mille viros.
{5:13} And all our brothers, who were in the places of Tob, have been put to death. And they have led away as captives their wives, and their children, and their spoils. And they have slain nearly a thousand men in that place.”

{5:14} Et adhuc epistolæ legebantur, et ecce alii nuncii venerunt de Galilæa conscissis tunicis, nunciantes secundum verba hæc:
{5:14} And while they were still reading these letters, behold, there arrived from Galilee other messengers, with torn garments, who announced according to these words:

{5:15} dicentes: Convenisse adversum se a Ptolemaida, et Tyro, et Sidone: et repleta est omnis Galilæa alienigenis, ut nos consumant.
{5:15} saying that those of Ptolemais and Tyre and Sidon have assembled against them, “and all of Galilee has been filled with foreigners, in order to consume us.”

{5:16} Ut audivit autem Iudas, et populus, sermones istos, convenit ecclesia magna cogitare quid facerent fratribus suis, qui in tribulatione erant, et expugnabantur ab eis.
{5:16} So then, when Judas and the people heard these words, a great assembly came together, to consider what they should do for their brothers who were in trouble and were being assailed by them.

{5:17} Dixitque Iudas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem, et frater meus Ionathas ibimus in Galaaditim.
{5:17} And Judas said to Simon his brother: “Choose men for yourself, and go, and free your brothers in Galilee. But I and my brother Jonathan, will go into the country of Gilead.”

{5:18} Et reliquit Iosephum filium Zachariæ, et Azariam duces populi cum residuo exercitu in Iudæa ad custodiam:
{5:18} And he left behind Joseph, son of Zachariah, and Azariah, as commanders of the people, with the remainder of the army, in Judea, to guard it.

{5:19} et præcepit illis, dicens: Præestote populo huic: et nolite bellum committere adversum gentes, donec revertamur.
{5:19} And he instructed them, saying, “Take charge of this people, but do not go to war against the Gentiles, until we return.”

{5:20} Et partiti sunt Simoni viri tria millia, ut iret in Galilæam: Iudæ autem octo millia in Galaaditim.
{5:20} Now three thousand men were divided to Simon, to go into Galilee, but eight thousand were divided to Judas, to go into the land of Gilead.

{5:21} Et abiit Simon in Galilæam, et commisit prælia multa cum gentibus: et contritæ sunt gentes a facie eius, et persecutus est eos usque ad portam
{5:21} And Simon went into Galilee, and he engaged in many battles with the Gentiles, and the Gentiles were crushed before his face, and he pursued them even to the gates of Ptolemais.

{5:22} Ptolemaidis: et ceciderunt de gentibus fere tria millia virorum, et accepit spolia eorum,
{5:22} And there fell of the Gentiles nearly three thousand men, and he took their spoils.

{5:23} et assumpsit eos, qui erant in Galilæa, et in Arbatis cum uxoribus, et natis, et omnibus quæ erant illis, et adduxit in Iudæam cum lætitia magna.
{5:23} And he took with him those who were in Galilee and in Arbatta, with their wives and children, and all that was theirs, and he led them into Judea with great rejoicing.

{5:24} Et Iudas Machabæus, et Ionathas frater eius transierunt Iordanem, et abierunt viam trium dierum per desertum.
{5:24} And Judas Maccabeus, and Jonathan his brother, crossed over the Jordan, and they traveled three days’ journey through the desert.

{5:25} Et occurrerunt eis Nabuthæi, et susceperunt eos pacifice, et narraverunt eis omnia, quæ acciderant fratribus eorum in Galaaditide,
{5:25} And the Nabateans met them, and they accepted them peacefully, and they described to them all that had happened to their brothers in the land of Gilead,

{5:26} et quia multi ex eis comprehensi sunt in Barasa, et Bosor, et in Alimis, et in Casphor, et Mageth, et Carnaim: hæ omnes civitates munitæ, et magnæ.
{5:26} and that many of them were trapped in Bozrah, and Bosor, and Alema, and in Chaspho, and Maked, and Carnaim. All these are large and fortified cities.

{5:27} Sed et in ceteris civitatibus Galaaditidis tenentur comprehensi, et in crastinum constituerunt admovere exercitum civitatibus his, et comprehendere, et tollere eos in una die.
{5:27} Moreover, they were held in their grasp in the other cities of Gilead, and they had arranged to move their army, on the next day, to these cities, and to seize them, and to destroy them all in one day.

{5:28} Et convertit Iudas, et exercitus eius, viam in desertum Bosor repente, et occupavit civitatem: et occidit omnem masculum in ore gladii, et accepit omnia spolia eorum, et succendit eam igni.
{5:28} Then Judas and his army unexpectedly turned their path into the desert, to Bosor, and they occupied the city. And he killed every male by the edge of the sword, and took all their spoils, and burned it with fire.

{5:29} Et surrexerunt inde nocte, et ibant usque ad munitionem.
{5:29} And they arose from there by night, and they went forth all the way to the fortress.

{5:30} Et factum est diluculo, cum elevassent oculos suos, ecce populus multus, cuius non erat numerus, portantes scalas, et machinas ut comprehenderent munitionem, et expugnarent eos.
{5:30} And it happened that, at first light, when they lifted up their eyes, behold, there was a multitude of people, which could not be numbered, bringing ladders and machines, in order to seize the fortress, and to assault them.

{5:31} Et vidit Iudas, quia cœpit bellum, et clamor belli ascendit ad cælum sicut tuba, et clamor magnus de civitate:
{5:31} And Judas saw that the fight had begun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry went out of the city.

{5:32} et dixit exercitui suo: Pugnate hodie pro fratribus vestris.
{5:32} And he said to his army, “Fight today on behalf of your brothers.”

{5:33} Et venit tribus ordinibus post eos, et exclamaverunt tubis, et clamaverunt in oratione.
{5:33} And he came, with three companies behind them, and they sounded the trumpets, and they cried out in prayer.

{5:34} Et cognoverunt castra Timothei quia Machabæus est, et refugerunt a facie eius: et percusserunt eos plaga magna. Et ceciderunt ex eis in die illa fere octo millia virorum.
{5:34} And the camp of Timothy knew that it was Maccabeus, and they took flight before his face. And they struck them with a great scourging. And there fell from them in that day nearly eight thousand men.

{5:35} Et divertit Iudas in Maspha, et expugnavit, et cepit eam: et occidit omnem masculum eius, et sumpsit spolia eius, et succendit eam igni.
{5:35} And Judas diverted to Mizpah, and he fought and seized it. And he killed all of its males, and he took its spoils, and he burned it with fire.

{5:36} Inde perrexit, et cepit Casbon, et Mageth, et Bosor, et reliquas civitates Galaaditidis.
{5:36} From there, he continued on, and he seized Chaspho, and Maked, and Bosor, and the rest of the cities of Gilead.

{5:37} Post hæc autem verba congregavit Timotheus exercitum alium, et castra posuit contra Raphon trans torrentem.
{5:37} But after these events, Timothy gathered together another army, and he positioned his camp opposite Raphon, across the torrent.

{5:38} Et misit Iudas speculari exercitum: et renunciaverunt ei, dicentes: Quia convenerunt ad eum omnes gentes, quæ in circuitu nostro sunt, exercitus multus nimis:
{5:38} And Judas sent men to catch sight of the army. And they reported back to him, saying: “All the nations that surround us have assembled before him, with an exceedingly great army.

{5:39} et Arabas conduxerunt in auxilium sibi, et castra posuerunt trans torrentem, parati ad te venire in prælium. Et abiit Iudas obviam illis.
{5:39} And they have brought the Arabians as auxiliaries to them, and they have set up camp across the torrent, in preparation to come against you in battle.” And Judas went to meet them.

{5:40} Et ait Timotheus principibus exercitus sui: Cum appropinquaverit Iudas, et exercitus eius ad torrentem aquæ: si transierit ad nos prior, non poterimus sustinere eum: quia potens poterit adversum nos.
{5:40} And Timothy said to the leaders of his army: “When Judas and his army approach, close to the torrent of water, if he crosses over to us first, we will not be able to withstand him. For he will be able to prevail against us.

{5:41} Si vero timuerit transire, et posuerit castra extra flumen, transfretamus ad eos, et poterimus adversus illum.
{5:41} If, truly, he is afraid to cross over, and so he sets up camp across the river, we will cross over to them, and we will prevail against him.”

{5:42} Ut autem appropinquavit Iudas ad torrentem aquæ, statuit scribas populi secus torrentem, et mandavit eis, dicens: Neminem hominem reliqueritis: sed veniant omnes in prælium.
{5:42} But when Judas approached, close to the torrent of water, he stationed the scribes of the people near the torrent, and he commanded them, saying, “Permit no man to stay behind, but let all come into the battle.”

{5:43} Et transfretavit ad illos prior, et omnis populus post eum, et contritæ sunt omnes gentes a facie eorum, et proiecerunt arma sua, et fugerunt ad fanum, quod erat in Carnaim.
{5:43} And he crossed over to them first, and all the people after him. And all the Gentiles were crushed before their face, and they threw away their weapons, and they fled to the temple that was in Carnaim.

{5:44} Et occupavit ipsam civitatem, et fanum succendit igni cum omnibus, qui erant in ipso: et oppressa est Carnaim, et non potuit sustinere contra faciem Iudæ.
{5:44} And he occupied that city, and he burned the temple with fire, along with all the things that were in it. And Carnaim was subdued, and it could not stand against the face of Judas.

{5:45} Et congregavit Iudas universos Israelitas, qui erant in Galaaditide, a minimo usque ad maximum, et uxores eorum, et natos, et exercitum magnum valde ut venirent in terram Iuda.
{5:45} And Judas gathered together all the Israelites who were in the land of Gilead, from the least even to the greatest, with their wives and children, and a very great army, to come into the land of Judah.

{5:46} Et venerunt usque Ephron: et hæc civitas magna in ingressu posita, munita valde, et non erat declinare ab ea dextera vel sinistra, sed per mediam iter erat.
{5:46} And they came as far as Ephron. And this was a great city, positioned at the entrance, strongly fortified, and there was no way to go around it on the right or on the left, but the path was through the midst of it.

{5:47} Et incluserunt se qui erant in civitate, et obstruxerunt portas lapidibus: et misit ad eos Iudas verbis pacificis,
{5:47} And those who were in the city shut themselves in and barricaded the gates with stones. And so Judas sent to them with words of peace,

{5:48} dicens: Transeamus per terram vestram, ut eamus in terram nostram: et nemo vobis nocebit: tantum pedibus transibimus. Et nolebant eis aperire.
{5:48} saying, “Let us cross through your land, to go into our own land, and no one will harm you; we will only cross through on foot.” But they were not willing to open to them.

{5:49} Et præcepit Iudas prædicare in castris, ut applicarent unusquisque in quo erat loco.
{5:49} Then Judas instructed a proclamation to be made in the camp, that they would engage them, each one from the place where he was.

{5:50} Et applicuerunt se viri virtutis: et oppugnavit civitatem illam tota die, et tota nocte, et tradita est civitas in manu eius:
{5:50} And the men of the army drew close. And he assaulted that city all day and all night. And the city was delivered into his hand.

{5:51} et peremerunt omnem masculum in ore gladii, et eradicavit eam, et accepit spolia eius, et transivit per totam civitatem super interfectos.
{5:51} And they destroyed every male with the edge of the sword, and he eradicated the city, and he took its spoils, and he crossed through the entire city, over those who had been slain.

~ Or, ‘over their dead bodies.’

{5:52} Et transgressi sunt Iordanem in campo magno, contra faciem Bethsan.
{5:52} Then they crossed over the Jordan to the great plain that is opposite the face of Bethshan.

{5:53} Et erat Iudas congregans extremos, et exhortabatur populum per totam viam, donec venirent in terram Iuda:
{5:53} And Judas was gathering the stragglers and exhorting the people, throughout the entire way, until they came into the land of Judah.

{5:54} et ascenderunt in montem Sion cum lætitia, et gaudio, et obtulerunt holocausta, quod nemo ex eis cecidisset donec reverterentur in pace.
{5:54} And they ascended to mount Zion with joy and gladness, and they offered holocausts, because not one of them had fallen, until they had returned in peace.

{5:55} Et in diebus, quibus erat Iudas, et Ionathas in terra Galaad, et Simon frater eius in Galilæa contra faciem Ptolemaidis,
{5:55} Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Gilead, and Simon his brother was in Galilee against the face of Ptolemais:

{5:56} audivit Iosephus Zachariæ filius, et Azarias princeps virtutis, res bene gestas, et prælia quæ facta sunt,
{5:56} Joseph, the son of Zachariah, and Azariah, the leader of the army, heard good things about the battles that were fought.

{5:57} et dixit: Faciamus et ipsi nobis nomen, et eamus pugnare adversus gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt.
{5:57} And he said, “Let us also make a name for ourselves, and let us go to fight against the Gentiles that are all around us.”

{5:58} Et præcepit his, qui erant in exercitu suo, et abierunt Iamniam.
{5:58} And he gave orders to those who were in his army, and they went out towards Jamnia.

{5:59} Et exivit Gorgias de civitate, et viri eius obviam illis in pugnam.
{5:59} And Gorgias and his men exited the city, to meet them in the fight.

{5:60} Et fugati sunt Iosephus, et Azarias usque in fines Iudææ: et ceciderunt illo die de populo Israel ad duo millia viri, et facta est fuga magna in populo:
{5:60} And Joseph and Azariah were forced to flee, even to the borders of Judea. And there fell on that day, from the people of Israel, up to two thousand men, and it was a great defeat for the people.

{5:61} quia non audierunt Iudam, et fratres eius, existimantes fortiter se facturos.
{5:61} For they did not listen to Judas and his brothers, supposing that they should act boldly.

{5:62} Ipsi autem non erant de semine virorum illorum, per quos salus facta est in Israel.
{5:62} But these were not of the offspring of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.

{5:63} Et viri Iuda magnificati sunt valde in conspectu omnis Israel, et gentium omnium ubi audiebatur nomen eorum.
{5:63} And the men of Judah were magnified greatly in the sight of all Israel and of all the nations where their name was heard.

{5:64} Et convenerunt ad eos fausta acclamantes.
{5:64} And the people gathered to them with favorable acclamations.

{5:65} Et exivit Iudas, et fratres eius, et expugnabant filios Esau in terra, quæ ad Austrum est, et percussit Chebron et filias eius: et muros eius, et turres succendit igni in circuitu.
{5:65} And so Judas and his brothers went out and assailed the sons of Esau, in the land that is toward the south, and he struck Hebron and her sister cities, and he burned its walls and the towers all around it with fire.

{5:66} Et movit castra ut iret in terram alienigenarum, et perambulabat Samariam.
{5:66} And he moved his camp to go into the land of the foreigners, and he traveled through Samaria.

{5:67} In die illa ceciderunt sacerdotes in bello, dum volunt fortiter facere, dum sine consilio exeunt in prælium.
{5:67} In that day, some priests fell in battle. Since they desired to act boldly, they went out, without counsel, into the battle.

{5:68} Et declinavit Iudas in Azotum in terram alienigenarum, et diruit aras eorum, et sculptilia deorum ipsorum succendit igni: et cepit spolia civitatum, et reversus est in terram Iuda.
{5:68} And Judas turned aside to Azotus, into the land of the foreigners, and he destroyed their altars, and he burned the statues of their gods with fire. And he seized the spoils of the cities, and he returned to the land of Judah.

[I Machabæus 6]
[1 Maccabees 6]

{6:1} Et rex Antiochus perambulabat superiores regiones, et audivit esse civitatem Elymaidem in Perside nobilissimam, et copiosam in argento, et auro,
{6:1} And king Antiochus was traveling through the upper regions, and he heard that the city of Elymais in Persia was very noble and abundant in silver and gold,

{6:2} templumque in ea locuples valde: et illic velamina aurea, et loricæ, et scuta, quæ reliquit Alexander Philippi rex Macedo, qui regnavit primus in Græcia.
{6:2} and that the temple in it was very opulent, and that there were, in that place, coverings of gold, and breastplates and shields, which Alexander, the son of Philip, king of Macedonia, who reigned first in Greece, had left behind.

~ In this context and eschatologically, Alexander represents the great Catholic monarch, who will rule even over the Arab, Persian, and Muslim nations of the Middle East. He will leave behind great wealth and an opulent basilica in Persia (Iran).

{6:3} Et venit, et quærebat capere civitatem, et deprædari eam: et non potuit, quoniam innotuit sermo his, qui erant in civitate:
{6:3} So he came and sought to seize the city and to pillage it. And he was not able, because this plan became known to those who were in the city.

{6:4} et insurrexerunt in prælium, et fugit inde, et abiit cum tristitia magna, et reversus est in Babyloniam.
{6:4} And they rose up in battle, and he fled away from there, and he departed with great sadness, and he returned into Babylon.

{6:5} Et venit qui nunciaret ei in Perside, quia fugata sunt castra, quæ erant in terra Iuda:
{6:5} And someone arrived to report to him in Persia, that those who were in the land of Judah were forced to flee the camp,

{6:6} et quia abiit Lysias cum virtute forti in primis, et fugatus est a facie Iudæorum, et invaluerunt armis, et viribus, et spoliis multis, quæ ceperunt de castris, quæ exciderunt:
{6:6} and that Lysias went forth with a particularly strong army, and he was forced to flee before the face of the Jews, and that they were strengthened by the weapons, and resources, and many spoils which they seized from the camps they demolished,

{6:7} et quia diruerunt abominationem, quam ædificaverat super altare, quod erat in Ierusalem, et sanctificationem, sicut prius, circumdederunt muris excelsis, sed et Bethsuram civitatem suam.
{6:7} and that they had destroyed the abomination, which he had established on the altar that was in Jerusalem, and that the sanctuary, just as before, had been encircled with high walls, along with Bethzur, his city.

{6:8} Et factum est ut audivit rex sermones istos, expavit, et commotus est valde: et decidit in lectum, et incidit in languorem præ tristitia, quia non factum est ei sicut cogitabat.
{6:8} And it happened that, when the king heard these words, he was terrified and very moved. And he fell down on his bed, and he fell into feebleness out of grief. For it had not happened to him as he had intended.

{6:9} Et erat illic per dies multos: quia renovata est in eo tristitia magna, et arbitratus est se mori.
{6:9} And he was in that place through many days. For a great grief was renewed in him, and he concluded that he would die.

{6:10} Et vocavit omnes amicos suos, et dixit illis: Recessit somnus ab oculis meis, et concidi, et corrui corde præ solicitudine:
{6:10} And he called all his friends, and he said to them: “Sleep has withdrawn from my eyes, and I am declining, and my heart has collapsed out of anxiety.

{6:11} et dixi in corde meo: In quantam tribulationem deveni, et in quos fluctus tristitiæ, in qua nunc sum: qui iucundus eram, et dilectus in potestate mea!
{6:11} And I said in my heart: How much trouble has come to me, and what floods of sorrow there are, where I am now! I used to be cheerful and beloved in my power!

{6:12} Nunc vero reminiscor malorum, quæ feci in Ierusalem, unde et abstuli omnia spolia aurea, et argentea, quæ erant in ea, et misi auferre habitantes Iudæam sine causa.
{6:12} Truly, now, I remember the evils that I did in Jerusalem, from which place I also took away all the spoils of gold and silver that were in it, and I sent to carry away the inhabitants of Judah without cause.

{6:13} Cognovi ergo quia propterea invenerunt me mala ista: et ecce pereo tristitia magna in terra aliena.
{6:13} Therefore, I know that it is because of this that these evils have found me. And behold, I perish with great sorrow in a foreign land.”

{6:14} Et vocavit Philippum, unum de amicis suis, et præposuit eum super universum regnum suum:
{6:14} Then he called Philip, one of his friends, and he placed him first over all his kingdom.

{6:15} et dedit ei diadema, et stolam suam, et annulum, ut adduceret Antiochum filium suum, et nutriret eum, et regnaret.
{6:15} And he gave him the diadem, and his robe, and his ring, so that he would guide Antiochus, his son, and raise him, and so that he would reign.

{6:16} Et mortuus est illic Antiochus rex anno centesimo quadragesimo nono.
{6:16} And king Antiochus died there, in the one hundred and forty-ninth year.

{6:17} Et cognovit Lysias, quoniam mortuus est rex, et constituit regnare Antiochum filium eius, quem nutrivit adolescentem: et vocavit nomen eius Eupator.
{6:17} And Lysias knew that the king was dead, and he appointed Antiochus, his son, to reign, whom he had raised from adolescence. And he called his name Eupator.

{6:18} Et hi, qui erant in arce, concluserant Israel in circuitu sanctorum: et quærebant eis mala semper, et firmamentum Gentium.
{6:18} And those who were in the stronghold had enclosed the Israelites by surrounding the holy places. And they continually sought to do evil to them and to support the Gentiles.

{6:19} Et cogitavit Iudas disperdere eos: et convocavit universum populum, ut obsiderent eos.
{6:19} And Judas intended to disperse them. And he called together all the people, in order to besiege them.

{6:20} Et convenerunt simul, et obsederunt eos anno centesimo quinquagesimo, et fecerunt balistas, et machinas.
{6:20} And they came together and besieged them in the one hundred and fiftieth year, and they made catapults and other machines.

{6:21} Et exierunt quidam ex eis, qui obsidebantur: et adiunxerunt se illis aliqui impii ex Israel,
{6:21} And certain ones of these, who were besieged, escaped. And some of the impious out of Israel joined themselves to them.

{6:22} et abierunt ad regem, et dixerunt: Quousque non facis iudicium, et vindicas fratres nostros?
{6:22} And they went to the king, and they said: “How long will you not act with judgment and vindicate our brothers?

{6:23} Nos decrevimus servire patri tuo, et ambulare in præceptis eius, et obsequi edictis eius:
{6:23} We resolved to serve your father, and to walk according to his precepts, and to obey his edicts.

{6:24} et filii populi nostri propter hoc alienabant se a nobis, et quicumque inveniebantur ex nobis, interficiebantur, et hereditates nostræ diripiebantur.
{6:24} And because of this, the sons of our people have alienated themselves from us, and they have put to death as many of us as they could find, and they have torn apart our inheritances.

{6:25} Et non ad nos tantum extenderunt manum, sed et in omnes fines nostros.
{6:25} And they have not extended their hand against us only, but also against all within our borders.

{6:26} Et ecce applicuerunt hodie ad arcem Ierusalem occupare eam, et munitionem Bethsuram munierunt:
{6:26} And behold, this day they have taken a position near the stronghold of Jerusalem to occupy it, and they have fortified the stronghold of Bethzur.

{6:27} et nisi præveneris eos velocius, maiora, quam hæc, facient, et non poteris obtinere eos.
{6:27} And, unless you quickly act to prevent them, they will do greater things than these, and you will not be able to subdue them.”

{6:28} Et iratus est rex, ut hæc audivit: et convocavit omnes amicos suos, et principes exercitus sui, et eos, qui super equites erant.
{6:28} And the king was angry when he heard this. And he called together all his friends, and the leaders of his army, and those who were over the horsemen.

{6:29} Sed et de regnis aliis, et de insulis maritimis venerunt ad eum exercitus conductitii.
{6:29} But there even came to him mercenary armies from other kingdoms and from the islands of the sea.

{6:30} Et erat numerus exercitus eius, centum millia peditum, et viginti millia equitum, et elephanti trigintaduo, docti ad prælium.
{6:30} And the number of his army was one hundred thousand footmen, and twenty thousand horsemen, and thirty-two elephants trained for battle.

{6:31} Et venerunt per Idumæam, et applicuerunt ad Bethsuram, et pugnaverunt dies multos, et fecerunt machinas et exierunt, et succenderunt eas igni, et pugnaverunt viriliter.
{6:31} And they traveled through Idumea, and they took a position near Bethzur. And they fought for many days, and they made machines of war. But they came out and burnt them with fire, and they fought manfully.

{6:32} Et recessit Iudas ab arce, et movit castra ad Bethzacharam contra castra regis.
{6:32} And Judas departed from the stronghold, and he moved the camp to Bethzechariah, opposite the camp of the king.

{6:33} Et surrexit rex ante lucem, et concitavit exercitus in impetum contra viam Bethzacharam: et comparaverunt se exercitus in prælium, et tubis cecinerunt:
{6:33} And the king rose up, before it was light, and he forced his troops to march toward the way of Bethzechariah. And the armies prepared themselves for battle, and they sounded the trumpets.

{6:34} et elephantis ostenderunt sanguinem uvæ et mori, ad acuendos eos in prælium:
{6:34} And they showed the elephants the blood of grapes and mulberries, to provoke them to fight.

{6:35} et diviserunt bestias per legiones: et astiterunt singulis elephantis mille viri in loricis concatenatis, et galeæ æreæ in capitibus eorum: et quingenti equites ordinati unicuique bestiæ electi erant.
{6:35} And they divided the beasts by the legions, and there stood by every elephant a thousand men, with shields joined together and with brass helmets on their heads. And five hundred well-ordered horsemen were chosen for every beast.

{6:36} Hi ante tempus ubicumque erat bestia, ibi erant: et quocumque ibat, ibant, et non discedebant ab ea.
{6:36} These were ready beforehand, and wherever the beast was, they were there; and whenever it moved, they moved, and they did not depart from it.

{6:37} Sed et turres ligneæ super eos firmæ protegentes super singulas bestias: et super eas machinæ: et super singulas viri virtutis triginta duo, qui pugnabant desuper: et Indus magister bestiæ.
{6:37} Moreover, upon them there were strong wooden turrets, watching over every beast, with machines upon them, and on them were thirty-two valiant men, who fought from above, and an Indian to rule each beast.

~ Obviously, there were not 32 men on each of the 32 elephants. There was one man fighting on each of the 32 elephants, with an Indian on each to govern the beast.

{6:38} Et residuum equitatum hinc et inde statuit in duas partes, tubis exercitum commovere, et perurgere constipatos in legionibus eius.
{6:38} And the rest of the horsemen, he stationed here and there, in two parts, with trumpets to stir up the army and to urge on those who were slow to move within its legions.

{6:39} Et ut refulsit sol in clypeos aureos, et æreos, resplenduerunt montes ab eis, et resplenduerunt sicut lampades ignis.
{6:39} And so, when the sun reflected off the shields of gold and of brass, the mountains were resplendent from them, and they glowed like lamps of fire.

{6:40} Et distincta est pars exercitus regis per montes excelsos, et alia per loca humilia: et ibant caute et ordinate.
{6:40} And part of the king’s army was divided to the high mountains, and the other part to the low places. And they went forth with order and caution.

{6:41} Et commovebantur omnes inhabitantes terram a voce multitudinis, et incessu turbæ, et collisione armorum: erat enim exercitus magnus valde, et fortis.
{6:41} And all the inhabitants of the land were shaken at the voice of their multitude, and at the advance of the company, and at the clash of the armor. For the army was very great and strong.

{6:42} Et appropiavit Iudas, et exercitus eius in prælium: et ceciderunt de exercitu regis sexcenti viri.
{6:42} And Judas and his army drew near for battle. And there fell of the king’s army six hundred men.

{6:43} Et vidit Eleazar filius Saura unam de bestiis loricatam loricis regis: et erat eminens super ceteras bestias. Et visum est ei quod in ea esset rex:
{6:43} And Eleazar, the son of Saura, saw one of the beasts shielded with the king’s shield, and it was higher than the other beasts. So it seemed to him that the king must be on it.

{6:44} et dedit se ut liberaret populum suum, et acquireret sibi nomen æternum.
{6:44} And he gave himself for the freedom of his people, and to obtain for himself a name in eternity.

{6:45} Et cucurrit ad eam audacter in medio legionis interficiens a dextris, et a sinistris, et cadebant ab eo huc atque illuc.
{6:45} And he ran up to it boldly in the midst of the legion, killing on the right and on the left, and they fell down before him on this side and that.

{6:46} Et ivit sub pedes elephantis, et supposuit se ei, et occidit eum: et cecidit in terram super ipsum, et mortuus est illic.
{6:46} And he went between the feet of the elephant, and put himself under it, and he killed it. And it fell to the ground upon him, and he died there.

{6:47} Et videntes virtutem regis, et impetum exercitus eius, diverterunt se ab eis.
{6:47} And, seeing the strength of the king and the forcefulness of his army, they turned themselves away from them.

{6:48} Castra autem regis ascenderunt contra eos in Ierusalem, et applicuerunt castra regis ad Iudæam, et montem Sion.
{6:48} But the king’s camp went up against them in Jerusalem. And the king’s camp took up a position near Judea and Mount Zion.

{6:49} Et fecit pacem cum his, qui erant in Bethsura: et exierunt de civitate, quia non erant eis ibi alimenta conclusis, quia Sabbata erant terræ.
{6:49} And he made peace with those who were in Bethzur. And they went out of the city, because they had no provisions in their confinement, for it was the Sabbath of the land.

{6:50} Et comprehendit rex Bethsuram: et constituit illic custodiam servare eam.
{6:50} And the king captured Bethzur, and he stationed a garrison there to keep it.

{6:51} Et convertit castra ad locum sanctificationis dies multos: et statuit illic balistas, et machinas, et ignis iacula, et tormenta ad lapides iactandos, et spicula, et scorpios ad mittendas sagittas, et fundibula.
{6:51} And he turned his camp against the place of sanctification for many days. And he stationed there catapults and other machines: machines to cast fire, and windlasses to cast stones and darts, and small catapults to cast arrows and metal.

~ The word ‘iacula’ indicates a machine for casting something; in this context it does not refer to javelins. The first two items in the list are general, ‘balistas, et machinas,’ whereas the next set of items is the specific list. In other words, they had catapults and other machines, including... and then the items are listed. The word ‘fundibula’ is derived from the word referring to pouring or casting metals, so in this context it refers to metal that was used in small catapults, not to stone slings.

{6:52} Fecerunt autem et ipsi machinas adversus machinas eorum, et pugnaverunt dies multos.
{6:52} But they also made machines against their machines, and they fought for many days.

{6:53} Escæ autem non erant in civitate, eo quod septimus annus esset: et qui remanserant in Iudæa de Gentibus, consumpserant reliquias eorum, quæ repositæ fuerant.
{6:53} But there were no foods in the city, because it was the seventh year. And those who had remained in Judea were from the Gentiles, so they consumed all that they had left from what had been stored up.

~ It was the seventh year, that is, the Sabbatical year, and apparently the 150th year of the kingdom of the Greeks. The footnotes to the RSV gives the year as 162 B.C. This agrees with my dates for the Sabbatical years, given in my book, Important Dates in the Lives of Jesus and Mary, Appendix I, Chart 7 (though you have to count backwards from the earliest date in that chart). The year 162 B.C. was a Sabbatical year, beginning in Nissan and continuing through early 163 B.C.

{6:54} Et remanserunt in sanctis viri pauci, quoniam obtinuerat eos fames: et dispersi sunt unusquisque in locum suum.
{6:54} And there remained in the holy places a few men, for the famine had prevailed over them. And they were scattered, each one to his own place.

{6:55} Et audivit Lysias quod Philippus, quem constituerat rex Antiochus, cum adhuc viveret, ut nutriret Antiochum filium suum, et regnaret,
{6:55} Then Lysias heard that Philip, whom king Antiochus had appointed, when he was still alive, to raise his son, Antiochus, and to reign,

{6:56} reversus esset a Perside, et Media, et exercitus qui abierat cum ipso, et quia quærebat suscipere regni negotia:
{6:56} had returned from Persia and Media, with the army that went with him, and that he sought to take upon himself the affairs of the kingdom.

{6:57} festinavit ire, et dicere ad regem, et duces exercitus: Deficimus quotidie, et esca nobis modica est, et locus, quem obsidemus, est munitus, et incumbit nobis ordinare de regno.
{6:57} He hurried to go and to say to the king and the commanders of the army: “We are weakened everyday, and our food is limited, and the place that we besiege is strong, and it is incumbent upon us to put the kingdom in order.

{6:58} Nunc itaque demus dextras hominibus istis, et faciamus cum illis pacem, et cum omni gente eorum:
{6:58} And so now, let us bestow a pledge to these men, and make peace with them and with all their nation.

{6:59} et constituamus illis ut ambulent in legitimis suis sicut prius. Propter legitima enim ipsorum, quæ despeximus, irati sunt, et fecerunt omnia hæc.
{6:59} And let us establish for them that they may walk according to their own laws, just as before. For, because of their laws, which we despised, they have become angry and have done all these things.”

{6:60} Et placuit sermo in conspectu regis, et principum: et misit ad eos pacem facere: et receperunt illam.
{6:60} And the idea was pleasing in the sight of the king and the leaders. And he sent to them to make peace. And they accepted it.

{6:61} Et iuravit illis rex, et principes: et exierunt de munitione.
{6:61} And the king and the leaders swore to them. And they went out of the stronghold.

{6:62} Et intravit rex montem Sion, et vidit munitionem loci: et rupit citius iuramentum, quod iuravit: et mandavit destruere murum in gyro.
{6:62} Then the king entered into Mount Zion, and saw the fortifications of the place, and so he abruptly broke the oath that he had sworn, and he commanded the surrounding wall to be destroyed.

{6:63} Et discessit festinanter, et reversus est Antiochiam, et invenit Philippum dominantem civitati: et pugnavit adversus eum, et occupavit civitatem.
{6:63} And he departed in haste and returned to Antioch, where he found Philip ruling the city. And he fought against him and occupied the city.

[I Machabæus 7]
[1 Maccabees 7]

{7:1} Anno centesimo quinquagesimo primo exiit Demetrius Seleuci filius ab urbe Roma, et ascendit cum paucis viris in civitatem maritimam, et regnavit illic.
{7:1} In the one hundred and fifty-first year, Demetrius, the son of Seleucus, departed from the city of Rome, and he went up with a few men to a maritime city, and he reigned there.

{7:2} Et factum est, ut ingressus est domum regni patrum suorum, comprehendit exercitus Antiochum, et Lysiam, ut adducerent eos ad eum.
{7:2} And it happened that, as he entered into the house of the kingdom of his fathers, the army captured Antiochus and Lysias, to bring them to him.

{7:3} Et res ei innotuit: et ait: Nolite mihi ostendere faciem eorum.
{7:3} And the matter became known to him, and he said, “Do not show me their face.”

{7:4} Et occidit eos exercitus. Et sedit Demetrius super sedem regni sui:
{7:4} And so the army killed them. And Demetrius sat upon the throne of his kingdom.

{7:5} et venerunt ad eum viri iniqui et impii ex Israel: et Alcimus dux eorum, qui volebat fieri sacerdos.
{7:5} And there came to him iniquitous and impious men from Israel. And Alcimus was their leader, who wanted to be made a priest.

~ Alcimus wanted to be made a priest, i.e. he was not even a priest at any level, yet he not only wanted to be priest, but, as subsequent verses indicate, he wanted to be high priest.

{7:6} Et accusaverunt populum apud regem, dicentes: Perdidit Iudas, et fratres eius omnes amicos tuos, et nos dispersit de terra nostra.
{7:6} And they accused the people to the king, saying: “Judas and his brothers have destroyed all your friends, and he has scattered us from our land.

{7:7} Nunc ergo mitte virum, cui credis, ut eat, et videat exterminium omne, quod fecit nobis, et regionibus regis: et puniat omnes amicos eius, et adiutores eorum.
{7:7} Now, therefore, send a man, whom you trust, and let him go and see all the destruction he has done to us and to the regions of the king. And let him punish all his friends and their helpers.”

{7:8} Et elegit rex ex amicis suis Bacchidem, qui dominabatur trans flumen magnum in regno, et fidelem regi: et misit eum,
{7:8} And so the king chose, from among his friends, Bacchides, who ruled across the great river in the kingdom, and who was faithful to the king. And he sent him

{7:9} ut videret exterminium, quod fecit Iudas: sed et Alcimum impium constituit in sacerdotium, et mandavit ei facere ultionem in filios Israel.
{7:9} to see the destruction that Judas had done. Moreover, he appointed the wicked Alcimus to the priesthood, and he commanded him to take revenge on the sons of Israel.

~ This event is a foreshadowing of the time, about halfway through the Antichrist’s reign (in the mid 2430’s), when the Antichrist will try to destroy the Church from within by supporting apostates and heretics, and by appointing a wicked person as high priest over them (an antipope). Alcimus foreshadows that antipope, who is not even validly ordained, being appointed, not by the Bishops, but by an evil ruler.

{7:10} Et surrexerunt, et venerunt cum exercitu magno in terram Iuda: et miserunt nuncios, et locuti sunt ad Iudam, et ad fratres eius verbis pacificis in dolo.
{7:10} And they rose up and came forth with a great army into the land of Judah. And they sent messengers, who spoke to Judas and his brothers with words of peace, in deceitfulness.

{7:11} Et non intenderunt sermonibus eorum: viderunt enim quia venerunt cum exercitu magno.
{7:11} But they did not heed their words, for they saw that they arrived with a great army.

{7:12} Et convenerunt ad Alcimum, et Bacchidem congregatio scribarum requirere quæ iusta sunt:
{7:12} Then there assembled to Alcimus and Bacchides, a congregation of scribes, to seek just terms.

{7:13} et primi, Assidæi qui erant in filiis Israel, et exquirebant ab eis pacem.
{7:13} And first, the Hasideans, who were among the sons of Israel, also sought peace from them.

{7:14} Dixerunt enim: Homo sacerdos de semine Aaron venit, non decipiet nos:
{7:14} For they said, “A man who is a priest from the offspring of Aaron has arrived; he will not deceive us.”

{7:15} et locutus est cum eis verba pacifica: et iuravit illis, dicens: Non inferemus vobis malum, neque amicis vestris.
{7:15} And he spoke to them peaceful words, and he swore to them, saying, “We will not carry out any evil against you or your friends.”

{7:16} Et crediderunt ei: Et comprehendit ex eis sexaginta viros, et occidit eos in una die secundum verbum, quod scriptum est:
{7:16} And they believed him. And he captured sixty of their men and killed them in one day, according to the word that is written:

{7:17} Carnes sanctorum tuorum, et sanguinem ipsorum effuderunt in circuitu Ierusalem, et non erat qui sepeliret.
{7:17} The flesh of your saints, and their blood, they have poured out all around Jerusalem, and there was no one who would bury them.

{7:18} Et incubuit timor, et tremor in omnem populum: quia dixerunt: Non est veritas, et iudicium in eis: transgressi sunt enim constitutum, et iusiurandum quod iuraverunt.
{7:18} Then fear and trembling hovered over all the people. For they said: “There is no truth or judgment among them. For they have transgressed the agreement and the oath that they swore.”

{7:19} Et movit Bacchides castra ab Ierusalem, et applicuit in Bethzecha: et misit, et comprehendit multos ex eis, qui a se effugerant, et quosdam de populo mactavit, et in puteum magnum proiecit.
{7:19} And Bacchides moved the camp from Jerusalem, and he took up a position at Bethzaith. And he sent and captured many of those who had fled from him, and some of the people he killed in sacrifice, and he threw them into a great pit.

~ The word ‘mactavit’ is an unusual word used to refer to killing in the context of a pagan sacrifice, i.e. a human sacrifice.

{7:20} Et commisit regionem Alcimo, et reliquit cum eo auxilium in adiutorium ipsi. Et abiit Bacchides ad regem:
{7:20} Then he committed the country to Alcimus, and he left behind troops with him to assist him. And so Bacchides went away to the king.

{7:21} et satis agebat Alcimus pro principatu sacerdotii sui.
{7:21} And Alcimus did what he pleased by means of his leadership of the priesthood.

{7:22} Et convenerunt ad eum omnes, qui perturbabant populum suum, et obtinuerunt terram Iuda, et fecerunt plagam magnam in Israel.
{7:22} And all those who disturbed the people assembled before him, and they obtained the land of Judah, and they caused a great scourging in Israel.

{7:23} Et vidit Iudas omnia mala quæ fecit Alcimus, et qui cum eo erant, filiis Israel, multo plus quam Gentes.
{7:23} And Judas saw all the evils that Alcimus, and those who were with him, did to the sons of Israel, even more than the Gentiles did.

~ Those apostate and heretical Christians (who are not truly Christians at all) who are given power by the Antichrist, will do much more to harm the faithful than soldiers ever could.

{7:24} Et exiit in omnes fines Iudææ in circuitu, et fecit vindictam in viros desertores, et cessaverunt ultra exire in regionem.
{7:24} And he went out into all the parts surrounding Judea, and he took vengeance on the men who had rebelled, and they ceased to go forth into the region any longer.

{7:25} Vidit autem Alcimus quod prævaluit Iudas, et qui cum eo erant: et cognovit quia non potest sustinere eos, et regressus est ad regem, et accusavit eos multis criminibus.
{7:25} But Alcimus saw that Judas, and those who were with him, prevailed. And he knew that he was not able to withstand them. And so he returned to the king, and he accused them of many crimes.

{7:26} Et misit rex Nicanorem, unum ex principibus suis nobilioribus: qui erat inimicitias exercens contra Israel: et mandavit ei evertere populum.
{7:26} And the king sent Nicanor, one of his principal noblemen, who was a cultivator of hostility against Israel. And he commanded him to overthrow the people.

{7:27} Et venit Nicanor in Ierusalem cum exercitu magno, et misit ad Iudam et ad fratres eius verbis pacificis cum dolo,
{7:27} And Nicanor came to Jerusalem with a great army, and he sent to Judas and his brothers words of peace, with deceitfulness,

{7:28} dicens: Non sit pugna inter me et vos: veniam cum viris paucis, ut videam facies vestras cum pace.
{7:28} saying: “Let there be no fighting between me and you. I will come with a few men, to see your faces with peace.”

{7:29} Et venit ad Iudam, et salutaverunt se invicem pacifice: et hostes parati erant rapere Iudam.
{7:29} And he came to Judas, and they greeted one another in turns, peaceably. And the enemies were prepared to abduct Judas.

{7:30} Et innotuit sermo Iudæ quoniam cum dolo venerat ad eum: et conterritus est ab eo, et amplius noluit videre faciem eius.
{7:30} And the plan became known to Judas, that he came to him with deceit. And so he became very afraid of him, and he was no longer willing to see his face.

{7:31} Et cognovit Nicanor quoniam denudatum est consilium eius: et exivit obviam Iudæ in pugnam iuxta Capharsalama.
{7:31} And Nicanor knew that his plan had been exposed, and he went out to meet Judas in battle near Capharsalama.

{7:32} Et ceciderunt de Nicanoris exercitu fere quinque millia viri, et fugerunt in civitatem David.
{7:32} And there fell of the army of Nicanor nearly five thousand men, and they fled into the city of David.

{7:33} Et post hæc verba ascendit Nicanor in montem Sion: et exierunt de sacerdotibus populi salutare eum in pace, et demonstrare ei holocautomata, quæ offerebantur pro rege.
{7:33} And after these events, Nicanor ascended to mount Zion. And some of the priests of the people went out to greet him in peace, and to show him the holocausts that were offered for the king.

{7:34} Et irridens sprevit eos, et polluit: et locutus est superbe,
{7:34} But he mocked and despised them, and he defiled them. And he spoke arrogantly,

{7:35} et iuravit cum ira, dicens: Nisi traditus fuerit Iudas, et exercitus eius in manus meas, continuo cum regressus fuero in pace, succendam domum istam. Et exiit cum ira magna.
{7:35} and he swore with anger, saying, “Unless Judas and his army have been delivered into my hands, when I return in peace, I will burn this house.” And he went out with great anger.

{7:36} Et intraverunt sacerdotes, et steterunt ante faciem altaris et templi: et flentes dixerunt:
{7:36} And the priests went in and stood before the face of the altar and the temple. And weeping, they said:

{7:37} Tu Domine elegisti domum istam ad invocandum nomen tuum in ea, ut esset domus orationis et obsecrationis populo tuo.
{7:37} “You, O Lord, have chosen this house so that your name may be invoked in it, so that it may be a house of prayer and supplication for your people.

{7:38} Fac vindictam in homine isto, et exercitu eius, et cadant in gladio: memento blasphemias eorum, et ne dederis eis ut permaneant.
{7:38} Accomplish vindication with this man and his army, and let them fall by the sword. Remember their blasphemies, and do not allow them to continue.”

{7:39} Et exiit Nicanor ab Ierusalem, et castra applicuit ad Bethoron: et occurrit illi exercitus Syriæ.
{7:39} Then Nicanor departed from Jerusalem, and he positioned his camp near Bethhoron, and an army of Syria met him there.

{7:40} Et Iudas applicuit in Adarsa cum tribus millibus viris: et oravit Iudas, et dixit:
{7:40} And Judas took a position in Adasa with three thousand men. And Judas prayed, and he said:

{7:41} Qui missi erant a rege Sennacherib, Domine, quia blasphemaverunt te, exiit angelus, et percussit ex eis centum octogintaquinque millia:
{7:41} “O Lord, when those who were sent by king Sennacherib blasphemed against you, an angel went out and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand of them.

{7:42} sic contere exercitum istum in conspectu nostro hodie: et sciant ceteri quia male locutus est super sancta tua: et iudica illum secundum malitiam illius.
{7:42} Just so, crush this army in our sight today, and so let the others know that he has spoken evil against your sanctuary. And judge him according to his wickedness.”

{7:43} Et commiserunt exercitus prælium tertiadecima die mensis Adar: et contrita sunt castra Nicanoris, et cecidit ipse primus in prælio.
{7:43} And the armies were sent into battle together on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. And the camp of Nicanor was crushed, and he himself was among the first slain in the battle.

{7:44} Ut autem vidit exercitus eius quia cecidisset Nicanor, proiecerunt arma sua, et fugerunt:
{7:44} So then, when his army saw that Nicanor had fallen, they threw away their weapons and fled.

{7:45} et persecuti sunt eos viam unius diei ab Adazer usquequo veniatur in Gazara, et tubis cecinerunt post eos cum significationibus:
{7:45} And they pursued them for one day’s journey from Adasa, even until one comes into Gazara, and they sounded the trumpets after them with signals.

{7:46} et exierunt de omnibus castellis Iudææ in circuitu, et ventilabant eos cornibus, et convertebantur iterum ad eos, et ceciderunt omnes gladio, et non est relictus ex eis nec unus.
{7:46} And they went forth from all of the towns all around Judea. And they herded them with the horns, and they turned back again to them, and they were all felled with the sword, and there was not so much as one of them left behind.

~ Take no prisoners.

{7:47} Et acceperunt spolia eorum in prædam: et caput Nicanoris amputaverunt, et dexteram eius, quam extenderat superbe, et attulerunt, et suspenderunt contra Ierusalem.
{7:47} And they took their spoils like a prey, and they cut off the head of Nicanor, and his right hand, which he had extended arrogantly, and they brought it, and hung it up opposite Jerusalem.

{7:48} Et lætatus est populus valde, et egerunt diem illam in lætitia magna.
{7:48} And the people rejoiced exceedingly, and they spent that day in great joy.

{7:49} Et constituit agi omnibus annis diem istam tertiadecima die mensis Adar.
{7:49} And he established that this day should be kept every year, on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar.

{7:50} Et siluit terra Iuda dies paucos.
{7:50} And the land of Judah was quieted for a brief time.

[I Machabæus 8]
[1 Maccabees 8]

{8:1} Et audivit Iudas nomen Romanorum, quia sunt potentes viribus, et acquiescunt ad omnia, quæ postulantur ab eis: et quicumque accesserunt ad eos, statuerunt cum eis amicitias, et quia sunt potentes viribus.
{8:1} And Judas heard of the fame of the Romans, that they are powerful and strong, and that they willingly agree to all things that are asked of them; and that, whoever was agreeable to them, they established a friendship with them, and so they are powerful and resourceful.

{8:2} Et audierunt prælia eorum, et virtutes bonas, quas fecerunt in Galatia, quia obtinuerunt eos, et duxerunt sub tributum:
{8:2} And they heard of their battles, and the successful works that they had accomplished in Galatia, how they had subdued them and brought them under tribute,

{8:3} et quanta fecerunt in regione Hispaniæ, et quod in potestatem redegerunt metalla argenti et auri, quæ illic sunt, et possederunt omnem locum consilio suo, et patientia:
{8:3} and what great things they had accomplished in the region of Spain, and that they had driven under their power the mines of silver and gold which are there, and that they had obtained possession of the entire place by their counsel and patience,

{8:4} locaque quæ longe erant valde ab eis, et reges, qui supervenerant eis ab extremis terræ, contriverunt, et percusserunt eos plaga magna: ceteri autem dant eis tributum omnibus annis:
{8:4} and that they had overcome places that were very far from them, and kings, who came against them from the ends of the earth, and had crushed them and struck them with a great scourging, while the rest pay tribute to them every year,

{8:5} et Philippum et Persen Ceteorum regem, et ceteros, qui adversum eos arma tulerant, contriverunt in bello, et obtinuerunt eos:
{8:5} and that they had defeated in battle Philip, and Perses the king of the Ceteans, and the others who had taken up arms against them, and had crushed them in warfare and subdued them,

~ The word ‘ceteorum’ in Latin refers to sea creatures.

{8:6} et Antiochum magnum regem Asiæ, qui eis pugnam intulerat habens centum viginti elephantos, et equitatum, et currus, et exercitum magnum valde, contritum ab eis:
{8:6} and how Antiochus, the great king of Asia, who brought a fight against them, having one hundred and twenty elephants, with horsemen, and swift chariots, and a very great army, was crushed by them,

{8:7} et quia ceperunt eum vivum, et statuerunt ei ut daret ipse, et qui regnarent post ipsum, tributum magnum, et daret obsides, et constitutum,
{8:7} and how they had captured him alive and had decreed to him that both he and those who would reign after him would pay a great tribute, and that he should provide hostages bound to an agreement,

{8:8} et regionem Indorum, et Medos, et Lydos, de optimis regionibus eorum: et acceptas eas ab eis, dederunt Eumeni regi:
{8:8} and that regions from the Indians, and from the Medes, and from the Lydians, from among their best regions, with those whom they had taken from them, they gave to king Eumenes.

{8:9} et quia qui erant apud Helladam, voluerunt ire, et tollere eos: et innotuit sermo his,
{8:9} And those who were in Greece wanted to go out and defeat them, but they became aware of this plan.

{8:10} et miserunt ad eos ducem unum, et pugnaverunt contra illos, et ceciderunt ex eis multi, et captivas duxerunt uxores eorum, et filios, et diripuerunt eos, et terram eorum possederunt, et destruxerunt muros eorum, et in servitutem illos redegerunt usque in hunc diem:
{8:10} And so they sent one general to them, and he fought against them, and many of them fell, and they led into captivity their wives, and their sons, and they despoiled them and took possession of their land, and they destroyed their walls and drove them into servitude, even to this day.

{8:11} et residua regna, et insulas, quæ aliquando restiterant illis, exterminaverunt, et in potestatem redegerunt.
{8:11} And the remaining kingdoms and islands, which at any time had resisted them, they destroyed and drove under their power.

{8:12} Cum amicis autem suis, et qui in ipsis requiem habebant, conservaverunt amicitiam, et obtinuerunt regna, quæ erant proxima, et quæ erant longe: quia quicumque audiebant nomen eorum, timebant eos:
{8:12} But with their friends, and with those who remained at peace with them, they maintained friendship and conquered kingdoms: those that were near, and those that were far off. For all those who heard of their name were afraid of them.

{8:13} quibus vero vellent auxilio esse ut regnarent, regnabant: quos autem vellent, regno deturbabant: et exaltati sunt valde.
{8:13} In fact, whomever they wanted to help become ruler, these reigned, but whomever they wanted, they deposed from the kingdom. And they were greatly exalted.

{8:14} Et in omnibus istis nemo portabat diadema, nec induebatur purpura, ut magnificaretur in ea.
{8:14} And of all these, none wore a diadem or was clothed in purple, to be magnified in this.

{8:15} Et quia curiam fecerunt sibi, et quotidie consulebant trecentos viginti consilium agentes semper de multitudine, ut quæ digna sunt, gerant:
{8:15} And also, they had made themselves a senate house, and they consulted daily with three hundred and twenty men, continually acting as a counsel for the multitude, so that they would do the things that were right.

{8:16} et committunt uni homini magistratum suum per singulos annos dominari universæ terræ suæ, et omnes obediunt uni, et non est invidia, neque zelus inter eos.
{8:16} And they commit their government to one man each year, to rule over their entire land, and they all obey this one, and there is no envy or jealousy among them.

{8:17} Et elegit Iudas Eupolemum, filium Ioannis, filii Iacob, et Iasonem, filium Eleazari, et misit eos Romam constituere cum illis amicitiam, et societatem:
{8:17} And so Judas chose Eupolemus, the son of John, the son of Jacob, and Jason, the son of Eleazar, and he sent them to Rome to make an agreement of friendship and an alliance with them,

{8:18} et ut auferrent ab eis iugum Græcorum, quia viderunt quod in servitutem premerent regnum Israel.
{8:18} and so that they would take away from them the yoke of the Grecians, for they saw that they oppressed the kingdom of Israel with servitude.

{8:19} Et abierunt Romam viam multam valde, et introierunt curiam, et dixerunt:
{8:19} And they went to Rome, a very long journey, and they entered the senate house, and they said,

{8:20} Iudas Machabæus, et fratres eius, et populus Iudæorum miserunt nos ad vos statuere vobiscum societatem, et pacem, et conscribere nos socios et amicos vestros.
{8:20} “Judas Maccabeus, and his brothers, and the people of the Jews, have sent us to you to establish with you an alliance and peace, and so that we may be registered among your associates and friends.”

{8:21} Et placuit sermo in conspectu eorum.
{8:21} And the word was pleasing in their sight.

{8:22} Et hoc rescriptum est, quod rescripserunt in tabulis æreis, et miserunt in Ierusalem, ut esset apud eos ibi memoriale pacis, et societatis.
{8:22} And this is a copy of the writing, which they rewrote on tablets of brass and sent to Jerusalem, so that it would be with them in that place as a memorial of the peace and alliance:

{8:23} BENE SIT ROMANIS, et genti Iudæorum in mari, et in terra in æternum: gladiusque et hostis procul sit ab eis.
{8:23} “May all be well with the Romans and with the nation of the Jews, at sea and on land, forever, and may sword and enemy be far away from them.

{8:24} Quod si institerit bellum Romanis prius, aut omnibus sociis eorum in omni dominatione eorum:
{8:24} But if a war is instituted against the Romans first, or against any of their allies in all their dominions,

{8:25} auxilium feret gens Iudæorum, prout tempus dictaverit, corde pleno:
{8:25} the nation of the Jews will bring help to them, just as the situation shall direct, whole-heartedly.

{8:26} et præliantibus non dabunt, neque subministrabunt triticum, arma, pecuniam, naves, sicut placuit Romanis: et custodient mandata eorum, nihil ab eis accipientes.
{8:26} And those who do battle, they need not provide with supplies of wheat, or arms, or money, or ships, just as it seems good to the Romans, and they shall obey their orders, while taking nothing from them.

~ In other words, the Jews would not be mercenaries, taking goods or money in exchange for military support. Instead, they would fight for the Romans without even requiring food or weapons or other supports.

{8:27} Similiter autem et si genti Iudæorum prius acciderit bellum, adiuvabunt Romani ex animo, prout eis tempus permiserit:
{8:27} But in like manner also, if war will have fallen upon the nation of the Jews first, the Romans shall help them willingly, just as the situation permits them.

~ The expression ‘adiuvabunt ex animo’ refers to helping someone willingly, mind and soul.

{8:28} et adiuvantibus non dabitur triticum, arma, pecunia, naves, sicut placuit Romanis: et custodient mandata eorum absque dolo.
{8:28} And those who give assistance will not be provided with wheat, or arms, or money, or ships, just as it seems good to the Romans. And they shall obey their orders without deceit.

{8:29} Secundum hæc verba constituerunt Romani populo Iudæorum.
{8:29} According to these words, the Romans have made an agreement with the people of the Jews.

{8:30} Quod si post hæc verba hi aut illi addere, aut demere ad hæc aliquid voluerint, facient ex proposito suo: et quæcumque addiderint, vel dempserint, rata erunt.
{8:30} And, if after these words, one or another would want to add anything to, or take anything from these, they may do as they propose. And whatever they add or take away, it shall be ratified.

{8:31} Sed et de malis, quæ Demetrius rex fecit in eos, scripsimus ei, dicentes: Quare gravasti iugum tuum super amicos nostros, et socios Iudæos?
{8:31} Moreover, concerning the evils that king Demetrius did to them, we have written to him, saying, ‘Why have you made your yoke heavy upon our friends and allies, the Jews?

{8:32} Si ergo iterum adierint nos, adversum te faciemus illis iudicium, et pugnabimus tecum mari terraque.
{8:32} If, therefore, they come again to us against you, we will render judgment for them, and we will make war against you by sea and by land.’ ”