The Sacred Bible:  The Second Book of Chronicles

13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24

[II Paralipomenon 13]
[2 Chronicles 13]

{13:1} Anno octavodecimo regis Ieroboam, regnavit Abia super Iudam.
{13:1} In the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam, Abijah reigned over Judah.

{13:2} Tribus annis regnavit in Ierusalem, nomenque matris eius Michaia, filia Uriel de Gabaa: et erat bellum inter Abiam et Ieroboam.
{13:2} He reigned for three years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother was Micaiah, the daughter of Uriel, from Gibeah. And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.

{13:3} Cumque iniisset Abia certamen, et haberet bellicosissimos viros, et electorum quadringenta millia: Ieroboam instruxit econtra aciem octingenta millia virorum, qui et ipsi electi erant, et ad bella fortissimi.
{13:3} And when Abijah had undertaken the conflict, and he had with him four hundred thousand elect men, very fit for war, Jeroboam set up a battle line opposite him of eight hundred thousand men, who were also elect and very strong in warfare.

{13:4} Stetit ergo Abia super montem Semeron, qui erat in Ephraim, et ait: Audi Ieroboam, et omnis Israel.
{13:4} Then Abijah stood upon mount Zemaraim, which was in Ephraim, and he said: “Listen to me, Jeroboam and all of Israel.

{13:5} Num ignoratis quod Dominus Deus Israel dederit regnum David super Israel in sempiternum, ipsi et filiis eius in pactum salis?
{13:5} Are you ignorant that the Lord, the God of Israel, gave David the kingship over Israel for all time, to him and to his sons, by a covenant of salt?

{13:6} Et surrexit Ieroboam filius Nabat, servus Salomonis filii David: et rebellavit contra dominum suum.
{13:6} But Jeroboam, the son of Nabat, the servant of Solomon, son of David, rose up and rebelled against his lord.

{13:7} Congregatique sunt ad eum viri vanissimi, et filii Belial: et prævaluerunt contra Roboam filium Salomonis: porro Roboam erat rudis, et corde pavido, nec potuit resistere eis.
{13:7} And there were gathered to him very vain men, and sons of Belial. And they prevailed against Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. For Rehoboam was inexperienced, and he had a fearful heart, and so he was unable to resist them.

{13:8} Nunc ergo vos dicitis quod resistere possitis regno Domini, quod possidet per filios David, habetisque grandem populi multitudinem, atque vitulos aureos, quos fecit vobis Ieroboam in deos.
{13:8} Now therefore, you say that you are able to resist the kingdom of the Lord, which he possesses through the sons of David, and you have a great multitude of people, and gold calves, which Jeroboam made for you as gods.

{13:9} Et eiecistis Sacerdotes Domini, filios Aaron, atque Levitas: et fecistis vobis Sacerdotes sicut omnes populi terrarum: quicumque venerit, et initiaverit manum suam in tauro de bobus, et in arietibus septem, fit sacerdos eorum, qui non sunt dii.
{13:9} And you have cast out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, as well as the Levites. And like all the peoples of the lands, you have made priests for yourselves. Anyone who is willing to come and perform the ritual by his hand, with a bull from the herd and with seven rams, is made a priest of those who are not gods.

{13:10} Noster autem Dominus, Deus est, quem non relinquimus, Sacerdotesque ministrant Domino de filiis Aaron, et Levitæ sunt in ordine suo:
{13:10} But the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him. And the priests who minister to the Lord are from the sons of Aaron. And the Levites are in their proper order.

{13:11} Holocausta quoque offerunt Domino per singulos dies mane et vespere, et thymiama iuxta legis præcepta confectum, et proponuntur panes in mensa mundissima, estque apud nos candelabrum aureum, et lucernæ eius, ut accendantur semper ad vesperam: nos quippe custodimus præcepta Domini Dei nostri, quem vos reliquistis.
{13:11} Also, they offer holocausts to the Lord, each and every day, morning and evening, and incense composed according to the precept of the law, and the bread of the presence on a very pure table. And there is with us the gold lampstand with its lamps, so that they may burn continually in the evening. For certainly, we keep the precepts of the Lord our God, whom you have forsaken.

{13:12} Ergo in exercitu nostro dux Deus est, et Sacerdotes eius, qui clangunt tubis, et resonant contra vos: filii Israel nolite pugnare contra Dominum Deum patrum vestrorum, quia non vobis expedit.
{13:12} Therefore, God is the commander of our army, with his priests, who sound the trumpets that ring out against you. O sons of Israel, do not choose to fight against the Lord, the God of your fathers. For it is not expedient for you.”

{13:13} Hæc illo loquente, Ieroboam retro moliebatur insidias. Cumque ex adverso hostium staret, ignorantem Iudam suo ambiebat exercitu.
{13:13} While he was speaking these things, Jeroboam set in motion an ambush behind them. And while they stood facing the enemy, without Judah realizing it, his army circled around.

{13:14} Respiciensque Iudas vidit instare bellum ex adverso et post tergum, et clamavit ad Dominum: ac Sacerdotes tubis canere cœperunt.
{13:14} And looking back, Judah saw the war threatening in front and behind, and they cried out to the Lord. And the priests began to sound the trumpets.

{13:15} Omnesque viri Iuda vociferati sunt: et ecce illis clamantibus, perterruit Deus Ieroboam, et omnem Israel qui stabat ex adverso Abia et Iuda.
{13:15} And all the men of Judah shouted out. And behold, when they cried out, God terrified Jeroboam, and all of Israel who were standing in opposition to Abijah and Judah.

{13:16} Fugeruntque filii Israel Iudam, et tradidit eos Deus in manu eorum.
{13:16} And the sons of Israel fled from Judah, and the Lord delivered them into their hand.

{13:17} Percussit ergo eos Abia, et populus eius plaga magna: et corruerunt vulnerati ex Israel quingenta millia virorum fortium.
{13:17} Therefore, Abijah and his people struck them with a great slaughter. And five hundred thousand strong men of Israel fell wounded.

{13:18} Humiliatique sunt filii Israel in tempore illo, et vehementissime confortati filii Iuda eo quod sperassent in Domino Deo patrum suorum.
{13:18} And the sons of Israel were humiliated at that time. And the sons of Judah were very greatly strengthened, because they had trusted in the Lord, the God of their fathers.

{13:19} Persecutus est autem Abia fugientem Ieroboam, et cepit civitates eius, Bethel et filias eius, et Iesana cum filiabus suis, Ephron quoque et filias eius:
{13:19} Then Abijah pursued the fleeing Jeroboam. And he seized cities from him: Bethel and her daughters, and Jeshanah with her daughters, and also Ephron and her daughters.

{13:20} nec valuit ultra resistere Ieroboam in diebus Abia: quem percussit Dominus, et mortuus est.
{13:20} And Jeroboam no longer had the strength to resist, in the days of Abijah. And the Lord struck him, and he died.

{13:21} Igitur Abia, confortato imperio suo, accepit uxores quattuordecim: procreavitque viginti duos filios, et sedecim filias.
{13:21} And so Abijah, having been strengthened in his authority, took fourteen wives. And he procreated twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.

{13:22} Reliqua autem sermonum Abia, viarumque et operum eius, scripta sunt diligentissime in Libro Addo Prophetæ.
{13:22} Now the rest of the words of Abijah, and his ways and works, have been written very diligently in the book of Iddo, the prophet.

[II Paralipomenon 14]
[2 Chronicles 14]

{14:1} Dormivit autem Abia cum patribus suis, et sepelierunt eum in Civitate David: regnavitque Asa filius eius pro eo, in cuius diebus quievit terra annis decem.
{14:1} Then Abijah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the City of David. And his son, Asa, reigned in his place. During his days, the land was quiet for ten years.

{14:2} Fecit autem Asa quod bonum et placitum erat in conspectu Dei sui, et subvertit altaria peregrini cultus, et excelsa,
{14:2} Now Asa did what was good and pleasing in the sight of his God. And he overturned the altars of foreign worship, and the high places.

{14:3} et confregit statuas, lucosque succidit:
{14:3} And he broke apart the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves.

{14:4} et præcepit Iudæ ut quæreret Dominum Deum patrum suorum, et faceret legem, et universa mandata:
{14:4} And he instructed Judah that they should seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, and that they should carry out the law and all the commandments.

{14:5} et abstulit de cunctis urbibus Iuda aras, et fana, et regnavit in pace.
{14:5} And he took away, from all the cities of Judah, the altars and the shrines. And he reigned in peace.

{14:6} Ædificavit quoque urbes munitas in Iuda, quia quietus erat, et nulla temporibus eius bella surrexerant, pacem Domino largiente.
{14:6} Also, he built fortified cities in Judah. For it was quiet, and in his time no wars had arisen. For the Lord was generously granting peace.

{14:7} Dixit autem Iudæ: Ædificemus civitates istas, et vallemus muris, et roboremus turribus, et portis, et seris, donec a bellis quieta sunt omnia, eo quod quæsierimus Dominum Deum patrum nostrorum, et dederit nobis pacem per gyrum. Ædificaverunt igitur, et nullum in extruendo impedimentum fuit.
{14:7} Then he said to Judah: “Let us build these cities, and strengthen them with walls, and fortify them with towers and gates and bars, while all things are at rest from wars. For we have sought the Lord, the God of our fathers, and he has granted to us peace on every side.” And so they built, and there was nothing to impede them from building.

{14:8} Habuit autem Asa in exercitu suo portantium scuta et hastas de Iuda trecenta millia, de Beniamin vero scutariorum et sagittariorum ducenta octoginta millia, omnes isti viri fortissimi.
{14:8} Now Asa had in his army three hundred thousand men of Judah, carrying shields and spears, and truly, of Benjamin, two hundred eighty thousand men with shields and bows. All of these were very valiant men.

{14:9} Egressus est autem contra eos Zara Æthiops cum exercitu suo, decies centena millia, et curribus trecentis: et venit usque Maresa.
{14:9} Then Zerah, the Ethiopian, went forth against them with his army of one million men, and three hundred chariots. And he approached as far as Mareshah.

{14:10} Porro Asa perrexit obviam ei, et instruxit aciem ad bellum in Valle Sephata, quæ est iuxta Maresa:
{14:10} And Asa traveled to meet him, and he set up a battle line for the war in the Valley of Zephathah, which is near Mareshah.

{14:11} et invocavit Dominum Deum, et ait: Domine non est apud te ulla distantia utrum in paucis auxilieris, an in pluribus: Adiuva nos Domine Deus noster: in te enim, et in tuo nomine habentes fiduciam venimus contra hanc multitudinem. Domine, Deus noster tu es, non prævaleat contra te homo.
{14:11} And he called upon the Lord God, and he said: “O Lord, there is no difference to you, whether you assist by few, or by many. Help us, O Lord our God. For having faith in you and in your name, we have gone forth against this multitude. O Lord, you are our God. Do not allow man to prevail against you.”

{14:12} Exterruit itaque Dominus Æthiopes coram Asa et Iuda: fugeruntque Æthiopes.
{14:12} And so the Lord terrified the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah. And the Ethiopians fled.

{14:13} Et persecutus est eos Asa, et populus, qui cum eo erat, usque Gerara: et ruerunt Æthiopes usque ad internecionem, quia Domino cædente contriti sunt, et exercitu illius præliante. Tulerunt ergo spolia multa,
{14:13} And Asa, and the people who were with him, pursued them as far as Gerar. And the Ethiopians fell, even unto utter destruction, for the Lord was striking, and his army was battling, and they were destroyed. Therefore, they took many spoils.

{14:14} et percusserunt civitates omnes per circuitum Geraræ: grandis quippe cunctos terror invaserat: et diripuerunt urbes, et multam prædam asportaverunt.
{14:14} And they struck all the cities surrounding Gerar. For indeed, a great fear had overwhelmed everyone. And they despoiled the cities, and they carried away much plunder.

{14:15} Sed et caulas ovium destruentes, tulerunt pecorum infinitam multitudinem, et camelorum: reversique sunt in Ierusalem.
{14:15} Then too, destroying the fencing for the sheep, they took an innumerable multitude of cattle and camels. And they returned to Jerusalem.

[II Paralipomenon 15]
[2 Chronicles 15]

{15:1} Azarias autem filius Oded, facto in se Spiritu Dei,
{15:1} Now Azariah, the son of Oded, had the Spirit of God within him.

{15:2} egressus est in occursum Asa, et dixit ei: Audite me Asa, et omnis Iuda et Beniamin: Dominus vobiscum, quia fuistis cum eo. Si quæsieritis eum, invenietis: si autem dereliqueritis eum, derelinquet vos.
{15:2} And he went out to meet Asa, and he said to him: “Listen to me, Asa and all of Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you, because you have been with him. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you abandon him, he will abandon you.

{15:3} Transibant autem multi dies in Israel absque Deo vero, et absque sacerdote doctore, et absque lege.
{15:3} Then many days will pass in Israel, apart from the true God, and apart from a learned priest, and apart from the law.

{15:4} Cumque reversi fuerint in angustia sua ad Dominum Deum Israel, et quæsierint eum, reperient eum.
{15:4} And when, in their anguish, they will have returned to the Lord, the God of Israel, and will have sought him, they shall find him.

{15:5} In tempore illo non erit pax egredienti et ingredienti, sed terrores undique in cunctis habitatoribus terrarum:
{15:5} In that time, there will be no peace for those who depart and those who enter. Instead, there will be terror on every side, among all the inhabitants of the lands.

{15:6} pugnavit enim gens contra gentem, et civitas contra civitatem, quia Dominus conturbabit eos in omni angustia.
{15:6} For nation will fight against nation, and city against city. For the Lord will disturb them with every anguish.

{15:7} Vos ergo confortamini, et non dissolvantur manus vestræ: erit enim merces operi vestro.
{15:7} But as for you, be strengthened, and do not let your hands be weakened. For there will be a reward for your work.”

{15:8} Quod cum audisset Asa verba scilicet, et prophetiam Azariæ filii Oded prophetæ, confortatus est, et abstulit idola de omni terra Iuda, et de Beniamin, et ex urbibus, quas ceperat, montis Ephraim, et dedicavit altare Domini quod erat ante porticum Domini.
{15:8} And when Asa had heard these particular words, and the prophecy of the prophet Azariah, the son of Oded, he was strengthened, and he took away the idols from the entire land of Judah, and from Benjamin, and from the cities that he had seized of mount Ephraim, and he dedicated the altar of the Lord, which was before the portico of the Lord.

{15:9} Congregavitque universum Iudam et Beniamin, et advenas cum eis de Ephraim, et de Manasse, et de Simeon: plures enim ad eum confugerant ex Israel, videntes quod Dominus Deus illius esset cum eo.
{15:9} And he gathered together all of Judah and Benjamin, and with them the new arrivals from Ephraim and Manasseh and Simeon. For many had fled to him from Israel, seeing that the Lord his God was with him.

{15:10} Cumque venissent in Ierusalem mense tertio, anno decimoquinto regni Asa,
{15:10} And when they had arrived in Jerusalem, in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa,

{15:11} immolaverunt Domino in die illa de manubiis, et præda, quam adduxerant, boves septingentos, et arietes septem millia.
{15:11} they immolated to the Lord on that day, from the best of the spoils and from the plunder that they had brought: seven hundred oxen and seven thousand rams.

{15:12} Et intravit ex more ad corroborandum fœdus ut quærerent Dominum Deum patrum suorum in toto corde, et in tota anima sua.
{15:12} And he entered, according to custom, in order to confirm the covenant, so that they would seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with their whole heart and with their whole soul.

{15:13} Si quis autem, inquit, non quæsierit Dominum Deum Israel, moriatur, a minimo usque ad maximum, a viro usque ad mulierem.
{15:13} “But if anyone,” he said, “will not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, let him die, from the least even to the greatest, from man even to woman.”

{15:14} Iuraveruntque Domino voce magna in iubilo, et in clangore tubæ, et in sonitu buccinarum,
{15:14} And they swore to the Lord, with a great voice, in jubilation, and with the blare of trumpets, and with the sound of horns,

{15:15} omnes qui erant in Iuda cum execratione: in omni enim corde suo iuraverunt, et in tota voluntate quæsierunt eum, et invenerunt: præstititque eis Dominus requiem per circuitum.
{15:15} all who were in Judah swore with a curse. For with all their heart they swore, and with all their will they sought and found him. And the Lord granted rest on all sides to them.

{15:16} Sed et Maacham matrem Asa regis ex augusto deposuit imperio, eo quod fecisset in luco simulacrum Priapi: quod omne contrivit, et in frustra comminuens combussit in Torrente Cedron:
{15:16} Then too, Maacah, the mother of king Asa, he deposed from the august authority, because she had made an idol of Priapus within a sacred grove. And he entirely crushed it, breaking it into pieces, and he burned it at the torrent Kidron.

{15:17} Excelsa autem derelicta sunt in Israel: attamen cor Asa erat perfectum cunctis diebus eius,
{15:17} But some high places were left in Israel. Even so, the heart of Asa was perfect during all his days.

{15:18} Eaque quæ voverat pater suus, et ipse, intulit in domum Domini, argentum, et aurum, vasorumque diversam supellectilem.
{15:18} And whatever his father or he himself had vowed, he brought into the house of the Lord: silver and gold, and vessels for various uses.

{15:19} Bellum vero non fuit usque ad trigesimum quintum annum regni Asa.
{15:19} Truly, there was no war, until the thirty-fifth year of the kingdom of Asa.

[II Paralipomenon 16]
[2 Chronicles 16]

{16:1} Anno autem trigesimo sexto regni eius, ascendit Baasa rex Israel in Iudam, et muro circumdabat Rama, ut nullus tute posset egredi et ingredi de regno Asa.
{16:1} Then, in the thirty-sixth year of his reign, Baasha, the king of Israel, ascended against Judah. And he encircled Ramah with a wall, so that no one could safely depart or enter from the kingdom of Asa.

{16:2} Protulit ergo Asa argentum et aurum de thesauris domus Domini, et de thesauris regis, misitque ad Benadad regem Syriæ, qui habitabat in Damasco, dicens:
{16:2} Therefore, Asa brought forth silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the Lord, and from the treasuries of the king. And he sent to Benhadad, the king of Syria, who was living in Damascus, saying:

{16:3} Fœdus inter me et te est, pater quoque meus et pater tuus habuere concordiam: quam ob rem misi tibi argentum et aurum, ut rupto fœdere, quod habes cum Baasa rege Israel, facias eum a me recedere.
{16:3} “There is a pact between me and you. Also, my father and your father had an agreement. For this reason, I have sent silver and gold to you, so that you may break the pact that you have with Baasha, the king of Israel, and so that you may cause him to withdraw from me.”

{16:4} Quo comperto, Benadad misit principes exercituum suorum ad urbes Israel: qui percusserunt Ahion, et Dan, et Abelmaim, et universas urbes Nephthali muratas.
{16:4} And when he verified this, Benhadad sent the leaders of his armies to the cities of Israel. And they struck Ahion, and Dan, and Abelmaim, and all the walled cities of Naphtali.

{16:5} Quod cum audisset Baasa desiit ædificare Rama, et intermisit opus suum.
{16:5} And when Baasha had heard of it, he ceased to build around Ramah, and he interrupted his work.

{16:6} Porro Asa rex assumpsit universum Iudam, et tulerunt lapides de Rama, et ligna quæ ædificationi præparaverat Baasa, ædificavitque ex eis Gabaa, et Maspha.
{16:6} Then king Asa took all of Judah, and they carried away from Ramah the stones and the wood that Baasha had prepared for the things to be built. And he built up Gibeah and Mizpah with them.

{16:7} In tempore illo venit Hanani propheta ad Asa regem Iuda, et dixit ei: Quia habuisti fiduciam in rege Syriæ, et non in Domino Deo tuo, idcirco evasit Syriæ regis exercitus de manu tua.
{16:7} In that time, the prophet Hanani went to Asa, the king of Judah, and he said to him: “Because you have faith in the king of Syria, and not in the Lord your God, therefore the army of the king of Syria has escaped from your hand.

{16:8} Nonne Æthiopes, et Libyes multo plures erant quadrigis, et equitibus, et multitudine nimia? Quos, cum Domino credidisses, tradidit in manu tua.
{16:8} Were not the Ethiopians and the Libyans much more numerous in chariots, and horsemen, and an exceedingly great multitude? Yet when you believed in the Lord, he delivered them into your hand.

{16:9} Oculi enim Domini contemplantur universam terram, et præbent fortitudinem his, qui corde perfecto credunt in eum. Stulte igitur egisti, et propter hoc ex præsenti tempore adversum te bella consurgent.
{16:9} For the eyes of the Lord contemplate the entire earth, and offer fortitude to those who believe in him with a perfect heart. And so, you acted foolishly. And so, because of this, from the present time wars shall rise up against you.”

{16:10} Iratusque Asa adversus Videntem, iussit eum mitti in nervum: valde quippe super hoc fuerat indignatus: et interfecit de populo in tempore illo plurimos.
{16:10} And Asa was angry against the seer, and he ordered him to be sent into prison. For indeed, he had been very indignant over this. And in that time, he put to death very many of the people.

{16:11} Opera autem Asa prima et novissima scripta sunt in Libro regum Iuda et Israel.
{16:11} But the works of Asa, the first and the last, have been written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.

{16:12} Ægrotavit etiam Asa anno trigesimo nono regni sui, dolore pedum vehementissimo, et nec in infirmitate sua quæsivit Dominum, sed magis in medicorum arte confisus est.
{16:12} And now Asa became ill, in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, with a very severe pain in his feet. And yet, in his infirmity, he did not seek the Lord. Instead, he trusted more in the skill of physicians.

{16:13} Dormivitque cum patribus suis: et mortuus est anno quadragesimo primo regni sui.
{16:13} And he slept with his fathers. And he died in the forty-first year of his reign.

{16:14} Et sepelierunt eum in sepulchro suo quod foderat sibi in Civitate David: posueruntque eum super lectum suum plenum aromatibus et unguentibus meretriciis, quæ erant pigmentariorum arte confecta, et combusserunt super eum ambitione nimia.
{16:14} And they buried him in his own sepulcher, which he had made for himself in the City of David. And they placed him upon his bed, full of the aromatics and ointments of courtesans, which were composed with the skill of the perfumers. And they burned these over him with very great ostentation.

[II Paralipomenon 17]
[2 Chronicles 17]

{17:1} Regnavit autem Iosaphat filius eius pro eo, et invaluit contra Israel.
{17:1} Then Jehoshaphat, his son, reigned in his place. And he grew strong against Israel.

{17:2} Constituitque militum numeros in cunctis urbibus Iuda, quæ erant vallatæ muris. Præsidiaque disposuit in terra Iuda, et in civitatibus Ephraim, quas ceperat Asa pater eius.
{17:2} And he appointed numbers of soldiers in all the cities of Judah that had been fortified with walls. And he placed garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim that his father Asa had seized.

{17:3} Et fuit Dominus cum Iosaphat, quia ambulavit in viis David patris sui primis: et non speravit in Baalim,
{17:3} And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father, David. And he did not trust in the Baals,

{17:4} sed in Deo patris sui, et perrexit in præceptis illius et non iuxta peccata Israel.
{17:4} but in the God of his father. And he advanced in his precepts, and not according to the sins of Israel.

{17:5} Confirmavitque Dominus regnum in manu eius, et dedit omnis Iuda munera Iosaphat: factæque sunt ei infinitæ divitiæ, et multa gloria.
{17:5} And the Lord confirmed the kingdom in his hand. And all of Judah gave gifts to Jehoshaphat. And innumerable riches were brought to him, and much glory.

{17:6} Cumque sumpsisset cor eius audaciam propter vias Domini, etiam excelsa et lucos de Iuda abstulit.
{17:6} And when his heart had taken courage because of the ways of the Lord, he now also took away the high places and the sacred groves from Judah.

{17:7} Tertio autem anno regni sui misit de principibus suis Benhail, et Obdiam, et Zachariam, et Nathanael, et Michæam ut docerent in civitatibus Iuda:
{17:7} Then, in the third year of his reign, he sent Benhail, and Obadiah, and Zechariah, and Nethanel, and Micaiah, from among his leaders, so that they might teach in the cites of Judah.

{17:8} et cum eis Levitas Semeiam, et Nathaniam, et Zabadiam, Asael quoque, et Semiramoth, et Ionathan, Adoniamque et Thobiam, et Thobadoniam Levitas, et cum eis Elisama, et Ioran Sacerdotes,
{17:8} And with them were the Levites Shemaiah and Nethaniah and Zebadiah, and also Asahel and Shemiramoth and Jehonathan, and the Levites Adonijah and Tobijah and Tobadonijah. And with them were the priests Elishama and Jehoram.

{17:9} docebantque populum in Iuda, habentes librum legis Domini, et circuibant cunctas urbes Iuda, atque erudiebant populum.
{17:9} And they were teaching the people in Judah, having with them the book of the law of the Lord. And they were traveling through all the cities of Judah, and were instructing the people.

{17:10} Itaque factus est pavor Domini super omnia regna terrarum, quæ erant per gyrum Iuda, nec audebant bellare contra Iosaphat.
{17:10} And so, the fear of the Lord fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands which were around Judah. And they did not dare to make war against Jehoshaphat.

{17:11} Sed et Philisthæi Iosaphat munera deferebant, et vectigal argenti, Arabes quoque adducebant pecora, arietum septem millia septingenta, et hircorum totidem.
{17:11} Moreover, the Philistines carried gifts to Jehoshaphat, and a tribute in silver. Also, the Arabians brought cattle: seven thousand seven hundred rams, and the same number of he-goats.

{17:12} Crevit ergo Iosaphat, et magnificatus est usque in sublime: atque ædificavit in Iuda domos ad instar turrium, urbesque muratas.
{17:12} Therefore, Jehoshaphat increased and was magnified, even on high. And in Judah, he built houses in the likeness of towers, and walled cities.

{17:13} Et multa opera paravit in urbibus Iuda: viri quoque bellatores, et robusti erant in Ierusalem,
{17:13} And he prepared many works in the cities of Judah. Also, there were men experienced in warfare in Jerusalem,

{17:14} quorum iste numerus per domos atque familias singulorum: In Iuda principes exercitus, Ednas dux, et cum eo robustissimi viri trecenta millia.
{17:14} and this is the number of them, by each of the houses and families. In Judah, the leader of the army was Adnah, the commander; and with him were three hundred thousand very experienced men.

{17:15} Post hunc Iohanan princeps, et cum eo ducenta octoginta millia.
{17:15} After him, Jehohanan was the leader; and with him were two hundred eighty thousand.

{17:16} Post istum quoque Amasias filius Zechri, consecratus Domino, et cum eo ducenta millia virorum fortium.
{17:16} Also after him, there was Amasiah, the son of Zichri, who was consecrated to the Lord; and with him were two hundred thousand strong men.

{17:17} Hunc sequebatur robustus ad prælia Eliada, et cum eo tenentium arcum et clypeum ducenta millia.
{17:17} Following him, there was Eliada, who was experienced in battle; and with him were two hundred thousand, holding bow and shield.

{17:18} Post istum etiam Iozabad, et cum eo centum octoginta millia expeditorum militum.
{17:18} Then too, after him, there was Jehozabad; and with him were one hundred eighty thousand lightly-armed solders.

{17:19} Hi omnes erant ad manum regis, exceptis aliis, quos posuerat in urbibus muratis, in universo Iuda.
{17:19} All these were at the hand of the king, aside from the others, whom he had positioned in the walled cities, in all of Judah.

[II Paralipomenon 18]
[2 Chronicles 18]

{18:1} Fuit ergo Iosaphat dives et inclytus multum, et affinitate coniunctus est Achab.
{18:1} Therefore, Jehoshaphat was wealthy and very famous, and he was joined by affinity to Ahab.

~ The term ‘joined by affinity’ refers to a relation by marriage, rather than by blood, so Jehoshaphat marriage a woman who was a blood relative of Ahab.

{18:2} Descenditque post annos ad eum in Samariam: ad cuius adventum mactavit Achab arietes, et boves plurimos ipsi, et populo qui venerat cum eo: persuasitque illi ut ascenderet in Ramoth Galaad.
{18:2} And after some years, he descended to him in Samaria. And upon his arrival, Ahab slaughtered very many sheep and oxen, for him and for the people who had arrived with him. And he persuaded him that he should ascend against Ramoth Gilead.

{18:3} Dixitque Achab rex Israel ad Iosaphat regem Iuda: Veni mecum in Ramoth Galaad. Cui ille respondit: Ut ego, et tu: sicut populus tuus, sic et populus meus: tecumque erimus in bello.
{18:3} And Ahab, the king of Israel, said to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, “Come with me to Ramoth Gilead.” And he answered him: “As I am, so also are you. As your people are, so also are my people. And we will be with you in war.”

{18:4} Dixitque Iosaphat ad regem Israel: Consule obsecro impræsentiarum sermonem Domini.
{18:4} And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, “Consult, I beg you, the word of the Lord for the present circumstances.”

{18:5} Congregavit igitur rex Israel prophetarum quadringentos viros, et dixit ad eos: In Ramoth Galaad ad bellandum ire debemus an quiescere? At illi, Ascende, inquiunt, et tradet Deus in manu regis.
{18:5} And so the king of Israel gathered together four hundred men of the prophets, and he said to them: “Should we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or should we be quieted?” But they said, “Ascend, and God will deliver into the hand of the king.”

~ The truth is not found by observing the majority opinion. Often, a widespread belief is false, and a much less common belief is true.

{18:6} Dixitque Iosaphat: Numquid non est hic prophetes Domini, ut ab illo etiam requiramus?
{18:6} And Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not a prophet of the Lord here, so that we may inquire of him as well?”

{18:7} Et ait rex Israel ad Iosaphat: Est vir unus, a quo possumus quærere Domini voluntatem: sed ego odi eum, quia non prophetat mihi bonum, sed malum omni tempore: est autem Michæas filius Iemla. Dixitque Iosaphat: Ne loquaris rex hoc modo.
{18:7} And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “There is one man, from whom we would be able to ask the will of the Lord. But I hate him, for he never prophesies good to me, but at all times evil. And it is Micaiah, the son of Imlah.” And Jehoshaphat said, “You should not speak in this manner, O king.”

{18:8} Vocavit ergo rex Israel unum de eunuchis, et dixit ei: Voca cito Michæam filium Iemla.
{18:8} Therefore, the king of Israel called one of the eunuchs, and said to him: “Quickly, summon Micaiah, the son of Imlah.”

{18:9} Porro rex Israel, et Iosaphat rex Iuda uterque sedebant in solio suo, vestiti cultu regio: sedebant autem in area iuxta portam Samariæ, omnesque prophetæ vaticinabantur coram eis.
{18:9} Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were both sitting upon their thrones, clothed in royal vestments. And they were sitting in an open area, beside the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying before them.

{18:10} Sedecias vero filius Chanaana fecit sibi cornua ferrea, et ait: Hæc dicit Dominus: His ventilabis Syriam, donec conteras eam.
{18:10} Truly, Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made for himself horns of iron, and he said: “Thus says the Lord: With these, you shall threaten Syria, until you crush it.”

{18:11} Omnesque prophetæ similiter prophetabant, atque dicebant: Ascende in Ramoth Galaad, et prosperaberis, et tradet eos Dominus in manu regis.
{18:11} And all the prophets prophesied similarly, and they said: “Ascend against Ramoth Gilead, and you shall prosper, and the Lord will deliver them into the hand of the king.”

{18:12} Nuntius autem, qui ierat ad vocandum Michæam, ait illi: En verba omnium prophetarum uno ore bona regi annunciant: quæso ergo te ut et sermo tuus ab eis non dissentiat, loquarisque prospera.
{18:12} Then the messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him: “Lo, the words of all the prophets, with one mouth, announce good to the king. Therefore, I ask you that you not dissent from them in your word, and that you speak prosperity.”

{18:13} Cui respondit Michæas: Vivit Dominus, quia quodcumque dixerit mihi Deus meus, hoc loquar.
{18:13} And Micaiah responded to him, “As the Lord lives, whatever my God will say to me, the same shall I speak.”

{18:14} Venit ergo ad regem. Cui rex ait: Michæa, ire debemus in Ramoth Galaad ad bellandum, an quiescere? Cui ille respondit: Ascendite: cuncta enim prospera evenient, et tradentur hostes in manus vestras.
{18:14} Therefore, he went to the king. And the king said to him, “Micaiah, should we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or should we be quieted?” And he responded to him: “Ascend. For everything will come to prosperity, and the enemies will be delivered into your hands.”

~ Perhaps Micaiah was speaking in a sarcastic manner. For he states in a previous verse that he will only speak what the Lord says to him. And next the king immediately recognizes that the statement by Micaiah is lacking in some way. So I conclude that Micaiah was not lying, but was being sarcastic, in a way that was obvious to the king. This sarcasm was justified because the king was listening to hundreds of lying prophets.

{18:15} Dixitque rex: Iterum, atque iterum te adiuro, ut mihi non loquaris, nisi quod verum est in nomine Domini.
{18:15} And the king said, “Again and again, I bind you by an oath, so that you will not speak to me except what is true in the name of the Lord!”

{18:16} At ille ait: Vidi universum Israel dispersum in montibus, sicut oves absque pastore: et dixit Dominus: Non habent isti dominos: revertatur unusquisque in domum suam in pace.
{18:16} Then he said: “I saw all of Israel scattered amid the mountains, like sheep without a shepherd. And the Lord said: ‘These have no masters. Let each one return in peace to his own house.’ ”

{18:17} Et ait rex Israel ad Iosaphat: Nonne dixi tibi, quod non prophetaret iste mihi quidquam boni, sed ea, quæ mala sunt?
{18:17} And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “Did I not tell you that this one would not prophesy to me anything good, but only what is evil?”

{18:18} At ille, Idcirco, ait, audite verbum Domini: Vidi Dominum sedentem in solio suo, et omnem exercitum cæli assistentem ei a dextris et a sinistris.
{18:18} Then he said: “Therefore, listen to the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne, and the entire army of heaven was standing beside him, on the right and on the left.

{18:19} Et dixit Dominus: Quis decipiet Achab regem Israel ut ascendat et corruat in Ramoth Galaad? Cumque diceret unus hoc modo, et alter alio:
{18:19} And the Lord said: ‘Who will deceive Ahab, the king of Israel, so that he may ascend and fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ And when one spoke in one way, and another in another way,

{18:20} processit spiritus, et stetit coram Domino, et ait: Ego decipiam eum. Cui Dominus, In quo, inquit, decipies?
{18:20} there came forward a spirit, and he stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will deceive him.’ And the Lord said to him, ‘In what way will you deceive him?’

{18:21} At ille respondit: Egrediar, et ero spiritus mendax in ore omnium prophetarum eius. Dixitque Dominus: Decipies, et prævalebis: egredere, et fac ita.
{18:21} And he responded, ‘I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said: ‘You will deceive and prevail. Go forth and do so.’

~ The deceiving spirit was a fallen angel. God did not order him to lie and to deceive, but merely permitted him to do so because of the sins of Israel and of Judah and of their leaders.

{18:22} Nunc igitur, ecce Dominus dedit spiritum mendacii in ore omnium prophetarum tuorum, et Dominus locutus est de te mala.
{18:22} Therefore now, behold: the Lord gave a lying spirit to the mouth of all your prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil about you.”

{18:23} Accessit autem Sedecias filius Chanaana, et percussit Michææ maxillam, et ait: Per quam viam transivit Spiritus Domini a me, ut loqueretur tibi?
{18:23} Then Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, approached, and he struck Micaiah on the jaw, and he said: “In what way did the Spirit of the Lord depart from me, so that he would speak to you?”

{18:24} Dixitque Michæas: Tu ipse videbis in die illo, quando ingressus fueris cubiculum de cubiculo ut abscondaris.
{18:24} And Micaiah said: “You yourself shall see it, in that day, when you will enter a room within a room, so that you may be hidden.”

{18:25} Præcepit autem rex Israel, dicens: Tollite Michæam, et ducite eum ad Amon principem civitatis, et ad Ioas filium Amelech.
{18:25} Then the king of Israel instructed, saying: “Take Micaiah, and lead him to Amon, the leader of the city, and to Joash, the son of Amalech.

{18:26} Et dicetis: Hæc dicit rex: Mittite hunc in carcerem, et date ei panis modicum, et aquæ pauxillum, donec revertar in pace.
{18:26} And you shall say: ‘Thus says the king: Send this man to prison, and give to him a little bread and a little water, until I return in peace.’ ”

{18:27} Dixitque Michæas: Si reversus fueris in pace, non est locutus Dominus in me. Et ait: Audite omnes populi.
{18:27} And Micaiah said, “If you will have returned in peace, the Lord has not spoken by me.” And he said, “May all the people listen.”

{18:28} Igitur ascenderunt rex Israel et Iosaphat rex Iuda in Ramoth Galaad.
{18:28} And so, the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, ascended against Ramoth Gilead.

{18:29} Dixitque rex Israel ad Iosaphat: Mutabo habitum, et sic ad pugnam vadam, tu autem induere vestibus tuis. Mutatoque rex Israel habitu, venit ad bellum.
{18:29} And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “I will change my clothing, and in this way I will go into battle. But you should be clothed in your own garments.” And the king of Israel, having changed his clothing, went to war.

~ The king of Israel was afraid that the prophet’s prophecy might be true. So while the king of Judah was dressed in royal garments, the king of Israel deceitfully changed his garments, intending that the other king be targeted by the enemy.

{18:30} Rex autem Syriæ præceperat ducibus equitatus sui, dicens: Ne pugnetis contra minimum, aut contra maximum, nisi contra solum regem Israel.
{18:30} Now the king of Syria had instructed the commanders of his horsemen, saying, “You shall not fight against the least or the greatest, but only against the king of Israel.”

{18:31} Itaque cum vidissent principes equitatus Iosaphat, dixerunt: Rex Israel est iste. Et circumdederunt eum dimicantes: at ille clamavit ad Dominum, et auxiliatus est ei, atque avertit eos ab illo.
{18:31} And so, when the leaders of the horsemen had seen Jehoshaphat, they said, “This one is the king of Israel.” And while fighting, they surrounded him. But he cried out to the Lord, and he assisted him, and he turned them away from him.

{18:32} Cum enim vidissent duces equitatus, quod non esset rex Israel, reliquerunt eum.
{18:32} For when the commanders of the horsemen had seen that he was not the king of Israel, they left him.

{18:33} Accidit autem ut unus e populo sagittam in incertum iaceret, et percuteret regem Israel inter cervicem et scapulas, at ille aurigæ suo ait: Converte manum tuam, et educ me de acie, quia vulneratus sum.
{18:33} Then it happened that one of the people shot an arrow indiscriminately, and it struck the king of Israel between the neck and the shoulder. And so he said to his chariot driver: “Turn your hand, and lead me away from the battle line. For I have been wounded.”

{18:34} Et finita est pugna in die illo: porro rex Israel stabat in curru suo contra Syros usque ad vesperam, et mortuus est occidente sole.
{18:34} And the fight ended on that day. But the king of Israel was standing in his chariot facing the Syrians, even until evening. And he died when the sun set.

[II Paralipomenon 19]
[2 Chronicles 19]

{19:1} Reversus est autem Iosaphat rex Iuda in domum suam pacifice in Ierusalem.
{19:1} Then Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, returned in peace to his house in Jerusalem.

{19:2} Cui occurrit Iehu filius Henani Videns, et ait ad eum: Impio præbes auxilium, et his qui oderunt Dominum amicitia iungeris, et idcirco iram quidem Domini merebaris:
{19:2} And the seer Jehu, the son of Hanani, met him, and said to him: “You offer assistance to the impious, and you are joined in friendship with those who hate the Lord. And for this reason, you certainly deserve the wrath of the Lord.

{19:3} sed bona opera inventa sunt in te, eo quod abstuleris lucos de terra Iuda, et præparaveris cor tuum ut requireres Dominum Deum patrum tuorum.
{19:3} But good works have been found in you. For you have taken away the sacred groves from the land of Judah. And you have prepared your heart, so as to seek the Lord, the God of your fathers.”

{19:4} Habitavit ergo Iosaphat in Ierusalem: rursumque egressus est ad populum de Bersabee usque ad montem Ephraim, et revocavit eos ad Dominum Deum patrum suorum.
{19:4} Then Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem. And again he went out to the people, from Beersheba as far as mount Ephraim. And he called them back to the Lord, the God of their fathers.

{19:5} Constituitque iudices terræ in cunctis civitatibus Iuda munitis per singula loca,
{19:5} And he appointed judges of the land, in all the fortified cities of Judah, in each place.

{19:6} et præcipiens iudicibus, Videte, ait, quid faciatis: non enim hominis exercetis iudicium, sed Domini: et quodcumque iudicaveritis, in vos redundabit.
{19:6} And instructing the judges, he said: “Pay attention to what you are doing. For you exercise judgment, not of man, but of the Lord. And whatever you will have judged, it will come back to you.

{19:7} Sit timor Domini vobiscum, et cum diligentia cuncta facite: non est enim apud Dominum Deum nostrum iniquitas, nec personarum acceptio, nec cupido munerum.
{19:7} Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence. For there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor desire for gifts.”

{19:8} In Ierusalem quoque constituit Iosaphat Levitas, et Sacerdotes, et principes familiarum ex Israel, ut iudicium et causam Domini iudicarent habitatoribus eius.
{19:8} Jehoshaphat also appointed Levites and priests and leaders of families, out of Israel, in Jerusalem, so that they might judge the judgment and purpose of the Lord for its inhabitants.

{19:9} Præcepitque eis, dicens: Sic agetis in timore Domini fideliter et corde perfecto.
{19:9} And he instructed them, saying, “So shall you act: faithfully, in the fear of the Lord, and with a perfect heart.

{19:10} Omnem causam, quæ venerit ad vos fratrum vestrorum, qui habitant in urbibus suis inter cognationem et cognationem, ubicumque quæstio est de lege, de mandato, de ceremoniis, de iustificationibus: ostendite eis, ut non peccent in Dominum, et ne veniat ira super vos et super fratres vestros: sic ergo agentes non peccabitis.
{19:10} Every case that will come to you from your brothers, who live in their cities, between kindred and kindred, wherever there is a question concerning law, commandment, ceremonies, or justifications, reveal it to them, so that they may not sin against the Lord, and so that wrath may not overwhelm you and your brothers. Then, by acting in this way, you will not sin.

{19:11} Amarias autem sacerdos et pontifex vester, in his, quæ ad Deum pertinent, præsidebit: porro Zabadias filius Ismahel, qui est dux in domo Iuda, super ea opera erit, quæ ad regis officium pertinent: habetisque magistros Levitas coram vobis, confortamini, et agite diligenter, et erit Dominus vobiscum in bonis.
{19:11} But Amariah, a priest and your high priest, shall preside over those things which pertain to God. Then Zebadiah, the son of Ishmael, who is a ruler in the house of Judah, shall be over those works that pertain to the office of the king. And you have before you the Levites as teachers. Be strengthened and act diligently, and the Lord will be with you for what is good.”

[II Paralipomenon 20]
[2 Chronicles 20]

{20:1} Post hæc congregati sunt filii Moab, et filii Ammon, et cum eis de Ammonitis ad Iosaphat ut pugnarent contra eum.
{20:1} After these things, the sons of Moab, and the sons of Ammon, and with them some from the Ammonites, gathered together so that they might fight against him.

~ The sons of Ammon are descendents of Ammon, and the ones called ‘some from the Ammonites’ would have to be others among the sons of Ammon who were not descendents of Ammon, perhaps mercenaries or perhaps foreigners living among the sons of Ammon.

{20:2} Veneruntque nuncii, et indicaverunt Iosaphat, dicentes: Venit contra te multitudo magna de his locis, quæ trans mare sunt, et de Syria, et ecce consistunt in Asasonthamar, quæ est Engaddi.
{20:2} And messengers arrived and reported to Jehoshaphat, saying: “A great multitude has arrived against you, from those places that are across the sea, and from Syria. And behold, they are standing together at Hazazon-tamar, which is Engedi.”

~ The place called Engedi is a spring located in a desert, near the dead sea.

{20:3} Iosaphat autem timore perterritus, totum se contulit ad rogandum Dominum, et prædicavit ieiunium universo Iuda.
{20:3} Then Jehoshaphat, being terrified with fear, gave himself entirely to petitioning the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all of Judah.

{20:4} Congregatusque est Iudas ad deprecandum Dominum: sed et omnes de urbibus suis venerunt ad obsecrandum eum.
{20:4} And Judah gathered together to pray to the Lord. Moreover, everyone from their cities came to beseech him.

{20:5} Cumque stetisset Iosaphat in medio cœtu Iuda, et Ierusalem, in domo Domini ante atrium novum,
{20:5} And when Jehoshaphat had stood up in the midst of the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, before the new atrium,

{20:6} ait: Domine Deus patrum nostrorum, tu es Deus in cælo, et dominaris cunctis regnis Gentium, in manu tua est fortitudo et potentia, nec quisquam tibi potest resistere.
{20:6} he said: “O Lord, God of our fathers, you are God in heaven, and you rule over all the kingdoms of the Gentiles. In your hand is strength and power, and no one is able to withstand you.

{20:7} Nonne tu Deus noster interfecisti omnes habitatores terræ huius coram populo tuo Israel, et dedisti eam semini Abraham amici tui in sempiternum?
{20:7} Did not you, our God, put to death all the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel? And you gave it to the offspring of your friend Abraham, for all time.

{20:8} Habitaveruntque in ea, et extruxerunt in illa Sanctuarium nomini tuo, dicentes:
{20:8} And they lived in it. And they built a Sanctuary to your name in it, saying:

{20:9} Si irruerint super nos mala, gladius iudicii, pestilentia, et fames, stabimus coram domo hac in conspectu tuo, in qua invocatum est nomen tuum: et clamabimus ad te in tribulationibus nostris, et exaudies, salvosque facies.
{20:9} ‘If evils will have fallen upon us, the sword of judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in your sight before this house, in which your name is invoked, and we will cry out to you in our tribulations. And you will heed us and accomplish our salvation.’

{20:10} Nunc igitur ecce filii Ammon, et Moab, et mons Seir, per quos non concessisti Israel ut transirent quando egrediebantur de Ægypto, sed declinaverunt ab eis, et non interfecerunt illos:
{20:10} Now therefore, behold the sons of Ammon, and of Moab, and mount Seir, through whose lands you did not permit Israel to cross when they were departing from Egypt. Instead, they turned aside from them, and they did not put them to death.

{20:11} econtrario agunt, et nituntur eiicere nos de possessione, quam tradidisti nobis.
{20:11} They are doing the contrary, and they are striving to cast us from the possession which you delivered to us.

{20:12} Deus noster, ergo non iudicabis eos? In nobis quidem non est tanta fortitudo, ut possimus huic multitudini resistere, quæ irruit super nos. Sed cum ignoremus quid agere debeamus, hoc solum habemus residui, ut oculos nostros dirigamus ad te.
{20:12} Therefore, will you, our God, not judge them? Certainly, in us there is not enough strength so that we would be able to withstand this multitude, which rushes against us. But although we do not know what we ought to do, we have this alone remaining, that we direct our eyes to you.”

{20:13} Omnis vero Iuda stabat coram Domino cum parvulis, et uxoribus, et liberis suis.
{20:13} Truly, all of Judah was standing before the Lord with their little ones and wives and children.

{20:14} Erat autem Iahaziel filius Zachariæ, filii Banaiæ, filii Iehiel, filii Mathaniæ, Levites de filiis Asaph, super quem factus est Spiritus Domini in medio turbæ,
{20:14} But there was Jahaziel, the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite from the sons of Asaph, upon whom the Spirit of the Lord went, in the midst of the crowd.

{20:15} et ait: Attendite omnis Iuda, et qui habitatis Ierusalem, et tu rex Iosaphat: Hæc dicit Dominus vobis: Nolite timere, nec paveatis hanc multitudinem: non est enim vestra pugna, sed Dei.
{20:15} And he said: “Pay attention, all of Judah, and you who live in Jerusalem, and you, king Jehoshaphat. Thus says the Lord to you: Do not be afraid. Neither should you be dismayed by this multitude. For the fight is not yours, but God’s.

{20:16} Cras descendetis contra eos: ascensuri enim sunt per clivum nomine Sis, et invenietis illos in summitate torrentis, qui est contra solitudinem Ieruel.
{20:16} Tomorrow, you shall descend against them. For they will ascend along the incline named Ziz, and will find them at the summit of the torrent, which is opposite the wilderness of Jeruel.

{20:17} Non eritis vos qui dimicabitis, sed tantummodo confidenter state, et videbitis auxilium Domini super vos, o Iuda, et Ierusalem: nolite timere, nec paveatis: cras egrediemini contra eos, et Dominus erit vobiscum.
{20:17} It will not be you who will fight. Instead, only stand with confidence, and you will see the help of the Lord over you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid. Neither should you be dismayed. Tomorrow you shall go forth against them, and the Lord will be with you.”

{20:18} Iosaphat ergo, et Iuda, et omnes habitatores Ierusalem ceciderunt proni in terram coram Domino, et adoraverunt eum.
{20:18} Then Jehoshaphat, and Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell prone on the ground before the Lord, and they adored him.

{20:19} Porro Levitæ de filiis Caath, et de filiis Core laudabant Dominum Deum Israel voce magna, in excelsum.
{20:19} And the Levites from the sons of Kohath, and from the sons of Korah, were praising the Lord, the God of Israel, with a great voice, on high.

{20:20} Cumque mane surrexissent, egressi sunt per desertum Thecue: profectisque eis, stans Iosaphat in medio eorum, dixit: Audite me viri Iuda, et omnes habitatores Ierusalem: credite in Domino Deo vestro, et securi eritis: credite prophetis eius, et cuncta evenient prospera.
{20:20} And when they had risen up in the morning, they went out through the desert of Tekoa. And as they were setting out, Jehoshaphat, standing in their midst, said: “Listen to me, men of Judah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be secure. Believe in his prophets, and everything will come to prosperity.”

{20:21} Deditque consilium populo, et statuit cantores Domini, ut laudarent eum in turmis suis, et antecederent exercitum, ac voce consona dicerent: Confitemini Domino, quoniam in æternum misericordia eius.
{20:21} And he gave counsel to the people. And he appointed the singing men of the Lord, so that they would praise him by their companies, and so that they would go before the army, and with one voice say: “Confess to the Lord. For his mercy is eternal.”

{20:22} Cumque cœpissent laudes canere, vertit Dominus insidias eorum in semetipsos, filiorum scilicet Ammon, et Moab, et montis Seir, qui egressi fuerant ut pugnarent contra Iudam, et percussi sunt.
{20:22} And when they had begun to sing praises, the Lord turned their ambushes upon themselves, that is, those of the sons of Ammon, and of Moab, and of mount Seir, who had gone forth so that they might fight against Judah. And they were struck down.

{20:23} Namque filii Ammon, et Moab consurrexerunt adversum habitatores montis Seir, ut interficerent et delerent eos: cumque hoc opere perpetrassent, etiam in semetipsos versi, mutuis concidere vulneribus.
{20:23} For the sons of Ammon and of Moab rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, so that they might slay and destroy them. And when they had perpetrated this work, now also turning upon themselves, they cut one another with wounds.

{20:24} Porro Iuda cum venisset ad speculam, quæ respicit solitudinem, vidit procul omnem late regionem plenam cadaveribus, nec superesse quemquam, qui necem potuisset evadere.
{20:24} Then, when Judah had gone to the high point that looks out toward the desert, they saw, from far away, the entire wide region filled with dead bodies. Neither was there anyone who was left alive and had been able to escape death.

{20:25} Venit ergo Iosaphat, et omnis populus cum eo ad detrahenda spolia mortuorum: inveneruntque inter cadavera variam supellectilem, vestes quoque, et vasa pretiosissima, et diripuerunt ita ut omnia portare non possent, nec per tres dies spolia auferre præ prædæ magnitudine.
{20:25} Therefore, Jehoshaphat went, and all the people with him, in order to take away the spoils of the dead. And they found, among the dead bodies, diverse equipment, and also garments, and very precious vessels. And they despoiled these, to such an extent that they were unable to carry everything. Neither could they, over three days, take away the spoils because of the magnitude of the plunder.

{20:26} Die autem quarto congregati sunt in Valle Benedictionis: etenim quoniam ibi benedixerant Domino, vocaverunt locum illum Vallis Benedictionis usque in præsentem diem.
{20:26} Then, on the fourth day, they were gathered together in the Valley of Blessing. For they had blessed the Lord there, and therefore they called that place the Valley of Blessing, even to the present day.

{20:27} Reversusque est omnis vir Iuda, et habitatores Ierusalem, et Iosaphat ante eos in Ierusalem cum lætitia magna, eo quod dedisset eis Dominus gaudium de inimicis suis.
{20:27} And every man of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, returned, with Jehoshaphat before them, to Jerusalem, with great rejoicing. For the Lord had granted to them gladness concerning their enemies.

{20:28} Ingressique sunt in Ierusalem cum psalteriis, et citharis, et tubis in domum Domini.
{20:28} And they entered into Jerusalem with psalteries, and harps, and trumpets, into the house of the Lord.

{20:29} Irruit autem pavor Domini super universa regna terrarum cum audissent quod pugnasset Dominus contra inimicos Israel.
{20:29} Then the fear of the Lord fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands, when they had heard that the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel.

{20:30} Quievitque regnum Iosaphat, et præbuit ei Deus pacem per circuitum.
{20:30} And the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was quiet. And God granted to him peace on all sides.

{20:31} Regnavit igitur Iosaphat super Iudam, et erat triginta quinque annorum cum regnare cœpisset: viginti autem et quinque annis regnavit in Ierusalem, et nomen matris eius Azuba filia Selahi.
{20:31} And so Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. And he was thirty-five years old when he had begun to reign. Then he reigned for twenty-five years in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi.

{20:32} Et ambulavit in via patris suis Asa, nec declinavit ab ea, faciens quæ placita erant coram Domino.
{20:32} And he walked in the way of his father, Asa, and he did not decline from it, doing the things that were pleasing before the Lord.

{20:33} Verumtamen excelsa non abstulit, et adhuc populus non direxerat cor suum ad Dominum Deum patrum suorum.
{20:33} Yet truly, he did not take away the high places, and the people still had not directed their heart to the Lord, the God of their fathers.

{20:34} Reliqua autem gestorum Iosaphat priorum et novissimorum scripta sunt in verbis Iehu filii Hanani, quæ digessit in Libros regum Israel.
{20:34} But the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, the first and the last, have been written in the words of Jehu, the son of Hanani, which he digested into the books of the kings of Israel.

{20:35} Post hæc iniit amicitias Iosaphat rex Iuda cum Ochozia rege Israel, cuius opera fuerunt impiissima.
{20:35} After these things, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, formed a friendship with Ahaziah, the king of Israel, whose works were very impious.

{20:36} Et particeps fuit ut facerent naves, quæ irent in Tharsis: feceruntque classem in Asiongaber.
{20:36} And he was a partner in the making of ships, which would go to Tarshish. And they made the fleet at Eziongeber.

{20:37} Prophetavit autem Eliezer filius Dodau de Maresa ad Iosaphat, dicens: Quia habuisti fœdus cum Ochozia, percussit Dominus opera tua, contritæque sunt naves, nec potuerunt ire in Tharsis.
{20:37} Then Eliezer, the son of Dodavahu, from Mareshah, prophesied to Jehoshaphat, saying: “Because you have made a pact with Ahaziah, the Lord has struck your works, and the ships have been broken, and they have not been able to go to Tarshish.”

[II Paralipomenon 21]
[2 Chronicles 21]

{21:1} Dormivit autem Iosaphat cum patribus suis, et sepultus est cum eis in Civitate David: regnavitque Ioram filius eius pro eo.
{21:1} Then Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and he was buried with them in the City of David. And his son, Jehoram, reigned in his place.

{21:2} Qui habuit fratres filios Iosaphat, Azariam, et Iahiel, et Zachariam, et Azariam, et Michael, et Saphatiam. Omnes hi, filii Iosaphat regis Iuda.
{21:2} And he had brothers, sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah. All these were sons of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah.

{21:3} Deditque eis pater suus multa munera argenti, et auri, et pensitationes, cum civitatibus munitissimis in Iuda: regnum autem tradidit Ioram, eo quod esset primogenitus.
{21:3} And their father gave to them many gifts of silver, and gold, and valuables, with very fortified cities in Judah. But the kingdom he handed on to Jehoram, because he was the firstborn.

{21:4} Surrexit ergo Ioram super regnum patris sui: cumque se confirmasset, occidit omnes fratres suos gladio, et quosdam de principibus Israel.
{21:4} Therefore, Jehoram rose up over the kingdom of his father. And when he had established himself, he killed with the sword all his brothers, and certain ones from the leaders of Israel.

{21:5} Triginta duorum annorum erat Ioram cum regnare cœpisset: et octo annis regnavit in Ierusalem.
{21:5} Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he had begun to reign. And he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem.

{21:6} Ambulavitque in viis regum Israel, sicut egerat domus Achab: filia quippe Achab erat uxor eius, et fecit malum in conspectu Domini.
{21:6} And he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done. For his wife was a daughter of Ahab, and he did evil in the sight of the Lord.

{21:7} Noluit autem Dominus disperdere domum David propter pactum, quod inierat cum eo: et quia promiserat ut daret ei lucernam, et filiis eius omni tempore.
{21:7} But the Lord was not willing to destroy the house of David, because of the covenant that he had formed with him, and because he had promised that he would provide a lamp to him, and to his sons, for all time.

{21:8} In diebus illis rebellavit Edom, ne esset subditus Iudæ, et constituit sibi regem.
{21:8} In those days, Edom rebelled, so as not to be subject to Judah, and they appointed for themselves a king.

{21:9} Cumque transisset Ioram cum principibus suis, et cuncto equitatu, qui erat secum, surrexit nocte, et percussit Edom qui se circumdederat, et omnes duces equitatus eius.
{21:9} And when Jehoram had gone across with his leaders, and all the horsemen who were with him, he arose in the night, and struck the Edomites (who had surrounded him), and all the commanders of his horsemen.

{21:10} Attamen rebellavit Edom, ne esset sub ditione Iuda usque ad hanc diem: eo tempore et Lobna recessit ne esset sub manu illius. Dereliquerat enim Dominum Deum patrum suorum:
{21:10} Even so, Edom rebelled, so as not to be under the authority of Judah, even to this day. Also at that time, Libnah withdrew, so as not to be under his hand. For he had forsaken the Lord, the God of his fathers.

{21:11} insuper et excelsa fabricatus est in urbibus Iuda, et fornicari fecit habitatores Ierusalem, et prævaricari Iudam.
{21:11} Moreover, he also constructed high places in the cities of Judah. And he caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to fornicate, and Judah to prevaricate.

{21:12} Allatæ sunt autem ei litteræ ab Elia propheta, in quibus scriptum erat: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus David patris tui: Quoniam non ambulasti in viis Iosaphat patris tui, et in viis Asa regis Iuda,
{21:12} Then letters were conveyed to him from the prophet Elijah, in which it was written: “Thus says the Lord, the God of David, your father: Because you have not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat, your father, nor in the ways of Asa, the king of Judah,

{21:13} sed incessisti per iter regum Israel, et fornicari fecisti Iudam, et habitatores Ierusalem, imitatus fornicationem domus Achab, insuper et fratres tuos domum patris tui, meliores te occidisti:
{21:13} but instead you have advanced along the paths of the kings of Israel, and you have caused Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to fornicate, imitating the fornication of the house of Ahab, and moreover, you have killed your brothers, the house of your father, who are better than you:

{21:14} ecce Dominus percutiet te plaga magna cum populo tuo, et filiis, et uxoribus tuis, universaque substantia tua.
{21:14} behold, the Lord will strike you with a great plague, with all your people, and your sons and wives, and all your substance.

{21:15} Tu autem ægrotabis pessimo languore uteri tui, donec egrediantur vitalia tua paulatim per singulos dies.
{21:15} And you shall be sickened by a very grievous disease of your bowels, until your inner organs depart, little by little, each day.”

{21:16} Suscitavit ergo Dominus contra Ioram spiritum Philisthinorum, et Arabum, qui confines sunt Æthiopibus.
{21:16} Therefore, the Lord stirred up, against Jehoram, the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, who are along the borders of the Ethiopians.

{21:17} Et ascenderunt in Terram Iuda, et vastaverunt eam, diripueruntue cunctam substantiam, quæ inventa est in domo regis, insuper et filios eius, et uxores: nec remansit ei filius, nisi Ioachaz, qui minimus natu erat.
{21:17} And they ascended into the land of Judah. And they laid waste to it. And they despoiled all the substance that was found in the house of the king, including even his sons and wives. Neither did there remain for him any son, except Jehoahaz, who was the youngest born.

{21:18} Et super hæc omnia percussit eum Dominus alvi languore insanabili.
{21:18} And in addition to all these things, the Lord struck him with an incurable disease of the bowels.

{21:19} Cumque diei succederet dies, et temporum spatia volverentur, duorum annorum expletus est circulus: et sic longa consumptus tabe, ita ut egereret etiam viscera sua, languore pariter, et vita caruit. Mortuusque est in infirmitate pessima, et non fecit ei populus secundum morem combustionis, exequias, sicut fecerat maioribus eius.
{21:19} And as day followed after day, and the space of time turned, the course of two years was completed. And after having been wasted by a long consumption, so much so that even his inner organs were discharged, the disease ended along with his life. And so he died of a very grievous illness. And the people did not make a funeral for him, according to the custom of burning, as they had done for his ancestors.

{21:20} Triginta duorum annorum fuit, cum regnare cœpisset, et octo annis regnavit in Ierusalem. Ambulavitque non recte, et sepelierunt eum in Civitate David: verumtamen non in sepulchro regum.
{21:20} He was thirty-two years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem. And he did not walk uprightly. And they buried him in the City of David, yet truly, not in the sepulcher of the kings.

[II Paralipomenon 22]
[2 Chronicles 22]

{22:1} Constituerunt autem habitatores Ierusalem Ochoziam filium eius minimum, regem pro eo: omnes enim maiores natu, qui ante eum fuerant, interfecerant latrones Arabum, qui irruerant in castra: regnavitque Ochozias filius Ioram regis Iuda.
{22:1} Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem appointed his youngest son, Ahaziah, as king in his place. For the robbers of the Arabians, who had fallen upon the camp, had put to death all those who were greater by birth before him. And so Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram, reigned as king of Judah.

{22:2} Quadraginta duorum annorum erat Ochozias cum regnare cœpisset, et uno anno regnavit in Ierusalem, et nomen matris eius Athalia filia Amri.
{22:2} Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for one year in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri.

{22:3} Sed et ipse ingressus est per vias domus Achab: mater enim eius impulit eum ut impie ageret.
{22:3} But he too went forth in the ways of the house of Ahab. For his mother impelled him to act impiously.

{22:4} Fecit igitur malum in conspectu Domini, sicut domus Achab: ipsi enim fuerunt ei consiliarii post mortem patris sui, in interitum eius.
{22:4} And so he did evil in the sight of the Lord, just as the house of Ahab did. For after the death of his father, they were counselors to him, to his destruction.

{22:5} Ambulavitque in consiliis eorum. Et perrexit cum Ioram filio Achab rege Israel, in bellum contra Hazael regem Syriæ in Ramoth Galaad: vulneraveruntque Syri Ioram.
{22:5} And he walked in their counsels. And he went with Joram, the son of Ahab, the king of Israel, to war against Hazael, the king of Syria, at Ramoth Gilead. And the Syrians wounded Joram.

{22:6} Qui reversus est ut curaretur in Iezrahel: multas enim plagas acceperat in supradicto certamine. Igitur Ochozias filius Ioram rex Iuda, descendit ut inviseret Ioram filium Achab in Iezrahel ægrotantem.
{22:6} And he returned, so that he might be cured at Jezreel. For he had received many wounds in the above-stated battle. And so Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah, descended, so that he might visit Joram, the son of Ahab, at Jezreel, while he was ill.

{22:7} Voluntatis quippe fuit Dei adversus Ochoziam, ut veniret ad Ioram: et cum venisset, et egrederetur cum eo adversum Iehu filium Namsi, quem unxit Dominus ut deleret domum Achab.
{22:7} Indeed, it was the will of God against Ahaziah that he would go to Joram, and when he had gone, that he also would go out with him against Jehu, the son of Nimshi, whom the Lord had anointed to destroy the house of Ahab.

{22:8} Cum ergo everteret Iehu domum Achab, invenit principes Iuda, et filios fratrum Ochoziæ, qui ministrabant ei, et interfecit illos.
{22:8} Therefore, when Jehu was overthrowing the house of Ahab, he found the leaders of Judah, with the sons of the brothers of Ahaziah, who were ministering to him, and he put them to death.

{22:9} Ipsum quoque perquirens Ochoziam, comprehendit latitantem in Samaria: adductumque ad se, occidit, et sepelierunt eum: eo quod esset filius Iosaphat, qui quæsierat Dominum in toto corde suo. Nec erat ultra spes aliqua ut de stirpe quis regnaret Ochoziæ.
{22:9} Also, while he himself was seeking Ahaziah, he found him to be hiding in Samaria. And having been led to him, he killed him. And they buried him, because he was the son of Jehoshaphat, who had sought the Lord with all his heart. But there was no longer any hope that someone from the stock of Ahaziah would reign.

{22:10} Siquidem Athalia mater eius videns quod mortuus esset filius suus, surrexit, et interfecit omnem stirpem regiam domus Ioram.
{22:10} For indeed, his mother, Athaliah, seeing that her son had died, rose up and killed the entire royal stock of the house of Jehoram.

{22:11} Porro Iosabeth filia regis tulit Ioas filium Ochoziæ, et furata est eum de medio filiorum regis, cum interficerentur: absconditque eum cum nutrice sua in cubiculo lectulorum: Iosabeth autem, quæ absconderat eum, erat filia regis Ioram, uxor Ioiadæ pontificis, soror Ochoziæ, et idcirco Athalia non interfecit eum.
{22:11} But Jehosheba, the daughter of the king, took Joash, the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from the midst the king’s sons when they were being slain. And she hid him with his nurse in a bedroom. Now Jehosheba, the one who had hidden him, was the daughter of king Jehoram, and the wife of the high priest Jehoiada, and the sister of Ahaziah. And because of this, Athaliah did not kill him.

~ Athaliah did not find him, in order to kill him, because she dared not search or accuse the daughter of a king, who was also the wife of the high priest, who was also the sister of a king.

{22:12} Fuit ergo cum eis in domo Dei absconditus sex annis, quibus regnavit Athalia super terram.
{22:12} Therefore, he was with them, hidden in the house of God, for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.

[II Paralipomenon 23]
[2 Chronicles 23]

{23:1} Anno autem septimo confortatus Ioiada, assumpsit centuriones, Azariam videlicet filium Ieroham, et Ismahel filium Iohanan, Azariam quoque filium Obed, et Maasiam filium Adaiæ, et Elisaphat filium Zechri: et iniit cum eis fœdus.
{23:1} Then in the seventh year, Jehoiada having been strengthened, he took the centurions, namely, Azariah, the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael, the son of Jehohanan, and also Azariah, the son of Obed, and Maaseiah, the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat, the son of Zichri, and he formed a pact with them.

{23:2} Qui circumeuntes Iudam, congregaverunt Levitas de cunctis urbibus Iuda, et principes familiarum Israel, veneruntque in Ierusalem.
{23:2} And traveling through Judah, they gathered together the Levites from all of the cities of Judah, and the leaders of the families of Israel, and they went to Jerusalem.

{23:3} Iniit ergo omnis multitudo pactum in domo Dei cum rege: dixitque ad eos Ioiada: Ecce filius regis regnabit, sicut locutus est Dominus super filios David.
{23:3} Then the entire multitude formed a pact with the king, in the house of God. And Jehoiada said to them: “Behold, the son of the king shall reign, just as the Lord has said concerning the sons of David.

{23:4} Iste est ergo sermo quem facietis:
{23:4} Therefore, this is the word that you shall do:

{23:5} Tertia pars vestrum qui veniunt ad Sabbatum, Sacerdotum, et Levitarum, et ianitorum erit in portis: tertia vero pars ad domum regis: et tertia ad portam, quæ appellatur Fundamenti: omne vero reliquum vulgus sit in atriis domus Domini.
{23:5} One third part of you who arrive on the Sabbath, priests, and Levites, and porters, shall be at the gates. Truly, one third part shall be at the house of the king. And one third shall be at the gate which is called the Foundation. Yet truly, let all the remainder of the common people be in the courts of the house of the Lord.

{23:6} Nec quispiam alius ingrediatur domum Domini, nisi Sacerdotes, et qui ministrant de Levitis: ipsi tantummodo ingrediantur, quia sanctificati sunt: et omne reliquum vulgus observet custodias Domini.
{23:6} Let no one else enter into the house of the Lord, except the priests, and those from the Levites who are ministering. These alone may enter, for they have been sanctified. And let all the remainder of the common people observe the watches of the Lord.

{23:7} Levitæ autem circumdent regem, habentes singuli arma sua: (et si quis alius ingressus fuerit templum, interficiatur) sintque cum rege et intrante et egrediente.
{23:7} Then let the Levites encircle the king, each one having his weapons. And if anyone else will have entered into the temple, let him be slain. And may they be with the king, both entering and departing.”

{23:8} Fecerunt ergo Levitæ, et universus Iuda iuxta omnia, quæ præceperat Ioiada pontifex: et assumpserunt singuli viros qui sub se erant, et veniebant per ordinem Sabbati, cum his qui impleverant sabbatum, et egressuri erant. Siquidem Ioiada pontifex non dimiserat abire turmas, quæ sibi per singulas hebdomadas succedere consueverant.
{23:8} Then the Levites, and all of Judah, acted in accord with all that the high priest Jehoiada had instructed. And each of them took the men who were under him, and who were arriving by the course of the Sabbath, with those who had fulfilled the Sabbath and who were about to depart. For indeed the high priest Jehoiada had not permitted the companies to depart, which were accustomed to replace one another each week.

{23:9} Deditque Ioiada sacerdos centurionibus lanceas, clypeosque et peltas regis David, quas consecraverat in domo Domini.
{23:9} And Jehoiada, the priest, gave to the centurions the lances and round shields and crescent shields of king David, which he had dedicated in the house of the Lord.

{23:10} Constituitque omnem populum tenentium pugiones a parte templi dextra, usque ad partem templi sinistram, coram altari, et templo, per circuitum regis.
{23:10} And he positioned all the people, holding short swords, from the right part of the temple to the left part of the temple, before the altar and the temple, all around the king.

{23:11} Et eduxerunt filium regis, et imposuerunt ei diadema, et testimonium, dederuntque in manu eius tenendam legem, et constituerunt eum regem: unxit quoque illum Ioiada pontifex, et filii eius: imprecatique sunt ei, atque dixerunt: Vivat rex.
{23:11} And they led out the son of the king. And they imposed the diadem on him, and the testimony. And they gave him the law to hold in his hand. And they appointed him as king. Also, the high priest Jehoiada and his sons anointed him. And they prayed for him, and said, “May the king live!”

{23:12} Quod cum audisset Athalia, vocem scilicet currentium atque laudantium regem, ingressa est ad populum in templum Domini.
{23:12} And when Athaliah had heard it, specifically the sound of running and the praising of the king, she entered to the people in the temple of the Lord.

{23:13} Cumque vidisset regem stantem super gradum in introitu, et principes, turmasque circa eum, omnemque populum terræ gaudentem, atque clangentem tubis, et diversi generis organis concinentem, vocemque laudantium, scidit vestimenta sua, et ait: Insidiæ, insidiæ.
{23:13} And when she had seen the king standing upon the step at the entrance, and the leaders and companies around him, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and sounding the trumpets, and playing on instruments of various kinds, and the voice of those who were praising, she tore her garments, and she said: “Treason! Treason!”

{23:14} Egressus autem Ioiada pontifex ad centuriones, et principes exercitus, dixit eis: Educite illam extra septa templi, et interficiatur foris gladio. Præcepitque sacerdos ne occideretur in domo Domini.
{23:14} Then the high priest Jehoiada, going out to the centurions and to the leaders of the army, said to them: “Lead her away, beyond the borders of the temple. And let her be put to death outside, with the sword.” And the priest instructed that she should not be killed in the house of the Lord.

{23:15} Et imposuerunt cervicibus eius manus: cumque intrasset portam equorum domus regis, interfecerunt eam ibi.
{23:15} And they laid hands on her neck. And when she had entered the gate for the horses at the king’s house, they put her to death there.

{23:16} Pepigit autem Ioiada fœdus inter se, universumque populum, et regem, ut esset populus Domini.
{23:16} Then Jehoiada formed a covenant between himself and the entire people, and the king, so that they would be the people of the Lord.

{23:17} Itaque ingressus est omnis populus domum Baal, et destruxerunt eam: et altaria ac simulacra illius confregerunt: Mathan quoque sacerdotem Baal interfecerunt ante aras.
{23:17} And so, all the people entered into the house of Baal, and they destroyed it. And they broke apart his altars and idols. Also, they put to death Mattan, the priest of Baal, before the altars.

{23:18} Constituit autem Ioiada præpositos in domo Domini, sub manibus Sacerdotum, et Levitarum, quos distribuit David in domo Domini: ut offerrent holocausta Domino, sicut scriptum est in lege Moysi, in gaudio et canticis, iuxta dispositionem David.
{23:18} Then Jehoiada appointed overseers in the house of the Lord, under the hands of the priests and Levites, whom David had distributed to the house of the Lord so that they might offer holocausts to the Lord, just as it was written in the law of Moses, with gladness and singing, in accord with the disposition of David.

{23:19} Constituit quoque ianitores in portis domus Domini, ut non ingrederetur eam immundus in omni re.
{23:19} Also, he appointed porters at the gates of the house of the Lord, so that whoever was unclean for any reason would not enter.

{23:20} Assumpsitque centuriones, et fortissimos viros ac principes populi, et omne vulgus terræ, et fecerunt descendere regem de domo Domini, et introire per medium portæ superioris in domum regis, et collocaverunt eum in solio regali.
{23:20} And he took the centurions, and the most valiant men, and the leaders of the people, and all the common people of the land, and they set out to descend to the king, from the house of the Lord, and to enter through the middle of the upper gate, to the house of the king. And they placed him on the royal throne.

{23:21} Lætatusque est omnis populus terræ, et urbs quievit: porro Athalia interfecta est gladio.
{23:21} And all the people of the land were rejoicing, and the city was quieted. But Athaliah was slain with the sword.

[II Paralipomenon 24]
[2 Chronicles 24]

{24:1} Septem annorum erat Ioas cum regnare cœpisset: et quadraginta annis regnavit in Ierusalem, nomen matris eius Sebia de Bersabee.
{24:1} Joash was seven years old when he had begun to reign. And he reigned for forty years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Zibiah, from Beersheba.

~ The years of the reigns of kings were counted from Nisan 1 (the start of the year in the Jewish sacred calendar). The years of life of any Jew were counted by the number of Passovers (starting Nisan 14) in that person’s life since birth (see my book Important Dates in the Lives of Jesus and Mary).

{24:2} Fecitque quod bonum est coram Domino cunctis diebus Ioiadæ sacerdotis.
{24:2} And he did what is good before the Lord during all the days of Jehoiada, the priest.

{24:3} Accepit autem ei Ioiada uxores duas, e quibus genuit filios et filias.
{24:3} Now Jehoiada gave to him two wives, from whom he conceived sons and daughters.

{24:4} Post quæ placuit Ioas ut instauraret domum Domini.
{24:4} After these things, it pleased Joash to repair the house of the Lord.

{24:5} Congregavitque Sacerdotes, et Levitas, et dixit eis: Egredimini ad civitates Iuda, et colligite de universo Israel pecuniam ad sartatecta templi Dei vestri, per singulos annos, festinatoque hoc facite: porro Levitæ egere negligentius.
{24:5} And he gathered together the priests and Levites, and he said to them: “Go out to the cities of Judah, and collect from all of Israel money to repair the surfaces of the temple of your God, throughout each year. And do this promptly.” But the Levites acted negligently.

~ The temple surfaces had been covered with gold. So when Athaliah and other persons looted the temple, and took things from the temple to use in false worship, they especially took the gold from the various surfaces. They used this gold to adorn the shrine of Baal, and probably also as money for whatever they desired. Anyone who would steal from the temple of God at Jerusalem, for pagan worship, would not be able to refrain from using that gold also for themselves.

{24:6} Vocavitque rex Ioiadam principem, et dixit ei: Quare tibi non fuit curæ, ut cogeres Levitas inferre de Iuda et de Ierusalem pecuniam, quæ constituta est a Moyse servo Domini, ut inferret eam omnis multitudo Israel in tabernaculum testimonii?
{24:6} And the king summoned Jehoiada, the leader, and he said to him: “Why was there no concern with you, so that you would compel the Levites to bring, from Judah and from Jerusalem, the money that was appointed by Moses, the servant of the Lord, so as to bring it, from the entire multitude of Israel, to the tabernacle of the testimony?

{24:7} Athalia enim impiissima, et filii eius destruxerunt domum Dei, et de universis, quæ sanctificata fuerant in templo Domini, ornaverunt fanum Baalim.
{24:7} For that very impious woman Athaliah and her sons have destroyed the house of God, and they have adorned the shrine of Baal from all the things that had been sanctified in the temple of the Lord.”

{24:8} Præcepit ergo rex, et fecerunt arcam: posueruntque eam iuxta portam domus Domini forinsecus.
{24:8} Therefore, the king instructed, and they made an ark. And they placed it beside the gate of the house of the Lord, on the outside.

{24:9} Et prædicatum est in Iuda et Ierusalem ut deferrent singuli pretium Domino, quod constituit Moyses servus Dei super omnem Israel in deserto.
{24:9} And they proclaimed, in Judah and Jerusalem, that each one should bring to the Lord the money that Moses, the servant of God, appointed in the desert, concerning all of Israel.

{24:10} Lætatique sunt cuncti principes, et omnis populus: et ingressi contulerunt in arcam Domini, atque miserunt ita ut impleretur.
{24:10} And all the leaders and all the people rejoiced. And upon entering, they together took and placed so much into the ark of the Lord that it was filled.

{24:11} Cumque tempus esset ut deferrent arcam coram rege per manus Levitarum (videbant enim multam pecuniam) ingrediebatur scriba regis, et quem primus sacerdos constituerat: effundebantque pecuniam quæ erat in arca: porro arcam reportabant ad locum suum: sicque faciebant per singulos dies, et congregata est infinita pecunia.
{24:11} And when it was time for them to bring the ark before the king by the hands of the Levites, for they saw that there was much money, the scribe of the king, and the one whom the high priest had appointed, entered. And they poured out the money that was in the ark. Then they carried the ark back to its place. And they did this on each day. And an immense sum of money was gathered.

{24:12} Quam dederunt rex et Ioiada his, qui præerant operibus domus Domini: at illi conducebant ex ea cæsores lapidum, et artifices operum singulorum ut instaurarent domum Domini: fabros quoque ferri et æris, ut quod cadere cœperat, fulciretur.
{24:12} And the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who were in charge of the works of the house of the Lord. Then with it they hired hewers of stone, and artisans of every kind, so that they might repair the house of the Lord, and also so that the works of iron and of brass, which had begun to fall, would be reinforced.

{24:13} Egeruntque hi qui operabantur industrie, et obducebatur parietum cicatrix per manus eorum, ac suscitaverunt domum Domini in statum pristinum, et firmiter eam stare fecerunt.
{24:13} And those who were hired were working industriously. And the breach in the walls was healed by their hands. And they returned the house of the Lord to a pristine state. And they caused it stand firm.

{24:14} Cumque complessent omnia opera, detulerunt coram rege, et Ioiada reliquam partem pecuniæ: de qua facta sunt vasa templi in ministerium, et ad holocausta, phialæ quoque, et cetera vasa aurea et argentea: offerebantur holocausta in domo Domini iugiter cunctis diebus Ioiadæ.
{24:14} And when they had completed all the works, they brought the remaining part of the money before the king and Jehoiada. And from it, the vessels of the temple were made, for the ministry and for the holocausts, including bowls and other vessels of gold and silver. And holocausts were being offered in the house of the Lord continually, during all the days of Jehoiada.

~ The vessels were not bought with the money. They were made out of the money, which was in the form of gold and silver coins (and perhaps some brass coins).

{24:15} Senuit autem Ioiada plenus dierum, et mortuus est cum esset centum triginta annorum.
{24:15} But Jehoiada was old and full of days. And he died when he was one hundred thirty years old.

{24:16} Sepelieruntque eum in civitate David cum regibus, eo quod fecisset bonum cum Israel, et cum domo eius.
{24:16} And they buried him in the City of David, with the kings, because he had done good to Israel and to his house.

{24:17} Postquam autem obiit Ioiada, ingressi sunt principes Iuda, et adoraverunt regem, qui delinitus obsequiis eorum, acquievit eis.
{24:17} Then, after Jehoiada passed away, the leaders of Judah entered and reverenced the king. And he was enticed by their obsequiousness, and so he acquiesced to them.

{24:18} Et dereliquerunt templum Domini Dei patrum suorum, servieruntque lucis et sculptilibus, et facta est ira contra Iudam, et Ierusalem propter hoc peccatum.
{24:18} And they abandoned the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and they served sacred groves and graven images. And wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem because of this sin.

{24:19} Mittebatque eis prophetas ut reverterentur ad Dominum, quos protestantes, illi audire nolebant.
{24:19} And he sent prophets to them, so that they might return to the Lord. And though they were offering testimony, they were not willing to listen to them.

{24:20} Spiritus itaque Dei induit Zachariam filium Ioiadæ sacerdotem, et stetit in conspectu populi, et dixit eis: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quare transgredimini præceptum Domini, quod vobis non proderit, et dereliquistis Dominum ut derelinqueret vos?
{24:20} And so the Spirit of God clothed Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest. And he stood in the sight of the people, and he said to them: “Thus says the Lord God: Why have you transgressed the precept of the Lord, though it was not to your benefit, and why have you abandoned the Lord, so that he would then abandon you?”

{24:21} Qui congregati adversus eum, miserunt lapides iuxta regis imperium in atrio domus Domini.
{24:21} And gathering together against him, they stoned him, beside the place of the king, in the atrium of the house of the Lord.

{24:22} Et non est recordatus Ioas rex misericordiæ, quam fecerat Ioiada pater illius secum, sed interfecit filium eius. Qui cum moreretur, ait: Videat Dominus, et requirat.
{24:22} And king Joash did not remember the mercy with which Jehoiada, his father, had treated him; instead he put to death his son. And as he was dying, he said: “May the Lord see and take account.”

{24:23} Cumque evolutus esset annus, ascendit contra eum exercitus Syriæ: venitque in Iudam et Ierusalem, et interfecit cunctos principes populi, atque universam prædam miserunt regi in Damascum.
{24:23} And when a year had turned, the army of Syria ascended against him. And they went to Judah and Jerusalem. And they put to death all the leaders of the people. And they sent all the spoils to the king of Damascus.

{24:24} Et certe cum permodicus venisset numerus Syrorum, tradidit Dominus in manibus eorum infinitam multitudinem, eo quod dereliquissent Dominum Deum patrum suorum: in Ioas quoque ignominiosa exercuere iudicia.
{24:24} And although certainly there had arrived a very small number of Syrians, the Lord delivered into their hands an immense multitude. For they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers. Also, against Joash they executed disgraceful judgments.

{24:25} Et abeuntes dimiserunt eum in languoribus magnis: surrexerunt autem contra eum servi sui in ultionem sanguinis filii Ioiadæ sacerdotis, et occiderunt eum in lectulo suo, et mortuus est: sepelieruntque eum in Civitate David, sed non in sepulchris regum.
{24:25} And upon departing, they left him greatly debilitated. Then his servants rose up against him, in vengeance for the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest. And they killed him on his bed, and he died. And they buried him in the City of David, but not in the sepulchers of the kings.

{24:26} Insidiati vero sunt ei Zabad filius Semmaath Ammanitidis, et Iozabad filius Semarith Moabitidis.
{24:26} Truly, those who ambushed him were Zabad, the son of an Ammonite woman named Shimeath, and Jehozabad, the son of a Moabite woman named Shimrith.

{24:27} Porro filii eius, ac summa pecuniæ, quæ adunata fuerat sub eo, et instauratio domus Dei scripta sunt diligentius in Libro regum: regnavit autem Amasias filius eius pro eo.
{24:27} But concerning his sons, and the sum of money that had been amassed under him, and the repairing of the house of God, these things have been written more diligently in the book of kings. Then his son, Amaziah, reigned in his place.