The Sacred Bible:  The Book of Proverbs

17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26 27  28  29  30  31

{17:1} Melior est buccella sicca cum gaudio, quam domus plena victimis cum iurgio.
{17:1} A dry morsel with gladness is better than a house full of sacrifices along with conflict.

{17:2} Servus sapiens dominabitur filiis stultis, et inter fratres hereditatem dividet.
{17:2} A wise servant shall rule over foolish sons, and he will divide the inheritance among brothers.

{17:3} Sicut igne probatur argentum, et aurum camino: ita corda probat Dominus.
{17:3} Just as silver is tested by fire, and gold is tested in the furnace, so also does the Lord test hearts.

{17:4} Malus obedit linguæ iniquæ: et fallax obtemperat labiis mendacibus.
{17:4} The evil obey an unjust tongue. And the false are submissive to lying lips.

{17:5} Qui despicit pauperem, exprobrat Factori eius: et qui ruina lætatur alterius, non erit impunitus.
{17:5} Whoever despises the poor rebukes his Maker. And whoever rejoices in the ruin of another will not go unpunished.

{17:6} Corona senum filii filiorum: et gloria filiorum patres eorum.
{17:6} Sons of sons are the crown of old age. And the glory of sons is their fathers.

{17:7} Non decent stultum verba composita: nec principem labium mentiens.
{17:7} Well-chosen words are not fitting for the foolish, nor are lying lips fitting for a leader.

{17:8} Gemma gratissima, expectatio præstolantis: quocumque se vertit, prudenter intelligit.
{17:8} The expectation of those who stand ready is a most pleasing jewel. Whichever way he turns himself, he understands prudently.

{17:9} Qui celat delictum, quærit amicitias: qui altero sermone repetit, separat fœderatos.
{17:9} Whoever conceals an offense seeks friendships. Whoever repeats the words of another separates allies.

{17:10} Plus proficit correptio apud prudentem, quam centum plagæ apud stultum.
{17:10} A correction benefits more with a wise man, than a hundred stripes with a fool.

{17:11} Semper iurgia quærit malus: Angelus autem crudelis mittetur contra eum.
{17:11} The evil one continually seeks conflicts. But a cruel Angel shall be sent against him.

{17:12} Expedit magis ursæ occurrere raptis fœtibus, quam fatuo confidenti in stultitia sua.
{17:12} It is more expedient to meet a bear robbed of her young, than the foolish trusting in his own folly.

{17:13} Qui reddit mala pro bonis, non recedet malum de domo eius.
{17:13} Whoever repays evil for good, evil shall not withdraw from his house.

{17:14} Qui dimittit aquam, caput est iurgiorum: et antequam patiatur contumeliam, iudicium deserit.
{17:14} Whoever releases the water is the head of the conflict. And just before he suffers contempt, he abandons judgment.

{17:15} Qui iustificat impium, et qui condemnat iustum, abominabilis est uterque apud Deum.
{17:15} Those who justify the impious, and those who condemn the just, both are abominable with God.

{17:16} Quid prodest stulto habere divitias, cum sapientiam emere non possit? Qui altum facit domum suam, quærit ruinam: et qui evitat discere, incidet in mala.
{17:16} What does it profit the foolish to have riches, when he is not able to buy wisdom? Whoever makes his house high seeks ruin. And whoever shuns learning shall fall into evils.

{17:17} Omni tempore diligit qui amicus est: et frater in angustiis comprobatur.
{17:17} Whoever is a friend loves at all times. And a brother is proved by distress.

{17:18} Stultus homo plaudet manibus cum spoponderit pro amico suo.
{17:18} A foolish man will clap his hands, when he makes a pledge for his friend.

{17:19} Qui meditatur discordias, diligit rixas: et qui exaltat ostium, quærit ruinam.
{17:19} Whoever dwells on discord loves disputes. And whoever exalts his door seeks ruin.

{17:20} Qui perversi cordis est, non inveniet bonum: et qui vertit linguam, incidet in malum.
{17:20} Whoever is of a perverse heart shall not find good. And whoever turns his tongue shall fall into evil.

{17:21} Natus est stultus in ignominiam suam: sed nec pater in fatuo lætabitur.
{17:21} A foolish one is born into his own disgrace. But his father will not rejoice in one who is senseless.

{17:22} Animus gaudens ætatem floridam facit: spiritus tristis exiccat ossa.
{17:22} A joyful soul makes a lifetime flourish. A gloomy spirit dries out the bones.

{17:23} Munera de sinu impius accipit, ut pervertat semitas iudicii.
{17:23} The impious receives gifts from the bosom, so that he may pervert the paths of judgment.

{17:24} In facie prudentis lucet sapientia: oculi stultorum in finibus terræ.
{17:24} Prudence shines from the face of the wise. The eyes of the foolish are on the ends of the earth.

{17:25} Ira patris, filius stultus: et dolor matris quæ genuit eum.
{17:25} A foolish son is the anger of the father and the grief of the mother who conceived him.

{17:26} Non est bonum, damnum inferre iusto: nec percutere principem, qui recta iudicat.
{17:26} It is not good to inflict damage on the just, nor to strike the leader who judges uprightly.

{17:27} Qui moderatur sermones suos, doctus et prudens est: et pretiosi spiritus vir eruditus.
{17:27} Whoever moderates his words is learned and prudent. And a man of learning has a precious spirit.

{17:28} Stultus quoque si tacuerit, sapiens reputabitur: et si compresserit labia sua, intelligens.
{17:28} If he would remain silent, even the foolish would be considered wise, and if he closes his lips, intelligent.

[Proverbia 18]
[Proverbs 18]

{18:1} Occasiones quærit qui vult recedere ab amico: omni tempore erit exprobrabilis.
{18:1} Whoever has a will to withdraw from a friend, seeks occasions; he shall be reproached at all times.

{18:2} Non recipit stultus verba prudentiæ: nisi ea dixeris quæ versantur in corde eius.
{18:2} The foolish do not accept words of prudence, unless you say what is already turning in his heart.

{18:3} Impius, cum in profundum venerit peccatorum, contemnit: sed sequitur eum ignominia et opprobrium.
{18:3} The impious, when he has arrived within the depths of sin, thinks little of it. But ill repute and disgrace follow him.

{18:4} Aqua profunda verba ex ore viri: et torrens redundans fons sapientiæ.
{18:4} Words from the mouth of a man are deep waters. And the fountain of wisdom is a torrent overflowing.

{18:5} Accipere personam impii non est bonum, ut declines a veritate iudicii.
{18:5} It is not good to accept the character of the impious, so as to turn away from true judgment.

{18:6} Labia stulti miscent se rixis: et os eius iurgia provocat.
{18:6} The lips of the foolish meddle in disputes. And his mouth provokes conflicts.

{18:7} Os stulti contritio eius: et labia ipsius, ruina animæ eius.
{18:7} The mouth of the foolish is his destruction, and his own lips are the ruin of his soul.

{18:8} Verba bilinguis, quasi simplicia: et ipsa perveniunt usque ad interiora ventris. Pigrum deiicit timor: animæ autem effeminatorum esurient.
{18:8} The words of the double-tongued seem simple. And they reach even to the interior of the gut. Fear casts down the lazy, but the souls of the effeminate shall go hungry.

{18:9} Qui mollis et dissolutus est in opere suo, frater est sua opera dissipantis.
{18:9} Whoever is dissolute and slack in his work is the brother of him who wastes his own works.

{18:10} Turris fortissima, nomen Domini: ad ipsum currit iustus, et exaltabitur.
{18:10} The name of the Lord is a very strong tower. The just one rushes to it, and he shall be exalted.

{18:11} Substantia divitis urbs roboris eius, et quasi murus validus circumdans eum.
{18:11} The substance of the wealthy is the city of his strength, and it is like a strong wall encircling him.

~ A different Latin word is used in this verse, to describe the strength of riches, than is used in the previous verse to describe the strength of calling upon the name of the Lord. These are two different kinds of strength.

{18:12} Antequam conteratur, exaltatur cor hominis: et antequam glorificetur, humiliatur.
{18:12} The heart of a man is exalted before it is crushed and humbled before it is glorified.

~ This verse applies to the contemplative way.

{18:13} Qui prius respondet quam audiat, stultum se esse demonstrat, et confusione dignum.
{18:13} Whoever responds before he listens, demonstrates himself to be foolish and deserving of confusion.

{18:14} Spiritus viri sustentat imbecillitatem suam: spiritum vero ad irascendum facilem quis poterit sustinere?
{18:14} The spirit of a man sustains his weakness. Yet who can sustain a spirit that is easily angered?

{18:15} Cor prudens possidebit scientiam: et auris sapientium quærit doctrinam.
{18:15} A prudent heart shall possess knowledge. And the ear of the wise seeks doctrine.

{18:16} Donum hominis dilatat viam eius, et ante principes spatium ei facit.
{18:16} A man’s gift expands his way and makes space for him before leaders.

{18:17} Iustus, prior est accusator sui: venit amicus eius, et investigabit eum.
{18:17} The just is the first accuser of himself; his friend arrives and shall investigate him.

{18:18} Contradictiones comprimit sors, et inter potentes quoque diiudicat.
{18:18} Casting a lot suppresses contentions and passes judgment, even among the powerful.

{18:19} Frater, qui adiuvatur a fratre, quasi civitas firma: et iudicia quasi vectes urbium.
{18:19} A brother who is helped by a brother is like a reinforced city, and judgments are like the bars of cities.

{18:20} De fructu oris viri replebitur venter eius: et genimina labiorum ipsius saturabunt eum.
{18:20} From the fruit of a man’s mouth shall his belly be filled. And the harvest of his own lips shall satisfy him.

~ The word ‘harvest’ is a looser translation of ‘genimina,’ because the latter is clearly a continuation of the metaphor from earlier in the same verse. There is the fruit of a man’s mouth and the ‘genimina’ (spouts, shoots, vegetables, crops, produce, etc.). The translation of harvest makes the verse more comprehensible in English than any of the more literal translation choices.

{18:21} Mors, et vita in manu linguæ: qui diligunt eam, comedent fructus eius.
{18:21} Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Whoever values it shall eat from its fruits.

{18:22} Qui invenit mulierem bonam, invenit bonum: et hauriet iucunditatem a Domino. Qui expellit mulierem bonam, expellit bonum: qui autem tenet adulteram, stultus est et impius.
{18:22} He who has found a good wife has found goodness, and he shall draw contentment from the Lord. He who expels a good wife expels goodness. But he who holds on to an adulteress is foolish and impious.

~ He who has found a good wife has not merely found a good thing, he has found goodness itself, a reflection within his wife of God who is Goodness, and so he shall draw contentment from God himself.

{18:23} Cum obsecrationibus loquetur pauper: et dives effabitur rigide.
{18:23} The poor will speak with supplications. And the rich will express themselves roughly.

{18:24} Vir amabilis ad societatem, magis amicus erit, quam frater.
{18:24} A man amiable to society shall be more friendly than a brother.

[Proverbia 19]
[Proverbs 19]

{19:1} Melior est pauper, qui ambulat in simplicitate sua, quam dives torquens labia sua, et insipiens.
{19:1} Better is the poor who walks in his simplicity, than the rich who twists his lips and is unwise.

{19:2} Ubi non est scientia animæ, non est bonum: et qui festinus est pedibus, offendet.
{19:2} Where there is no knowledge of the soul, there is no good. And whoever hurries with his feet will stumble.

{19:3} Stultitia hominis supplantat gressus eius: et contra Deum fervet animo suo.
{19:3} The foolishness of a man undermines his steps. And then he seethes in his soul against God.

{19:4} Divitiæ addunt amicos plurimos: a paupere autem et hi, quos habuit, separantur.
{19:4} Riches add many friends. But from the pauper, even those whom he had become separated.

{19:5} Testis falsus non erit impunitus: et qui mendacia loquitur, non effugiet.
{19:5} A false witness shall not go unpunished. And whoever speaks lies will not escape.

{19:6} Multi colunt personam potentis, et amici sunt dona tribuentis.
{19:6} Many honor the character of one who is powerful, and there are friends for a giver of gifts.

{19:7} Fratres hominis pauperis oderunt eum: insuper et amici procul recesserunt ab eo. Qui tantum verba sectatur, nihil habebit:
{19:7} The brothers of the poor man hate him. Moreover, even his friends have withdrawn far from him. Whoever pursues only words shall have nothing.

{19:8} qui autem possessor est mentis, diligit animam suam, et custos prudentiæ inveniet bona.
{19:8} But whoever possesses reason loves his own soul. And one who guards prudence shall discover good things.

{19:9} Falsus testis non erit impunitus: et qui loquitur mendacia, peribit.
{19:9} A false witness shall not go unpunished. And whoever speaks lies will perish.

{19:10} Non decent stultum deliciæ: nec servum dominari principibus.
{19:10} Fine things are not fitting for the foolish, nor is it fitting for a servant to rule over princes.

{19:11} Doctrina viri per patientiam noscitur: et gloria eius est iniqua prætergredi.
{19:11} The doctrine of a man is known through patience. And his glory is to pass beyond iniquities.

{19:12} Sicut fremitus leonis, ita et regis ira: et sicut ros super herbam, ita et hilaritas eius.
{19:12} Like the roaring of a lion, so also is the wrath of a king. And his cheerfulness is like the dew upon the grass.

{19:13} Dolor patris, filius stultus: et tecta iugiter perstillantia, litigiosa mulier.
{19:13} A foolish son is the grief of his father. And an argumentative wife is like a roof that is continually leaking.

~ Literally, ‘perstillantia’ means ‘dripping through,’ i.e. leaking.

{19:14} Domus, et divitiæ dantur a parentibus: a Domino autem proprie uxor prudens.
{19:14} A house and its riches are given by parents. But a prudent wife is particularly from the Lord.

{19:15} Pigredo immittit soporem, et anima dissoluta esuriet.
{19:15} Laziness sends one into a deep sleep, and a dissolute soul will go hungry.

{19:16} Qui custodit mandatum, custodit animam suam: qui autem negligit viam suam, mortificabitur.
{19:16} Whoever guards a commandment guards his own soul. But whoever neglects his own way will die.

{19:17} Fœneratur Domino qui miseretur pauperis: et vicissitudinem suam reddet ei.
{19:17} Whoever is merciful to the poor lends to the Lord. And he will repay him for his efforts.

{19:18} Erudi filium tuum, ne desperes: ad interfectionem autem eius ne ponas animam tuam.
{19:18} Teach your son; do not despair. But do not set your soul toward putting him to death.

{19:19} Qui impatiens est, sustinebit damnum: et cum rapuerit, aliud apponet.
{19:19} Whoever is impatient will sustain damage. And when it has been taken away, he will set up another.

{19:20} Audi consilium, et suscipe disciplinam, ut sis sapiens in novissimis tuis.
{19:20} Listen to counsel and take up discipline, so that you may be wise in your latter days.

{19:21} Multæ cogitationes in corde viri: voluntas autem Domini permanebit.
{19:21} There are many intentions in the heart of a man. But the will of the Lord shall stand firm.

{19:22} Homo indigens misericors est: et melior est pauper quam vir mendax.
{19:22} An indigent man is merciful. And a pauper is better than a deceitful man.

{19:23} Timor Domini ad vitam: et in plenitudine commorabitur, absque visitatione pessima.
{19:23} The fear of the Lord is unto life. And he shall linger in plentitude, without being visited by disaster.

~ The word ‘pessima’ like the word ‘mala’ can refer to what is wicked or evil, but it can also refer to disaster or misfortune.

{19:24} Abscondit piger manum suam sub ascella, nec ad os suum applicat eam.
{19:24} The lazy conceals his hand under his arm, and he will not so much as bring it to his mouth.

{19:25} Pestilente flagellato stultus sapientior erit: si autem corripueris sapientem, intelliget disciplinam.
{19:25} When the pestilent are scourged, the foolish will become wiser. But if you chastise the wise, he will understand discipline.

{19:26} Qui affligit patrem, et fugat matrem, ignominiosus est et infelix.
{19:26} Whoever afflicts his father and flees from his mother is disreputable and unhappy.

{19:27} Non cesses fili audire doctrinam, nec ignores sermones scientiæ.
{19:27} Son, do not cease listening to doctrine, and do not be ignorant of the sermons of knowledge.

{19:28} Testis iniquus deridet iudicium: et os impiorum devorat iniquitatem.
{19:28} An unjust witness ridicules judgment. And the mouth of the impious devours iniquity.

{19:29} Parata sunt derisoribus iudicia: et mallei percutientes stultorum corporibus.
{19:29} Judgments are prepared for those who ridicule. And striking hammers are prepared for the bodies of the foolish.

[Proverbia 20]
[Proverbs 20]

{20:1} Luxuriosa res, vinum, et tumultuosa ebrietas: quicumque his delectatur, non erit sapiens.
{20:1} It is a luxurious thing, wine, and inebriation is tumultuous. Anyone who is delighted by this will not be wise.

{20:2} Sicut rugitus leonis, ita et terror regis: qui provocat eum, peccat in animam suam.
{20:2} Just like the roaring of a lion, so also is the dread of a king. Whoever provokes him sins in his own soul.

{20:3} Honor est homini, qui separat se a contentionibus: omnes autem stulti miscentur contumeliis.
{20:3} Honor is for the man who separates himself from contentions. But all the foolish meddle in altercations.

{20:4} Propter frigus piger arare noluit: mendicabit ergo æstate, et non dabitur illi.
{20:4} Because of the cold, the lazy one was not willing to plough. Therefore, in the summer, he will beg, and it will not be given to him.

{20:5} Sicut aqua profunda, sic consilium in corde viri: sed homo sapiens exhauriet illud.
{20:5} Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep waters. But a wise man will draw it out.

{20:6} Multi homines misericordes vocantur: virum autem fidelem quis inveniet?
{20:6} Many men are called merciful. But who will find a faithful man?

{20:7} Iustus, qui ambulat in simplicitate sua, beatos post se filios derelinquet.
{20:7} The just who walks in his simplicity shall leave behind him blessed sons.

{20:8} Rex, qui sedet in solio iudicii, dissipat omne malum intuitu suo.
{20:8} The king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters all evil with his gaze.

{20:9} Quis potest dicere: Mundum est cor meum, purus sum a peccato?
{20:9} Who is able to say: “My heart is clean. I am pure from sin?”

{20:10} Pondus et pondus, mensura et mensura: utrumque abominabile est apud Deum.
{20:10} Diverse weights, diverse measures: both are abominable with God.

{20:11} Ex studiis suis intelligitur puer, si munda et recta sint opera eius.
{20:11} A child may be understood by his interests: whether his works may be clean and upright.

{20:12} Aurem audientem, et oculum videntem, Dominus fecit utrumque.
{20:12} The hearing ear and the seeing eye: the Lord has made them both.

{20:13} Noli diligere somnum, ne te egestas opprimat: aperi oculos tuos, et saturare panibus.
{20:13} Do not love sleep, lest deprivation oppress you. Open your eyes and be satisfied with bread.

{20:14} Malum est, malum est, dicit omnis emptor: et cum recesserit, tunc gloriabitur.
{20:14} “It is bad, it is bad,” says every buyer; and when he has withdrawn, then he will boast.

{20:15} Est aurum, et multitudo gemmarum: et vas pretiosum labia scientiæ.
{20:15} There is gold, and there are a multitude of jewels. But lips of knowledge are a precious vessel.

{20:16} Tolle vestimentum eius, qui fideiussor extitit alieni, et pro extraneis aufer pignus ab eo.
{20:16} Take away the vestments of him who stands up to vouch for a stranger, and take a pledge from him instead of from outsiders.

{20:17} Suavis est homini panis mendacii: et postea implebitur os eius calculo.
{20:17} The bread of lies is sweet to a man. But afterwards, his mouth will be filled with pebbles.

{20:18} Cogitationes consiliis roborantur: et gubernaculis tractanda sunt bella.
{20:18} Plans are strengthened by counsels. And wars are to be handled by governments.

{20:19} Ei, qui revelat mysteria, et ambulat fraudulenter, et dilatat labia sua, ne commiscearis.
{20:19} Do not become involved with him who reveals mysteries, and who walks deceitfully, and who enlarges his lips.

{20:20} Qui maledicit patri suo, et matri, extinguetur lucerna eius in mediis tenebris.
{20:20} Whoever curses his father and mother, his lamp will be extinguished in the midst of darkness.

{20:21} Hereditas, ad quam festinatur in principio, in novissimo benedictione carebit.
{20:21} When an inheritance is obtained hastily in the beginning, in the end it will be without a blessing.

{20:22} Ne dicas: Reddam malum: expecta Dominum, et liberabit te.
{20:22} Do not say, “I will repay evil.” Wait for the Lord, and he will free you.

{20:23} Abominatio est apud Dominum pondus et pondus: statera dolosa non est bona.
{20:23} Diverse weights are an abomination with the Lord. A deceitful balance is not good.

{20:24} A Domino diriguntur gressus viri: quis autem hominum intelligere potest viam suam?
{20:24} The steps of men are directed by the Lord. But who is the man able to understand his own way?

{20:25} Ruina est homini devorare sanctos, et post vota retractare.
{20:25} It is ruin for a man to devour what is holy, or, after making vows, to retract them.

{20:26} Dissipat impios rex sapiens, et incurvat super eos fornicem.
{20:26} A wise king scatters the impious and bends an archway over them.

{20:27} Lucerna Domini spiraculum hominis, quæ investigat omnia secreta ventris.
{20:27} The spirit of a man is a lamp to the Lord, which investigates all the secrets of the inner self.

{20:28} Misericordia, et veritas custodiunt regem, et roboratur clementia thronus eius.
{20:28} Mercy and truth guard the king, and his throne is strengthened by clemency.

{20:29} Exultatio iuvenum, fortitudo eorum: et dignitas senum canities.
{20:29} The joy of youths is their strength. And the dignity of old men is their grey hairs.

{20:30} Livor vulneris absterget mala: et plagæ in secretioribus ventris.
{20:30} The bruise of a wound, as well as scourges, shall wipe away evils in the more secret places of the inner self.

~ The second part of this verse is to be understood as combining with the first, as if to say: “The bruise of a wound shall wipe away evils, and scourges shall wipe away evils, in the more secret places of the inner self.”

[Proverbia 21]
[Proverbs 21]

{21:1} Sicut divisiones aquarum, ita cor regis in manu Domini: quocumque voluerit, inclinabit illud.
{21:1} Just as with the dividing of the waters, so also is the heart of the king in the hand of the Lord. He shall bend it whichever way he wills.

{21:2} Omnis via viri recta sibi videtur: appendit autem corda Dominus.
{21:2} Every way of a man seems right to himself. But the Lord weighs hearts.

{21:3} Facere misericordiam et iudicium, magis placet Domino quam victimæ.
{21:3} To do mercy and judgment is more pleasing to the Lord than sacrifices.

{21:4} Exaltatio oculorum est dilatatio cordis: lucerna impiorum peccatum.
{21:4} To lift up the eyes is to enlarge the heart. The lamp of the impious is sin.

{21:5} Cogitationes robusti semper in abundantia: omnis autem piger semper in egestate est.
{21:5} The intentions of the robust continually bring forth abundance. But all the lazy are continually in need.

{21:6} Qui congregat thesauros lingua mendacii, vanus et excors est, et impingetur ad laqueos mortis.
{21:6} Whoever gathers treasures by a lying tongue is vain and heartless. And he will stumble into the snares of death.

{21:7} Rapinæ impiorum detrahent eos, quia noluerunt facere iudicium.
{21:7} The robberies of the impious will drag them down, because they were not willing to do judgment.

{21:8} Perversa via viri, aliena est: qui autem mundus est, rectum opus eius.
{21:8} The perverse way of a man is foreign. But whoever is pure: his work is upright.

{21:9} Melius est sedere in angulo domatis, quam cum muliere litigiosa, et in domo communi.
{21:9} It is better to sit in a corner of the attic, than with a contentious woman and in a shared house.

{21:10} Anima impii desiderat malum, non miserebitur proximo suo.
{21:10} The soul of the impious desires evil; he will not take pity on his neighbor.

{21:11} Mulctato pestilente sapientior erit parvulus: et si sectetur sapientem, sumet scientiam.
{21:11} When the pestilent is punished, a little one will become wiser. And if he pursues what is wise, he will receive knowledge.

{21:12} Excogitat iustus de domo impii, ut detrahat impios a malo.
{21:12} The just thinks carefully about the house of the impious, so that he may draw the impious away from evil.

{21:13} Qui obturat aurem suam ad clamorem pauperis, et ipse clamabit, et non exaudietur.
{21:13} Whoever blocks his ears to the outcry of the poor shall also cry out himself, and he will not be heeded.

{21:14} Munus absconditum extinguit iras: et donum in sinu indignationem maximam.
{21:14} A surprise gift extinguishes anger. And a gift concealed in the bosom extinguishes the greatest indignation.

{21:15} Gaudium iusto est facere iudicium: et pavor operantibus iniquitatem.
{21:15} It is gladness for the just to do judgment; and it is dread for those who work iniquity.

{21:16} Vir, qui erraverit a via doctrinæ, in cœtu gigantum commorabitur.
{21:16} A man who wanders astray from the way of doctrine will linger in the company of the giants.

{21:17} Qui diligit epulas, in egestate erit: qui amat vinum, et pinguia, non ditabitur.
{21:17} Whoever loves a feast will be in deprivation. Whoever loves wine and fatness will not be enriched.

{21:18} Pro iusto datur impius: et pro rectis iniquus.
{21:18} The impious is given over instead of the just, and the iniquitous is given over in place of the upright.

{21:19} Melius est habitare in terra deserta, quam cum muliere rixosa et iracunda.
{21:19} It is better to live in a deserted land, than with a quarrelsome and emotional woman.

{21:20} Thesaurus desiderabilis, et oleum in habitaculo iusti: et imprudens homo dissipabit illud.
{21:20} There is desirable treasure, as well as oil, in the habitations of the just. And the imprudent man will waste it.

{21:21} Qui sequitur iustitiam et misericordiam, inveniet vitam, iustitiam, et gloriam.
{21:21} Whoever follows justice and mercy shall discover life, justice, and glory.

{21:22} Civitatem fortium ascendit sapiens, et destruxit robur fiduciæ eius.
{21:22} The wise has ascended the city of the strong, and he has torn down the bulwark of its confidence.

{21:23} Qui custodit os suum, et linguam suam, custodit ab angustiis animam suam.
{21:23} Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from anguish.

{21:24} Superbus et arrogans vocatur indoctus, qui in ira operatur superbiam.
{21:24} A proud and arrogant one is also called ignorant, if he, in anger, acts according to pride.

{21:25} Desideria occidunt pigrum: noluerunt enim quidquam manus eius operari:
{21:25} Desires kill the lazy, for his hands are not willing to work at all.

{21:26} tota die concupiscit et desiderat: qui autem iustus est, tribuet, et non cessabit.
{21:26} He covets and desires all day long. But whoever is just shall distribute and shall not cease.

{21:27} Hostiæ impiorum abominabiles, quia offeruntur ex scelere.
{21:27} The sacrifices of the impious are abominable, because they are offered out of wickedness.

{21:28} Testis mendax peribit: vir obediens loquetur victoriam.
{21:28} A lying witness will perish. An obedient man shall speak of victory.

{21:29} Vir impius procaciter obfirmat vultum suum: qui autem rectus est, corrigit viam suam.
{21:29} The impious man insolently hardens his face. But whoever is upright corrects his own way.

{21:30} Non est sapientia, non est prudentia, non est consilium contra Dominum.
{21:30} There is no wisdom, there is no prudence, there is no counsel, which is against the Lord.

{21:31} Equus paratur ad diem belli: Dominus autem salutem tribuit.
{21:31} The horse is prepared for the day of battle. But the Lord bestows salvation.

[Proverbia 22]
[Proverbs 22]

{22:1} Melius est nomen bonum, quam divitiæ multæ: super argentum et aurum, gratia bona.
{22:1} A good name is better than many riches. And good esteem is above silver and gold.

{22:2} Dives, et pauper obviaverunt sibi: utriusque operator est Dominus.
{22:2} The rich and poor have met one another. The Lord is the maker of them both.

{22:3} Callidus vidit malum, et abscondit se: innocens pertransiit, et afflictus est damno.
{22:3} The clever saw evil and hid himself. The innocent continued on and was afflicted with damage.

{22:4} Finis modestiæ timor Domini, divitiæ et gloria et vita.
{22:4} The end of moderation is the fear of the Lord, riches and glory and life.

~ A translation of ‘modestiae’ as modesty would be too limited for this context. The verse refers to every type of self-restraint, including modesty. The word ‘finis’ has a dual meaning here: it refers to the limits of moderation as well as to its final result.

{22:5} Arma et gladii in via perversi: custos autem animæ suæ longe recedit ab eis.
{22:5} Weapons and swords are on the way of the perverse. But he who guards his own soul withdraws far from them.

{22:6} Proverbium est: Adolescens iuxta viam suam, etiam cum senuerit, non recedet ab ea.
{22:6} The proverb is: A youth is close to his way; even when he is old, he will not withdraw from it.

{22:7} Dives pauperibus imperat: et qui accipit mutuum, servus est fœnerantis.
{22:7} The rich rule over the poor. And the borrower is servant to the lender.

{22:8} Qui seminat iniquitatem, metet mala, et virga iræ suæ consummabitur.
{22:8} Whoever sows iniquity will reap evils, and by the rod of his own wrath he will be consumed.

{22:9} Qui pronus est ad misericordiam, benedicetur: de panibus enim suis dedit pauperi. Victoriam et honorem acquiret qui dat munera: animam autem aufert accipientium.
{22:9} Whoever is inclined to mercy shall be blessed, for from his bread he has given to the poor. Whoever gives gifts will acquire victory and honor. But he carries away the soul of the receiver.

{22:10} Eiice derisorem, et exibit cum eo iurgium, cessabuntque causæ et contumeliæ.
{22:10} Cast out the one who ridicules, and conflict will go out with him, and accusations and insults will cease.

{22:11} Qui diligit cordis munditiam, propter gratiam labiorum suorum habebit amicum regem.
{22:11} Whoever loves cleanness of heart, because of the grace of his lips, will have the king as his friend.

{22:12} Oculi Domini custodiunt scientiam: et supplantantur verba iniqui.
{22:12} The eyes of the Lord watch over knowledge. And the words of the iniquitous are supplanted.

{22:13} Dicit piger: Leo est foris, in medio platearum occidendus sum.
{22:13} The lazy one says: “There is a lion outside. I might be slain in the midst of the streets.”

{22:14} Fovea profunda, os alienæ: cui iratus est Dominus, incidet in eam.
{22:14} The mouth of a foreign woman is a deep pit; the Lord was angry with him who will fall into it.

{22:15} Stultitia colligata est in corde pueri, et virga disciplinæ fugabit eam.
{22:15} Foolishness has been bound to the heart of a child, and a rod of discipline shall cause it to flee.

{22:16} Qui calumniatur pauperem, ut augeat divitias suas, dabit ipse ditiori, et egebit.
{22:16} Whoever slanders the poor, so as to augment his own riches, will give it away to one who is richer, and will be in need.

{22:17} Inclina aurem tuam, et audi verba sapientium: appone autem cor ad doctrinam meam.
{22:17} Incline your ear, and listen to the words of the wise. Then apply your heart to my doctrine.

{22:18} Quæ pulchra erit tibi, cum servaveris eam in ventre tuo, et redundabit in labiis tuis,
{22:18} It shall be beautiful to you, if you preserve it in your inner self, and it shall overflow from your lips,

{22:19} ut sit in Domino fiducia tua, unde et ostendi eam tibi hodie.
{22:19} so that your confidence may be in the Lord. Therefore, I also have revealed it to you this day.

{22:20} Ecce descripsi eam tibi tripliciter, in cogitationibus et scientia:
{22:20} Behold, I have written it for you in three ways, and with meditations and knowledge,

{22:21} ut ostenderem tibi firmitatem, et eloquia veritatis, respondere ex his illis, qui miserunt te.
{22:21} so that I might reveal to you, firmly and with words of truth, in order to respond about these things to those who sent you.

{22:22} Non facias violentiam pauperi, quia pauper est: neque conteras egenum in porta:
{22:22} Do not act with violence toward the pauper because he is poor. And do not weary the needy at the gate.

{22:23} quia iudicabit Dominus causam eius, et configet eos, qui confixerunt animam eius.
{22:23} For the Lord will judge his case, and he will pierce those who have pierced his soul.

{22:24} Noli esse amicus homini iracundo, neque ambules cum viro furioso:
{22:24} Do not be willing to be a friend to an angry man, and do not walk with a furious man,

{22:25} ne forte discas semitas eius, et sumas scandalum animæ tuæ.
{22:25} lest perhaps you learn his ways, and take up a stumbling block to your soul.

{22:26} Noli esse cum his, qui defigunt manus suas, et qui vades se offerunt pro debitis:
{22:26} Do not be willing to be with those who certify with their hands, and who offer themselves as a guarantee against debts.

{22:27} si enim non habes unde restituas, quid causæ est ut tollat operimentum de cubili tuo?
{22:27} For if you do not have the means to restore, what reason should there be for him to take the covering from your bed?

{22:28} Ne transgrediaris terminos antiquos, quos posuerunt patres tui.
{22:28} Do not cross beyond the ancient limits that your fathers have set.

{22:29} Vidisti virum velocem in opere suo? Coram regibus stabit, nec erit ante ignobiles.
{22:29} Have you seen a man swift in his work? He shall stand in the sight of kings, and not before those who are disreputable.

[Proverbia 23]
[Proverbs 23]

{23:1} Quando sederis ut comedas cum principe, diligenter attende quæ apposita sunt ante faciem tuam:
{23:1} When you sit down to eat with a leader, pay close attention to what has been set before your face,

{23:2} et statue cultrum in gutture tuo, si tamen habes in potestate animam tuam,
{23:2} and put a knife to your throat, if, in such a way, you could hold your soul in your own power.

{23:3} ne desideres de cibis eius, in quo est panis mendacii.
{23:3} Do not desire his foods, in which is the bread of deceit.

{23:4} Noli laborare ut diteris: sed prudentiæ tuæ pone modum.
{23:4} Do not be willing to labor so that you may be enriched. But set limits by your prudence.

{23:5} Ne erigas oculos tuos ad opes, quas non potes habere: quia facient sibi pennas quasi aquilæ, et volabunt in cælum.
{23:5} Do not raise your eyes toward wealth that you are not able to have. For they will make themselves wings, like those of an eagle, and they will fly in the sky.

{23:6} Ne comedas cum homine invido, et ne desideres cibos eius:
{23:6} Do not eat with an envious man, and do not desire his foods.

{23:7} quoniam in similitudinem arioli, et coniectoris, æstimat quod ignorat. Comede et bibe, dicet tibi: et mens eius non est tecum.
{23:7} For, like a seer and an interpreter of dreams, he presumes what he does not know. “Eat and drink,” he will say to you; and his mind is not with you.

{23:8} Cibos, quos comederas, evomes: et perdes pulchros sermones tuos.
{23:8} The foods that you had eaten, you will vomit up. And you will lose the beauty in your words.

{23:9} In auribus insipientium ne loquaris: qui despicient doctrinam eloquii tui.
{23:9} Do not speak into the ears of the unwise. They will despise the doctrine of your eloquence.

{23:10} Ne attingas parvulorum terminos: et agrum pupillorum ne introeas:
{23:10} Do not touch the boundaries of little ones, and do not enter into the field of the fatherless.

{23:11} Propinquus enim illorum fortis est: et ipse iudicabit contra te causam illorum.
{23:11} For their close relative is strong, and he will judge their case against you.

{23:12} Ingrediatur ad doctrinam cor tuum: et aures tuæ ad verba scientiæ.
{23:12} Let your heart enter into doctrine, and let your ears enter into words of knowledge.

{23:13} Noli subtrahere a puero disciplinam: si enim percusseris eum virga, non morietur.
{23:13} Do not be willing to take away discipline from a child. For if you strike him with the rod, he will not die.

{23:14} Tu virga percuties eum: et animam eius de inferno liberabis.
{23:14} You will strike him with the rod, and so shall you deliver his soul from Hell.

{23:15} Fili mi, si sapiens fuerit animus tuus, gaudebit tecum cor meum:
{23:15} My son, if your soul will become wise, my heart will be glad with you.

{23:16} et exultabunt renes mei, cum locuta fuerint rectum labia tua.
{23:16} And my temperament will exult, when your lips will have spoken what is upright.

{23:17} Non æmuletur cor tuum peccatores: sed in timore Domini esto tota die:
{23:17} Let not your heart compete with sinners. But be in the fear of the Lord all day long.

{23:18} quia habebis spem in novissimo, et præstolatio tua non auferetur.
{23:18} For you will have hope in the end, and your expectation will not be taken away.

{23:19} Audi fili mi, et esto sapiens: et dirige in via animum tuum.
{23:19} Listen, my son, and be wise, and direct your soul along the way.

{23:20} Noli esse in conviviis potatorum, nec in comessationibus eorum, qui carnes ad vescendum conferunt:
{23:20} Do not be willing to be in the feasts of great drinkers, nor in the carousings of those who gather to feed on flesh.

{23:21} quia vacantes potibus, et dantes symbola consumentur, et vestietur pannis dormitatio.
{23:21} For those who waste time drinking, and who surrender themselves to symbols, will be consumed. And those who sleep will be clothed in rags.

{23:22} Audi patrem tuum, qui genuit te: et ne contemnas cum senuerit mater tua.
{23:22} Listen to your father, who conceived you. And do not despise your mother, when she is old.

{23:23} Veritatem eme, et noli vendere sapientiam, et doctrinam, et intelligentiam.
{23:23} Purchase truth, and do not sell wisdom, or doctrine, or understanding.

{23:24} Exultat gaudio pater iusti: qui sapientem genuit, lætabitur in eo.
{23:24} The father of the just exults in gladness; he who has conceived the wise will rejoice in him.

{23:25} Gaudeat pater tuus, et mater tua, et exultet quæ genuit te.
{23:25} Let your father and your mother be joyful, and may she who conceived you exult.

{23:26} Præbe fili mi cor tuum mihi: et oculi tui vias meas custodiant.
{23:26} My son, offer me your heart, and let your eyes keep to my ways.

{23:27} Fovea enim profunda est meretrix: et puteus angustus, aliena.
{23:27} For a loose woman is a deep pit, and a foreign woman is a constricted well.

{23:28} Insidiatur in via quasi latro, et quos incautos viderit, interficiet.
{23:28} She lies in wait along the way like a robber. And the incautious one whom she sees, she will put to death.

{23:29} Cui væ? cuius patri væ? cui rixæ? cui foveæ? cui sine causa vulnera? cui suffusio oculorum?
{23:29} Who has woe? Whose father has woe? Who has quarrels? Who falls into pits? Who has wounds without cause? Who has watery eyes?

{23:30} Nonne his, qui commorantur in vino, et student calicibus epotandis?
{23:30} Is it not those who linger over wine, and who strive to be drinking from their cups?

{23:31} Ne intuearis vinum quando flavescit, cum splenduerit in vitro color eius: ingreditur blande,
{23:31} Do not gaze into the wine when it turns gold, when its color shines in the glass. It enters pleasantly,

{23:32} sed in novissimo mordebit ut coluber, et sicut regulus venena diffundet.
{23:32} but in the end, it will bite like a snake, and it will spread poison like a king of snakes.

~ The word ‘regulus’ means ‘little king’ but refers to a poisonous snake or similar creature, perhaps even a mythological one.

{23:33} Oculi tui videbunt extraneas, et cor tuum loquetur perversa.
{23:33} Your eyes will see women who are outsiders, and your heart will utter perversities.

{23:34} Et eris sicut dormiens in medio mari, et quasi sopitus gubernator, amisso clavo:
{23:34} And you will be like someone sleeping in the middle of the sea, and like a pilot, fast asleep, who has lost his hold on the helm.

{23:35} et dices: Verberaverunt me, sed non dolui: traxerunt me, et ego non sensi: quando evigilabo, et rursus vina reperiam?
{23:35} And you will say: “They have beaten me, but I did not feel pain. They have dragged me, and I did not realize it. When will I awaken and find more wine?”

[Proverbia 24]
[Proverbs 24]

{24:1} Ne æmuleris viros malos, nec desideres esse cum eis:
{24:1} Do not imitate evil men, nor desire to be among them.

{24:2} quia rapinas meditatur mens eorum, et fraudes labia eorum loquuntur.
{24:2} For their mind meditates on robberies, and their lips speak deceptions.

{24:3} Sapientia ædificabitur domus, et prudentia roborabitur.
{24:3} By wisdom shall a house be built, and by prudence shall it be strengthened.

{24:4} In doctrina replebuntur cellaria, universa substantia pretiosa et pulcherrima.
{24:4} By doctrine, the storerooms shall be filled with every substance that is precious and most beautiful.

{24:5} Vir sapiens, fortis est: et vir doctus, robustus et validus.
{24:5} A wise man is strong, and a well-taught man is robust and valiant.

{24:6} Quia cum dispositione initur bellum: et erit salus ubi multa consilia sunt.
{24:6} For war is undertaken in an orderly manner, and safety shall be where there are many counsels.

{24:7} Excelsa stulto sapientia, in porta non aperiet os suum.
{24:7} Wisdom is beyond the foolish; at the gate he will not open his mouth.

{24:8} Qui cogitat mala facere, stultus vocabitur.
{24:8} Whoever intends to do evil shall be called foolish.

{24:9} Cogitatio stulti peccatum est: et abominatio hominum detractor.
{24:9} The intention of the foolish is sin. And the detractor is an abomination among men.

{24:10} Si desperaveris lassus in die angustiæ: imminuetur fortitudo tua.
{24:10} If you despair, being weary in the day of anguish, your strength will be diminished.

{24:11} Erue eos, qui ducuntur ad mortem: et qui trahuntur ad interitum liberare ne cesses.
{24:11} Rescue those who are led away to death. And do not cease from delivering those who are dragged away to a violent death.

{24:12} Si dixeris: Vires non suppetunt: qui inspector est cordis, ipse intelligit, et servatorem animæ tuæ nihil fallit, reddetque homini iuxta opera sua.
{24:12} If you would say: “I do not have sufficient strength.” He who inspects the heart, the same one understands, and nothing slips past the one who preserves your soul. And he shall repay a man according to his works.

{24:13} Comede, fili mi, mel, quia bonum est, et favum dulcissimum gutturi tuo:
{24:13} My son, eat honey, because it is good, and the honeycomb, because it is so sweet to your throat.

~ The superlative does not always mean the one that is above all others. It often is merely a way to emphasize a particular quality, e.g. not ‘the sweetest,’ but rather ‘so sweet’ or ‘very sweet’.

{24:14} Sic et doctrina sapientiæ animæ tuæ: quam cum inveneris, habebis in novissimis spem, et spes tua non peribit.
{24:14} So, too, is the doctrine of wisdom to your soul. When you have found it, you will have hope in the end, and your hope shall not perish.

{24:15} Ne insidieris, et quæras impietatem in domo iusti, neque vastes requiem eius.
{24:15} Do not lie in wait, and do not seek impiety in the house of the just, nor spoil his rest.

{24:16} Septies enim cadet iustus, et resurget: impii autem corruent in malum.
{24:16} For the just one will fall seven times, and he shall rise again. But the impious will fall into evil.

{24:17} Cum ceciderit inimicus tuus, ne gaudeas, et in ruina eius ne exultet cor tuum:
{24:17} When your enemy will fall, do not be glad, and do not let your heart exult in his ruin,

{24:18} ne forte videat Dominus, et displiceat ei, et auferat ab eo iram suam.
{24:18} lest perhaps the Lord see, and it displease him, and he may take away his wrath from him.

{24:19} Ne contendas cum pessimis, nec æmuleris impios:
{24:19} Do not contend with the most wicked, and do not be a rival to the impious.

{24:20} quoniam non habent futurorum spem mali, et lucerna impiorum extinguetur.
{24:20} For the evil hold no hope in the future, and the lamp of the impious will be extinguished.

{24:21} Time Dominum, fili mi, et regem: et cum detractoribus non commiscearis:
{24:21} My son, fear the Lord, as well as the king. And do not mingle with detractors.

{24:22} quoniam repente consurget perditio eorum: et ruinam utriusque quis novit?
{24:22} For their perdition shall rise up suddenly. And who knows what ruin will be for each of them?

{24:23} Hæc quoque sapientibus: Cognoscere personam in iudicio non est bonum.
{24:23} Likewise, these things are for the wise. It is not good to base judgment on knowledge of character.

{24:24} Qui dicunt impio: Iustus es: maledicent eis populi, et detestabuntur eos tribus.
{24:24} Those who say to the impious, “You are just,” shall be cursed by the people, and the tribes shall detest them.

{24:25} Qui arguunt eum, laudabuntur: et super ipsos veniet benedictio.
{24:25} Those who argue against the impious shall be praised, and a blessing shall come upon them.

{24:26} Labia deosculabitur, qui recta verba respondet.
{24:26} He shall kiss the lips, who responds with upright words.

{24:27} Præpara foris opus tuum, et diligenter exerce agrum tuum: ut postea ædifices domum tuam.
{24:27} Prepare your outdoor work, and diligently cultivate your field, so that afterward, you may build your house.

{24:28} Ne sis testis frustra contra proximum tuum: nec lactes quemquam labiis tuis.
{24:28} Do not be a witness without cause against your neighbor. And do not mislead anyone with your lips.

{24:29} Ne dicas: Quomodo fecit mihi, sic faciam ei: reddam unicuique secundum opus suum.
{24:29} Do not say, “I will do to him as he has done to me.” I will repay each one according to his work.

{24:30} Per agrum hominis pigri transivi, et per vineam viri stulti:
{24:30} I passed by the field of a lazy man, and by the vineyard of a foolish man,

{24:31} et ecce totum repleverant urticæ, et operuerant superficiem eius spinæ, et maceria lapidum destructa erat.
{24:31} and behold, it was entirely filled with nettles, and thorns had covered its surface, and the stonewall was destroyed.

{24:32} Quod cum vidissem, posui in corde meo, et exemplo didici disciplinam.
{24:32} When I had seen this, I laid it up in my heart, and by this example, I received discipline.

{24:33} Parum, inquam, dormies, modicum dormitabis, pauxillum manus conseres, ut quiescas:
{24:33} You will sleep a little,” I said. “You will slumber briefly. You will fold your hands a little, so as to rest.

{24:34} et veniet tibi quasi cursor egestas, et mendicitas quasi vir armatus.
{24:34} And destitution will overtake you like a runner, and begging will overtake you like an armed man.”

[Proverbia 25]
[Proverbs 25]

{25:1} Hæ quoque parabolæ Salomonis, quas transtulerunt viri Ezechiæ regis Iuda.
{25:1} These, too, are parables of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah, transferred.

~ The word ‘transtulerunt’ in this context possibly refers to translation. Perhaps they translated from Hebrew to Aramaic.

{25:2} Gloria Dei est celare verbum, et gloria regum investigare sermonem.
{25:2} It is to the glory of God to conceal a word, and it is to the glory of kings to investigate speech.

{25:3} Cælum sursum, et terra deorsum, et cor regum inscrutabile.
{25:3} Heaven above, and earth below, and the heart of kings are each unsearchable.

{25:4} Aufer rubiginem de argento, et egredietur vas purissimum:
{25:4} Take away the tarnish from silver, and a most pure vessel will go forth.

{25:5} Aufer impietatem de vultu regis, et firmabitur iustitia thronus eius.
{25:5} Take away impiety from the face of the king, and his throne shall be made firm by justice.

{25:6} Ne gloriosus appareas coram rege, et in loco magnorum ne steteris.
{25:6} Do not appear glorious before the king, and do not stand in the place of the great.

{25:7} Melius est enim ut dicatur tibi: Ascende huc; quam ut humilieris coram principe.
{25:7} For it is better that it should be said to you, “Ascend to here,” than that you should be humbled before the prince.

{25:8} Quæ viderunt oculi tui, ne proferas in iurgio cito: ne postea emendare non possis, cum dehonestaveris amicum tuum.
{25:8} The things that your eyes have seen, do not offer hastily in a quarrel, lest afterward you may not be able to make amends, when you have dishonored your friend.

{25:9} Causam tuam tracta cum amico tuo, et secretum extraneo ne reveles:
{25:9} Argue your case with your friend, and do not reveal the secret to an outsider,

{25:10} ne forte insultet tibi cum audierit, et exprobrare non cesset. Gratia et amicitia liberant: quas tibi serva, ne exprobrabilis fias.
{25:10} lest perhaps he may insult you, when he has heard it, and he might not cease to reproach you. Grace and friendship free a man; preserve these for yourself, lest you fall under reproach.

{25:11} Mala aurea in lectis argenteis, qui loquitur verbum in tempore suo.
{25:11} Whoever speaks a word at an opportune time is like apples of gold on beds of silver.

{25:12} Inauris aurea, et margaritum fulgens, qui arguit sapientem, et aurem obedientem.
{25:12} Whoever reproves the wise and obedient ear is like an earring of gold with a shining pearl.

{25:13} Sicut frigus nivis in die messis, ita legatus fidelis ei, qui misit eum, animam ipsius requiescere facit.
{25:13} Just like the cold of snow in a time of harvest, so also is a faithful messenger to him who sent him: he causes his soul to rest.

~ If it snows before the harvest, the farmer worries about the crop. But if it snows during the harvest, he rests without worry, because the crop is already mature (and will not be harmed by the cold), and the colder temperature is refreshing during his work.

{25:14} Nubes, et ventus, et pluviæ non sequentes, vir gloriosus, et promissa non complens.
{25:14} A man who boasts and does not fulfill his promises is like clouds and wind, when rain does not follow.

{25:15} Patientia lenietur princeps, et lingua mollis confringet duritiam.
{25:15} By patience, a leader shall be appeased, and a soft tongue shall break hardness.

{25:16} Mel invenisti, comede quod sufficit tibi, ne forte satiatus evomas illud.
{25:16} You have discovered honey; eat what is sufficient for you, lest perhaps, being filled up, you may vomit it.

{25:17} Subtrahe pedem tuum de domo proximi tui, nequando satiatus oderit te.
{25:17} Withdraw your feet from the house of your neighbor, lest, when he has had his fill, he may hate you.

{25:18} Iaculum, et gladius, et sagitta acuta, homo qui loquitur contra proximum suum falsum testimonium.
{25:18} A man who speaks false testimony against his neighbor is like a dart and a sword and a sharp arrow.

{25:19} Dens putridus, et pes lassus, qui sperat super infideli in die angustiæ,
{25:19} Whoever sets his hopes on the unfaithful in a day of anguish is like a rotten tooth and weary foot,

{25:20} et amittit pallium in die frigoris. Acetum in nitro, qui cantat carmina cordi pessimo. Sicut tinea vestimento, et vermis ligno: ita tristitia viri nocet cordi.
{25:20} and like one who loosens his garment in cold weather. Whoever sings verses to a wicked heart is like vinegar on baking soda. Just like a moth to a garment, and a worm to wood, so too does the sadness of a man do harm to the heart.

{25:21} Si esurierit inimicus tuus, ciba illum: si sitierit, da ei aquam bibere:
{25:21} If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

{25:22} prunas enim congregabis super caput eius, et Dominus reddet tibi.
{25:22} For you will gather hot coals upon his head, and the Lord will repay you.

{25:23} Ventus aquilo dissipat pluvias, et facies tristis linguam detrahentem.
{25:23} The north wind brings forth the rain, and a sorrowful face brings forth a detracting tongue.

{25:24} Melius est sedere in angulo domatis, quam cum muliere litigiosa, et in domo communi.
{25:24} It is better to sit in a corner of the attic, than with an argumentative woman and in a shared house.

{25:25} Aqua frigida animæ sitienti, et nuncius bonus de terra longinqua.
{25:25} Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so too are good reports from a far away land.

{25:26} Fons turbatus pede, et vena corrupta, iustus cadens coram impio.
{25:26} The just falling down before the impious is like a fountain stirred up by feet and like a corrupted spring.

{25:27} Sicut qui mel multum comedit, non est ei bonum: sic qui scrutator est maiestatis, opprimetur a gloria.
{25:27} Just as whoever eats too much honey, it is not good for him, so also whoever is an investigator of what is majestic will be overwhelmed by glory.

{25:28} Sicut urbs patens et absque murorum ambitu, ita vir, qui non potest in loquendo cohibere spiritum suum.
{25:28} Just like a city lying in the open and without surrounding walls, so also is a man who is unable to restrain his own spirit in speaking.

[Proverbia 26]
[Proverbs 26]

{26:1} Quomodo nix in æstate, et pluviæ in messe: sic indecens est stulto gloria.
{26:1} In the manner of snow in the summer, and rain at the harvest, so also is glory unfit for the foolish.

{26:2} Sicut avis ad alia transvolans, et passer quo libet vadens: sic maledictum frustra prolatum in quempiam superveniet.
{26:2} Like a bird flying away to another place, and like a sparrow that hurries away freely, so also a curse uttered against someone without cause will pass away.

~ In this case, the ‘super’ in ‘superveniet’ means ‘beyond’ or ‘away,’ rather than ‘upon.’

{26:3} Flagellum equo, et camus asino, et virga in dorso imprudentium.
{26:3} A whip is for a horse, and a muzzle is for donkey, and a rod is for the back of the imprudent.

{26:4} Ne respondeas stulto iuxta stultitiam suam, ne efficiaris ei similis.
{26:4} Do not respond to the foolish according to his folly, lest you become like him.

{26:5} Responde stulto iuxta stultitiam suam, ne sibi sapiens esse videatur.
{26:5} Respond to the foolish according to his folly, lest he imagine himself to be wise.

~ Yes, these two verses actually do tell the reader to respond and not to respond.

{26:6} Claudus pedibus, et iniquitatem bibens, qui mittit verba per nuncium stultum.
{26:6} Whoever sends words by a foolish messenger has lame feet and drinks iniquity.

{26:7} Quomodo pulchras frustra habet claudus tibias: sic indecens est in ore stultorum parabola.
{26:7} In the manner of a lame man who has beautiful legs to no purpose, so also is a parable unfit for the mouth of the foolish.

{26:8} Sicut qui mittit lapidem in acervum Mercurii: ita qui tribuit insipienti honorem.
{26:8} Just like one who casts a stone into the pile of Mercury, so also is he who gives honor to the foolish.

{26:9} Quomodo si spina nascatur in manu temulenti: sic parabola in ore stultorum.
{26:9} In the manner of a thorn, if it were to spring up from the hand of a drunkard, so also is a parable in the mouth of the foolish.

~ If a drunkard had a thorn sticking out of his hand, he would repeatedly and inadvertently harm himself with it.

{26:10} Iudicium determinat causas: et qui imponit stulto silentium, iras mitigat.
{26:10} Judgment determines cases. And whoever imposes silence on the foolish mitigates anger.

{26:11} Sicut canis, qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens, qui iterat stultitiam suam.
{26:11} Like a dog that returns to his vomit, so also is the imprudent who repeats his foolishness.

{26:12} Vidisti hominem sapientem sibi videri? magis illo spem habebit insipiens.
{26:12} Have you seen a man who seems wise to himself? There will be greater hope held for the unwise than for him.

{26:13} Dicit piger: Leo est in via, et leæna in itineribus:
{26:13} The lazy one says, “There is a lion along the way, and a lioness in the roads.”

{26:14} sicut ostium vertitur in cardine suo, ita piger in lectulo suo.
{26:14} Just as a door turns upon its hinges, so also does the lazy one turn upon his bed.

{26:15} Abscondit piger manum sub ascella sua, et laborat si ad os suum eam converterit.
{26:15} The lazy one conceals his hand under his arms, and it is a labor for him to move it to his mouth.

{26:16} Sapientior sibi piger videtur septem viris loquentibus sententias.
{26:16} The lazy one seems wiser to himself than seven men speaking judgments.

{26:17} Sicut qui apprehendit auribus canem, sic qui transit impatiens, et commiscetur rixæ alterius.
{26:17} Just like one who takes hold of a dog by the ears, so also is he who crosses impatiently and meddles in the quarrels of another.

{26:18} Sicut noxius est qui mittit sagittas, et lanceas in mortem:
{26:18} Just as he is guilty who let loose the arrows and the lances unto death,

{26:19} ita vir, fraudulenter nocet amico suo: et cum fuerit deprehensus, dicit: Ludens feci.
{26:19} so also is the man who harms his friend by deceitfulness. And when he has been apprehended, he says, “I did it jokingly.”

{26:20} Cum defecerint ligna, extinguetur ignis: et susurrone subtracto, iurgia conquiescent.
{26:20} When the wood fails, the fire will be extinguished. And when the gossiper is taken away, conflicts will be quelled.

{26:21} Sicut carbones ad prunas, et ligna ad ignem, sic homo iracundus suscitat rixas.
{26:21} Just as charcoals are to burning coals, and wood is to fire, so also is an angry man who stirs up quarrels.

{26:22} Verba susurronis quasi simplicia, et ipsa perveniunt ad intima ventris.
{26:22} The words of a whisperer seem simple, but they penetrate to the innermost parts of the self.

{26:23} Quomodo si argento sordido ornare velis vas fictile, sic labia tumentia cum pessimo corde sociata.
{26:23} In the same manner as an earthen vessel, if it were adorned with impure silver, conceited lips are allied with a wicked heart.

~ Even though ‘pessimo’ is superlative, the translation does not need to use the grammatical superlative because ‘wicked’ includes a superlative meaning, i.e. most bad or very bad.

{26:24} Labiis suis intelligitur inimicus, cum in corde tractaverit dolos.
{26:24} An enemy is known by his lips, though it is from his heart that he draws out deceit.

{26:25} Quando submiserit vocem suam, ne credideris ei: quoniam septem nequitiæ sunt in corde illius.
{26:25} When he will have lowered his voice, do not believe him, for there are seven vices in his heart.

{26:26} Qui operit odium fraudulenter, revelabitur malitia eius in consilio.
{26:26} Whoever covers hatred with deceit, his malice shall be revealed in the assembly.

{26:27} Qui fodit foveam, incidet in eam: et qui volvit lapidem, revertetur ad eum.
{26:27} Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back to him.

{26:28} Lingua fallax non amat veritatem: et os lubricum operatur ruinas.
{26:28} A false tongue does not love truth. And a slippery mouth works ruin.

[Proverbia 27]
[Proverbs 27]

{27:1} Ne glorieris in crastinum, ignorans quid superventura pariat dies.
{27:1} Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what the future day may bring.

{27:2} Laudet te alienus, et non os tuum: extraneus, et non labia tua.
{27:2} Let another praise you, and not your own mouth: an outsider, and not your own lips.

{27:3} Grave est saxum, et onerosa arena: sed ira stulti utroque gravior.
{27:3} A stone is weighty, and sand is burdensome; but the wrath of the foolish is heavier than both.

{27:4} Ira non habet misericordiam, nec erumpens furor: et impetum concitati ferre quis poterit?
{27:4} Anger holds no mercy, nor does fury when it erupts. And who can bear the assault of one who has been provoked?

{27:5} Melior est manifesta correptio, quam amor absconditus.
{27:5} An open rebuke is better than hidden love.

{27:6} Meliora sunt vulnera diligentis, quam fraudulenta oscula odientis.
{27:6} The wounds of a loved one are better than the deceitful kisses of a hateful one.

{27:7} Anima saturata calcabit favum: et anima esuriens etiam amarum pro dulci sumet.
{27:7} A sated soul will trample the honeycomb. And a hungry soul will accept even bitter in place of sweet.

{27:8} Sicut avis transmigrans de nido suo, sic vir qui derelinquit locum suum.
{27:8} Just like a bird migrating from her nest, so also is a man who abandons his place.

{27:9} Unguento et variis odoribus delectatur cor: et bonis amici consiliis anima dulcoratur.
{27:9} Ointment and various perfumes delight the heart. And the good advice of a friend is sweet to the soul.

{27:10} Amicum tuum, et amicum patris tui ne dimiseris: et domum fratris tui ne ingrediaris in die afflictionis tuæ. Melior est vicinus iuxta, quam frater procul.
{27:10} Do not dismiss your friend or your father’s friend. And do not enter your brother’s house in the day of your affliction. A close neighbor is better than a distant brother.

{27:11} Stude sapientiæ fili mi, et lætifica cor meum, ut possis exprobranti respondere sermonem.
{27:11} My son, study wisdom, and rejoice my heart, so that you may be able to respond to the one who reproaches.

{27:12} Astutus videns malum, absconditus est: parvuli transeuntes sustinuerunt dispendia.
{27:12} The discerning man, seeing evil, hides himself. The little ones, continuing on, sustain losses.

{27:13} Tolle vestimentum eius, qui spopondit pro extraneo: et pro alienis, aufer ei pignus.
{27:13} Take away the garment of him who has vouched for an outsider. And take a pledge from him on behalf of foreigners.

{27:14} Qui benedicit proximo suo voce grandi, de nocte consurgens maledicenti similis erit.
{27:14} Whoever blesses his neighbor with a grand voice, rising in the night, shall be like one who curses.

{27:15} Tecta perstillantia in die frigoris, et litigiosa mulier comparantur:
{27:15} A roof leaking on a cold day, and an argumentative woman, are comparable.

{27:16} qui retinet eam, quasi qui ventum teneat, et oleum dexteræ suæ vocabit.
{27:16} He who would restrain her, he is like one who would grasp the wind, or who would gather together oil with his right hand.

{27:17} Ferrum ferro exacuitur, et homo exacuit faciem amici sui.
{27:17} Iron sharpens iron, and a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

{27:18} Qui servat ficum, comedet fructus eius: et qui custos est domini sui, glorificabitur.
{27:18} Whoever maintains the fig tree shall eat its fruit. And whoever is the keeper of his master shall be glorified.

{27:19} Quomodo in aquis resplendent vultus prospicientium, sic corda hominum manifesta sunt prudentibus.
{27:19} In the manner of faces looking into shining water, so are the hearts of men made manifest to the prudent.

{27:20} Infernus et perditio numquam implentur: similiter et oculi hominum insatiabiles:
{27:20} Hell and perdition are never filled; similarly the eyes of men are insatiable.

{27:21} Quomodo probatur in conflatorio argentum, et in fornace aurum: sic probatur homo ore laudantis. Cor iniqui inquirit mala, cor autem rectum inquirit scientiam.
{27:21} In the manner of silver being tested in the refinery, and gold in the furnace, so also is a man tested by the mouth of one who praises. The heart of the iniquitous inquires after evils, but the heart of the righteous inquires after knowledge.

{27:22} Si contuderis stultum in pila quasi ptisanas feriente desuper pilo, non auferetur ab eo stultitia eius.
{27:22} Even if you were to crush the foolish with a mortar, as when a pestle strikes over pearled barley, his foolishness would not be taken from him.

{27:23} Diligenter agnosce vultum pecoris tui, tuosque greges considera:
{27:23} Be diligent to know the countenance of your cattle, and consider your own flocks,

{27:24} Non enim habebis iugiter potestatem: sed corona tribuetur in generationem et generationem.
{27:24} for you will not always hold this power. But a crown shall be awarded from generation to generation.

{27:25} Aperta sunt prata, et apparuerunt herbæ virentes, et collecta sunt fœna de montibus.
{27:25} The meadows are open, and the green plants have appeared, and the hay has been collected from the mountains.

{27:26} Agni ad vestimentum tuum: et hœdi, ad agri pretium.
{27:26} Lambs are for your clothing, and goats are for the price of a field.

{27:27} Sufficiat tibi lac caprarum in cibos tuos, et in necessaria domus tuæ: et ad victum ancillis tuis.
{27:27} Let the milk of goats be sufficient for your food, and for the necessities of your household, and for the provisions of your handmaids.

[Proverbia 28]
[Proverbs 28]

{28:1} Fugit impius, nemine persequente: iustus autem quasi leo confidens, absque terrore erit.
{28:1} The impious flees, though no one pursues. But the just, like a confident lion, shall be without dread.

{28:2} Propter peccata terræ multi principes eius: et propter hominis sapientiam, et horum scientiam quæ dicuntur, vita ducis longior erit.
{28:2} Because of the sins of the land, it has many princes. And because of the wisdom of a man, and the knowledge of those things that are said, the life of the leader shall be prolonged.

{28:3} Vir pauper calumnians pauperes, similis est imbri vehementi, in quo paratur fames.
{28:3} A poor man slandering the poor is like a violent rainstorm in advance of a famine.

{28:4} Qui derelinquunt legem, laudant impium: qui custodiunt, succenduntur contra eum.
{28:4} Those who abandon the law praise the impious. Those who guard it are inflamed against him.

{28:5} Viri mali non cogitant iudicium: qui autem inquirunt Dominum, animadvertunt omnia.
{28:5} Evil men do not intend judgment. But those who inquire after the Lord turn their souls toward all things.

{28:6} Melior est pauper ambulans in simplicitate sua, quam dives in pravis itineribus.
{28:6} Better is the pauper walking in his simplicity, than the rich walking in ways of depravity.

{28:7} Qui custodit legem, filius sapiens est: qui autem comessatores pascit, confundit patrem suum.
{28:7} Whoever keeps the law is a wise son. But whoever feeds gluttons brings shame to his father.

{28:8} Qui coacervat divitias usuris et fœnore, liberali in pauperes congregat eas.
{28:8} Whoever piles up riches by usury and profit gathers them for him who will give freely to the poor.

{28:9} Qui declinat aures suas ne audiat legem, oratio eius erit execrabilis.
{28:9} Whoever turns away his ears from listening to the law: his prayer will be detestable.

{28:10} Qui decipit iustos in via mala, in interitu suo corruet: et simplices possidebunt bona eius.
{28:10} Whoever deceives the just in a malicious way will fall into his own perdition. And the simple shall possess his goods.

{28:11} Sapiens sibi videtur vir dives: pauper autem prudens scrutabitur eum.
{28:11} The rich one seems wise to himself. But the poor one, being prudent, shall evaluate him.

{28:12} In exultatione iustorum multa gloria est: regnantibus impiis ruinæ hominum.
{28:12} In the exultation of the just, there is great glory. When the impious reign, men are brought to ruin.

{28:13} Qui abscondit scelera sua, non dirigetur: qui autem confessus fuerit, et reliquerit ea, misericordiam consequetur.
{28:13} Whoever hides his crimes will not be guided. But whoever will have confessed and abandoned them shall overtake mercy.

{28:14} Beatus homo, qui semper est pavidus: qui vero mentis est duræ, corruet in malum.
{28:14} Blessed is the man who is ever fearful. Yet truly, whoever is hardened in mind will fall into evil.

{28:15} Leo rugiens, et ursus esuriens, princeps impius super populum pauperem.
{28:15} An impious leader over a poor people is like a roaring lion and a hungry bear.

{28:16} Dux indigens prudentia, multos opprimet per calumniam: qui autem odit avaritiam, longi fient dies eius.
{28:16} A leader destitute of prudence will oppress many through false accusations. But whoever hates avarice shall prolong his days.

{28:17} Hominem, qui calumniatur animæ sanguinem, si usque ad lacum fugerit, nemo sustinet.
{28:17} A man who slanders the blood of a life, even if he flees to the pit, no one will tolerate him.

{28:18} Qui ambulat simpliciter, salvus erit: qui perversis graditur viis, concidet semel.
{28:18} Whoever walks simply shall be saved. Whoever is perverse in his steps will fall all at once.

{28:19} Qui operatur terram suam, satiabitur panibus: qui autem sectatur otium, replebitur egestate.
{28:19} Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever pursues leisure will be filled with need.

{28:20} Vir fidelis multum laudabitur: qui autem festinat ditari, non erit innocens.
{28:20} A faithful man shall be greatly praised. But whoever rushes to become rich will not be innocent.

{28:21} Qui cognoscit in iudicio faciem, non bene facit: iste et pro buccella panis deserit veritatem.
{28:21} Whoever shows favoritism in judgment does not do well; even if it is for a morsel of bread, he forsakes the truth.

{28:22} Vir, qui festinat ditari, et aliis invidet, ignorat quod egestas superveniet ei.
{28:22} A man who hurries to become rich, and who envies others, does not know that destitution will overwhelm him.

{28:23} Qui corripit hominem, gratiam postea inveniet apud eum magis quam ille, qui per linguæ blandimenta decipit.
{28:23} Whoever corrects a man, afterward he shall find favor with him, more so than he who deceives him with a flattering tongue.

{28:24} Qui subtrahit aliquid a patre suo, et a matre: et dicit hoc non esse peccatum, particeps homicidæ est.
{28:24} Whoever takes away anything from his father or mother, and who says, “This is not a sin,” is the associate of a murderer.

{28:25} Qui se iactat, et dilatat, iurgia concitat: qui vero sperat in Domino, sanabitur.
{28:25} Whoever boasts and enlarges himself stirs up conflicts. Yet truly, whoever trusts in the Lord will be healed.

{28:26} Qui confidit in corde suo, stultus est: qui autem graditur sapienter, ipse salvabitur.
{28:26} Whoever trusts in his own heart is a fool. But whoever treads wisely, the same shall be saved.

{28:27} Qui dat pauperi, non indigebit: qui despicit deprecantem, sustinebit penuriam.
{28:27} Whoever gives to the poor shall not be in need. Whoever despises his petition will suffer scarcity.

{28:28} Cum surrexerint impii, abscondentur homines: cum illi perierint, multiplicabuntur iusti.
{28:28} When the impious rise up, men will hide themselves. When they perish, the just shall be multiplied.

[Proverbia 29]
[Proverbs 29]

{29:1} Viro, qui corripientem dura cervice contemnit, repentinus ei superveniet interitus: et eum sanitas non sequetur.
{29:1} The man who, with a stiff neck, treats the one who corrects him with contempt will be suddenly overwhelmed to his own destruction, and reason shall not follow him.

{29:2} In multiplicatione iustorum lætabitur vulgus: cum impii sumpserint principatum, gemet populus.
{29:2} When just men are multiplied, the common people shall rejoice. When the impious take up the leadership, the people shall mourn.

{29:3} Vir, qui amat sapientiam, lætificat patrem suum: qui autem nutrit scorta, perdet substantiam.
{29:3} The man who loves wisdom rejoices his father. But whoever nurtures promiscuous women will lose his substance.

{29:4} Rex iustus erigit terram, vir avarus destruet eam.
{29:4} A just king guides the land. A man of avarice will destroy it.

{29:5} Homo, qui blandis, fictisque sermonibus loquitur amico suo, rete expandit gressibus eius.
{29:5} A man who speaks to his friend with flattering and feigned words spreads a net for his own feet.

{29:6} Peccantem virum iniquum involvet laqueus: et iustus laudabit atque gaudebit.
{29:6} A snare will entangle the iniquitous when he sins. And the just shall praise and be glad.

{29:7} Novit iustus causam pauperum: impius ignorat scientiam.
{29:7} The just knows the case of the poor. The impious is ignorant of knowledge.

{29:8} Homines pestilentes dissipant civitatem: sapientes vero avertunt furorem.
{29:8} Pestilent men squander a city. Yet truly, the wise avert fury.

{29:9} Vir sapiens, si cum stulto contenderit, sive irascatur, sive rideat, non inveniet requiem.
{29:9} A wise man, if he were to contend with the foolish, whether in anger or in laughter, would find no rest.

{29:10} Viri sanguinum oderunt simplicem: iusti autem quærunt animam eius.
{29:10} Bloodthirsty men hate the simple one; but the just seek out his soul.

{29:11} Totum spiritum suum profert stultus: sapiens differt, et reservat in posterum.
{29:11} A foolish one offers everything on his mind. A wise one reserves and defers until later.

{29:12} Princeps, qui libenter audit verba mendacii, omnes ministros habet impios.
{29:12} A leader who freely listens to lying words has only impious servants.

{29:13} Pauper, et creditor obviaverunt sibi: utriusque illuminator est Dominus.
{29:13} The pauper and the creditor have met one another. The Lord is the illuminator of them both.

{29:14} Rex, qui iudicat in veritate pauperes, thronus eius in æternum firmabitur.
{29:14} The king who judges the poor in truth, his throne shall be secured in eternity.

{29:15} Virga atque correptio tribuit sapientiam: puer autem, qui dimittitur voluntati suæ, confundit matrem suam.
{29:15} The rod and its correction distribute wisdom. But the child who is left to his own will, brings shame to his mother.

{29:16} In multiplicatione impiorum multiplicabuntur scelera: et iusti ruinas eorum videbunt.
{29:16} When the impious are multiplied, crimes will be multiplied. But the just shall see their ruin.

{29:17} Erudi filium tuum, et refrigerabit te, et dabit delicias animæ tuæ.
{29:17} Teach your son, and he will refresh you, and he will give delight to your soul.

{29:18} Cum prophetia defecerit, dissipabitur populus: qui vero custodit legem, beatus est.
{29:18} When prophecy fails, the people will be scattered. Yet truly, whoever guards the law is blessed.

{29:19} Servus verbis non potest erudiri: quia quod dicis intelligit, et respondere contemnit.
{29:19} A servant cannot be taught by words, because he understands what you say, but he disdains to respond.

{29:20} Vidisti hominem velocem ad loquendum? stultitia magis speranda est, quam illius correptio.
{29:20} Have you seen a man rushing to speak? Foolishness has more hope than his correction.

{29:21} Qui delicate a pueritia nutrit servum suum, postea sentiet eum contumacem.
{29:21} Whoever nurtures his servant delicately from childhood, afterwards will find him defiant.

{29:22} Vir iracundus provocat rixas: et qui ad indignandum facilis est, erit ad peccandum proclivior.
{29:22} A short-tempered man provokes quarrels. And whoever is easily angered is more likely to sin.

{29:23} Superbum sequitur humilitas: et humilem spiritu suscipiet gloria.
{29:23} Humiliation follows the arrogant. And glory shall uphold the humble in spirit.

{29:24} Qui cum fure participat, odit animam suam: adiurantem audit, et non indicat.
{29:24} Whoever participates with a thief hates his own soul; for he listens to his oath and does not denounce him.

{29:25} Qui timet hominem, cito corruet: qui sperat in Domino, sublevabitur.
{29:25} Whoever fears man will quickly fall. Whoever hopes in the Lord shall be lifted up.

{29:26} Multi requirunt faciem principis: et iudicium a Domino egreditur singulorum.
{29:26} Many demand the face of the leader. But the judgment of each one proceeds from the Lord.

{29:27} Abominantur iusti virum impium: et abominantur impii eos, qui in recta sunt via. Verbum custodiens filius, extra perditionem erit.
{29:27} The just abhor an impious man. And the impious abhor those who are on the right way. By keeping the word, the son shall be free from perdition.

[Proverbia 30]
[Proverbs 30]

{30:1} Verba Congregantis filii Vomentis. Visio, quam locutus est vir, cum quo est Deus, et qui Deo secum morante confortatus, ait:
{30:1} The words of the Gatherer, the son of the Vomiter. The vision that the man spoke. God is with him, and he, being strengthened by God and abiding with him, said:

~ Or, ‘The words of the Gatherer, the son of the Vomiter.’

{30:2} Stultissimus sum virorum, et sapientia hominum non est mecum.
{30:2} “I am the most foolish among men, and the wisdom of men is not with me.

{30:3} Non didici sapientiam, et non novi scientiam sanctorum.
{30:3} I have not learned wisdom, and I have not known the knowledge of sanctity.

{30:4} Quis ascendit in cælum atque descendit? quis continuit spiritum in manibus suis? quis colligavit aquas quasi in vestimento? quis suscitavit omnes terminos terræ? quod nomen est eius, et quod nomen filii eius, si nosti?
{30:4} Who has ascended to heaven and also descended? Who has grasped the wind in his hands? Who has tied the waters together, as with a garment? Who has raised all the limits of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son, if you know?

{30:5} Omnis sermo Dei ignitus, clypeus est sperantibus in se:
{30:5} Every word of God is fire-tested. He is a bronze shield to those who hope in him.

{30:6} ne addas quidquam verbis illius, et arguaris inveniarisque mendax.
{30:6} Do not add anything to his words, lest you be reproved and be discovered to be a liar.

{30:7} Duo rogavi te, ne deneges mihi antequam moriar.
{30:7} Two things I have asked of you; do not deny them to me before I die.

{30:8} Vanitatem, et verba mendacia longe fac a me. Mendicitatem, et divitias ne dederis mihi: tribue tantum victui meo necessaria:
{30:8} Remove, far from me, vanity and lying words. Give me neither begging, nor wealth. Apportion to me only the necessities of my life,

{30:9} ne forte satiatus illiciar ad negandum, et dicam: Quis est Dominus? aut egestate compulsus furer, et periurem nomen Dei mei.
{30:9} lest perhaps, being filled, I might be enticed into denial, and say: ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or, being compelled by destitution, I might steal, and then perjure myself in the name of my God.

{30:10} Ne accuses servum ad dominum suum, ne forte maledicat tibi, et corruas.
{30:10} Do not accuse a servant to his lord, lest he curse you, and you fall.

{30:11} Generatio, quæ patri suo maledicit, et quæ matri suæ non benedicit.
{30:11} There is a generation which curses their father, and which does not bless their mother.

{30:12} Generatio, quæ sibi munda videtur, et tamen non est lota a sordibus suis.
{30:12} There is a generation which seems pure to themselves, and yet they are not even washed from their filthiness.

{30:13} Generatio, cuius excelsi sunt oculi, et palpebræ eius in alta surrectæ.
{30:13} There is a generation, whose eyes have been elevated, and their eyelids are lifted on high.

{30:14} Generatio, quæ pro dentibus gladios habet, et commandit molaribus suis, ut comedat inopes de terra, et pauperes ex hominibus.
{30:14} There is a generation which has swords in place of teeth, and which commands their molars to devour the indigent from the earth and the poor from among men.

{30:15} Sanguisugæ duæ sunt filiæ, dicentes: Affer, Affer. Tria sunt insaturabilia, et quartum, quod numquam dicit: Sufficit.
{30:15} The leech has two daughters, who say, ‘Bring, bring.’ Three things are insatiable, and a fourth never says ‘Enough’:

{30:16} Infernus, et os vulvæ, et terra, quæ non satiatur aqua: ignis vero numquam dicit: Sufficit.
{30:16} Hell, and the mouth of the womb, and a land that is not filled with water. And truly, fire never says, ‘Enough.’

{30:17} Oculum, qui subsannat patrem, et qui despicit partum matris suæ, effodiant eum corvi de torrentibus, et comedant eum filii aquilæ.
{30:17} The eye of one who mocks his father and who despises the childbearing of his mother, let the ravens of the torrent tear it out, and let the sons of the eagles consume it.

{30:18} Tria sunt difficilia mihi, et quartum penitus ignoro:
{30:18} Three things are difficult for me, and about a fourth, I am nearly ignorant:

{30:19} Viam aquilæ in cælo, viam colubri super petram, viam navis in medio mari, et viam viri in adolescentia.
{30:19} the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship in the middle of the sea, and the way of a man in adolescence.

{30:20} Talis est et via mulieris adulteræ, quæ comedit, et tergens os suum dicit: Non sum operata malum.
{30:20} Such is the way also of an adulterous woman, who eats, and wiping her mouth, says: “I have done no evil.”

{30:21} Per tria movetur terra, et quartum non potest sustinere:
{30:21} By three things, the earth is moved, and a fourth it is not able to sustain:

{30:22} Per servum cum regnaverit: per stultum cum saturatus fuerit cibo:
{30:22} by a slave when he reigns, by the foolish when he has been filled with food,

{30:23} per odiosam mulierem cum in matrimonio fuerit assumpta: et per ancillam cum fuerit heres dominæ suæ.
{30:23} by a hateful woman when she has been taken in matrimony, and by a handmaid when she has been heir to her mistress.

{30:24} Quatuor sunt minima terræ, et ipsa sunt sapientiora sapientibus.
{30:24} Four things are least upon the earth, and they are wiser than the wise:

{30:25} Formicæ, populus infirmus, qui præparat in messe cibum sibi:
{30:25} the ants, an infirm people who provide food for themselves at the harvest,

{30:26} lepusculus, plebs invalida, qui collocat in petra cubile suum:
{30:26} the rabbit, a sickened people who make their bed upon the rock.

{30:27} regem locusta non habet, et egreditur universa per turmas suas:
{30:27} The locust has no king, but they all depart by their troops.

{30:28} stellio manibus nititur, et moratur in ædibus regis.
{30:28} The lizard supports itself on hands and dwells in the buildings of kings.

{30:29} Tria sunt, quæ bene gradiuntur, et quartum, quod incedit feliciter:
{30:29} There are three things that advance well, and a fourth that marches happily on:

{30:30} Leo fortissimus bestiarum, ad nullius pavebit occursum:
{30:30} a lion, the strongest of beasts, who fears nothing that he meets,

{30:31} gallus succinctus lumbos: et aries: nec est rex, qui resistat ei.
{30:31} a rooster prepared at the loins, likewise a ram, and a king, whom none can resist.

{30:32} Est qui stultus apparuit postquam elevatus est in sublime: si enim intellexisset, ori suo imposuisset manum.
{30:32} There is one who has appeared foolish, after he was lifted up on high; for if he had understood, he would have placed his hand over his mouth.

{30:33} Qui autem fortiter premit ubera ad eliciendum lac, exprimit butyrum: et qui vehementer emungit, elicit sanguinem: et qui provocat iras, producit discordias.
{30:33} But whoever strongly squeezes the udder to bring out the milk, presses out butter. And whoever violently blows his nose, brings out blood. And whoever provokes wrath, brings forth discord.”

~ Now pressing out milk strongly does not literally produce butter; but this is a type of figure of speech where the literal meaning is not true and is not what is being asserted as true. It is the figurative meaning that is being asserted as true.

[Proverbia 31]
[Proverbs 31]

{31:1} Verba Lamuelis regis. Visio, qua erudivit eum mater sua.
{31:1} The words of king Lamuel. The vision by which his mother instructed him:

{31:2} Quid dilecte mi, quid dilecte uteri mei, quid dilecte votorum meorum?
{31:2} “What, O my beloved? What, O beloved of my womb? What, O beloved of my vows?

{31:3} Ne dederis mulieribus substantiam tuam, et divitias tuas ad delendos reges.
{31:3} Do not give your substance to women, or your riches to overthrow kings.

{31:4} Noli regibus, o Lamuel, noli regibus dare vinum: quia nullum secretum est ubi regnat ebrietas.
{31:4} Not to kings, O Lamuel, not to kings give wine. For there are no secrets where drunkenness reigns.

{31:5} Et ne forte bibant, et obliviscantur iudiciorum, et mutent causam filiorum pauperis.
{31:5} And perhaps they may drink and forget judgments, and alter the case of the sons of the poor.

{31:6} Date siceram mœrentibus, et vinum his, qui amaro sunt animo:
{31:6} Give strong drink to the grieving, and wine to those who are bitter in soul.

{31:7} bibant, et obliviscantur egestatis suæ, et doloris sui non recordentur amplius.
{31:7} Let them drink, and forget their needs, and remember their sorrow no more.

{31:8} Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt:
{31:8} Open your mouth for the mute and for all the cases of the sons who are passing through.

{31:9} aperi os tuum, decerne quod iustum est, et iudica inopem et pauperem.
{31:9} Open your mouth, declare what is just, and do justice to the indigent and the poor.

{31:10} Mulierem fortem quis inveniet? procul, et de ultimis finibus pretium eius.
{31:10} Who shall find a strong woman? Far away, and from the furthest parts, is her price.

{31:11} Confidit in ea cor viri sui, et spoliis non indigebit.
{31:11} The heart of her husband confides in her, and he will not be deprived of spoils.

{31:12} Reddet ei bonum, et non malum, omnibus diebus vitæ suæ.
{31:12} She will repay him with good, and not evil, all the days of her life.

{31:13} Quæsivit lanam et linum, et operata est consilia manuum suarum.
{31:13} She has sought wool and flax, and she has worked these by the counsel of her hands.

{31:14} Facta est quasi navis institoris, de longe portans panem suum.
{31:14} She has become like a merchant’s ship, bringing her bread from far away.

{31:15} Et de nocte surrexit, deditque prædam domesticis suis, et cibaria ancillis suis.
{31:15} And she has risen in the night, and given a prey to her household, and provisions to her maids.

{31:16} Consideravit agrum, et emit eum: de fructu manuum suarum plantavit vineam.
{31:16} She has considered a field and bought it. From the fruit of her own hands, she has planted a vineyard.

{31:17} Accinxit fortitudine lumbos suos, et roboravit brachium suum.
{31:17} She has wrapped her waist with fortitude, and she has strengthened her arm.

{31:18} Gustavit, et vidit quia bona est negotiatio eius: non extinguetur in nocte lucerna eius.
{31:18} She has tasted and seen that her tasks are good; her lamp shall not be extinguished at night.

{31:19} Manum suam misit ad fortia, et digiti eius apprehenderunt fusum.
{31:19} She has put her hand to strong things, and her fingers have taken hold of the spindle.

{31:20} Manum suam aperuit inopi, et palmas suas extendit ad pauperem.
{31:20} She has opened her hand to the needy, and she has extended her hands to the poor.

{31:21} Non timebit domui suæ a frigoribus nivis: omnes enim domestici eius vestiti sunt duplicibus.
{31:21} She shall not fear, in the cold of snow, for her household. For all those of her household have been clothed two-fold.

{31:22} Stragulatam vestem fecit sibi: byssus, et purpura indumentum eius.
{31:22} She has made embroidered clothing for herself. Fine linen and purple is her garment.

{31:23} Nobilis in portis vir eius, quando sederit cum senatoribus terræ.
{31:23} Her husband is noble at the gates, when he sits among the senators of the land.

{31:24} Sindonem fecit, et vendidit, et cingulum tradidit Chananæo.
{31:24} She has made finely woven cloth and sold it, and she has delivered a waistband to the Canaanite.

~ The word ‘cingulum’ refers to something that encircles or wraps; in this context, it is made of cloth. It could conceivably be anything from a headband to an undergarment.

{31:25} Fortitudo et decor indumentum eius, et ridebit in die novissimo.
{31:25} Strength and elegance are her clothing, and she will laugh in the final days.

{31:26} Os suum aperuit sapientiæ, et lex clementiæ in lingua eius.
{31:26} She has opened her mouth to wisdom, and the law of clemency is on her tongue.

{31:27} Consideravit semitas domus suæ, et panem otiosa non comedit.
{31:27} She has considered the paths of her household, and she has not eaten her bread in idleness.

{31:28} Surrexerunt filii eius, et beatissimam prædicaverunt: vir eius, et laudavit eam.
{31:28} Her sons rose up and predicted great happiness; her husband rose up and praised her.

~ Or, ‘Her sons rose up and proclaimed her most blessed;”

{31:29} Multæ filiæ congregaverunt divitias: tu supergressa es universas.
{31:29} Many daughters have gathered together riches; you have surpassed them all.

{31:30} Fallax gratia, et vana est pulchritudo: mulier timens Dominum ipsa laudabitur.
{31:30} Charm is false, and beauty is vain. The woman who fears the Lord, the same shall be praised.

{31:31} Date ei de fructu manuum suarum: et laudent eam in portis opera eius.
{31:31} Give to her from the fruit of her own hands. And let her works praise her at the gates.