English - UKJV 2000
Vietnamese - 1934
Chuong 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16

Cham ngon - Proverbs

1:1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;

1:1 Chaâm ngoân cuûa Sa-loâ-moân, con trai Ña-vít, Vua Y-sô-ra-eân:

1:2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;

1:2 Ñaëng khieán cho ngöôøi ta hieåu bieát söï khoân ngoan vaø ñieàu khuyeân daïy, Cuøng phaân bieät caùc lôøi thoâng saùng;

1:3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;

1:3 Ñeå nhaän laõnh ñieàu daïy doã theo söï khoân ngoan, Söï coâng bình, lyù ñoaùn, vaø söï chaùnh tröïc;

1:4 To give subtlety to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

1:4 Haàu cho ngöôøi ngu doát ñöôïc söï khoân kheùo, Gaõ trai treû ñöôïc söï tri thöùc vaø söï deõ daët.

1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

1:5 Keû khoân seõ nghe vaø theâm leân söï hoïc vaán, Ngöôøi thoâng saùng seõ ñöôïc roäng möu trí,

1:6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

1:6 Ñeå hieåu bieát chaâm ngoân, thí duï, Vaø lôøi cuûa ngöôøi khoân ngoan, cuøng caâu ñoá nhieäm cuûa hoï.

1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

1:7 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laø khôûi ñaàu söï tri thöùc; Coøn keû ngu muoäi khinh bæ söï khoân ngoan vaø lôøi khuyeân daïy.

1:8 My son, hear the instruction of your father, and forsake not the law of your mother:

1:8 Hôõi con, haõy nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy cuûa cha, Chôù boû pheùp taéc cuûa meï con;

1:9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto your head, and chains about your neck.

1:9 Vì aáy seõ nhö moät daây hoa treân ñaàu con, Gioáng nhö nhöõng voøng ñeo quanh coå cuûa con.

1:10 My son, if sinners entice you, consent you not.

1:10 Hôõi con, neáu keû toäi nhôn kieám theá quyeán duï con, Chôù khöùng theo.

1:11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privately for the innocent without cause:

1:11 Neáu chuùng noù noùi: "Haõy ñeán cuøng chuùng ta, phuïc rình laøm ñoå huyeát ngöôøi, Nuùp ñôïi haïi voâ côù keû chaúng toäi;

1:12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:

1:12 Chuùng ta seõ nuoát soáng chuùng noù nhö aâm phuû, Vaø coøn nguyeân veïn nhö keû xuoáng moà maû;

1:13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:

1:13 Chuùng ta seõ ñöôïc caùc thöù cuûa baùu, Chaát ñaày nhaø chuùng ta nhöõng cuûa cöôùp;

1:14 Cast in your lot among us; let us all have one purse:

1:14 Haõy laáy phaàn ngöôi vôùi chuùng ta, Chuùng ta caû thaûy seõ coù moät tuùi baïc maø thoâi."

1:15 My son, walk not you in the way with them; refrain your foot from their path:

1:15 Hôõi con, ñöøng ñi ñöôøng cuøng chuùng noù; Haõy caàm giöõ chôn con, chôù vaøo loái cuûa hoï;

1:16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

1:16 Vì chôn chuùng noù chaïy ñeán söï aùc, Laät ñaät laøm ñoå huyeát ra.

1:17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.

1:17 Vì giaêng löôùi ra tröôùc maët caùc loaøi coù caùnh Laáy laøm luoáng coâng thay;

1:18 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privately for their own lives.

1:18 Chaùnh nhöõng ngöôøi aáy thaät phuïc möu laøm ñoå huyeát mình ra, Vaø nuùp rình haïi maïng soáng mình.

1:19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which takes away the life of the owners thereof.

1:19 Ñoù laø ñöôøng cuûa nhöõng keû tham lôïi baát nghóa; Lôïi nhö theå ñoaït laáy maïng soáng cuûa keû ñöôïc noù.

1:20 Wisdom cries without; she utters her voice in the streets:

1:20 Söï khoân ngoan hoâ leân ngoaøi ñöôøng, Caát tieáng doäi ra nôi phoá chôï;

1:21 She cries in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she utters her words, saying,

1:21 Khoân ngoan keâu la ôû ñaàu ñöôøng doän döïc oàn aøo; Taïi cöûa thaønh, vaø noäi trong thaønh ngöôøi phaùn lôøi mình ra,

1:22 How long, all of you simple ones, will all of you love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

1:22 Maø raèng: Hôõi keû ngu doát, caùc ngöôi seõ meán söï ngu daïi cho ñeán bao giôø? Keû nhaïo baùng seõ öa söï nhaïo baùng, Vaø keû daïi doät seõ gheùt söï tri thöùc cho ñeán chöøng naøo?

1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

1:23 Nhaân vì ta traùch caùc ngöôi, caùc ngöôi khaù trôû laïi; Kìa, ta seõ ñoå thaàn linh ta treân caùc ngöôi; Ta seõ laøm cho caùc ngöôi bieát nhöõng lôøi cuûa ta.

1:24 Because I have called, and all of you refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

1:24 Bôûi vì ta keâu goïi, maø caùc ngöôi khoâng khöùng nghe, Ta giô tay ta ra, laïi chaúng coù ai chuû yù;

1:25 But all of you have set at nothing all my counsel, and refused my reproof:

1:25 Nhöng caùc ngöôi ñaõ boû heát lôøi khuyeân daïy ta, Khoâng chòu lôøi quôû traùch ta;

1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear comes;

1:26 Neân trong luùc caùc ngöôi bò tai naïn, ta cuõng seõ cheâ cöôøi, Khi söï sôï haõi giaùng cho caùc ngöôi, aét ta seõ nhaïo baùng;

1:27 When your fear comes as desolation, and your destruction comes as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish comes upon you.

1:27 Khi söï sôï haõi caùc ngöôi xaûy ñeán thình lình nhö gioù baõo, Tai naïn xoâng vaøo caùc ngöôi nhö côn troát, Vaø söï ngaët ngheøo, khoán cöïc giaùng treân caùc ngöôi.

1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

1:28 Baáy giôø chuùng noù seõ keâu caàu cuøng ta, nhöng ta seõ khoâng ñaùp lôøi; Saùng sôùm chuùng noù seõ tìm ta, nhöng khoâng gaëp ñöôïc.

1:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:

1:29 Aáy bôûi vì chuùng noù gheùt söï hieåu bieát, Khoâng choïn laáy söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va,

1:30 They refused my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

1:30 Cuõng khoâng muoán theo söï khuyeân daïy ta, Vaø cheâ bai caùc lôøi quôû traùch ta;

1:31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

1:31 Vì vaäy chuùng noù seõ aên boâng traùi cuûa ñöôøng loái mình, Vaø ñöôïc no neâ möu chöôùc cuûa mình rieâng.

1:32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

1:32 Vì söï boäi nghòch cuûa keû ngu doát seõ gieát chuùng noù, Vaø söï yeân oån cuûa keû daïi doät seõ laøm haïi cho chuùng noù.

1:33 But whoso hearkens unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

1:33 Nhöng ai khöùng nghe ta aét seõ ôû an nhieân voâ söï, Ñöôïc bình tònh, khoâng sôï tai hoïa naøo.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

2:1 My son, if you will receive my words, and hide my commandments with you;

2:1 Hôõi con, neáu con tieáp nhaän lôøi ta, Daønh giöõ maïng lònh ta nôi loøng con,

2:2 So that you incline yours ear unto wisdom, and apply yours heart to understanding;

2:2 Ñeå laéng tai nghe söï khoân ngoan, Vaø chuyeân loøng con veà söï thoâng saùng;

2:3 Yea, if you cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding;

2:3 Phaûi neáu con keâu caàu söï phaân bieän, Vaø caát tieáng leân caàu xin söï thoâng saùng,

2:4 If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hid treasures;

2:4 Neáu con tìm noù nhö tieàn baïc, Vaø kieám noù nhö böûu vaät aån bí,

2:5 Then shall you understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

2:5 Baáy giôø con seõ hieåu bieát söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Vaø tìm ñöôïc ñieàu tri thöùc cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi.

2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

2:6 Vì Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ban cho söï khoân ngoan; töø mieäng Ngaøi ra ñieàu tri thöùc vaø thoâng saùng.

2:7 He lays up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

2:7 Ngaøi daønh ôn cöùu roãi cho ngöôøi ngay thaúng; Ngaøi laø thuaãn ñôõ cuûa ngöôøi laøm theo söï ñoan chính,

2:8 He keeps the paths of judgment, and perserves the way of his saints.

2:8 Phuø hoä caùc loái cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình, Vaø giöõ gìn ñöôøng cuûa thaùnh ñoà Ngaøi.

2:9 Then shall you understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.

2:9 Baáy giôø con seõ hieåu bieát söï coâng bình, söï lyù ñoaùn, Söï chaùnh tröïc, vaø caùc neûo laønh.

2:10 When wisdom enters into yours heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto your soul;

2:10 Vì söï khoân ngoan seõ vaøo trong loøng con, Vaø linh hoàn con seõ laáy söï hieåu bieát laøm vui thích.

2:11 Discretion shall preserve you, understanding shall keep you:

2:11 Söï deõ daët seõ coi soùc con, Söï thoâng saùng seõ gìn giöõ con,

2:12 To deliver you from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaks perverse things;

2:12 Ñeå cöùu con khoûi ñöôøng döõ, Khoûi keû noùi vieäc gian taø,

2:13 Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;

2:13 Vaø khoûi keû boû ñöôøng ngay thaúng, Maø ñi theo caùc loái toái taêm;

2:14 Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the perverseness of the wicked;

2:14 Laø ngöôøi vui daï laøm döõ, Öa thích söï gian taø cuûa keû aùc;

2:15 Whose ways are crooked, and they perverse in their paths:

2:15 Chuùng noù cong vaïy trong ñöôøng loái mình, Vaø laàm laïc trong caùc neûo mình;

2:16 To deliver you from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flatters with her words;

2:16 Laïi söï khoân ngoan seõ cöùu con khoûi daâm phuï, Laø ngöôøi ñôøn baø laï noùi lôøi dua nònh;

2:17 Which forsakes the guide of her youth, and forgets the covenant of her God.

2:17 Naøng lìa boû baïn cuûa buoåi ñang thì, Vaø queân söï giao öôùc cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi mình;

2:18 For her house inclines unto death, and her paths unto the dead.

2:18 Vì nhaø noù xieâu qua söï cheát, Vaø con ñöôøng noù daãn ñeán choán keû thaùc;

2:19 None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life.

2:19 Chaúng ai ñi ñeán naøng maø trôû veà, Hoaëc ñöôïc tôùi caùc loái söï soáng;

2:20 That you may walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

2:20 Söï khoân ngoan seõ khieán con ñi trong ñöôøng ngöôøi thieän, Vaø gìn giöõ caùc loái cuûa keû coâng bình.

2:21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it.

2:21 Vì ngöôøi ngay thaúng seõ ñöôïc ôû treân ñaát, Vaø ngöôøi troïn veïn seõ coøn ôû ñoù luoân luoân.

2:22 But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

2:22 Nhöng keû gian aùc seõ bò truaát khoûi ñaát, Vaø keû baát trung seõ bò nhoå röùt khoûi ñoù.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

3:1 My son, forget not my law; but let yours heart keep my commandments:

3:1 Hôõi con, chôù queân söï khuyeân daïy ta, Loøng con khaù giöõ caùc maïng lònh ta;

3:2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to you.

3:2 Vì noù seõ theâm cho con laâu ngaøy, Soá naêm maïng soáng, vaø söï bình an.

3:3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you: bind them about your neck; write them upon the table of yours heart:

3:3 Söï nhôn töø vaø söï chôn thaät, chôù ñeå lìa boû con; Haõy ñeo noù vaøo coå, ghi noù nôi bia loøng con;

3:4 So shall you find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

3:4 Nhö vaäy, tröôùc maët Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi vaø loaøi ngöôøi Con seõ ñöôïc ôn vaø coù söï khoân ngoan thaät.

3:5 Trust in the LORD with all yours heart; and lean not unto yours own understanding.

3:5 Haõy heát loøng tin caäy Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Chôù nöông caäy nôi söï thoâng saùng cuûa con;

3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

3:6 Phaøm trong caùc vieäc laøm cuûa con, khaù nhaän bieát Ngaøi, Thì Ngaøi seõ chæ daãn caùc neûo cuûa con.

3:7 Be not wise in yours own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

3:7 Chôù khoân ngoan theo maét mình; Haõy kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, vaø lìa khoûi söï aùc:

3:8 It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones.

3:8 Nhö vaäy, cuoáng roán con seõ ñöôïc maïnh khoûe, Vaø xöông coát con ñöôïc maùt meû.

3:9 Honour the LORD with your substance, and with the first-fruits of all yours increase:

3:9 Haõy laáy taøi vaät vaø hueâ lôïi ñaàu muøa cuûa con, Maø toân vinh Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va;

3:10 So shall your barns be filled with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with new wine.

3:10 Vaäy, caùc vöïa laãm con seõ ñaày dö daät, Vaø nhöõng thuøng cuûa con seõ traøn röôïu môùi.

3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:

3:11 Hôõi con, chôù khinh ñieàu söûa phaït cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Chôù hieàm loøng khi Ngaøi quôû traùch;

3:12 For whom the LORD loves he corrects; even as a father the son in whom he delights.

3:12 Vì Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va yeâu thöông ai thì traùch phaït naáy. Nhö moät ngöôøi cha ñoái cuøng con trai yeâu daáu mình.

3:13 Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.

3:13 Ngöôøi naøo tìm ñaëng söï khoân ngoan, Vaø ñöôïc söï thoâng saùng, coù phöôùc thay!

3:14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

3:14 Vì thaø ñöôïc noù hôn laø ñöôïc tieàn baïc, Hoa lôïi noù sanh ra toát hôn vaøng roøng.

3:15 She is more precious than rubies: and all the things you can desire are not to be compared unto her.

3:15 Söï khoân ngoan quí baùu hôn chaâu ngoïc, Chaúng moät böûu vaät naøo con öa thích maø saùnh kòp noù ñöôïc.

3:16 Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.

3:16 Tay höõu noù caàm söï tröôøng thoï, Coøn trong tay taû, coù söï giaøu coù vaø vinh hieån.

3:17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

3:17 Caùc neûo noù voán laø neûo khoaùi laïc, Vaø caùc loái noù caû ñieàu bình an.

3:18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retains her.

3:18 Noù laø caây söï soáng cho ai naém laáy noù; Ngöôøi naøo caàm giöõ noù ñeàu ñöôïc phöôùc haïnh.

3:19 The LORD by wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding has he established the heavens.

3:19 Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va duøng söï khoân ngoan laäp neân traùi ñaát; Nhôø söï thoâng saùng maø saép ñaët caùc töøng trôøi.

3:20 By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.

3:20 Do söï hieåu bieát Ngaøi caùc vöïc saâu môû ra, Vaø maây ñaët ra söông moùc.

3:21 My son, let not them depart from yours eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:

3:21 Hôõi con, khaù gìn giöõ söï khoân ngoan thaät vaø söï deõ daët, Chôù ñeå noù lìa xa maét con;

3:22 So shall they be life unto your soul, and grace to your neck.

3:22 Thì noù seõ laø söï soáng cuûa linh hoàn con, Vaø nhö ñoà trang söùc cho coå con.

3:23 Then shall you walk in your way safely, and your foot shall not stumble.

3:23 Con seõ böôùc ñi vöõng vaøng trong ñöôøng con, Vaø chôn con khoâng vaáp ngaõ.

3:24 When you lie down, you shall not be afraid: yea, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.

3:24 Khi con naèm, chaúng coù ñieàu sôï haõi; Phaûi, con seõ naèm ñöôïc nguû ngon giaác.

3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it comes.

3:25 Chôù sôï söï kinh khieáp xaûy ñeán thình lình, Cuõng ñöøng kinh haõi luùc söï taøn haïi giaùng treân keû aùc;

3:26 For the LORD shall be your confidence, and shall keep your foot from being taken.

3:26 Vì Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laø nôi nöông caäy cuûa con, Ngaøi seõ gìn giöõ chôn con khoûi maéc baãy.

3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of yours hand to do it.

3:27 Chôù töø choái laøm laønh cho keû naøo xöùng ñaùng, Mieãn laø tay con coù quyeàn laøm ñieàu aáy.

3:28 Say not unto your neighbour, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when you have it by you.

3:28 Nhöôïc baèng con coù taïi nôi con vaät keû laân caän caàu xin, thì chôù noùi vôùi ngöôøi raèng: Haõy ñi vaø trôû laïi, ngaøy mai ta seõ cho ngöôi.

3:29 Devise not evil against your neighbour, seeing he dwells securely by you.

3:29 Chôù laäp möu haïi keû laân caän con, Vì ngöôøi aên ôû bình yeân beân con.

3:30 Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done you no harm.

3:30 Neáu khoâng coù laøm ñieàu haïi cho con, Chôù tranh giaønh voâ côù vôùi ai.

3:31 Envy you not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.

3:31 Chôù phaân bì vôùi keû hung döõ, Cuõng ñöøng choïn loái naøo cuûa haén;

3:32 For the perverse is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous.

3:32 Vì Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va gôùm ghieác keû gian taø; Nhöng keát tình baäu baïn cuøng ngöôøi ngay thaúng.

3:33 The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesses the habitation of the just.

3:33 Söï ruûa saû cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va giaùng treân nhaø keû aùc. Song Ngaøi ban phöôùc cho choã ôû cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình.

3:34 Surely he scorns the scorners: but he gives grace unto the lowly.

3:34 Quaû thaät Ngaøi nhaïo baùng keû hay nhaïo baùng; Nhöng Ngaøi ban ôn cho ngöôøi khieâm nhöôøng.

3:35 The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

3:35 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan seõ höôûng ñöôïc söï vinh hieån; Coøn söï thaêng leân cuûa keû ngu daïi seõ ra ñieàu hoå theïn.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

4:1 Hear, all of you children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.

4:1 Hôõi caùc con, haõy nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy cuûa moät ngöôøi cha, Khaù chuû yù vaøo, haàu cho bieát söï thoâng saùng;

4:2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake all of you not my law.

4:2 Vì ta ban cho caùc con moät ñaïo lyù toát laønh; Chôù lìa boû lôøi daïy doã cuûa ta.

4:3 For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.

4:3 Khi coøn thô aáu, ta laø con trai cuûa cha ta, Moät ñöùa con moät cuûa meï ta yeâu meán.

4:4 He taught me also, and said unto me, Let yours heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live.

4:4 Cha ta coù daïy ta raèng: Loøng con khaù ghi nhôù caùc lôøi ta; Haõy gìn giöõ maïng lònh ta, thì con seõ ñöôïc soáng.

4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.

4:5 Khaù caàu laáy söï khoân ngoan, khaù caàu laáy söï thoâng saùng, Chôù queân, chôù xaây boû caùc lôøi cuûa mieäng ta;

4:6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve you: love her, and she shall keep you.

4:6 Ñöøng lìa boû söï khoân ngoan, aét ngöôøi seõ gìn giöõ con; Haõy yeâu meán ngöôøi, thì ngöôøi seõ phuø hoä con.

4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding.

4:7 Söï khoân ngoan laø ñieàu caàn nhöùt; vaäy, khaù caàu laáy söï khoân ngoan; Haõy duøng heát cuûa con ñaõ ñöôïc maø mua söï thoâng saùng.

4:8 Exalt her, and she shall promote you: she shall bring you to honour, when you do embrace her.

4:8 Haõy toân taëng söï khoân ngoan, thì söï khoân ngoan seõ thaêng con leân, Laøm cho con ñöôïc vinh hieån, khi con hoaøi nieäm ñeán.

4:9 She shall give to yours head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to you.

4:9 Söï khoân ngoan seõ ñoäi treân ñaàu con moät daây hoa mó, Vaø ban cho con moät maõo trieàu thieân vinh quang.

4:10 Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of your life shall be many.

4:10 Hôõi con, haõy nghe vaø tieáp nhaän caùc lôøi ta; Thì naêm thaùng cuûa ñôøi con seõ ñöôïc theâm nhieàu leân.

4:11 I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths.

4:11 Ta ñaõ daïy doã con ñöôøng khoân ngoan, Daãn con ñi trong caùc loái ngay thaúng.

4:12 When you go, your steps shall not be straitened; and when you run, you shall not stumble.

4:12 Khi con ñi, böôùc chôn con seõ khoâng ngaäp ngöøng, Vaø khi con chaïy, con seõ khoâng vaáp ngaõ.

4:13 Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is your life.

4:13 Haõy naém chaéc ñieàu khuyeân daïy, chôù buoâng ra; Khaù gìn giöõ noù, vì laø söï soáng cuûa con.

4:14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.

4:14 Chôù vaøo trong loái keû hung döõ, Vaø ñöøng ñi ñöôøng keû gian aùc.

4:15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.

4:15 Haõy traùnh ñöôøng aáy, chôù ñi ngang qua noù; Haõy xaây khoûi noù vaø cöù ñi thaúng.

4:16 For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.

4:16 Vì neáu chuùng noù khoâng laøm ñieàu aùc, thì nguû khoâng ñaëng; Baèng chöa gaây cho ngöôøi naøo vaáp phaïm, thì giaác nguû bò caát khoûi chuùng noù.

4:17 For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.

4:17 Vì chuùng noù aên baùnh cuûa söï gian aùc, Vaø uoáng röôïu cuûa söï hung haêng.

4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.

4:18 Nhöng con ñöôøng ngöôøi coâng bình gioáng nhö söï saùng chieáu raïng, Caøng saùng theâm leân cho ñeán giöõa tröa.

4:19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.

4:19 Coøn neûo keû gian aùc vaãn nhö taêm toái; Chuùng noù chaúng bieát mình vaáp ngaõ vì ñaâu.

4:20 My son, attend to my words; incline yours ear unto my sayings.

4:20 Hôõi con, haõy chaêm chæ veà caùc lôøi ta, Khaù nghieâng tai nghe nhöõng baøi giaûng thuyeát ta.

4:21 Let them not depart from yours eyes; keep them in the midst of yours heart.

4:21 Caùc lôøi aáy chôù ñeå xa khoûi maét con, Haõy giöõ laáy nôi loøng con.

4:22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

4:22 Vì lôøi aáy laø söï soáng cho ngöôøi naøo tìm ñöôïc noù, Vaø söï khoûe maïnh cho toaøn thaân theå cuûa hoï.

4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

4:23 Khaù caån thaän giöõ taám loøng cuûa con hôn heát, Vì caùc nguoàn söï soáng do nôi noù maø ra.

4:24 Put away from you a perverse mouth, and perverse lips put far from you.

4:24 Con haõy deïp ra söï gian taø cuûa mieäng, Vaø boû caùch xa con söï giaû doái cuûa moâi.

4:25 Let yours eyes look right on, and let yours eyelids look straight before you.

4:25 Maét con haõy ngoù ngay tröôùc maët, Vaø mí maét con khaù xem thaúng tröôùc maët con.

4:26 Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.

4:26 Haõy ban baèng caùi neûo cuûa chôn con ñi, Vaø laäp cho vöõng vaøng caùc ñöôøng loái con,

4:27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove your foot from evil.

4:27 Chôù xaây qua beân höõu hay beân taû; Haõy dôøi chôn con khoûi söï aùc.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

5:1 My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow yours ear to my understanding:

5:1 Hôõi con, haõy chaêm chæ veà söï khoân ngoan ta, Khaù nghieâng tai qua nghe lôøi thoâng saùng ta;

5:2 That you may regard discretion, and that your lips may keep knowledge.

5:2 Ñeå con gìn giöõ söï deõ daët, Vaø moâi con baûo toàn söï tri thöùc.

5:3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:

5:3 Vì moâi keû daâm phuï ñaët ra maät, Vaø mieäng noù dòu hôn daàu;

5:4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.

5:4 Nhöng roát laïi ñaéng nhö ngaûi cöùu, Beùn nhö göôm hai löôõi.

5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

5:5 Chôn noù xuoáng choán cheát; Böôùc noù ñuïng ñeán aâm phuû.

5:6 Lest you should ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that you can not know them.

5:6 Noù khoâng tìm ñaëng con ñöôøng baèng thaúng cuûa söï soáng; Caùc loái noù laàm laïc, song noù chaúng bieát ñeán.

5:7 Hear me now therefore, O all of you children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.

5:7 Vaäy baây giôø, hôõi caùc con, haõy nghe ta; Chôù lìa boû caùc lôøi cuûa mieäng ta.

5:8 Remove your way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:

5:8 Haõy dôøi ñöôøng con caùch xa khoûi noù, Ñöøng laïi gaàn cöûa nhaø noù;

5:9 Lest you give yours honour unto others, and your years unto the cruel:

5:9 E con trao söï danh döï mình cho keû khaùc, Vaø naêm tuoåi con cho keû hung baïo.

5:10 Lest strangers be filled with your wealth; and your labours be in the house of a stranger;

5:10 E ngöôøi laï ñöôïc no neâ hoùa taøi con, Vaø coâng lao con veà nhaø keû ngoaïi;

5:11 And you mourn at the last, when your flesh and your body are consumed,

5:11 Keûo ñeán cuoái cuøng con phaûi reân sieát, Vì thòt vaø thaân theå con ñaõ bò hao moøn,

5:12 And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;

5:12 Roài con noùi raèng: Côù sao toâi gheùt lôøi khuyeân daïy, Vaø loøng toâi khinh bæ söï quôû traùch?

5:13 And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!

5:13 Nhôn sao toâi khoâng vaâng theo tieáng giaùo sö toâi, Vaø chaúng nghieâng tai qua lôøi cuûa ngöôøi daïy doã toâi?

5:14 I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.

5:14 Taïi giöõa daân söï vaø hoäi chuùng, Toâi thieáu ñieàu bò sa vaøo caùc thöù tai hoïa.

5:15 Drink waters out of yours own cistern, and running waters out of yours own well.

5:15 Haõy uoáng nöôùc hoà con chöùa, Vaø nöôùc chaûy trong gieáng con.

5:16 Let your fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.

5:16 Caùc nguoàn cuûa con haù neân traøn ra ngoaøi ñöôøng, Vaø caùc suoái cuûa con tuoân nôi phoá chôï sao?

5:17 Let them be only yours own, and not strangers' with you.

5:17 Noù khaù veà moät mình con, Chôù thoâng duïng noù vôùi ngöôøi ngoaïi.

5:18 Let your fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of your youth.

5:18 Nguyeän nguoàn maïch con ñöôïc phöôùc; Con haõy laáy laøm vui thích nôi vôï con cöôùi buoåi ñang thì,

5:19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and be you ravished always with her love.

5:19 Nhö nai caùi ñaùng thöông, vaø hoaøng döông coù duyeân toát, Nguyeän nöông long naøng laøm thoûa loøng con luoân luoân, Vaø aùi tình naøng khieán cho con say meâ maõi maõi.

5:20 And why will you, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?

5:20 Hôõi con, leõ naøo con meâ meät ngöôøi daâm phuï, Vaø naâng niu loøng cuûa ngöôøi ngoaïi?

5:21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his activities.

5:21 Vì caùc ñöôøng cuûa loaøi ngöôøi ôû tröôùc maët Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Ngaøi ban baèng caùc loái cuûa hoï.

5:22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be held with the cords of his sins.

5:22 Keû hung döõ seõ bò gian aùc mình baét phaûi, Vaø bò daây toäi loãi mình vaán buoäc laáy.

5:23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

5:23 Noù seõ cheát vì thieáu lôøi khuyeân daïy, Vaø bò laàm laïc vì ngu daïi quaù.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

6:1 My son, if you be guarantor for your friend, if you have stricken your hand with a stranger,

6:1 Hôõi con, neáu con coù baûo laõnh cho keû laân caän mình, Neáu con giao tay mình vì ngöôøi ngoaïi,

6:2 You are snared with the words of your mouth, you are taken with the words of your mouth.

6:2 Thì con ñaõ bò lôøi mieäng mình troùi buoäc, Maéc phaûi lôøi cuûa mieäng con.

6:3 Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself, when you are come into the hand of your friend; go, humble yourself, and make sure your friend.

6:3 Hôõi con, bôûi vì con ñaõ sa vaøo tay keû laân caän con, Hôõi laøm ñieàu naày vaø giaûi cöùu mình con: Haõy ñi haï mình xuoáng, naøi xin ngöôøi laân caän con;

6:4 Give not sleep to yours eyes, nor slumber to yours eyelids.

6:4 Chôù ñeå cho hai maét con nguû, Hoaëc mí maét con chôïp laïi;

6:5 Deliver yourself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

6:5 Hôõi giaûi cöùu mình khoûi ngöôøi nhö con hoaøng döông thoaùt khoûi tay thôï saên, Nhö con chim thoaùt khoûi tay keû ñaùnh raäp.

6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

6:6 Hôõi keû bieáng nhaùc, haõy ñi ñeán loaøi kieán; Khaù xem xeùt caùch aên ôû noù maø hoïc khoân ngoan.

6:7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,

6:7 Tuy noù khoâng coù hoaëc quan töôùng, Hay quan cai ñoác, hay laø quan traán,

6:8 Provides her food in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.

6:8 Thì noù cuõng bieát saém söûa löông phaïn mình trong luùc muøa heø, Vaø thaâu tröû vaät thöïc noù trong khi muøa gaët.

6:9 How long will you sleep, O sluggard? when will you arise out of your sleep?

6:9 Hôõi keû bieáng nhaùc, ngöôi seõ naèm cho ñeán chöøng naøo? Bao giôø ngöôi seõ nguû thöùc daäy?

6:10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

6:10 Nguû moät chuùt, chôïp maét moät chuùt, Khoanh tay naèm moät chuùt,

6:11 So shall your poverty come as one that travels, and your lack as an armed man.

6:11 Thì söï ngheøo khoå cuûa ngöôi seõ ñeán nhö keû ñi raûo, Vaø söï thieáu thoán cuûa ngöôi tôùi nhö ngöôøi caàm binh khí.

6:12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth.

6:12 Ngöôøi naøo ñi ñöøng coù mieäng giaû doái, Laø moät keû voâ loaïi, moät ngöôøi gian aùc;

6:13 He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers;

6:13 Haén lieác con maét, duøng chôn mình baøy yù, Vaø laáy ngoùn tay mình ra daáu;

6:14 Perverseness is in his heart, he devises mischief continually; he sows discord.

6:14 Trong loøng haén vaãn coù söï gian taø; Noù toan möu aùc luoân luoân, Vaø gieo söï tranh caïnh.

6:15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

6:15 Bôùi côù aáy, tai hoïa seõ xaûy ñeán noù thình lình; Boãng chuùc noù bò baïi hoaïi, khoâng phöông theá chöõa ñöôïc.

6:16 These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

6:16 Coù saùu ñieàu Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va gheùt, Vaø baûy ñieàu Ngaøi laáy laøm gôùm ghieác:

6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

6:17 Con maét kieâu ngaïo, löôõi doái traù, Tay laøm ñoå huyeát voâ toäi

6:18 An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

6:18 Loøng toan nhöõng möu aùc, Chôn voäi vaøng chaïy ñeán söï döõ,

6:19 A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.

6:19 Keû laøm chöùng gian vaø noùi ñieàu doái, Cuøng keû gieo söï tranh caïnh trong voøng anh em.

6:20 My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not the law of your mother:

6:20 Hôõi con, haõy giöõ lôøi raên baûo cuûa cha, Chôù lìa boû caùc pheùp taéc cuûa meï con.

6:21 Bind them continually upon yours heart, and tie them about your neck.

6:21 Khaù ghi taïc noù nôi loøng con luoân luoân, Vaø ñeo noù nôi coå con.

6:22 When you go, it shall lead you; when you sleep, it shall keep you; and when you awake, it shall talk with you.

6:22 Khi con ñi, caùc lôøi ñoù seõ daãn daét con; Luùc con nguû, noù gìn giöõ con; Vaø khi con thuùc ñaåy, thì noù seõ troø chuyeän vôùi con.

6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

6:23 Vì ñieàu raên laø moät caùi ñeøn, luaät phaùp laø aùnh saùng, Vaø söï quôû traùch khuyeân daïy laø con ñöôøng söï soáng,

6:24 To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.

6:24 Ñaëng giöõ con khoûi ngöôøi ñôøn baø aùc nghieäp, Vaø khoûi löôõi dua nònh cuûa daâm phuï.

6:25 Lust not after her beauty in yours heart; neither let her take you with her eyelids.

6:25 Loøng con chôù tham muoán saéc noù, Ñöøng ñeå mình maéc phaûi mí maét noù.

6:26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adultress will hunt for the precious life.

6:26 Vì taïi kî nöõ coù ngöôøi noâng noåi chæ coøn moät mieáng baùnh maø thoâi; Ngöôøi daâm phuï vaãn löøa saün linh hoàn quí baùu.

6:27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?

6:27 Haù coù ngöôøi naøo ñeå löûa trong loøng mình, Maø aùo ngöôøi laïi chaúng bò chaùy sao?

6:28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?

6:28 Haù coù ai ñi treân than löûa höïc, Maø chôn mình laïi chaúng bò phoàng chaêng?

6:29 So he that goes in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever touches her shall not be innocent.

6:29 Keû naøo ñi tôùi cuøng vôï ngöôøi laân caän mình cuõng vaäy; Phaøm ai ñuïng ñeán naøng aét chaúng ñöôïc khoûi bò phaït.

6:30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;

6:30 Ngöôøi ta chaúng khinh dò keû troäm, Neáu noù aên caép ñaëng phæ loøng mình khi ñoùi khaùt;

6:31 But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

6:31 Heã noù bò baét, chaéc phaûi thöôøng boài gaáp baûy laàn; Noù seõ noäp heát taøi saûn cuûa nhaø noù.

6:32 But whoso commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding: he that does it destroys his own soul.

6:32 Keû naøo phaïm toäi ngoaïi tình vôùi ngöôøi ñôøn baø, taát voâ taâm voâ trí: Ai laøm nhö vaäy, khieán cho linh hoàn mình bò hö maát.

6:33 A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.

6:33 Ngöôøi aáy seõ bò thöông tích vaø khinh bæ, Söï sæ nhuïc ngöôøi seõ chaúng boâi maát ñi;

6:34 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

6:34 Vì söï ghen gheùt laø ñieàu giaän döõ cuûa ngöôøi nam, Trong ngaøy baùo thuø, ngöôøi khoâng dung thöù;

6:35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though you give many gifts.

6:35 Ngöôøi seõ chaúng nhaän giaù ñeàn toäi naøo heát, Maëc daàu con gia taêng cuûa leã, ngöôøi cuõng khoâng ñaëng phæ yù ñaâu.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

7:1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with you.

7:1 Hôõi con, haõy giöõ caùc lôøi ta, Vaø giaáu nôi loøng caùc maïng lònh ta.

7:2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of yours eye.

7:2 Khaù tuaân thuû caùc maïng lònh ta, thì con seõ ñöôïc soáng; Vaø gìn giöõ lôøi khuyeân daïy ta nhö ngöôi cuûa maét con.

7:3 Bind them upon your fingers, write them upon the table of yours heart.

7:3 Haõy coät noù nôi ngoùn tay con, Ghi noù treân bia loøng con.

7:4 Say unto wisdom, You are my sister; and call understanding your kinswoman:

7:4 Haõy noùi vôùi söï khoân ngoan raèng: Ngöôi laø chò em ta! Vaø xöng söï thoâng saùng laø baèng höõu con;

7:5 That they may keep you from the strange woman, from the stranger which flatters with her words.

7:5 Ñeå noù gìn giöõ con khoûi daâm phuï Khoûi ñôøn baø ngoaïi hay noùi lôøi dua nònh.

7:6 For at the window of my house I looked through my casement,

7:6 Vì taïi cöûa soå nhaø ta, Ta nhìn ngang qua song maët voõng ta,

7:7 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding,

7:7 Beøn thaáy trong boïn keû ngu doát, Giöõa voøng ngöôøi thieáu nieân, coù moät gaõ trai treû khoâng trí hieåu,

7:8 Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house,

7:8 Ñi qua ngoaøi ñöôøng gaàn goùc nhaø ñôøn baø aáy; Ngöôøi baét ñi ñöôøng daãn ñeán nhaø naøng,

7:9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night:

7:9 Hoaëc trong luùc chaïng vaïng khi roát ngaøy, Hoaëc giöõa ban ñeâm khi toái taêm muø mòt.

7:10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart.

7:10 Kìa, ngöôøi ñôøn baø aáy ñi ra röôùc haén, Trang ñieåm nhö con bôïm, loøng ñaày möu keá,

7:11 (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:

7:11 Naøng voán noùi om soøm, khoâng thìn neát, Hai chôn naøng chaúng ôû trong nhaø,

7:12 Now is she without, now in the streets, and lies in wait at every corner.)

7:12 Khi ôû ngoaøi ñöôøng, luùc nôi phoá chôï, Rình raäp taïi caùc heûm goùc.

7:13 So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an shameless face said unto him,

7:13 Naøng naém oâm hoân keû trai treû aáy, Maët chai maøy ñaù, noùi cuøng chaøng raèng:

7:14 I have peace offerings with me; this day have I paid my vows.

7:14 "Toâi coù cuûa leã thuø aân taïi nhaø toâi; Ngaøy nay toâi ñaõ traû xong caùc lôøi khaán nguyeän toâi.

7:15 Therefore came I forth to meet you, diligently to seek your face, and I have found you.

7:15 Bôûi côù ñoù, toâi ra ñoùn anh, Ñaëng tìm thaáy maët anh, vaø toâi ñaõ tìm ñöôïc.

7:16 I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.

7:16 Toâi coù traûi treân giöôøng toâi nhöõng meàn, Baèng chæ EÂ-díp-toâ ñuû saéc,

7:17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

7:17 Laáy moät döôïc, lö hoäi, vaø queá bì, Maø xoâng thôm choã naèm toâi.

7:18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.

7:18 Haõy ñeán, chuùng ta seõ thaân aùi meâ meät cho ñeán saùng, Vui söôùng nhau veà söï luyeán aùi.

7:19 For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:

7:19 Vì choàng toâi khoâng coù ôû nhaø, Ngöôøi traåy ñi xa xuoâi laém,

7:20 He has taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.

7:20 Ñem tuùi baïc theo tay ngöôøi, Ñeán raèm môùi trôû veà nhaø."

7:21 With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

7:21 Naøng duøng laém lôøi eâm dòu quyeán duï haén, Laøm haén sa ngaõ vì lôøi dua nònh cuûa moâi mieäng mình.

7:22 He goes after her immediately, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;

7:22 Haén lieàn ñi theo naøng, Nhö moät con boø ñeán loø caïo, Nhö keû ngu daïi bò cuøm daãn ñi chòu hình phaït,

7:23 Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hastes to the snare, and knows not that it is for his life.

7:23 Cho ñeán khi muõi teân xoi ngang qua gan noù; Nhö con chim bay a vaøo löôùi, Maø khoâng bieát raèng noù raäp söï soáng mình.

7:24 Hearken unto me now therefore, O all of you children, and attend to the words of my mouth.

7:24 Vaäy baây giôø, hôõi con, haõy nghe ta, Khaù chaêm chæ veà caùc lôøi cuûa mieäng ta.

7:25 Let not yours heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.

7:25 Loøng con chôù xaây vaøo con ñöôøng ñôøn baø aáy. Chôù ñi laïc trong caùc loái naøng;

7:26 For she has cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.

7:26 Vì naøng laøm nhieàu ngöôøi bò thöông tích sa ngaõ, Vaø keû bò naøng gieát thaät raát nhieàu thay.

7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

7:27 Nhaø naøng laø con ñöôøng cuûa aâm phuû, Daãn xuoáng caùc phoøng cuûa söï cheát.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

8:1 Does not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

8:1 Söï khoân ngoan haù chaúng keâu leân sao? Söï thoâng saùng haù khoâng vang tieáng mình ra ö?

8:2 She stands in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.

8:2 Söï khoân ngoan ñöùng treân choùt caùc nôi cao, Ngoaøi ñöôøng, taïi caùc ngaõ tö.

8:3 She cries at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.

8:3 Gaàn beân cöûa thaønh, taïi nôi vaøo thaønh, ÔÛ choã ñoâng trong cöûa thaønh, söï khoân ngoan la leân raèng:

8:4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

8:4 Hôõi loaøi ngöôøi, ta keâu goïi caùc ngöôi, Vaø tieáng ta höôùng veà con caùi loaøi ngöôøi!

8:5 O all of you simple, understand wisdom: and, all of you fools, be all of you of an understanding heart.

8:5 Hôõi keû ngu muoäi, haõy hieåu söï khoân kheùo; Hôõi keû daïi doät, loøng ngöôi khaù neân thoâng saùng.

8:6 Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.

8:6 Haõy nghe, vì ta seõ noùi ñieàu toát laønh, Ta hôû moâi ra maø daïy ñieàu ngay thaúng.

8:7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

8:7 Vì mieäng ta seõ noùi chaân thaät; Coøn moâi ta gheùt söï gian aùc.

8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing perverse or perverse in them.

8:8 Caùc lôøi mieäng ta ñieàu xöng hieäp söï coâng bình. Trong noù chaúng coù ñieàu chi cong vaïy hoaëc gian taø.

8:9 They are all plain to him that understands, and right to them that find knowledge.

8:9 Thaûy ñeàu roõ raøng cho ngöôøi naøo hieåu bieát, Vaø ngay thaúng cho ngöôøi naøo tìm ñöôïc söï tri thöùc.

8:10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.

8:10 Khaù nhaän söï khuyeân daïy ta, chôù laõnh tieàn baïc, Thaø laõnh söï tri thöùc hôn laø vaøng choïn löïa;

8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

8:11 Vì söï khoân ngoan coù giaù hôn chaâu ngoïc, Vaø caùc vaät mình öa thích hôn heát chaúng saùnh baèng noù ñaëng.

8:12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

8:12 Ta, laø söï khoân ngoan, ñoàng ôû vôùi söï thoâng minh, Vaø tìm ñöôïc söï hieåu bieát, vaø söï deõ daët.

8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth, do I hate.

8:13 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, aáy laø gheùt ñieàu aùc; Ta gheùt söï kieâu ngaïo, xaác xöôïc, con ñöôøng aùc, vaø mieäng gian taø.

8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.

8:14 Möu luaän vaø söï thoâng thaïo ñeàu thuoäc veà ta; Ta laø söï thoâng saùng; naêng löïc voán thuoäc veà ta.

8:15 By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

8:15 Nhôø ta, caùc vua cai trò, Vaø nhöõng quan tröôûng ñònh söï coâng bình.

8:16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.

8:16 Nhôø ta, caùc quan tröôûng, ngöôøi töôùc vò, Vaø caùc quan xeùt theá gian ñeàu quaûn haït.

8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

8:17 Ta yeâu meán nhöõng ngöôøi yeâu meán ta, Phaøm ai tìm kieám ta seõ gaëp ta.

8:18 Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.

8:18 Söï giaøu coù, söï toân troïng, Cuûa caûi beàn laâu, vaø söï coâng bình, ñeàu ôû nôi ta.

8:19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.

8:19 Boâng traùi ta toát hôn vaøng, ñeán ñoãi hôn vaøng roøng; Hoa lôïi cuûa ta quí hôn baïc cao.

8:20 I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:

8:20 Ta ñi trong con ñöôøng coâng bình, Giöõa caùc loái ngay thaúng,

8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.

8:21 Ñaëng laøm cho keû yeâu meán ta höôûng ñöôïc cuûa caûi thaät, Vaø laøm cho ñaày daãy caùc kho taøng cuûa hoï.

8:22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.

8:22 Trong buoåi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va khôûi cuoäc taïo hoùa, Vaø thôøi thaùi coå, tröôùc khi chöa döïng neân muoân vaät thì Ngaøi ñaõ coù ta.

8:23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, before even the earth was.

8:23 Ta ñaõ ñöôïc laäp töø tröôùc voâ cuøng Töø khi nguyeân thæ, tröôùc khi döïng neân traùi ñaát.

8:24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.

8:24 Luùc chöa coù vöïc saâu, chöa coù nguoàn chaûy nöôùc nhieàu. Thì ta ñaõ sanh ra roài.

8:25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:

8:25 Tröôùc khi nuùi non chöa laäp neân, Vaø caùc goø noång chöa coù;

8:26 While yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

8:26 Tröôùc khi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va chöa coù döïng neân ñaát, ñoàng ruoäng, Vaø tro buïi ñaàu tieân cuûa theá gian, thì ta ñaõ sanh ra roài.

8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

8:27 Khi Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi laäp caùc töøng trôøi, Vaø ñaët caùi voøng treân maët vöïc saâu, thì coù ta ôû ñoù.

8:28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:

8:28 Khi Ngaøi laøm cho kieân coá caùc töøng maây treân cao, Khieán caùc nguoàn vöïc saâu vöõng chaéc,

8:29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:

8:29 Ñònh bôø coõi cho bieån, Ñeå nöôùc khoâng traøn phaïm ñieàu raên cuûa Ngaøi, Vaø khi Ngaøi laäp neân traùi ñaát,

8:30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;

8:30 Thì ta ôû beân Ngaøi laøm thôï caùi, Haèng ngaøy ta laø söï khoaùi laïc Ngaøi, Vaø thöôøng thöôøng vui veû tröôùc maët Ngaøi.

8:31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

8:31 Ta laáy laøm vui veû veà choã coù ngöôøi ôû treân traùi ñaát cuûa Ngaøi, Vaø söï vui thích ta ôû nôi con caùi loaøi ngöôøi.

8:32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O all of you children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.

8:32 Vaäy, baây giôø, caùc con ôi! haõy nghe ta; Ai giöõ ñaïo ta laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay.

8:33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.

8:33 Khaù nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy, vaø ôû khoân ngoan, Chôù neân töø choái noù.

8:34 Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

8:34 Ngöôøi naøo nghe lôøi ta, Haèng ngaøy tænh thöùc taïi nôi cöûa ta, Vaø chôø ñôïi ôû beân caùc truï cöûa ta, laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay.

8:35 For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.

8:35 Vì heã ai tìm ñöôïc ta, thì gaëp söï soáng, Vaø seõ ñöôïc ôn cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va;

8:36 But he that sins against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

8:36 Nhöng ai phaïm ñeán ta, laøm haïi cho linh hoàn mình; Coøn keû naøo gheùt ta, aét öa thích söï cheát.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

9:1 Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars:

9:1 Söï khoân ngoan ñaõ xaây döïng nhaø mình; Taïc thaønh baûy caây truï cuûa ngöôøi;

9:2 She has killed her beasts; she has mingled her wine; she has also furnished her table.

9:2 Gieát caùc con thuù mình, pha röôïu nho mình, Vaø doïn baøn tieäc mình roài.

9:3 She has sent forth her maidens: she cries upon the highest places of the city,

9:3 Ngöôøi ñaõ sai caùc tôù gaùi mình ñi; ÔÛ treân caùc nôi cao cuûa thaønh ngöôøi la raèng:

9:4 Whoso is simple, let him turn in here: as for him that wants understanding, she says to him,

9:4 Ai ngu doát, haõy ruùt vaøo ñaáy; Vôùi keû thieáu trí hieåu, söï khoân ngoan noùi raèng:

9:5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.

9:5 Haõy ñeán aên baùnh cuûa ta, Vaø uoáng röôïu ta ñaõ pha loän.

9:6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

9:6 Khaù boû söï ngaây daïi ñi, thì seõ ñöôïc soáng; Haõy ñi theo con ñöôøng thoâng saùng.

9:7 He that reproves a scorner gets to himself shame: and he that rebukes a wicked man gets himself a blot.

9:7 Ai traùch daïy keû nhaïo baùng maéc phaûi ñieàu sæ nhuïc, Ai quôû keû hung aùc bò ñieám oá.

9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you: rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.

9:8 Chôù traùch keû nhaïo baùng, e noù gheùt con; Haõy traùch ngöôøi khoân ngoan, thì ngöôøi seõ yeâu meán con.

9:9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

9:9 Haõy khuyeân giaùo ngöôøi khoân ngoan, thì ngöôøi seõ ñöôïc neân khoân ngoan hôn; Khaù daïy doã ngöôøi coâng bình, thì ngöôøi seõ theâm tri thöùc nöõa.

9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

9:10 Kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, aáy laø khôûi ñaàu söï khoân ngoan; Söï nhìn bieát Ñaáng Thaùnh, ñoù laø söï thoâng saùng.

9:11 For by me your days shall be multiplied, and the years of your life shall be increased.

9:11 Vì nhôø ta, caùc ngaøy con seõ ñöôïc theâm nhieàu leân, Vaø caùc naêm tuoåi con seõ ñaëng gia taêng.

9:12 If you be wise, you shall be wise for yourself: but if you scorn, you alone shall bear it.

9:12 Neáu con khoân ngoan, thì coù ích cho chính mình con; Neáu con nhaïo baùng, taát moät mình con phaûi gaùnh laáy.

9:13 A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knows nothing.

9:13 Ñôøn baø ñieân cuoàng hay la loái, Naøng laø ngu muoäi chaúng bieát chi caû.

9:14 For she sits at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city,

9:14 Naøng ngoài nôi cöûa nhaø mình, Treân moät caùi gheá taïi nôi cao cuûa thaønh,

9:15 To call passengers who go right on their ways:

9:15 Ñaëng keâu goïi nhöõng keû ñi ñöôøng, Töùc nhöõng keû ñi thaúng ñöôøng mình maø raèng:

9:16 Whoso is simple, let him turn in here: and as for him that wants understanding, she says to him,

9:16 Ai ngu doát haõy ruùt vaøo ñaây; Vaø naøng noùi vôùi keû thieáu trí hieåu raèng:

9:17 Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.

9:17 Nöôùc aên caép laáy laøm ngoït ngaøo, Baùnh aên vuïng laø ngon thay.

9:18 But he knows not that the dead are there; and that her guest are in the depths of hell.

9:18 Nhöõng ngöôøi chaúng bieát raèng keû cheát ôû ñoù, Vaø nhöõng ngöôøi khaùch cuûa naøng ñeàu ôû döôùi choán saâu cuûa aâm phuû.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

10:1 The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.

10:1 Con trai khoân ngoan laøm vui cha mình; Nhöng ñöùa ngu muoäi gaây buoàn cho meï noù.

10:2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivers from death.

10:2 Cuûa phi nghóa chaúng ñöôïc ích chi; Song söï coâng bình giaûi cöùu khoûi cheát.

10:3 The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casts away the substance of the wicked.

10:3 Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va khoâng ñeå linh hoàn ngöôøi coâng bình chòu ñoùi khaùt; Nhöng Ngaøi xoâ ñuoåi öôùc ao cuûa keû aùc ñi.

10:4 He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

10:4 Keû laøm vieäc tay bieáng nhaùc trôû neân ngheøo heøn; Coøn tay keû sieâng naêng laøm cho ñöôïc giaøu coù.

10:5 He that gathers in summer is a wise son: but he that sleeps in harvest is a son that causes shame.

10:5 Ai thaâu tröû trong muøa heø laø con trai khoân ngoan; Song keû nguû luùc muøa gaët laø con trai gaây cho sæ nhuïc.

10:6 Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.

10:6 Coù phöôùc laønh giaùng treân ñaàu keû coâng bình; Nhöng mieäng keû aùc giaáu söï cöôøng baïo.

10:7 The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.

10:7 Kyû nieäm ngöôøi coâng bình ñöôïc khen ngôïi; Song teân keû gian aùc ruïc ñi.

10:8 The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a babbling fool shall fall.

10:8 Ngöôøi coù loøng khoân ngoan, nhaän tieáp nhöõng ñieàu raên; Nhöng keû coù mieäng ngu muoäi phaûi bò sa ngaõ.

10:9 He that walks uprightly walks surely: but he that perverts his ways shall be known.

10:9 Ngöôøi naøo theo söï ngay thaúng ñi vöõng chaéc; Coøn keû laøm cong vaïy ñöôøng loái mình bò chuùng bieát.

10:10 He that winks with the eye causes sorrow: but a babbling fool shall fall.

10:10 Keû naøo nheo maét laøm cho öu saàu; Coøn ai coù mieäng ngu muoäi bò sa ngaõ.

10:11 The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.

10:11 Mieäng ngöôøi coâng bình laø moät nguoàn söï soáng; Nhöng mieäng keû hung aùc giaáu söï cöôøng baïo.

10:12 Hatred stirs up strifes: but love covers all sins.

10:12 Söï ghen gheùt xui ñieàu caõi loän; Song loøng thöông yeâu laáp heát caùc toäi phaïm.

10:13 In the lips of him that has understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.

10:13 Treân moâi mieäng ngöôøi thoâng saùng coù söï khoân ngoan; Nhöng roi voït daønh cho löng keû thieáu trí hieåu.

10:14 Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.

10:14 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan daønh ñeå söï tri thöùc; Nhöng taïi côù mieäng keû ngu muoäi söï baïi hoaïi hoøng ñeán.

10:15 The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.

10:15 Taøi saûn keû giaøu coù laø caùi thaønh kieân coá cuûa ngöôøi; Song söï hö naùt cuûa ngöôøi khoán khoå laø söï ngheøo naøn cuûa hoï.

10:16 The labour of the righteous tends to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.

10:16 Lao khoå cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình höôùng veà söï soáng; Coøn hoa lôïi keû hung aùc chieàu veà toäi loãi.

10:17 He is in the way of life that keeps instruction: but he that refuses reproof errs.

10:17 Keû nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy ôû trong ñöôøng söï soáng; Nhöng ai queân söï quôû traùch phaûi laàm laïc.

10:18 He that hides hatred with lying lips, and he that utters a slander, is a fool.

10:18 Ngöôøi giaáu söï ghen gheùt coù moâi doái giaû; Vaø ai raûi ñieàu noùi haønh laø keû ngu daïi.

10:19 In the multitude of words there wants not sin: but he that refrains his lips is wise.

10:19 Heã laém lôøi, vi phaïm naøo coù thieáu; Nhöng ai caàm giöõ mieäng mình laø khoân ngoan.

10:20 The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.

10:20 Löôõi ngöôøi coâng bình gioáng nhö baïc cao; Coøn loøng keû hung aùc khoâng ra gì.

10:21 The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for lack of wisdom.

10:21 Moâi mieäng ngöôøi coâng bình nuoâi daïy nhieàu ngöôøi; Nhöng keû ngu daïi cheát, vì thieáu trí hieåu.

10:22 The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

10:22 Phöôùc laønh cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laøm cho giaøu coù; Ngaøi chaúng theâm söï ñau loøng gì laãn vaøo.

10:23 It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding has wisdom.

10:23 Keû thieáu trí hieåu coi söï laøm aùc nhö chôi; Nhöng ngöôøi thoâng saùng thích söï khoân ngoan.

10:24 The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.

10:24 Ñieàu gì keû hung aùc sôï seät, aét seõ xaûy ñeán cho noù; Nhöng keû coâng bình seõ ñöôïc nhö yù mình öôùc ao.

10:25 As the whirlwind passes, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.

10:25 Khi gioù troát thoåi qua, keû hung aùc khoâng coøn nöõa; Song neàn cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình coøn ñeán ñôøi ñôøi.

10:26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.

10:26 Nhö giaám gheâ raêng, nhö khoùi cay maét, Keû laøm bieáng nhaùc ñoái vôùi ngöôøi sai khieán noù laø vaäy.

10:27 The fear of the LORD prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

10:27 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va gia theâm ngaøy thaùng; Coøn naêm tuoåi keû aùc seõ bò giaûm bôùt ñi.

10:28 The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.

10:28 Söï troâng mong cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình giaùp söï vui veû; Coøn söï troâng ñôïi cuûa keû aùc seõ hö maát ñi.

10:29 The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.

10:29 Con ñöôøng cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va nhö moät ñoàn luõy cho ngöôøi ngay thaúng; Nhöng noù laø söï baïi hoaïi cho keû laøm aùc.

10:30 The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.

10:30 Ngöôøi coâng bình chaúng heà bò ruùng ñoäng; Song keû aùc khoâng ñöôïc ôû treân ñaát.

10:31 The mouth of the just brings forth wisdom: but the perverse tongue shall be cut out.

10:31 Mieäng ngöôøi coâng bình sanh söï khoân ngoan; Duy löôõi cuûa keû gian taø seõ bò truaát.

10:32 The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverseness.

10:32 Moâi ngöôøi coâng bình bieát ñieàu ñeïp yù; Nhöng mieäng keû hung aùc chæ noùi söï gian taø.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

11:1 Caây caân giaû laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Nhöng traùi caân ñuùng ñöôïc ñeïp loøng Ngaøi.

11:2 When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

11:2 Khi kieâu ngaïo ñeán, sæ nhuïc cuõng ñeán nöõa; Nhöng söï khoân ngoan vaãn ôû vôùi ngöôøi khieâm nhöôïng.

11:3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.

11:3 Söï thanh lieâm cuûa ngöôøi ngay thaúng daãn daét hoï; Coøn söï gian taø cuûa keû baát trung seõ huûy dieät chuùng noù.

11:4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivers from death.

11:4 Trong ngaøy thaïnh noä, taøi saûn chaúng ích chi caû; Duy coâng bình giaûi cöùu khoûi söï cheát.

11:5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.

11:5 Söï coâng bình cuûa ngöôøi troïn veïn ban baèng ñöôøng loái ngöôøi; Nhöng keû hung aùc vì gian aùc mình maø sa ngaõ.

11:6 The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.

11:6 Söï coâng bình cuûa ngöôøi ngay thaúng seõ giaûi cöùu hoï; Song keû baát trung bò maéc trong söï gian aùc cuûa mình.

11:7 When a wicked man dies, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perishes.

11:7 Khi keû aùc cheát, söï troâng mong noù maát; Vaø söï troâng ñôïi cuûa keû cöôøng baïo bò duyeät.

11:8 The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes in his position.

11:8 Ngöôøi coâng bình ñöôïc cöùu khoûi hoaïn naïn; Roài keû hung aùc sa vaøo ñoù theá cho ngöôøi.

11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

11:9 Keû aùc laáy lôøi noùi maø laøm taøn haïi ngöôøi laân caän mình; Coøn caùc ngöôøi coâng bình nhôø tri thöùc maø ñöôïc cöùu khoûi.

11:10 When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.

11:10 Caû thaønh ñeàu vui veû veà söï may maén cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình; Nhöng khi keû aùc bò hö maát, beøn coù tieáng reo möøng.

11:11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

11:11 Nhôø ngöôøi ngay thaúng chuùc phöôùc cho, thaønh ñöôïc cao troïng; Song taïi mieäng keû taø aùc, noù bò ñaùnh ñoå.

11:12 He that is void of wisdom despises his neighbour: but a man of understanding holds his peace.

11:12 Keû naøo khinh deå ngöôøi laân caän mình thieáu trí hieåu; Nhöng ngöôøi khoân saùng laøm thinh.

11:13 A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.

11:13 Keû ñi theøo leûo toû ra ñieàu kín ñaùo; Coøn ai coù loøng trung tín giöõ kín coâng vieäc.

11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

11:14 Daân söï sa ngaõ taïi khoâng chaùnh trò; Song neáu coù nhieàu möu só, beøn ñöôïc yeân oån.

11:15 He that is guarantor for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hates standing for surety is sure.

11:15 Ngöôøi naøo baûo laõnh cho ngöôøi ngoaïi, aét bò haïi; Nhöng ai gheùt cuoäc baûo laõnh, beøn ñöôïc bình an voâ söï.

11:16 A gracious woman retains honour: and strong men retain riches.

11:16 Ngöôøi ñôøn baø coù duyeân ñöôïc söï toân troïng; Coøn ngöôøi ñôøn oâng hung baïo ñöôïc taøi saûn.

11:17 The merciful man does good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubles his own flesh.

11:17 Ngöôøi nhôn töø laøm laønh cho linh hoàn mình; Coøn keû hung baïo xui khoå cöïc cho thòt mình.

11:18 The wicked works a deceitful work: but to him that sows righteousness shall be a sure reward.

11:18 Keû döõ aên ñöôïc coâng giaù hö giaû; Song ai gieo ñeàu coâng bình höôûng phaàn thöôûng chaéc chaén.

11:19 As righteousness tends to life: so he that pursues evil pursues it to his own death.

11:19 Ngöôøi naøo vöõng loøng ôû coâng bình ñöôïc ñeán söï soáng; Coøn keû saên theo aùc gaây söï cheát cho mình.

11:20 They that are of a perverse heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.

11:20 Keû coù loøng gian taø laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Nhöng ai coù taùnh haïnh troïn veïn ñöôïc ñeïp loøng Ngaøi.

11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

11:21 Quaû thaät keû gian aùc chaúng heà khoûi bò hình phaït; Song doøng doõi ngöôøi coâng bình seõ ñöôïc cöùu khoûi.

11:22 As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.

11:22 Moät ngöôøi ñôøn baø ñeïp ñeõ maø thieáu deõ daët, Khaùc naøo moät voøng vaøng ñeo nôi muõi heo.

11:23 The desire of the righteous is only good: but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.

11:23 Söï ao öôùc cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình chæ laø ñieàu thieän; Coøn ñieàu keû aùc troâng ñôïi, aáy laø côn thaïnh noä.

11:24 There is that scatters, and yet increases; and there is that withholds more than is meet, but it tends to poverty.

11:24 Coù ngöôøi raûi cuûa mình ra, laïi caøng theâm nhieàu leân; Cuõng coù ngöôøi chaét loùt quaù böïc, nhöng chæ ñöôïc söï thieáu thoán.

11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that waters shall be watered also himself.

11:25 Loøng roäng raõi seõ ñöôïc no neâ; Coøn ai nhuaàn goäi, chính ngöôøi seõ ñöôïc nhuaàn goäi.

11:26 He that withholds corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that sells it.

11:26 Keû naøo caàm giöõ luùa thoùc, bò daân söï ruûa saû; Song söï chuùc phöôùc seõ giaùng treân ñaàu ngöôøi baùn noù ra.

11:27 He that diligently seeks good procures favour: but he that seeks mischief, it shall come unto him.

11:27 Ai tìm caàu söï thieän, tìm kieám aân ñieån; Nhöng ai tìm caàu ñieàu aùc, taát aùc seõ xaûy ñeán cho noù.

11:28 He that trusts in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.

11:28 Keû naøo tin caäy nôi cuûa caûi mình seõ bò xieâu ngaõ; Coøn ngöôøi coâng bình ñöôïc xanh töôi nhö laù caây.

11:29 He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.

11:29 Ai khuaáy roái nhaø mình seõ ñöôïc gioù laøm cô nghieäp; Coøn keû ñieân cuoàng trôû neân toâi tôù cho ngöôøi coù loøng khoân ngoan.

11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise.

11:30 Keát quaû cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình gioáng nhö caây söï soáng; Ngöôøi khoân ngoan coù taøi ñöôïc linh hoàn ngöôøi ta.

11:31 Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.

11:31 Kìa, ngöôøi coâng bình ñöôïc baùo ñaùp nôi theá thöôïng; Phöông chi keû hung aùc vaø keû coù toäi!

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

12:1 Whoso loves instruction loves knowledge: but he that hates reproof is brutish.

12:1 Ai öa ñieàu söûa phaït öa söï tri thöùc; Nhöng keû gheùt söï quôû traùch laø ngaây daïi.

12:2 A good man obtains favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn.

12:2 Ngöôøi laønh ñöôïc ôn cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Nhöng Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi ñònh toäi cho ngöôøi toan möu aùc.

12:3 A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

12:3 Loaøi ngöôøi chaúng phaûi vì hung aùc maø ñöôïc laäp vöõng beàn; Song reã ngöôøi coâng bình chaúng bò lay ñoäng.

12:4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that makes ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

12:4 Ngöôøi ñôøn baø nhôn ñöùc laø maõo trieàu thieân cho choàng naøng; Coøn vôï laøm xaáu hoå khaùc naøo söï muïc trong xöông coát ngöôøi.

12:5 The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.

12:5 Tö töôûng ngöôøi nghóa chæ laø coâng bình; Song möu luaän keû aùc ñeàu laø giaû doái.

12:6 The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.

12:6 Caùc lôøi keû hung aùc rình raäp laøm ñoå huyeát ra; Song mieäng ngöôøi ngay thaúng giaûi cöùu ngöôøi khoûi.

12:7 The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand.

12:7 Ñaùnh ñoå keû hung aùc thì hoï chaúng coøn nöõa; Nhöng nhaø ngöôøi coâng bình coøn ñöùng vöõng.

12:8 A man shall be commended according to his wisdom: but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised.

12:8 Ngöôøi ta ñöôïc khen ngôïi tuøy theo söï khoân saùng mình; Coøn keû coù loøng taø vaïy seõ bò khinh deå.

12:9 He that is despised, and has a servant, is better than he that honors himself, and lacks bread.

12:9 Thaø moät ngöôøi ôû böïc heøn haï vaø coù toâi tôù, Coøn hôn keû töï toân maø laïi thieáu aên.

12:10 A righteous man regards the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

12:10 Ngöôøi coâng bình coi soùc söï soáng cuûa suùc vaät mình; Coøn loøng thöông xoùt cuûa keû döõ khaùc naøo söï hung baïo.

12:11 He that tills his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that follows vain persons is void of understanding.

12:11 Ai caøy ñaát mình seõ ñöôïc vaät thöïc dö daät; Coøn ai theo keû bieáng nhaùc thieáu trí hieåu.

12:12 The wicked desires the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yields fruit.

12:12 Keû hung aùc tham lam cuûa hoaïch taøi; Song reã cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình sanh boâng traùi.

12:13 The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.

12:13 Trong söï vi phaïm cuûa moâi mieäng coù moät caùi baãy taøn haïi; Nhöng ngöôøi coâng bình ñöôïc thoaùt khoûi söï hoaïn naïn.

12:14 A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him.

12:14 Nhôø boâng traùi cuûa moâi mieäng mình, ngöôøi seõ ñöôïc no ñaày phöôùc; Vaø ngöôøi ta seõ ñöôïc baùo laïi tuøy theo vieäc tay mình ñaõ laøm.

12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkens unto counsel is wise.

12:15 Ñöôøng loái cuûa keû ngu muoäi voán ngay thaúng theo maét noù; Coøn ngöôøi khoân ngoan nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy.

12:16 A fool's wrath is presently known: but a prudent man covers shame.

12:16 Söï giaän döõ cuûa keû ngu muoäi lieàn loä ra töùc thì; Coøn ngöôøi khoân kheùo che laáp sæ nhuïc mình.

12:17 He that speaks truth shows forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.

12:17 Keû naøo noùi thaät, rao truyeàn söï coâng bình; Song keû laøm chöùng gian, phoâ söï giaû doái.

12:18 There is that speaks like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

12:18 Lôøi voâ ñoä ñaâm xoi khaùc naøo göôm; Nhöng löôõi ngöôøi khoân ngoan voán laø thuoác hay.

12:19 The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

12:19 Moâi chaân thaät ñöôïc beàn ñoã ñôøi ñôøi; Song löôõi giaû doái chæ coøn moät luùc maø thoâi.

12:20 Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.

12:20 Söï phænh gaït ôû trong loøng keû toan möu haïi; Nhöng söï vui veû thuoäc veà ngöôøi khuyeân lôn söï hoøa bình.

12:21 There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.

12:21 Chaúng moät tai hoïa naøo xaûy ñeán cho ngöôøi coâng bình; Song keû hung aùc seõ bò ñaày ñau ñôùn.

12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.

12:22 Moâi mieäng noùi doái giaû laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Song ai aên ôû trung thaønh ñöôïc ñeïp loøng Ngaøi.

12:23 A prudent man conceals knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.

12:23 Ngöôøi khoân kheùo giaáu ñieàu mình bieát; Coøn loøng keû ngu muoäi xöng ra söï ñieân daïi mình.

12:24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

12:24 Tay ngöôøi sieâng naêng seõ cai trò; Nhöng tay keû bieáng nhaùc phaûi phuïc dòch.

12:25 Heaviness in the heart of man makes it stoop: but a good word makes it glad.

12:25 Söï buoàn raàu ôû nôi loøng ngöôøi laøm cho nao sôøn; Nhöng moät lôøi laønh khieán loøng vui veû.

12:26 The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduces them.

12:26 Ngöôøi coâng bình daãn ñöôøng cho keû laân caän mình; Coøn caùc neûo keû döõ laøm sai laïc chuùng.

12:27 The slothful man roasts not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.

12:27 Keû bieáng nhaùc khoâng chieân nöôùng thòt mình ñaõ saên; Song ngöôøi sieâng naêng ñöôïc taøi vaät quí baùu cuûa loaøi ngöôøi.

12:28 In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death.

12:28 Söï soáng ôû nôi ñöôøng coâng bình; Treân loái noù khoâng coù söï cheát.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

13:1 A wise son hears his father's instruction: but a scorner hears not rebuke.

13:1 Con khoân ngoan nghe söï khuyeân daïy cuûa cha; Song keû nhaïo baùng khoâng khöùng nghe lôøi quôû traùch.

13:2 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence.

13:2 Nhôø boâng traùi cuûa mieäng mình, ngöôøi höôûng laáy söï laønh; Coøn linh hoàn keû gian aùc seõ aên ñieàu cöôøng baïo.

13:3 He that keeps his mouth keeps his life: but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction.

13:3 Keû canh giöõ mieäng mình, giöõ ñöôïc maïng soáng mình; Nhöng keû hôû moâi quaù, beøn bò baïi hoaïi.

13:4 The soul of the sluggard desires, and has nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

13:4 Loøng keû bieáng nhaùc mong öôùc, maø chaúng coù chi heát; Coøn loøng ngöôøi sieâng naêng seõ ñöôïc no neâ.

13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.

13:5 Ngöôøi coâng bình gheùt lôøi doái traù; Song keû hung aùc ñaùng gôùm gheâ vaø bò hoå theïn.

13:6 Righteousness keeps him that is upright in the way: but wickedness overthrows the sinner.

13:6 Söï coâng bình baûo hoä ngöôøi aên ôû ngay thaúng; Nhöng söï gian aùc ñaùnh ñoå keû phaïm toäi.

13:7 There is that makes himself rich, yet has nothing: there is that makes himself poor, yet has great riches.

13:7 Coù keû laøm boä giaøu, maø chaúng coù gì heát; Cuõng coù ngöôøi laøm boä ngheøo, laïi coù cuûa caûi nhieàu.

13:8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but the poor hears not rebuke.

13:8 Giaù chuoäc maïng soáng loaøi ngöôøi, aáy laø cuûa caûi mình; Coøn keû ngheøo chaúng heà nghe lôøi haêm doïa.

13:9 The light of the righteous rejoices: but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.

13:9 Söï saùng cuûa keû laønh soi raïng ngôøi; Nhöng ñeøn keû aùc laïi bò taét ñi.

13:10 Only by pride comes contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.

13:10 Söï kieâu ngaïo chæ sanh ra ñieàu caõi loän; Coøn söï khoân ngoan ôû vôùi ngöôøi chòu lôøi khuyeân daïy.

13:11 Wealth got by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathers by labour shall increase.

13:11 Hoaïch taøi aét phaûi hao bôùt; Coøn ai laáy tay thaâu goùp seõ ñöôïc theâm cuûa nhieàu leân.

13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

13:12 Söï troâng caäy trì höôõn khieán loøng bò ñau ñôùn; Nhöng khi söï öôùc ao ñöôïc thaønh, thì gioáng nhö moät caây söï soáng.

13:13 Whoso despises the word shall be destroyed: but he that fears the commandment shall be rewarded.

13:13 Keû naøo khinh lôøi daïy, aét bò hö baïi; Coøn ai kính sôï giôùi maïng, naáy ñöôïc ban thöôûng.

13:14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

13:14 Söï daïy doã cuûa ngöôøi khoân ngoan voán moät nguoàn söï soáng, Ñaëng khieán ngöôøi ta traùnh khoûi baãy söï cheát.

13:15 Good understanding gives favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.

13:15 Söï thoâng saùng thaät ñöôïc aân ñieån; Song con ñöôøng keû phaïm toäi laáy laøm khoán cöïc thay.

13:16 Every prudent man deals with knowledge: but a fool lays open his folly.

13:16 Phaøm ngöôøi khoân kheùo laøm vieäc cöù theo söï hieåu bieát; Nhöng keû ngu muoäi baøy toû ra söï ñieân daïi mình.

13:17 A wicked messenger falls into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.

13:17 Söù giaû gian aùc sa vaøo tai hoïa; Coøn khaâm sai trung tín khaùc naøo thuoác hay.

13:18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuses instruction: but he that regards reproof shall be honoured.

13:18 Ai choái söï khuyeân daïy seõ bò ngheøo khoå vaø sæ nhuïc; Nhöng keû naøo nhaän tieáp lôøi quôû traùch seõ ñöôïc toân troïng.

13:19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.

13:19 Söï öôùc ao maø ñöôïc thaønh laáy laøm eâm dòu cho linh hoàn; Coøn lìa boû ñieàu döõ, quaû laø söï gôùm ghieác cho keû ngu muoäi.

13:20 He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

13:20 Ai giao tieáp vôùi ngöôøi khoân ngoan, trôû neân khoân ngoan; Nhöng keû laøm baïn vôùi boïn ñieân daïi seõ bò taøn haïi.

13:21 Evil pursues sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repaid.

13:21 Tai hoïa ñuoåi theo keû coù toäi; Coøn phöôùc laønh laø phaàn thöôûng cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình.

13:22 A good man left an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

13:22 Ngöôøi laønh löu truyeàn gia saûn cho con chaùu mình; Song cuûa caûi keû coù toäi daønh cho ngöôøi coâng bình.

13:23 Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for lack of judgment.

13:23 Choã ngöôøi ngheøo khai phaù sanh nhieàu löông thöïc; Nhöng coù keû bò tieâu maát taïi vì thieáu söï coâng bình;

13:24 He that spares his rod hates his son: but he that loves him chastens him early.

13:24 Ngöôøi naøo kieâng roi voït gheùt con trai mình; Song ai thöông con aét caàn lo söûa trò noù.

13:25 The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul: but the belly of the wicked shall lack.

13:25 Ngöôøi coâng bình aên cho phæ daï mình; Coøn buïng keû aùc bò ñoùi.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

14:1 Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands.

14:1 Ngöôøi nöõ khoân ngoan xaây caát nhaø mình; Song keû ngu daïi laáy tay mình maø phaù huûy noù ñi.

14:2 He that walks in his uprightness fears the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despises him.

14:2 Ai ñi theo söï ngay thaúng kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Coøn ai aên ôû taø vaïy khinh bæ Ngaøi,

14:3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.

14:3 Trong mieäng keû ngu daïi coù caây roi ñaùnh phaït söï kieâu ngaïo noù; Song moâi ngöôøi khoân ngoan giöõ laáy ngöôøi.

14:4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.

14:4 Ñaâu khoâng coù boø, ñoù maùng coû troáng khoâng; Nhöng nhieàu hoa lôïi do nôi söùc boø ñöïc maø ra.

14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.

14:5 Ngöôøi chöùng trung thaønh khoâng heà noùi doái; Coøn keû laøm chöùng gian buoâng lôøi doái traù.

14:6 A scorner seeks wisdom, and finds it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understands.

14:6 Keû nhaïo baùng tìm khoân ngoan, maø khoâng gaëp; Song söï tri thöùc laáy laøm deã cho ngöôøi thoâng saùng.

14:7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you perceive not in him the lips of knowledge.

14:7 Haõy dan xa khoûi maët keû ngu muoäi, Con seõ chaúng tìm ñöôïc moâi khoân ngoan nôi noù.

14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

14:8 Söï trí hueä cuûa ngöôøi khoân kheùo, aáy laø hieåu roõ ñöôøng loái mình; Nhöng söï ñieân cuoàng cuûa keû ngu muoäi laø söï phænh gaït.

14:9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.

14:9 Keû ngu daïi bæ baùng toäi loãi; Nhöng ngöôøi ngay thaúng coù ñöôïc ôn cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi.

14:10 The heart knows his own bitterness; and a stranger does not intermeddle with his joy.

14:10 Loøng nhìn bieát söï cay ñaéng cuûa loøng; Moät ngöôøi ngoaïi khoâng chia vui vôùi noù ñöôïc.

14:11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.

14:11 Nhaø keû gian aùc seõ bò ñaùnh ñoå; Song traïi ngöôøi ngay thaúng seõ ñöôïc höng thaïnh.

14:12 There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

14:12 Coù moät con ñöôøng coi döôøng chaùnh ñaùng cho loaøi ngöôøi; Nhöng ñeán cuoái cuøng noù thaønh ra neûo söï cheát.

14:13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that delight is heaviness.

14:13 Daàu trong luùc cöôøi côït loøng vaãn buoàn thaûm; Vaø cuoái cuøng söï vui, aáy laø ñieàu saàu naõo.

14:14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.

14:14 Loøng keû naøo lìa xa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi seõ ñöôïc no neâ söï keát quaû cuûa mình; Coøn ngöôøi laønh nhôø chính mình maø ñöôïc thoûa nguyeän.

14:15 The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going.

14:15 Keû ngu doát tin heát moïi lôøi; Nhöng ngöôøi khoân kheùo xem xeùt caùc böôùc mình.

14:16 A wise man fears, and departs from evil: but the fool rages, and is confident.

14:16 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan sôï vaø traùnh khoûi ñieàu aùc; Song keû ngu muoäi ôû xaác xöôïc, vaø coù loøng caäy mình.

14:17 He that is soon angry deals foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.

14:17 Ngöôøi noùng naûy laøm ñieân laøm daïi; Vaø keû toan möu aùc bò gheùt.

14:18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

14:18 Keû ngu muoäi ñöôïc söï ñieân daïi laøm cô nghieäp; Song ngöôøi khoân ngoan ñöôïc ñoäi maõo trieàu thieân baèng tri thöùc.

14:19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

14:19 Ngöôøi aùc phuïc tröôùc maët ngöôøi thieän; Vaø keû döõ cuùi laïy ôû ngoaøi cöûa ngöôøi coâng bình.

14:20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich has many friends.

14:20 Ngöôøi ngheøo khoù daàu laùng gieàng cuõng gheùt boû; Nhöng baèng höõu cuûa ngöôøi giaøu thì nhieàu thay.

14:21 He that despises his neighbour sins: but he that has mercy on the poor, happy is he.

14:21 Ai khinh bæ keû laân caän mình phaïm toäi; Coøn ai thöông xoùt ngöôøi khoán khoù laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay.

14:22 Do they not go astray that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.

14:22 Keû toan möu aùc haù chaúng laàm laïc sao? Coøn nhôn töø vaø chaân thaät thuoäc veà ngöôøi toan möu thieän.

14:23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tends only to destitution.

14:23 Trong caùc thöù coâng vieäc ñeàu coù ích lôïi; Nhöng mieäng noùi nhieàu chæ daãn ñeán söï thieáu thoán.

14:24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.

14:24 Giaøu coù laø maõo trieàu thieân cho ngöôøi khoân ngoan; Coøn ñieân cuoàng cuûa keû ngaây daïi chæ laø ñieân cuoàng.

14:25 A true witness delivers souls: but a deceitful witness speaks lies.

14:25 Keû laøm chöùng chôn thaät giaûi cöùu linh hoàn ngöôøi ta; Song keû naøo noùi doái gaây söï phænh gaït.

14:26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.

14:26 Trong söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va coù nôi nöông caäy vöõng chaéc; Vaø con caùi Ngaøi seõ ñöôïc moät nôi aån nuùp.

14:27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

14:27 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va voán moät nguoàn söï soáng, Ñaëng khieán ngöôøi ta traùnh khoûi baãy söï cheát.

14:28 In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the lack of people is the destruction of the prince.

14:28 Daân söï ñoâng ñaûo, aáy laø söï vinh hieån cuûa vua; Coøn daân söï ít, aáy khieán cho quan töôùng bò baïi.

14:29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalts folly.

14:29 Keû naøo chaäm noùng giaän coù thoâng saùng lôùn; Nhöng ai hay noùng naûy toân leân söï ñieân cuoàng.

14:30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.

14:30 Loøng bình tònh laø söï soáng cuûa thaân theå; Coøn söï ghen gheùt laø ñoà muïc cuûa xöông coát.

14:31 He that oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker: but he that honors him has mercy on the poor.

14:31 Keû haø hieáp ngöôøi ngheøo khoå laøm nhuïc Ñaáng Taïo hoùa mình; Coøn ai thöông xoùt ngöôøi baàn cuøng toân troïng Ngaøi.

14:32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous has hope in his death.

14:32 Keû aùc bò ñaùnh ñoå trong söï gian aùc mình; Nhöng keû coâng bình vaãn coù nôi nöông caäy, daàu trong khi cheát.

14:33 Wisdom rests in the heart of him that has understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.

14:33 Söï khoân ngoan ôû taïi loøng ngöôøi thoâng saùng; Coøn ñieàu ôû trong loøng keû ngu muoäi ñöôïc loä ra.

14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

14:34 Söï coâng bình laøm cho nöôùc cao troïng; Song toäi loãi laø söï hoå theïn cho caùc daân toäc.

14:35 The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causes shame.

14:35 Vua laøm ôn cho toâi tôù naøo aên ôû khoân saùng; Nhöng côn thaïnh noä vua noåi nghòch cuøng keû gaây söï hoå theïn.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

15:1 Lôøi ñaùp eâm nheï laøm nguoâi côn giaän; Coøn lôøi xaúng xôùm treâu thaïnh noä theâm.

15:2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools pours out foolishness.

15:2 Löôõi ngöôøi khoân ngoan truyeàn ra söï tri thöùc caùch phaûi; Nhöng mieäng keû ngu muoäi chæ buoâng ñieàu ñieân cuoàng.

15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

15:3 Con maét Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ôû khaép moïi nôi, Xem xeùt keû gian aùc vaø ngöôøi löông thieän.

15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

15:4 Löôõi hieàn laønh gioáng nhö moät caây söï soáng; Song löôõi gian taø laøm cho hö naùt taâm thaàn.

15:5 A fool despises his father's instruction: but he that regards reproof is prudent.

15:5 Keû ngu daïi khinh söï khuyeân daïy cuûa cha mình; Coøn ai giöõ theo lôøi quôû traùch trôû neân khoân kheùo.

15:6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.

15:6 Trong nhaø ngöôøi coâng bình coù nhieàu vaät quí; Song trong hueâ lôïi keû gian aùc coù ñieàu roái loaïn.

15:7 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish does not so.

15:7 Moâi ngöôøi khoân ngoan raûi söï tri thöùc ra; Nhöng loøng keû ngu muoäi chaúng laøm nhö vaäy.

15:8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

15:8 Cuûa teá leã keû gian aùc laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Song lôøi caàu nguyeän cuûa ngöôøi ngay thaúng ñöôïc ñeïp loøng Ngaøi.

15:9 The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he loves him that follows after righteousness.

15:9 Ñöôøng loái keû aùc laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Nhöng Ngaøi thöông meán ngöôøi naøo theo söï coâng bình.

15:10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsakes the way: and he that hates reproof shall die.

15:10 Söï hình phaït naëng neà daønh cho keû boû chaùnh loä; Vaø keû gheùt lôøi quôû traùch seõ cheát maát.

15:11 Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?

15:11 Aâm phuû vaø choán traàm luaân coøn ôû tröôùc maët Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va thay, Phöông chi loøng cuûa con caùi loaøi ngöôøi!

15:12 A scorner loves not one that reproves him: neither will he go unto the wise.

15:12 Keû nhaïo baùng khoâng öa ngöôøi ta quôû traùch mình; Haén khoâng muoán ñeán cuøng ngöôøi khoân ngoan.

15:13 A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

15:13 Loøng khoaùi laïc laøm cho maët maøy vui veû; Nhöng taïi loøng buoàn baõ trí beøn bò nao sôøn.

15:14 The heart of him that has understanding seeks knowledge: but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.

15:14 Loøng ngöôøi thoâng saùng tìm kieám söï tri thöùc; Coøn loã mieäng keû ngu muoäi nuoâi laáy mình baèng söï ñieân cuoàng.

15:15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.

15:15 Caùc ngaøy keû bò hoaïn naïn ñeàu laø gian hieåm; Song loøng vui möøng döï yeán tieäc luoân luoân.

15:16 Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.

15:16 Thaø coù ít cuûa maø kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Coøn hôn laø taøi saûn nhieàu maø boái roái caëp theo.

15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

15:17 Thaø moät moùn rau maø thöông yeâu nhau, Coøn hôn aên boø maäp beùo vôùi söï ganh gheùt caëp theo.

15:18 A wrathful man stirs up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeases strife.

15:18 Ngöôøi hay giaän gaây ñieàu ñaùnh loän; Nhöng ngöôøi chaäm noùng giaän laøm nguoâi côn tranh caõi.

15:19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

15:19 Ñöôøng keû bieáng nhaùc nhö moät haøng raøo gai; Coøn neûo ngöôøi ngay thaúng ñöôïc ban baèng.

15:20 A wise son makes a glad father: but a foolish man despises his mother.

15:20 Con khoân ngoan laøm vui veû cha noù; Coøn ñöùa ngu muoäi khinh bæ meï mình.

15:21 Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walks uprightly.

15:21 Keû thieáu trí hieåu laáy söï ñieân daïi laøm vui; Song ngöôøi khoân saùng söûa ñöôøng mình ngay thaúng roài ñi.

15:22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

15:22 Ñaâu khoâng coù nghò luaän, ñoù möu ñaønh phaûi pheá; Nhöng nhôø coù nhieàu möu só, möu ñònh beøn ñöôïc thaønh.

15:23 A man has joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!

15:23 Mieäng hay ñaùp gioûi khieán ngöôøi vui veû; Vaø lôøi noùi phaûi thì laáy laøm toát bieát bao!

15:24 The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.

15:24 Con ñöôøng söï soáng cuûa ngöôøi khoân ngoan daãn leân treân, Ñeå traùnh khoûi aâm phuû ôû döôùi thaáp.

15:25 The LORD will destroy the house of the proud: but he will establish the border of the widow.

15:25 Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ ñaùnh ñoå nhaø keû kieâu ngaïo; Nhöng Ngaøi laøm vöõng chaéc caùc moäc giôùi cuûa keû goùa buïa.

15:26 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD: but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

15:26 Caùc möu aùc laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Song lôøi thanh saïch ñeïp loøng Ngaøi.

15:27 He that is greedy of gain troubles his own house; but he that hates gifts shall live.

15:27 Ngöôøi tham lôïi laøm roái loaïn nhaø mình; Coøn ai gheùt cuûa hoái loä seõ ñöôïc soáng.

15:28 The heart of the righteous studies to answer: but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

15:28 Loøng ngöôøi coâng bình suy nghó lôøi phaûi ñaùp; Nhöng mieäng keû aùc buoâng ra ñieàu döõ.

15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked: but he hears the prayer of the righteous.

15:29 Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va xa caùch keû aùc; Nhöng Ngaøi nghe lôøi caàu nguyeän cuûa ngöôøi coâng bình.

15:30 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart: and a good report makes the bones fat.

15:30 Söï saùng con maét khieán loøng vui veû; Vaø moät tin laønh laøm cho xöông coát ñöôïc beùo toát.

15:31 The ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise.

15:31 Keû naøo nghe lôøi quôû traùch cuûa söï soáng Seõ ñöôïc ôû giöõa caùc ngöôøi khoân ngoan.

15:32 He that refuses instruction despises his own soul: but he that hears reproof gets understanding.

15:32 Ai töø choái söï khuyeân daïy khinh bæ linh hoàn mình. Nhöng ai nghe lôøi quôû traùch ñöôïc söï thoâng saùng.

15:33 The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.

15:33 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va daïy doã ñieàu khoân ngoan; Vaø söï khieâm nhöôïng ñi tröôùc söï toân troïng.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

16:1 The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.

16:1 Vieäc toan lieäu cuûa loøng thuoäc veà loaøi ngöôøi; Coøn söï ñaùp lôøi cuûa löôõi do Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va maø ñeán.

16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weights the spirits.

16:2 Caùc ñöôøng loái cuûa ngöôøi ñeàu laø trong saïch theo maét mình; Song Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va caân nhaéc caùi loøng.

16:3 Commit your works unto the LORD, and your thoughts shall be established.

16:3 Haõy phoù caùc vieäc mình cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Thì nhöõng möu yù mình seõ ñöôïc thaønh coâng.

16:4 The LORD has made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

16:4 Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ñaõ döïng neân muoân vaät ñeå duøng cho Ngaøi; Ñeán ñoãi keû aùc cuõng vaäy, ñeå daønh cho ngaøy tai hoïa.

16:5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

16:5 Phaøm ai coù loøng kieâu ngaïo laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Quaû thaät noù seõ chaúng ñöôïc khoûi bò phaït.

16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.

16:6 Nhôø söï nhôn töø vaø chôn thaät toäi loãi ñöôïc chuoäc; Vaø bôûi söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ngöôøi ta xaây boû ñieàu aùc.

16:7 When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

16:7 Khi taùnh haïnh cuûa ngöôøi naøo ñeïp loøng Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Thì Ngaøi cuõng khieán caùc thuø nghòch ngöôøi ôû hoøa thuaän vôùi ngöôøi.

16:8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.

16:8 Thaø ít cuûa maø coù söï coâng bình, Hôn laø nhieàu hoa lôïi vôùi söï baát nghóa caëp theo.

16:9 A man's heart devises his way: but the LORD directs his steps.

16:9 Loøng ngöôøi toan ñònh ñöôøng loái mình; Song Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va chæ daãn caùc böôùc cuûa ngöôøi.

16:10 A divine sentence is in the lips of the king: his mouth trangresses not in judgment.

16:10 Lôøi cuûa Chuùa ôû moâi vua; Mieäng ngöôøi seõ khoâng sai laàm khi xeùt ñoaùn.

16:11 A just weight and balance are the LORD's: all the weights of the bag are his work.

16:11 Traùi caân vaø vaù caân coâng bình thuoäc veà Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Caùc traùi caân trong bao laø coâng vieäc cuûa Ngaøi.

16:12 It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.

16:12 Laøm gian aùc, aáy laø ñieàu gôùm ghieác cho vua chuùa; Vì nhôø coâng bình ngoâi nöôùc ñöôïc laäp vöõng beàn.

16:13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaks right.

16:13 Moâi mieäng ngöôøi coâng bình laø söï vui veû cho caùc vua; Hoï öa meán keû noùi ngay thaúng.

16:14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it.

16:14 Côn thaïnh noä cuûa vua khaùc naøo söù giaû söï cheát; Nhöng ngöôøi khoân ngoan laøm cho noù nguoâi ñi.

16:15 In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.

16:15 Nhôø saéc maët vua saùng suûa beøn ñöôïc söï soáng; Aân ñieån ngöôøi khaùc naøo aùng maây daãn möa muoän.

16:16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!

16:16 Ñöôïc söï khoân ngoan, thaät quí hôn vaøng roøng bieát maáy! Ñöôïc thoâng saùng, ñaùng chuoäng hôn baïc bieát bao!

16:17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keeps his way perserves his soul.

16:17 Ñaïo cuûa ngöôøi ngay thaúng, aáy laø lìa boû söï aùc; Ai canh giöõ taùnh neát mình giöõ laáy linh hoàn mình.

16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

16:18 Söï kieâu ngaïo ñi tröôùc, söï baïi hoaïi theo sau, Vaø taùnh töï cao ñi tröôùc söï sa ngaõ.

16:19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

16:19 Thaø khieâm nhöôïng maø ôû vôùi ngöôøi nhu mì, Coøn hôn laø chia cuûa cöôùp cuøng keû kieâu ngaïo.

16:20 He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusts in the LORD, happy is he.

16:20 Ai giöõ theo ñaïo lyù tìm ñöôïc ích; Vaø ai troâng caäy nôi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay.

16:21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increases learning.

16:21 Ai coù loøng khoân ngoan ñöôïc goïi laø thoâng saùng; Lôøi dòu daøng gia theâm söï tri thöùc.

16:22 Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that has it: but the instruction of fools is folly.

16:22 Ngöôøi coù ñöôïc thoâng saùng, töùc coù ñöôïc nguoàn söï soáng; Nhöng söï ñieân daïi cuûa keû ngu muoäi, aáy laø söï söûa phaït cuûa noù.

16:23 The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips.

16:23 Loøng ngöôøi khoân ngoan daïy doã mieäng mình, Vaø theâm söï hoïc thöùc nôi moâi cuûa mình.

16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

16:24 Lôøi laønh gioáng nhö taøng ong, Ngon ngoït cho taâm hoàn, vaø khoûe maïnh cho xöông coát.

16:25 There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

16:25 Coù moät con ñöôøng coi döôøng chaùnh ñaùng cho loaøi ngöôøi; Nhöng cuoái cuøng noù thaønh ra caùi neûo söï cheát.

16:26 He that labours labours for himself; for his mouth craves it of him.

16:26 Söï bieát ñoùi cuûa keû lao khoå giuùp laøm vieäc cho ngöôøi, Bôûi vì mieäng ngöôøi thuùc giuïc ngöôøi.

16:27 An ungodly man digs up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.

16:27 Thaèng ñieám toan möu haïi ngöôøi ta; Vaø treân moâi noù coù nhö ngoïn löûa höøng.

16:28 A perverse man sows strife: and a whisperer separates chief friends.

16:28 Keû gian taø gieo ñieàu tranh caïnh; Vaø keû theøo leûo phaân reõ nhöõng baïn thieát coát.

16:29 A violent man entices his neighbour, and leads him into the way that is not good.

16:29 Keû cöôøng baïo quyeán duï baäu baïn mình, Vaø daãn ngöôøi vaøo con ñöôøng khoâng toát.

16:30 He shuts his eyes to devise perverse things: moving his lips he brings evil to pass.

16:30 Keû naøo nhaém maét ñaëng toan lieäu ñeàu gian taø, Vaø keû naøo baëm moâi mình, ñeàu laøm thaønh vieäc aùc.

16:31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.

16:31 Toùc baïc laø maõo trieàu thieân vinh hieån, Mieãn laø thaáy ôû trong ñöôøng coâng bình.

16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city.

16:32 Ngöôøi chaäm noùng giaän thaéng hôn ngöôøi doõng só; Vaø ai cai trò loøng mình thaéng hôn keû chieám laáy thaønh.

16:33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.

16:33 Ngöôøi ta beû thaêm trong vaït aùo; Song söï nhöùt ñònh do nôi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va maø ñeán.


