English - UKJV 2000
Vietnamese - 1934
Chuong  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

17:1 Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.

17:1 Thaø moät mieáng baùnh khoâ maø hoøa thuaän, Coøn hôn laø nhaø ñaày thòt teá leã laïi caõi loän nhau.

17:2 A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causes shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren.

17:2 Toâi tôù khoân saùng seõ quaûn trò con trai laøm xaáu hoå, Vaø ñöôïc höôûng phaàn cô nghieäp giöõa caùc anh em.

17:3 The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD tries the hearts.

17:3 Noài doùt ñeå luyeän baïc, loø ñeå luyeän vaøng; Nhöng Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va thöû loøng cuûa loaøi ngöôøi.

17:4 A wicked doer gives heed to false lips; and a liar gives ear to a naughty tongue.

17:4 Keû laøm aùc chaêm chæ veà moâi gian aùc; Keû hay noùi doái laéng tai nghe löôõi ñoäc hieåm.

17:5 Whoso mocks the poor reproaches his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

17:5 Ai nhaïo baùng ngöôøi baàn cuøng sæ nhuïc Ñaáng taïo hoùa mình; Ai vui möøng veà tai hoïa seõ chaúng ñöôïc thoaùt khoûi bò phaït.

17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.

17:6 Maõo trieàu thieân cuûa oâng giaø, aáy laø con chaùu; Coøn vinh hieån cuûa con caùi, aáy laø oâng cha.

17:7 Excellent speech becomes not a fool: much less do lying lips a prince.

17:7 Lôøi toát laønh khoâng xöùng vôùi keû ngu; Moâi mieäng giaû doái laïi caøng ít xöùng cho vua chuùa thay.

17:8 A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that has it: anywhere it turns, it prospers.

17:8 Cuûa hoái loä gioáng nhö vieân ngoïc quí tröôùc maët ai ñöôïc noù; Daàu noù xaây trôû phía naøo, cuõng ñöôïc may maén.

17:9 He that covers a transgression seeks love; but he that repeats a matter separates very friends.

17:9 Keû naøo laáp giaáu toäi loãi tìm caàu ñieàu tình aùi; Coøn ai nhaéc laäp laïi ñieàu gì chia reõ baïn baäu thieát coát.

17:10 A reproof enters more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

17:10 Lôøi quôû traùch thaám saâu vaøo ngöôøi khoân ngoan, Hôn laø traêm roi ñaùnh vaøo keû ngu muoäi.

17:11 An evil man seeks only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.

17:11 Keû gian aùc chæ tìm ñieàu phaûn nghòch; Vì vaäy seõ sai moät söù giaû döõ tôïn ñi haõm ñaùnh noù.

17:12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.

17:12 Thaø ngöôøi ta gaëp gaáu caùi bò cöôùp con, Hôn laø gaëp keû ngaây daïi theo ñieân cuoàng noù.

17:13 Whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.

17:13 Tai hoïa khoâng heà lìa khoûi nhaø Cuûa keû laáy aùc traû thieän.

17:14 The beginning of strife is as when one lets out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.

17:14 Khôûi ñaàu tranh caïnh, aáy nhö ngöôøi ta môû ñöôøng nöôùc chaûy; Vaäy, khaù thoâi caõi laãy tröôùc khi ñaùnh loän.

17:15 He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

17:15 Ai xöng keû aùc laø coâng bình, vaø keû naøo leân aùn cho ngöôøi coâng bình, Caû hai ñieàu laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

17:16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he has no heart to it?

17:16 Keû ngu muoäi thieáu trí hieåu, Theá thì baïc trong tay haén mua khoân ngoan maø chi?

17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

17:17 Baèng höõu thöông meán nhau luoân luoân; Vaø anh em sanh ra ñeå giuùp ñôõ trong luùc hoaïn naïn.

17:18 A man void of understanding strikes hands, and becomes guarantor in the presence of his friend.

17:18 Keû ngu muoäi giao tay, Chòu laøm baûo laõnh tröôùc maët keû laân caän mình.

17:19 He loves transgression that loves strife: and he that exalts his gate seeks destruction.

17:19 Ai öa tranh caïnh öa toäi loãi; Ai xaây caát cöûa mình cao kieám ñieàu hö saäp.

17:20 He that has a perverse heart finds no good: and he that has a perverse tongue falls into mischief.

17:20 Keû naøo coù loøng vaøy voø khoâng tìm ñöôïc phöôùc haïnh; Vaø ai coù löôõi gian taø seõ sa vaøo tai haïi.

17:21 He that bring forths a fool does it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool has no joy.

17:21 Ai sanh con ngu muoäi aét seõ coù buoàn raàu; Coøn cha cuûa keû ngaây daïi chaúng ñöôïc vui veû.

17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

17:22 Loøng vui möøng voán moät phöông thuoác hay; Coøn trí nao sôøn laøm xöông coát khoâ heùo.

17:23 A wicked man takes a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.

17:23 Ngöôøi gian aùc laõnh nheïm cuûa hoái loä, Ñaëng laøm sai leäch caùc loái xeùt ñoaùn.

17:24 Wisdom is before him that has understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.

17:24 Coù söï khoân ngoan tröôùc maët ngöôøi thoâng saùng; Song con maét keû ngu muoäi ôû nôi ñòa cöïc.

17:25 A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.

17:25 Con ngu muoäi laø moät ñieàu buoàn raàu cho cha, Vaø moät söï cay ñaéng cho meï ñaõ sanh ñeû noù.

17:26 Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity.

17:26 Laáy laøm chaúng toát maø phaït vaï ngöôøi coâng bình, Hay laø ñaùnh ngöôøi töôùc vò vì côù loøng ngay thaúng cuûa hoï.

17:27 He that has knowledge spares his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

17:27 Ngöôøi naøo kieâng lôøi noùi mình coù tri thöùc; Coøn ngöôøi coù taùnh oân haøn laø moät ngöôøi thoâng saùng.

17:28 Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

17:28 Khi nín laëng, daàu ngöôøi ngu daïi, cuõng ñöôïc caàm baèng khoân ngoan; Coøn keû naøo ngaäm moâi mieäng mình laïi ñöôïc keû laø thoâng saùng.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

18:1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeks and intermeddles with all wisdom.

18:1 Keû naøo ôû rieâng caùch tìm ñieàu chính mình öa thích; Noù caõi coï vôùi nhöõng söï khoân ngoan thaät.

18:2 A fool has no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.

18:2 Keû ngu muoäi khoâng öa thích söï thoâng saùng; Nhöng chæ muoán loøng noù ñöôïc baøy toû ra.

18:3 When the wicked comes, then comes also contempt, and with dishonour reproach.

18:3 Khi keû gian aùc ñeán söï khinh bæ cuõng ñeán nöõa; Vaø söï sæ nhuïc ñeán vôùi ñieàu nhuoác nha.

18:4 The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.

18:4 Lôøi noùi cuûa mieäng loaøi ngöôøi laø gioáng nhö nöôùc saâu; Nguoàn söï khoân ngoan khaùc naøo caùi khe nöôùc chaûy.

18:5 It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

18:5 Laáy laøm chaúng toát maø neå vì keû aùc, Ñaëng löôøng gaït ngöôøi coâng bình trong vieäc xeùt ñoaùn.

18:6 A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calls for strokes.

18:6 Moâi keû ngu muoäi vaøo cuoäc tranh caïnh, Vaø mieäng noù chieàu söï ñaùnh ñaäp.

18:7 A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

18:7 Mieäng keû ngu muoäi laø söï baïi hoaïi cuûa noù; Moâi noù voán moät cai baãy gaøi linh hoàn cuûa noù.

18:8 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

18:8 Lôøi keû theøo leûo nhö vaät thöïc ngon, Vaø noù thaáu ñeán ruoät gan.

18:9 He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great destroyer.

18:9 Keû thaû troâi trong coâng vieäc mình, Cuõng laø anh em cuûa keû phaù haïi.

18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and is safe.

18:10 Danh Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va voán moät ngoïn thaùp kieân coá; Keû coâng bình chaïy ñeán ñoù, gaëp ñöôïc nôi aån truù cao.

18:11 The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit.

18:11 Taøi vaät ngöôøi giaøu, aáy laø caùi thaønh kieân coá cuûa ngöôøi, Trong yù töôûng ngöôøi cho noù nhö moät böùc töôøng cao.

18:12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.

18:12 Tröôùc khi söï baïi hoaïi, loøng ngöôøi vaãn töï cao; Song söï khieâm nhöôïng ñi tröôùc söï toân troïng.

18:13 He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him.

18:13 Traû lôøi tröôùc khi nghe, Aáy laø söï ñieân daïi vaø hoå theïn cho ai laøm vaäy.

18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?

18:14 Taâm thaàn ngöôøi naâng ñôõ söï bònh hoaïn mình; Nhöng trí bò nao sôøn ai chòu sao noåi?

18:15 The heart of the prudent gets knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

18:15 Loøng ngöôøi khoân kheùo ñöôïc söï tri thöùc; Vaø tai ngöôøi khoân ngoan tìm kieám söï hieåu bieát.

18:16 A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.

18:16 Cuûa leã cuûa ngöôøi naøo deïp ñöôøng cho ngöôøi, Vaø daãn ngöôøi ñeán tröôùc maët keû sang troïng.

18:17 He that is first in his own cause seems just; but his neighbour comes and searches him.

18:17 Ngöôøi tieân caùo nghe nhö phaûi leõ; Song beân ñaøng kia ñeán, beøn tra xeùt ngöôøi.

18:18 The lot causes contentions to cease, and parts between the mighty.

18:18 Söï baét thaêm deïp ñieàu tranh tuïng, Vaø phaân reõ nhöõng keû coù quyeàn theá.

18:19 A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.

18:19 Moät anh em bò meách loøng laáy laøm khoù ñöôïc loøng laïi hôn laø chieám thuû caùi thaønh kieân coá; Söï tranh giaønh döôøng aáy khaùc naøo nhöõng choát cöûa ñeàn.

18:20 A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.

18:20 Buïng ngöôøi seõ ñöôïc no neâ boâng traùi cuûa mieäng mình; Hueâ lôïi moâi mieäng mình seõ laøm cho ngöôøi no ñuû.

18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

18:21 Soáng cheát ôû nôi quyeàn cuûa löôõi; Keû aùi moä noù seõ aên boâng traùi cuûa noù.

18:22 Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour of the LORD.

18:22 Ai tìm ñöôïc moät ngöôøi vôï, töùc tìm ñöôïc moät ñieàu phöôùc. Vaø höôûng ñöôïc aân ñieån cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

18:23 The poor uses entreaties; but the rich answers roughly.

18:23 Ngöôøi ngheøo duøng lôøi caàu xin; Coøn keû giaøu ñaùp laïi caùch xaúng xôùm.

18:24 A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

18:24 Ngöôøi naøo ñöôïc nhieàu baèng höõu seõ laøm haïi cho mình; Nhöng coù moät baïn tríu meán hôn anh em ruoät.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

19:1 Better is the poor that walks in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

19:1 Thaø ngöôøi ngheøo khoå aên ôû thanh lieâm, Coøn hôn laø keû moâi mieäng gian taø vaø laø moät keû ngaây daïi.

19:2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hastes with his feet sins.

19:2 Loøng thieáu tri thöùc aáy chaúng phaûi moät ñieàu hay; Vaû keû naøo voäi böôùc bò vaáp phaïm.

19:3 The foolishness of man perverts his way: and his heart frets against the LORD.

19:3 Söï ngu daïi cuûa ngöôøi naøo laøm cho hö hoûng ñöôøng loái mình, Vaø loøng ngöôøi oaùn Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

19:4 Wealth makes many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour.

19:4 Söï giaøu coù keát nhieàu baäu baïn; Coøn keû khoù khaên daàu baïn cuõng lìa boû.

19:5 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall not escape.

19:5 Chöùng gian naøo chaúng bò phaït; Vaø keû buoâng ñieàu giaû doái khoâng sao thoaùt khoûi.

19:6 Many will implore the favour of the prince: and every man is a friend to him that gives gifts.

19:6 Coù nhieàu keû tìm ôn ngöôøi roäng raõi; Vaø moãi ngöôøi ñeàu laø baèng höõu cuûa keû hay ban leã vaät.

19:7 All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him? he pursues them with words, yet they are lacking to him.

19:7 Heát thaûy anh em ruoät cuûa keû ngheøo ñeàu gheùt ngöôøi; Phöông chi baäu baïn seõ lìa xa khoûi ngöôøi! Ngöôøi laáy lôøi ñuoåi theo chuùng, chuùng chaúng coøn ñoù nöõa!

19:8 He that gets wisdom loves his own soul: he that keeps understanding shall find good.

19:8 Ai coù ñöôïc söï khoân ngoan thöông meán linh hoàn mình; Coøn ai giöõ laáy söï thoâng saùng tìm ñöôïc phöôùc haïnh.

19:9 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall perish.

19:9 Chöùng gian seõ chaúng thoaùt khoûi bò phaït; Vaø keû buoâng lôøi giaû doái seõ bò hö maát.

19:10 Delight is not suitable for a fool; much less for a servant to have rule over princes.

19:10 Aên ôû sung söôùng chaúng xöùng hieäp cho keû ngu muoäi; Phöông chi keû toâi moïi cai trò caùc hoaøng töû!

19:11 The discretion of a man defers his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.

19:11 Söï khoân ngoan cuûa ngöôøi khieán cho ngöôøi chaäm noùng giaän; Vaø ngöôøi laáy laøm danh döï maø boû qua toäi phaïm.

19:12 The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favour is as dew upon the grass.

19:12 Vua thaïnh noä khaùc naøo sö töû gaàm theùt; Coøn aân dòch ngöôøi nhö söông moùc xuoáng treân ñoàng coû.

19:13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father: and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping.

19:13 Con trai ngu muoäi laø tai hoïa cho cha noù; Vaø söï tranh caõi cuûa ngöôøi vôï voán moät maùng xoái haèng chaûy luoân.

19:14 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.

19:14 Nhaø cöûa vaø taøi saûn laø cô nghieäp cuûa toå phuï ñeå laïi; Coøn moät ngöôøi vôï khoân ngoan do nôi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va maø ñeán.

19:15 Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.

19:15 Söï bieáng nhaùc laøm cho nguû meâ; Vaø linh hoàn treã naûi seõ bò ñoùi khaùt.

19:16 He that keeps the commandment keeps his own soul; but he that despises his ways shall die.

19:16 Ai gìn giöõ ñieàu raên, gìn giöõ laáy linh hoàn mình; Nhöng keû naøo khoâng coi chöøng ñöôøng loái mình seõ thaùc.

19:17 He that has pity upon the poor lends unto the LORD; and that which he has given will he pay him again.

19:17 Ai thöông xoùt keû ngheøo, töùc cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va vay möôïn; Ngaøi seõ baùo laïi vieäc ôn laønh aáy cho ngöôøi.

19:18 Chasten your son while there is hope, and let not your soul spare for his crying.

19:18 Haõy söûa phaït con ngöôi trong luùc coøn söï troâng caäy; Nhöng chôù toan loøng gieát noù.

19:19 A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if you deliver him, yet you must do it again.

19:19 Ngöôøi hay noùng giaän döõ tôïn, seõ phaûi mang hình; Vì neáu con giaûi cöùu haén, aét phaûi giaûi cöùu laïi nöõa.

19:20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter end.

19:20 Hay nghe lôøi khuyeân daïy, vaø tieáp nhaän söï giaùo hoái, Ñeå con ñöôïc khoân ngoan trong luùc cuoái cuøng.

19:21 There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.

19:21 Trong loøng loaøi ngöôøi coù nhieàu möu keá; Song yù chæ cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ thaønh ñöôïc.

19:22 The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.

19:22 Loøng nhôn töø cuûa ngöôøi laøm cho ngöôøi ta yeâu chuoäng mình; Vaø ngöôøi ngheøo khoå laø hôn keû noùi doái.

19:23 The fear of the LORD tends to life: and he that has it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.

19:23 Söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va daãn ñeán söï soáng, Laøm cho ngöôøi ta ñöôïc ôû thoûa nguyeän, khoâng bò tai hoïa laâm ñeán.

19:24 A slothful man hides his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

19:24 Keû bieáng nhaùc thoø tay mình trong dóa, Roài khoâng theøm ñem noù leân mieäng mình nöõa.

19:25 Strike a scorner, and the simple will beware: and reprove one that has understanding, and he will understand knowledge.

19:25 Haõy ñaùnh keû nhaïo baùng, thì ngöôøi ngu daïi seõ trôû neân khoân kheùo; Khaù söûa daïy ngöôøi thoâng saùng, aét ngöôøi seõ hieåu ñieàu tri thöùc.

19:26 He that wastes his father, and chases away his mother, is a son that causes shame, and brings reproach.

19:26 Keû haõm haïi cha mình, vaø xoâ ñuoåi meï mình, Laø moät con trai gaây hoå ngöôi vaø chieâu sæ nhuïc.

19:27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causes to go astray from the words of knowledge.

19:27 Hôõi con, haõy thoâi nghe söï khuyeân daïy Khieán cho con laàm laïc caùch xa caùc lôøi tri thöùc.

19:28 An ungodly witness scorns judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.

19:28 Chöùng gian taø nhaïo baùng söï coâng bình; Vaø mieäng keû döõ nuoát toäi aùc.

19:29 Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools.

19:29 Söï xeùt ñoaùn döï bò cho keû nhaïo baùng; Vaø roi voït saém söûa cho löng keû ngu muoäi.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

20:1 Röôïu khieán ngöôøi ta nhaïo baùng, ñoà uoáng say laøm cho hoãn laùo; Phaøm ai duøng noù quaù ñoä, chaúng phaûi laø khoân ngoan.

20:2 The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion: whoso provokes him to anger sins against his own soul.

20:2 Söï oai khieáp cuûa vua gioáng nhö sö töû gaàm heùt; Ai choïc giaän ngöôøi aét phaïm ñeán maïng soáng mình.

20:3 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

20:3 Ngöôøi naøo giöõ mình khoûi tranh caïnh, aáy laø söï toân vinh cuûa ngöôøi; Chæ keû ñieân cuoàng sa vaøo ñoù maø thoâi.

20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

20:4 Vì coù muøa ñoâng keû bieáng nhaùc chaúng caøy ruoäng; Qua muøa gaët noù seõ xin aên, nhöng chaúng ñöôïc gì heát.

20:5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.

20:5 Möu keá trong loøng ngöôøi ta nhö nöôùc saâu; Ngöôøi thoâng saùng seõ muùc laáy taïi ñoù.

20:6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

20:6 Phaàn nhieàu ngöôøi khoe khoang söï nhôn töø mình; Nhöng ai seõ tìm ñöôïc moät ngöôøi trung thaønh?

20:7 The just man walks in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

20:7 Ngöôøi coâng bình aên ôû caùch thanh lieâm; Nhöõng con chaùu ngöôøi laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay!

20:8 A king that sits in the throne of judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.

20:8 Vua ngoài treân ngoâi xeùt ñoaùn, Laáy maët mình ñaùnh tan caùc ñieàu aùc.

20:9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?

20:9 Ai coù theå noùi: Ta ñaõ luyeän saïch loøng mình, Ta ñaõ trong saïch toäi ta roài?

20:10 Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.

20:10 Hai thöù traùi caân, vaø hai thöù löôøng, Caû hai ñeàu gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

20:11 Coâng vieäc con treû laøm, hoaëc trong saïch hoaëc chaùnh ñaùng, Cuõng ñeàu toû boån taùnh noù ra.

20:12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD has made even both of them.

20:12 Tai ñeå nghe, maét ñeå thaáy, Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ñaõ laøm ra caû hai.

20:13 Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open yours eyes, and you shall be satisfied with bread.

20:13 Chôù öa nguû, e cho ngöôøi trôû neân ngheøo khoå chaêng; Haõy môû maét ra, thì seõ ñöôïc no neâ baùnh.

20:14 It is nil, it is nil, says the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasts.

20:14 Keû mua noùi raèng: Khoâng toát, khoâng toát! Ñoaïn ñi, vaø töï khoe khoang mình.

20:15 There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.

20:15 Coù vaøng vaø nhieàu chaâu ngoïc; Song mieäng coù tri thöùc laø böûu vaät quí giaù.

20:16 Take his garment that is guarantor for a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

20:16 Haõy caàm laáy aùo haén, vì haén coù baûo laõnh cho ngöôøi khaùc; Haõy buoäc hoï moät cuûa caàm, bôûi hoï ñaùp theá cho ngöôøi ñôøn baø laï.

20:17 Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

20:17 Baùnh nhôø doái gaït maø ñöôïc laáy laøm ngon ngoït cho ngöôøi; Nhöng keá sau mieäng ngöôøi ñaày saïn.

20:18 Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.

20:18 Nhôø baøn luaän, caùc möu keá ñöôïc ñònh vöõng vaøng; Haõy ñaùnh giaëc caùch khoân kheùo.

20:19 He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flatters with his lips.

20:19 Keû naøo ñi theøo leûo baày toû ñieàu kín ñaùo; Vaäy, chôù giao thoâng vôùi keû hay hôû moâi quaù.

20:20 Whoso curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.

20:20 Ngoïn ñeøn cuûa keû ruûa cha meï mình Seõ taét giöõa vuøng taêm toái môø mòt.

20:21 An inheritance may be got hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.

20:21 Saûn nghieäp mình ñöôïc voäi vaõ luùc ban ñaàu, Vaø cuoái cuøng seõ chaúng ñaëng phöôùc.

20:22 Say not you, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save you.

20:22 Chôù noùi: Ta seõ traû aùc. Haõy chôø ñôïi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Ngaøi seõ cöùu roãi con.

20:23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.

20:23 Traùi caân hai thöù laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va; Vaø caây caân giaû naøo phaûi vaät toát laønh.

20:24 Man's activities are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?

20:24 Caùc böôùc cuûa loaøi ngöôøi do nôi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va nhöùt ñònh; Vaäy, loaøi ngöôøi hieåu ñöôøng loái mình sao ñöôïc?

20:25 It is a snare to the man who devours that which is holy, and after vows to make enquiry.

20:25 Noùi caùch hôùp tôùp raèng: Vaäy naày laø vaät thaùnh! Vaø sau khi ñaõ khaán nguyeän roài môùi suy xeùt ñeán, aáy quaû moät caùi baãy cho ngöôøi ta.

20:26 A wise king scatters the wicked, and brings the wheel over them.

20:26 Vua khoân ngoan laøm tan keû aùc, Vaø khieán baùnh xe laên caùn chuùng noù.

20:27 The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.

20:27 Linh taùnh loaøi ngöôøi voán moät ngoïn ñeøn cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Doø thaáu caùc nôi aån bí cuûa loøng.

20:28 Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne supported by mercy.

20:28 Söï nhaân töø vaø chôn thaät baûo hoä vua; Ngöôøi laáy loøng nhaân töø maø naâng ñôõ ngoâi nöôùc mình.

20:29 The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head.

20:29 Söùc löïc cuûa gaõ trai treû laø vinh hieån cuûa ngöôøi; Coøn toùc baïc laø söï toân troïng cuûa oâng giaø.

20:30 The blueness of a wound cleanses away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.

20:30 Nhöõng thöông tích vaø daáu vít laøm cho saïch ñieàu aùc, Vaø roi voït thaám vaøo nôi kín ñaùo cuûa loøng.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turns it anywhere he will.

21:1 Loøng cuûa vua ôû trong tay Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va khaùc naøo doøng nöôùc chaûy; Ngaøi laøm nghieâng leäch noù beà naøo tuøy yù Ngaøi muoán.

21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD ponders the hearts.

21:2 Caùc ñöôøng loái cuûa loaøi ngöôøi ñeàu chaùnh ñaùng theo maét hoï; Song Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va caân nhaéc caùi loøng.

21:3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

21:3 Laøm theo söï coâng bình vaø ngay thaúng Ñöôïc ñeïp loøng Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va hôn cuûa teá leã.

21:4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

21:4 Maët töï cao, loøng kieâu ngaïo, Vaø ngoïn ñeøn cuûa keû aùc, ñeàu laø toäi loãi.

21:5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to lack.

21:5 Caùc yù töôûng cuûa ngöôøi caàn maãn daãn ñeán söï dö daät; Coøn nhöõng keû khôø daïi chæ chaïy ñeán ñieàu thieáu thoán.

21:6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed back and forth of them that seek death.

21:6 Taøi vaät nhôø duøng löôõi doái gaït maø ñöôïc, Aáy laø moät ñieàu hö khoâng mau heát cuûa keû tìm söï cheát.

21:7 The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.

21:7 Söï cöôøng baïo cuûa keû aùc seõ ñuøa chuùng noù ñi; Vì chuùng noù khoâng khöùng laøm ñieàu ngay thaúng.

21:8 The way of man is perverse and strange: but as for the pure, his work is right.

21:8 Con ñöôøng cuûa keû gaùnh toäi laø quanh queïo; Coøn coâng vieäc keû trong saïch voán ngay thaúng.

21:9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

21:9 Thaø ôû nôi xoù noùc nhaø, Hôn laø ôû chung nhaø vôùi moät ngöôøi ñôøn baø hay tranh caïnh.

21:10 The soul of the wicked desires evil: his neighbour finds no favour in his eyes.

21:10 Loøng keû döõ ao öôùc ñieàu aùc; Keû laân caän noù khoâng ñöôïc ôn tröôùc maët noù.

21:11 When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge.

21:11 Khi keû nhaïo baùng bò phaït, ngöôøi ngu daïi beøn trôû neân khoân ngoan; Khi khuyeân daïy ngöôøi khoân ngoan, ngöôøi nhaän laõnh söï tri thöùc.

21:12 The righteous man wisely considers the house of the wicked: but God overthrows the wicked for their wickedness.

21:12 Coù moät Ñaáng coâng bình xem xeùt kyõ caøng nhaø keû aùc; Ñaáng aáy xoâ nhöõng keû aùc vaøo tai hoïa.

21:13 Whoso stops his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

21:13 Ai böng tai khoâng khöùng nghe tieáng keâu la cuûa ngöôøi ngheøo khoå, Ngöôøi ñoù cuõng seõ keâu la maø seõ chaúng coù ai ñaùp laïi.

21:14 A gift in secret pacifies anger: and a reward in the bosom strong wrath.

21:14 Cuûa leã daâng kín nhieäm nguoâi côn thaïnh noä; Cuûa hoái loä ñuùt vaøo loøng laøm ngaát côn giaän döõ tôïn.

21:15 It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.

21:15 Laøm ñieàu ngay thaúng, aáy laø moät vieäc vui veû cho ngöôøi coâng bình; Nhöng gaây baïi hoaïi cho keû laøm gian aùc.

21:16 The man that wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.

21:16 Ngöôøi laàm laïc xa ñöôøng khoân saùng Seõ ôû vôùi hoäi keû cheát.

21:17 He that loves pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loves wine and oil shall not be rich.

21:17 Ai ham söï vui chôi aét seõ ngheøo khoù; Coøn ai öa röôïu vôùi daàu seõ chaúng heà laøm giaøu.

21:18 The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright.

21:18 Keû aùc laø moät giaù chuoäc ngöôøi coâng bình; Vaø keû doái gaït theá choã cho ngöôøi ngay thaúng.

21:19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

21:19 Thaø ôû nôi vaéng veû, Hôn laø ôû vôùi moät ngöôøi ñôøn baø hay tranh caïnh vaø noùng giaän.

21:20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spends it up.

21:20 Coù böûu vaät vaø daàu trong nhaø ngöôøi khoân ngoan; Nhöng keû ngu muoäi nuoát noù ñi.

21:21 He that follows after righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness, and honour.

21:21 Ngöôøi naøo tìm caàu söï coâng bình vaø söï nhôn töø seõ tìm ñöôïc söï soáng, söï coâng bình, vaø toân troïng.

21:22 A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and casts down the strength of the confidence thereof.

21:22 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan leo leân thaønh doõng só, Ñaùnh haï söùc löïc maø noù nöông caäy.

21:23 Whoso keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles.

21:23 Ai giöõ laáy mieäng vaø löôõi mình Giöõ linh hoàn mình khoûi hoaïn naïn.

21:24 Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who deals in proud wrath.

21:24 Nhaïo baùng, aáy laø teân cuûa ngöôøi kieâu caêng cao caùch; Noù cö xöû caùch xaác xöôïc theo taùnh kieâu ngaïo cuûa noù.

21:25 The desire of the slothful kills him; for his hands refuse to labour.

21:25 Söï öôùc ao cuûa keû bieáng nhaùc gieát cheát noù; Bôûi vì hai tay noù khoâng khöùng laøm vieäc.

21:26 He covers greedily all the day long: but the righteous gives and spares not.

21:26 Coù ngöôøi troùt ngaøy ham hoá quaù; Nhöng ngöôøi coâng bình ban cho khoâng chaét loùt.

21:27 The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, when he brings it with a wicked mind?

21:27 Cuûa teá leã cuûa keû aùc laø moät vaät gôùm ghieác; Phöông chi hoï ñem ñeán maø coù aùc töôûng.

21:28 A false witness shall perish: but the man that hears speaks constantly.

21:28 Chöùng doái giaû seõ hö maát ñi; Nhöng ngöôøi hay nghe theo seõ noùi ñöôïc maõi maõi.

21:29 A wicked man hardens his face: but as for the upright, he directs his way.

21:29 Keû aùc töï laøm maët chai maøy ñaù; Coøn ngöôøi ngay thaúng laøm vöõng ñöôøng loái mình.

21:30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.

21:30 Chaúng coù söï khoân ngoan naøo, söï thoâng minh naøo, hay laø möu keá naøo, Maø choáng ñòch Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ñöôïc.

21:31 The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

21:31 Ngöïa saém söûa veà ngaøy tranh chieán; Nhöng söï thaéng traän thuoäc veà Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

22:1 A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

22:1 Danh tieáng toát coøn hôn tieàn cuûa nhieàu; Vaø ôn nghóa quí hôn baïc vaø vaøng.

22:2 The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.

22:2 Keû giaøu vaø ngöôøi ngheøo ñeàu gaëp nhau; Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ñaõ döïng neân caû hai.

22:3 A prudent man forsees the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

22:3 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan thaáy ñeàu tai vaï, vaø aån mình; Nhöng keû ngu muoäi cöù ñi luoân, vaø maéc phaûi vaï.

22:4 By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.

22:4 Phaàn thöôûng cuûa söï khieâm nhöôïng vaø söï kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va, Aáy laø giaøu coù, söï toân troïng, vaø maïng soáng.

22:5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse: he that does keep his soul shall be far from them.

22:5 Trong ñöôøng keû gian taø coù gai choâng vaø caùi baãy; Ai gìn giöõ linh hoàn mình seõ caùch xa noù.

22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

22:6 Haõy daïy cho treû thô con ñöôøng noù phaûi theo; Daàu khi noù trôû veà giaø, cuõng khoâng heà lìa khoûi ñoù.

22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

22:7 Ngöôøi giaøu quaûn haït keû ngheøo; Keû naøo möôïn laø toâi tôù cuûa keû cho möôïn.

22:8 He that sows iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail.

22:8 Keû naøo giao söï baát coâng seõ gaët ñieàu tai hoïa; Vaø caây roi thaïnh noä noù seõ bò gaõy ñi.

22:9 He that has a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he gives of his bread to the poor.

22:9 Ngöôøi naøo coù maét töø thieän seõ ñöôïc phöôùc; Vì ngöôøi ban baùnh mình cho keû ngheøo khoù.

22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

22:10 Haõy ñuoåi keû nhaïo baùng ra, thì söï caõi laãy cuõng seõ ñi; Ñieàu tranh caïnh vaø söï sæ nhuïc seõ heát.

22:11 He that loves pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

22:11 Ai aùi moä loøng thaùnh saïch, Vaø coù duyeân nôi moâi mieäng mình, seõ ñöôïc vua laøm baïn nghóa.

22:12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthrows the words of the transgressor.

22:12 Maét cuûa Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va coi giöõ ngöôøi coù tri thöùc; Nhöng Ngaøi ñaùnh ñoå lôøi keû gian taø.

22:13 The slothful man says, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.

22:13 Keû bieáng nhaùc noùi: Coù con sö töû ôû ngoaøi ñoù; Toâi seõ bò gieát taïi giöõa ñöôøng.

22:14 The mouth of strange women is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.

22:14 Mieäng cuûa daâm phuï voán laø moät caùi hoá saâu; Ai bò Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va giaän seõ sa ngaõ vaøo ñoù.

22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

22:15 Söï ngu daïi voán buoäc vaøo loøng con treû; Song roi raên phaït seõ laøm cho söï aáy lìa xa noù.

22:16 He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he that gives to the rich, shall surely come to lack.

22:16 Ngöôøi naøo haø hieáp keû ngheøo aét seõ laøm cho noù giaøu coù; Vaø ai co keû giaøu coù chæ laøm cho ngöôøi sa vaøo söï thieáu thoán.

22:17 Bow down yours ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply yours heart unto my knowledge.

22:17 Haõy laéng tai nghe lôøi keû khoân ngoan, Khaù chuyeân loøng con veà söï tri thöùc ta.

22:18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; they shall likewise be fitted in your lips.

22:18 Vì neáu con gìn giöõ noù trong loøng con, Laäp noù ôû chung nhau treân moâi mieäng con, thì aáy thaät moät söï toát ñeïp.

22:19 That your trust may be in the LORD, I have made known to you this day, even to you.

22:19 Ngaøy nay ta ñaõ daïy cho con hieåu bieát caùc ñieàu ñoù, Ñeå con coù loøng tin caäy Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

22:20 Have not I written to you excellent things in counsels and knowledge,

22:20 Ta haù chaúng coù cheùp cho con Nhöõng ñieàu toát veà möu luaän vaø veà tri thöùc sao,

22:21 That I might make you know the certainty of the words of truth; that you might answer the words of truth to them that send unto you?

22:21 Ñeå laøm cho con bieát söï quaû quyeát cuûa lôøi chaân lyù, Haàu cho con laáy lôøi thaät maø ñaùp laïi vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi sai con?

22:22 Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate:

22:22 Chôù boùc loät keû ngheøo, bôûi vì hoï ngheøo, Cuõng ñöøng haø hieáp ngöôøi khoán khoå nôi cöûa thaønh;

22:23 For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

22:23 Vì Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ binh vöïc duyeân côù cuûa hoï, Vaø ñoaït laáy söï soáng cuûa keû coù cöôùp loät hoï.

22:24 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man you shall not go:

22:24 Chôù laøm baïn vôùi ngöôøi hay giaän; Chôù giao teá cuøng keû cöôøng baïo,

22:25 Lest you learn his ways, and get a snare to your soul.

22:25 E con taäp theo ñöôøng loái noù, Vaø linh hoàn con bò baãy haõm haïi chaêng.

22:26 Be not you one of them that shake hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.

22:26 Chôù ñoàng boïn cuøng nhöõng keû giao tay nhau, Hoaëc cuøng keû baûo laõnh nôï:

22:27 If you have nothing to pay, why should he take away your bed from under you?

22:27 Neáu con khoâng coù gì traû, Côù sao con muoán chuùng ñoaït laáy caùi giöôøng con ñi?

22:28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which your fathers have set.

22:28 Chôù dôøi ñi caùc moäc giôùi cuõ, Maø toå phuï con ñaõ döïng.

22:29 See you a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

22:29 Con coù thaáy ngöôøi naøo sieâng naêng trong coâng vieäc mình chaêng? Ngöôøi aáy haún seõ ñöùng ôû tröôùc maët caùc vua, chôù chaúng phaûi ôû tröôùc maët ngöôøi heøn haï ñaâu.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

23:1 When you sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before you:

23:1 Khi con ngoài aên böõa vôùi moät quan tröôûng, Haõy xeùt kyõ ngöôøi ôû tröôùc maët con;

23:2 And put a knife to your throat, if you be a man given to appetite.

23:2 Neáu con coù laùu aên, Khaù ñeå con dao nôi hoïng con.

23:3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful food.

23:3 Chôù theøm moùn ngon cuûa ngöôøi, Vì laø vaät thöïc phænh gaït.

23:4 Labour not to be rich: cease from yours own wisdom.

23:4 Con chôù chòu vaät vaõ ñaëng laøm giaøu; Khaù thoâi nhôø caäy khoân ngoan rieâng cuûa con.

23:5 Will you set yours eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

23:5 Con haù lieác maét vaøo söï giaøu coù sao? Noù ñaõ chaúng coøn nöõa roài; Vì noù quaû haún coù moïc caùnh, Vaø bay leân treân trôøi nhö chim öng vaäy.

23:6 Eat you not the bread of him that has an evil eye, neither desire you his dainty meats:

23:6 Chôù aên baùnh cuûa keû coù maét gian aùc, Vaø ñöøng tham muoán nhöõng moùn ngon cuûa haén.

23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, says he to you; but his heart is not with you.

23:7 Vì haén töôûng trong loøng theå naøo, thì haén quaû theå aáy. Haén noùi vôùi con raèng: Haõy aên uoáng ñi; Nhöng trong loøng haén chaúng hieäp cuøng con.

23:8 The morsel which you have eaten shall you vomit up, and lose your sweet words.

23:8 Mieáng con ñaõ aên, con seõ möûa ra, Vaø maát nhöõng lôøi hoøa mó cuûa con.

23:9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

23:9 Chôù noùi vaøo loã tai keû ngu muoäi; Vì noù seõ khinh deå söï khoân ngoan cuûa caùc lôøi con.

23:10 Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless:

23:10 Chôù dôøi ñi moäc giôùi cuõ, Ñöøng vaøo trong ñoàng ruoäng cuûa keû moà coâi;

23:11 For their redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their cause with you.

23:11 Vì Ñaáng cöùu chuoäc cuûa hoï voán quyeàn naêng, Seõ binh vöïc söï caùo tuïng cuûa chuùng noù nghòch vôùi con.

23:12 Apply yours heart unto instruction, and yours ears to the words of knowledge.

23:12 Haõy chuyeân loøng veà söï khuyeân daïy, Vaø laéng tai nghe caùc lôøi tri thöùc.

23:13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die.

23:13 Chôù tha söûa phaït treû thô; Daàu ñaùnh noù baèng roi voït, noù chaúng cheát ñaâu. Khi con ñaùnh noù baèng roi voït,

23:14 You shall beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from hell.

23:14 Aét giaûi cöùu linh hoàn noù khoûi aâm phuû.

23:15 My son, if yours heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine.

23:15 Hôõi con, neáu loøng con khoân ngoan, Thì loøng ta cuõng seõ ñöôïc vui möøng;

23:16 Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when your lips speak right things.

23:16 Phaûi, chaùnh ruoät gan ta seõ hôùn hôû Khi mieäng con noùi ñieàu ngay thaúng.

23:17 Let not yours heart envy sinners: but be you in the fear of the LORD all the day long.

23:17 Loøng con chôù phaân bì vôùi keû hung aùc; Nhöng haèng ngaøy haõy kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va.

23:18 For surely there is an end; and yours expectation shall not be cut off.

23:18 Vì quaû haún coù söï thöôûng thieän, Vaø söï troâng ñôïi cuûa con seõ chaúng thaønh ra luoáng coâng.

23:19 Hear you, my son, and be wise, and guide yours heart in the way.

23:19 Hôõi con, haõy nghe vaø trôû neân khoân ngoan, Khaù daãn loøng con vaøo ñöôøng chaùnh.

23:20 Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh:

23:20 Chôù ñoàng boïn cuøng nhöõng bôïm röôïu, Hoaëc vôùi nhöõng keû laùu aên;

23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

23:21 Vì bôïm röôïu vaø keû laùu aên seõ trôû neân ngheøo; Coøn keû ham nguû seõ maëc raùch röôùi.

23:22 Hearken unto your father that brings forth you, and despise not your mother when she is old.

23:22 Haõy nghe lôøi cha ñaõ sanh ra con, Chôù khinh bæ meï con khi ngöôøi trôû neân giaø yeáu.

23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

23:23 Haõy mua chaân lyù, Söï khoân ngoan, söï khuyeân daïy, vaø söï thoâng saùng; chôù heà baùn ñi.

23:24 The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that bring forths a wise child shall have joy of him.

23:24 Cha ngöôøi coâng bình seõ coù söï vui veû lôùn, Vaø ngöôøi naøo sanh con khoân ngoan seõ khoaùi laïc nôi noù.

23:25 Your father and your mother shall be glad, and she that bare you shall rejoice.

23:25 Öôùc gì cha vaø meï con ñöôïc hôùn hôû, Vaø ngöôøi ñaõ sanh con laáy laøm vui möøng.

23:26 My son, give me yours heart, and let yours eyes observe my ways.

23:26 Hôõi con, haõy daâng loøng con cho cha, Vaø maét con khaù öng ñeïp ñöôøng loái cuûa cha.

23:27 For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.

23:27 Vì kò nöõ voán laø moät caùi hoá saâu, Vaø daâm phuï laø moät caùi haàm heïp.

23:28 She also lies in wait as for a prey, and increases the transgressors among men.

23:28 Naøng ñöùng rình nhö moät keû troäm, Laøm cho theâm nhieàu keû gian taø trong boïn loaøi ngöôøi.

23:29 Who has woe? who has sorrow? who has contentions? who has babbling? who has wounds without cause? who has redness of eyes?

23:29 Ai bò söï hoaïn naïn? Ai phaûi buoàn thaûm? Ai coù söï tranh caïnh? Ai than xieát? Ai bò thöông tích voâ côù? Ai coù con maét ñoû?

23:30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.

23:30 Taát nhöõng keû naùn treã beân röôïu, Ñi neáu thöù röôïu pha.

23:31 Look not you upon the wine when it is red, when it gives his colour in the cup, when it moves itself aright.

23:31 Chôù xem ngoù röôïu khi noù ñoû hoàng, Luùc noù chieáu sao trong ly, Vaø tuoân chaûy deã daøng;

23:32 At the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like an adder.

23:32 Roát laïi, noù caén nhö raén, Chít nhö raén luïc;

23:33 Yours eyes shall behold strange women, and yours heart shall utter perverse things.

23:33 Hai maét con seõ nhìn ngöôøi daâm phuï, Vaø loøng con seõ noùi ñieàu gian taø;

23:34 Yea, you shall be as he that lies down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lies upon the top of a mast.

23:34 Thaät, con seõ nhö ngöôøi naèm giöõa ñaùy bieån, Khaùc naøo keû naèm treân choùt coät buoàm vaäy.

23:35 They have stricken me, shall you say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again.

23:35 Con seõ noùi raèng: Ngöôøi ta ñaäp toâi, nhöng toâi khoâng ñau; Ngöôøi ta ñaùnh toâi, song toâi khoâng nghe bieát: Khi toâi tænh daäy, toâi seõ trôû laïi tìm uoáng noù nöõa.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

24:1 Be not you envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.

24:1 Chôù ganh gheùt keû laøm aùc. Ñöøng öôùc ao ôû cuøng chuùng noù.

24:2 For their heart studies destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.

24:2 Vì loøng chuùng noù toan ñieàu huûy phaù, Vaø moâi hoï noùi ra söï toån haïi.

24:3 Through wisdom is an house built; and by understanding it is established:

24:3 Nhôø söï khoân ngoan, cöûa nhaø ñöôïc xaây caát neân, Vaø ñöôïc vöõng vaøng bôûi söï thoâng saùng;

24:4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

24:4 Nhôø söï tri thöùc, caùc phoøng vi ñeàu ñöôïc ñaày ñuû Caùc thöù taøi vaät quí baùu ñeïp ñeõ.

24:5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increases strength.

24:5 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan coù söùc maïnh, Vaø ngöôøi tri thöùc gia theâm naêng löïc.

24:6 For by wise counsel you shall make your war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.

24:6 Vì con phaûi nhôø möu khoân maø ñaùnh giaëc; Ñaâu coù nhieàu möu só thì ñaëng toaøn thaéng.

24:7 Wisdom is too high for a fool: he opens not his mouth in the gate.

24:7 Söï khoân ngoan laáy laøm cao xa quaù cho keû ngu daïi; Noù khoâng môû mieäng ra nôi cöûa thaønh.

24:8 He that devises to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.

24:8 Keû naøo toan laøm ñieàu aùc, Ngöôøi ta seõ goïi haén laø keû gian giaûo.

24:9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

24:9 Tö töôûng ngu daïi laø toäi loãi; Keû nhaïo baùng laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho loaøi ngöôøi.

24:10 If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.

24:10 Neáu con ngaõ loøng trong ngaøy hoaïn naïn, Thì söùc löïc con nhoû moïn thay.

24:11 If you forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;

24:11 Haõy giaûi cöùu keû bò ñuøa ñeán söï cheát, Vaø chôù choái roãi cho ngöôøi ñi xieâu toù tôùi choán hình khoå.

24:12 If you says, Behold, we knew it not; does not he that ponders the heart consider it? and he that keeps your soul, does not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

24:12 Neáu con noùi: Chuùng toâi chaúng bieát gì ñeán; Thì Ñaáng maø caân nhaéc loøng ngöôøi ta, haù chaúng xem xeùt ñieàu aáy sao? Vaø Ñaáng gìn giöõ linh hoàn con, haù khoâng bieát ñeán ö? Chôù thì Ngaøi chaúng baùo cho moãi ngöôøi tuøy theo coâng vieäc hoï laøm sao?

24:13 My son, eat you honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to your taste:

24:13 Hôõi con, haõy aên maät, vì noù ngon laønh; Taøng ong laáy laøm ngoït ngaøo cho oå gaø con.

24:14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto your soul: when you have found it, then there shall be a reward, and your expectation shall not be cut off.

24:14 Con seõ bieát söï khoân ngoan nôi linh hoàn con cuõng nhö vaäy; Neáu con ñaõ tìm ñöôïc söï khoân ngoan, aét seõ coù phaàn thöôûng, Vaø söï troâng ñôïi cuûa con seõ chaúng phaûi thaønh luoáng coâng.

24:15 Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place:

24:15 Hôõi keû aùc, chôù rình raäp nhaø ngöôøi coâng bình; Ñöøng phaù tan choã nghó ngôi cuûa ngöôøi.

24:16 For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

24:16 Vì ngöôøi coâng bình daàu sa ngaõ baûy laàn, cuõng choåi daäy; Coøn keû hung aùc bò tai vaï ñaùnh ñoå.

24:17 Rejoice not when yours enemy falls, and let not yours heart be glad when he stumbles:

24:17 Khi keû thuø nghòch con sa ngaõ, chôù vui möøng; Luùc noù bò ñaùnh ñoå, loøng con ñöøng hôùn hôû;

24:18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

24:18 Keûo e Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va thaáy ñieàu ñoù, maø chaúng ñeïp loøng, Beøn caát côn thaïnh noä Ngaøi khoûi noù chaêng.

24:19 Fret not yourself because of evil men, neither be you envious at the wicked:

24:19 Chôù noåi giaän vì côù keû laøm aùc, Cuõng ñöøng ganh gheùt nhöõng ngöôøi hung döõ;

24:20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

24:20 Vì keû laøm gian aùc seõ khoâng ñöôïc thieän baùo, Vaø ñeøn keû hung döõ seõ taét ñi.

24:21 My son, fear you the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:

24:21 Hôõi con, haõy kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va vaø toân kính vua; Chôù hoäi hieäp cuøng keû phaûn nghòch;

24:22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knows the ruin of them both?

24:22 Vì söï tai hoïa cuûa chuùng xaûy ñeán thình lình; Vaø ai bieát söï phaù haïi cuûa ngöôøi naày ngöôøi kia?

24:23 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

24:23 Nhöõng ngoân ngöõ naày cuõng do keû khoân ngoan maø ñeán: Trong vieäc xeùt ñoaùn tö vò ngöôøi, aáy chaúng phaûi toát laønh.

24:24 He that says unto the wicked, You are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall detest him:

24:24 Keû naøo noùi vôùi keû aùc raèng: Ngöôi laø coâng bình, Seõ bò daân toäc ruûa saû, vaø caùc nöôùc laáy laøm gôùm ghieác mình;

24:25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

24:25 Coøn ngöôøi naøo quôû traùch keû aùc aét seõ ñöôïc ñeïp loøng, Vaø söï phöôùc laønh seõ giaùng treân hoï.

24:26 Every man shall kiss his lips that gives a right answer.

24:26 Ai ñaùp lôøi chaùnh ñaùng, Taát nhö hoân nôi moâi mieäng vaäy.

24:27 Prepare your work without, and make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterwards build yours house.

24:27 Haõy söûa sang coâng vieäc ôû ngoaøi cuûa con, Vaø saém saün taïi trong ruoäng con; Roài sau haõy caát nhaø cuûa con.

24:28 Be not a witness against your neighbour without cause; and deceive not with your lips.

24:28 Chôù laøm chöùng voâ côù nghòch keû laân caän mình; Con haù muoán laáy moâi mieäng mình maø phænh gaït sao?

24:29 Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.

24:29 Chôù neân noùi: Toâi seõ laøm cho haén nhö haén ñaõ laøm cho toâi; Toâi seõ baùo ngöôøi tuøy coâng vieäc cuûa ngöôøi.

24:30 I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;

24:30 Ta coù ñi ngang qua gaàn ruoäng keû bieáng nhaùc, Vaø gaàn vöôøn nho cuûa keû ngu muoäi,

24:31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.

24:31 Thaáy caây taät leâ moïc khaép cuøng, Gai goùc che khuaát maët ñaát, Vaø töôøng ñaù cuûa noù ñaõ phaù hö roài

24:32 Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction.

24:32 Ta nhìn xem, beøn ñeå yù vaøo ñoù; Ta thaáy vaø nhaän ñöôïc söï daïy doã.

24:33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

24:33 Nguû moät chuùt, chôïp maét moät chuùt, Khoanh tay nguû moät chuùt,

24:34 So shall your poverty come as one that travels; and your lack as an armed man.

24:34 Thì söï ngheøo cuûa con seõ ñeán nhö moät keû ñi raïo, Vaø söï thieáu thoán cuûa con aùp tôùi nhö moät keû caàm binh khí.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

25:1 These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out.

25:1 Ñaây cuõng laø nhöõng chaâm ngoân cuûa Sa-loâ-moân, maø caùc ngöôøi cuûa EÂ-xeâ-chia, vua Giu-ña sao taû.

25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

25:2 Giaáu kín vieäc naøo, aáy laø vinh hieån cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi; Nhöng doø xeùt ñieàu naøo, aáy laø vinh hieån cuûa caùc vua.

25:3 The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable.

25:3 Ngöôøi ta khoâng theå doø bieát beà cao cuûa töøng trôøi, Beà saâu cuûa ñaát, hay laø loøng cuûa caùc vua.

25:4 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.

25:4 Haõy laáy cöùc khoûi baïc, Thì thôï baïc lieàn ñöôïc moät khí duïng;

25:5 Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness.

25:5 Haõy tröø keû aùc khoûi tröôùc maët vua, Thì ngoâi ngöôøi seõ nhôø coâng bình ñöôïc laäp beàn vöõng.

25:6 Put not forth yourself in the presence of the king, and stand not in the place of great men:

25:6 Chôù phoâ mình tröôùc maët vua, Vaø ñöøng ngoài taïi choã cuûa ngöôøi cao troïng.

25:7 For better it is that it be said unto you, Come up here; than that you should be put lower in the presence of the prince whom yours eyes have seen.

25:7 Vì thaø ngöôøi ta noùi cuøng con raèng: Haõy leân ñaây, Hôn laø ngöôøi ta haï con xuoáng tröôùc maët vua chuùa, maø maét con ñaõ thaáy.

25:8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest you know not what to do in the end thereof, when your neighbour has put you to shame.

25:8 Chôù voäi gaây ra ñieàu tranh tuïng, E roát cuoäc khi keû laân caän con ñaõ laøm con hoå theïn, Con seõ chaúng bieát laøm chi.

25:9 Debate your cause with your neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:

25:9 Haõy ñoái naïi duyeân côù con vôùi chaùnh keû laân caän con, Song chôù toû söï kín ñaùo cuûa keû khaùc;

25:10 Lest he that hears it put you to shame, and yours ill repute turn not away.

25:10 E khi ngöôøi nghe ñieàu aáy seõ traùch con, Vaø söï sæ nhuïc con khoâng heà boâi heát chaêng.

25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

25:11 Lôøi noùi phaûi thì, Khaùc naøo traùi bình baùt baèng vaøng coù caån baïc.

25:12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.

25:12 Ngöôøi khoân ngoan quôû traùch loã tai hay nghe, Khaùc naøo moät caùi voøng vaøng, moät ñoà trang söùc baèng vaøng roøng vaäy.

25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refreshes the soul of his masters.

25:13 Söù giaû trung tín vôùi ngöôøi sai ñi, Gioáng nhö tuyeát maùt meû trong ngaøy muøa gaët; Vì ngöôøi boå söùc linh hoàn cuûa chuû mình.

25:14 Whoso boasts himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.

25:14 Keû naøo töï khoe khoang giaû doái veà leã vaät mình, Tôï nhö coù maây coù gioù, maø khoâng möa.

25:15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaks the bone.

25:15 Haèng chaäm noùng giaän môùi khuyeân ñöôïc loøng cuûa quan tröôûng; Coøn löôõi meàm dòu beû gaõy caùc xöông.

25:16 Have you found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for you, lest you be filled therewith, and vomit it.

25:16 Neáu con tìm ñöôïc maät, haõy aên vöøa phaûi, Keûo khi aên no chaùn, con möûa ra chaêng.

25:17 Withdraw your foot from your neighbour's house; lest he be weary of you, and so hate you.

25:17 Chôù naêng böôùc chôn ñeán nhaø keû laân caän con, E ngöôøi chaùn con, vaø trôû loøng gheùt con chaêng.

25:18 A man that bears false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow.

25:18 Keû naøo ñoái chöùng giaû doái cho ngöôøi laân caän mình, Khaùc naøo moät caùi buùa, moät caây göôm, moät muõi teân nhoïn.

25:19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.

25:19 Tin caäy keû baát trung trong ngaøy hoaïn naïn, Gioáng nhö raêng bò gaõy beå, tæ nhö chôn treïo ñi.

25:20 As he that takes away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon alkali, so is he that sings songs to an heavy heart.

25:20 Ai haùt cho loøng buoàn thaûm nghe, Khaùc naøo keû loät aùo mình khi ngaøy laïnh, Vaø nhö giaám ñoå treân dieâm tieâu vaäy.

25:21 If yours enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

25:21 Neáu keû thuø nghòch con coù ñoùi, haõy cho noù aên; Neáu coù khaùt, haõy cho noù uoáng;

25:22 For you shall heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward you.

25:22 Vì nhö vaäy con chaát than chaùy ñoû treân ñaàu noù, Vaø Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ baùo laïi cho con.

25:23 The north wind drives away rain: so does an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.

25:23 Gioù baéc sanh ra möa; Coøn löôõi noùi haønh caùch kín ñaùo gaây cho maët maøy giaän döõ.

25:24 It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.

25:24 Thaø ôû moät goùc treân maùi nhaø, Hôn laø ôû chung nhaø vôùi ngöôøi ñôøn baø hay tranh caïnh.

25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

25:25 Tin Laønh ôû xöù xa ñeán, Gioáng nhö nöôùc maùt meû cho ngöôøi khaùt khao.

25:26 A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring.

25:26 Ngöôøi coâng bình xieâu toù tröôùc maët keû gian aùc, Khaùc naøo moät suoái nöôùc bò daáy ñuïc, moät nguoàn nöôùc bò hö.

25:27 It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.

25:27 Aên maät nhieàu quaù laáy laøm chaúng toát; Vaø caàu kieám vinh hieån cho mình aáy gaây söï toån haïi.

25:28 He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

25:28 Ngöôøi naøo chaúng cheá trò loøng mình, Khaùc naøo moät caùi thaønh hö naùt, khoâng coù vaùch ngaên.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

26:1 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not suitable for a fool.

26:1 Söï vinh hieån khoâng xöùng cho keû ngu muoäi, Nhö tuyeát trong muøa haï, nhö möa trong muøa gaët.

26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

26:2 Nhö chim seû bay ñi ñaây ñoù, nhö con eùn lieäng ñi, Lôøi ruûa saû voâ côù cuõng vaäy, noù chaúng heà xaûy ñeán.

26:3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.

26:3 Roi neït duøng cho ngöïa, haøm thieát ñeå cho löøa, Coøn roi voït daønh cho löng keû ngu muoäi.

26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like unto him.

26:4 Chôù ñaùp vôùi keû ngu si tuøy söï ngu daïi noù, E con gioáng nhö noù chaêng.

26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

26:5 Haõy ñaùp vôùi keû ngu si tuøy söï ngu daïi noù, Keûo noù khoân ngoan theo maét noù chaêng.

26:6 He that sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off the feet, and drinks damage.

26:6 Keû naøo caäy keû ngu muoäi ñem baùo tin, Chaët chôn mình, vaø uoáng laáy söï toån haïi.

26:7 The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

26:7 Oáng chôn ngöôøi queø ñoøng ñöa voâ ñuïng; Caâu chaâm ngoân trong mieäng keû ngu daïi cuõng vaäy.

26:8 As he that binds a stone in a sling, so is he that gives honour to a fool.

26:8 Toân troïng keû ngu muoäi, Gioáng nhö boû cuïc ngoïc vaøo trong ñoáng ñaù.

26:9 As a thorn goes up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouths of fools.

26:9 Caâu chaâm ngoân ôû nôi mieäng keû ngu muoäi, Khaùc naøo moät caùi gai ñaâm vaøo tay ngöôøi say röôïu.

26:10 The great God that formed all things both rewards the fool, and rewards transgressors.

26:10 Ai möôùn ngöôøi ngu muoäi vaø keû khaùch ñi qua ñöôøng, Gioáng nhö moät lính xaï teân laøm thöông moïi ngöôøi.

26:11 As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.

26:11 Keû ngu muoäi laøm laïi vieäc ngu daïi mình, Khaùc naøo con choù ñaõ möûa ra, roài lieám laïi.

26:12 See you a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

26:12 Con coù thaáy ngöôøi naøo khoân ngoan theo maét noù chaêng? Coøn coù söï troâng caäy cho keû ngu muoäi hôn laø cho noù.

26:13 The slothful man says, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.

26:13 Keû bieáng nhaùc noùi: Coù con sö töû ngoaøi ñöôøng; Moät con sö töû ôû trong ñöôøng phoá.

26:14 As the door turns upon his hinges, so does the slothful upon his bed.

26:14 Keû bieáng nhaùc laên trôû treân giöôøng mình, Khaùc naøo cöûa xaây treân baûn leà noù.

26:15 The slothful hides his hand in his bosom; it grieves him to bring it again to his mouth.

26:15 Keû bieáng nhaùc thoø tay mình vaøo trong dóa, Laáy laøm meät nhoïc maø ñem noù leân mieäng.

26:16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.

26:16 Keû bieáng nhaùc töï nghó mình khoân ngoan Hôn baûy ngöôøi ñaùp laïi caùch coù lyù.

26:17 He that passes by, and meddles with strife belonging not to him, is like one that takes a dog by the ears.

26:17 Keû naøo ñi qua ñöôøng maø noåi giaän veà cuoäc caõi laãy khoâng can ñeán mình, Khaùc naøo keû naém con choù nôi vaønh tai.

26:18 As a mad man who casts firebrands, arrows, and death,

26:18 Ngöôøi naøo phænh gaït keû laân caän mình, Roài noùi raèng: Toâi chôi maø!

26:19 So is the man that deceives his neighbour, and says, Am not I in sport?

26:19 Khaùc naøo keû ñieân cuoàng neùm than löûa, Caây teân, vaø söï cheát.

26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.

26:20 Löûa taét taïi thieáu cuûi; Khi chaúng coù ai theøo leûo cuoäc tranh caïnh beøn nguoâi.

26:21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.

26:21 Than chuïm cho than ñoû, vaø cuûi ñeå chuïm löûa; Ngöôøi hay tranh caïnh xui noùng caõi coï cuõng vaäy.

26:22 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

26:22 Lôøi keû theøo leûo gioáng nhö vaät thöïc ngon, Vaøo thaáu ñeán taän gan ruoät.

26:23 Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross.

26:23 Moâi mieäng soát saéng vaø loøng ñoäc aùc, Khaùc naøo bình goám boïc vaøng baïc pha.

26:24 He that hates dissembles with his lips, and lays up deceit within him;

26:24 Keû naøo ghen gheùt, duøng moâi mieäng noùi giaû ñoø, Nhöng trong loøng noù nuoâi söï gian laän;

26:25 When he speaks fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.

26:25 Khi noù noùi ngoït nhaït, thì chôù tin; Vì trong loøng noù coù baûy söï gôùm ghieác.

26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be showed before the whole congregation.

26:26 Daàu söï ghen gheùt aån giaáu trong tuoàng giaû boä, Söï gian aùc noù seõ bò loä ra nôi hoäi chuùng.

26:27 Whoso digs a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolls a stone, it will return upon him.

26:27 Ai ñaøo haàm seõ teù xuoáng ñoù; Keû naøo laên ñaù, ñaù seõ trôû ñeø laïi noù.

26:28 A lying tongue hates those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth works ruin.

26:28 Löôõi giaû doái gheùt nhöõng keû noù ñaõ chaø naùt; Vaø mieäng dua nònh gaây ñieàu baïi hoaïi.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

27:1 Boast not yourself of tomorrow; for you know not what a day may bring forth.

27:1 Chôù khoe khoang veà ngaøy mai; Vì con chaúng bieát ngaøy mai seõ sanh ra ñieàu gì.

27:2 Let another man praise you, and not yours own mouth; a stranger, and not yours own lips.

27:2 Haõy ñeå cho keû khaùc khen ngôïi con, mieäng con chaúng neân laøm; Ñeå cho moät ngöôøi ngoaøi taùn myõ con, moâi con ñöøng laøm.

27:3 A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.

27:3 Ñaù thì naëng, caùt cuõng naëng; Nhöng côn töùc giaän cuûa keû ngu daïi coøn naëng hôn caû hai.

27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?

27:4 Söï caêm gan voán hung döõ, vaø côn giaän nhö nöôùc traøn ra; Nhöng ai ñöùng noåi tröôùc söï ghen gheùt?

27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.

27:5 Moät lôøi quôû traùch toû töôøng Hôn laø thöông yeâu giaáu kín.

27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

27:6 Baïn höõu laøm cho thöông tích, aáy bôûi loøng thaønh tín; Coøn söï hoân hít cuûa keû ghen gheùt laáy laøm giaû nguïy.

27:7 The full soul loathes an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.

27:7 Keû no neâ giaøy ñaïp taøng maät döôùi chôn mình; Song ñieàu gì ñaéng cuõng laáy laøm ngoït cho keû ñoùi khaùt.

27:8 As a bird that wanders from her nest, so is a man that wanders from his place.

27:8 Keû löu laïc xa caùch nôi ôû cuûa mình, Gioáng nhö chim bay ñaây ñoù khoûi oå noù vaäy.

27:9 Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so does the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.

27:9 Daàu vaø thuoác thôm laøm khoan khoaùi linh hoàn; Lôøi khuyeân do loøng baïn höõu ra cuõng eâm dòu döôøng aáy.

27:10 Yours own friend, and your father's friend, forsake not; neither go into your brother's house in the day of your calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.

27:10 Chôù lìa baïn mình, hay laø baïn cuûa cha mình; Trong ngaøy hoaïn naïn chôù ñi ñeán nhaø anh em mình: Moät ngöôøi xoùm gieàng gaàn coøn hôn anh em xa.

27:11 My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him that reproaches me.

27:11 Hôõi con, khaù khoân ngoan, vaø laøm vui loøng cha, Ñeå cha coù theá ñaùp laïi cuøng keû naøo sæ nhuïc cha.

27:12 A prudent man forsees the evil, and hides himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

27:12 Ngöôøi khoân kheùo thaáy tröôùc söï tai haïi, beøn lo aån nuùp mình; Coøn keû ngu muoäi cöù ñi qua, vaø phaûi mang laáy tai vaï.

27:13 Take his garment that is guarantor for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

27:13 Haõy laáy aùo cuûa ngöôøi, vì ngöôøi ñaõ baûo laõnh cho keû laï; Khaù buoäc ngöôøi moät cuûa caàm, vì ngöôøi ñaõ ñaùp theá cho ngöôøi daâm phuï.

27:14 He that blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.

27:14 Keû naøo choåi daäy sôùm chuùc phöôùc lôùn tieáng cho baïn höõu mình, Ngöôøi ta seõ keå ñieàu ñoù laø söï ruûa saû.

27:15 A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.

27:15 Moät maùng xoái gioät luoân luoân trong ngaøy möa lôùn, Vaø moät ngöôøi ñôøn baø hay tranh caïnh, caû hai ñeàu y nhö nhau.

27:16 Whosoever hides her hides the wind, and the ointment of his right hand, which betrayed itself.

27:16 Ai muoán ngaên giöõ naøng, khaùc naøo ngaên giöõ gioù, Vaø nhö tay höõu caàm laáy daàu vaäy.

27:17 Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

27:17 Saét maøi nhoïn saét. Cuõng vaäy ngöôøi boå döôõng dieän maïo baïn höõu mình.

27:18 Whoso keeps the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waits on his master shall be honoured.

27:18 Ai saên soùc caây vaû, seõ aên traùi noù; Vaø keû naøo haàu chuû mình aét ñöôïc toân troïng.

27:19 As in water face answers to face, so the heart of man to man.

27:19 Maët doïi maët trong nöôùc theá naøo, Loøng ngöôøi ñoái vôùi ngöôøi cuõng theá aáy.

27:20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

27:20 Con maét loaøi ngöôøi chaúng heà chaùn, Cuõng nhö aâm phuû vaø vöïc saâu khoâng heà ñaày vaäy.

27:21 As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.

27:21 Loø thöû baïc, doùt thöû vaøng; Coøn söï khen ngôïi thöû loaøi ngöôøi.

27:22 Though you should bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.

27:22 Daàu con duøng chaày giaõ maø giaõ keû ngu daïi trong coái Chung loän vôùi gaïo, Thì söï ñieân daïi noù cuõng khoâng lìa khoûi noù.

27:23 Be you diligent to know the state of your flocks, and look well to your herds.

27:23 Haõy raùn bieát caûnh traïng baày chieân con, Vaø lo saên soùc caùc ñoaøn boø cuûa con;

27:24 For riches are not for ever: and does the crown endure to every generation?

27:24 Vì söï giaøu coù khoâng löu toàn maõi maõi, Vaø muõ trieàu thieân haù coøn ñeán ñôøi ñôøi sao?

27:25 The hay appears, and the tender grass shows itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered.

27:25 Coû khoâ ñaõ maát ñi, coû non beøn moïc ra, Vaø ngöôøi ta thaâu nhaäp rau coû nuùi.

27:26 The lambs are for your clothing, and the goats are the price of the field.

27:26 Loâng chieân con duøng laøm aùo xoáng cho con, Giaù deâ ñöïc duøng mua ñoàng ruoäng.

27:27 And you shall have goats' milk enough for your food, for the food of your household, and for the maintenance for your maidens.

27:27 Söõa deâ coù ñuû laøm ñoà aên cho con, Cho ngöôøi nhaø con, vaø ñaëng nuoâi laáy caùc con ñoøi cuûa con.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursues: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

28:1 Keû aùc chaïy troán daàu khoâng ai ñuoåi theo; Nhöng ngöôøi coâng bình maõnh doõng nhö moät sö töû.

28:2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.

28:2 Taïi vì xöù phaïm toäi aùc neân coù vua chuùa nhieàu; Nhöng nhôø ngöôøi thoâng saùng coù trí hieåu bieát, Söï vöõng vaøng cuûa nöôùc seõ con laâu daøi.

28:3 A poor man that oppresses the poor is like a sweeping rain which left no food.

28:3 Ngöôøi ngheøo hieáp keû khoù khaên, Khaùc naøo traän möa queùt saïch thöïc vaät.

28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.

28:4 Keû boû luaät phaùp ngôïi khen keû aùc; Coøn ngöôøi giöõ luaät phaùp chieán ñaáu cuøng chuùng noù.

28:5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

28:5 Keû buoâng mình vaøo söï aùc chaúng hieåu söï coâng bình; Nhöng ai tìm caàu Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va hieåu bieát moïi söï.

28:6 Better is the poor that walks in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

28:6 Thaø ngöôøi ngheøo khoå aên ôû caùch thanh lieâm, Coøn hôn laø keû giaøu coù theo ñöôøng taø vaïy.

28:7 Whoso keeps the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shames his father.

28:7 Ai giöõ luaät phaùp laø con trai khoân ngoan; Coøn ai keát baïn vôùi keû hoang ñaøng laøm hoå ngöôi cho cha mình.

28:8 He that by interest and unjust gain increases his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.

28:8 Keû naøo nhôø lôøi vaø söï aên lôøi quaù pheùp maø laøm cho cuûa caûi mình theâm leân, Taát chöùa ñeå daønh cuûa aáy cho ngöôøi coù loøng thöông xoùt keû ngheøo khoå.

28:9 He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

28:9 Ngöôøi naøo xaây tai khoâng khöùng nghe luaät phaùp, Lôøi caàu nguyeän ngöôøi aáy cuõng laø moät söï gôùm ghieác.

28:10 Whoso causes the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

28:10 Keû naøo laøm cho ngöôøi ngay thaúng laàm laïc trong ñöôøng xaáu xa, Chaùnh keû ñoù seõ sa vaøo hoá cuûa mình ñaõ ñaøo; Nhöng ngöôøi troïn veïn ñöôïc höôûng phaàn phöôùc laønh.

28:11 The rich man is wise in his own conceit; but the poor that has understanding searches him out.

28:11 Ngöôøi giaøu töï nghó mình laø khoân ngoan; Nhöng keû ngheøo coù söï thoâng saùng doø xeùt ngöôøi.

28:12 When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.

28:12 Khi ngöôøi coâng bình thaéng hôn, thì coù söï vinh hieån lôùn; Coøn luùc keû gian aùc daáy leân, thì ngöôøi ta ñeàu ñi aån troán.

28:13 He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.

28:13 Ngöôøi naøo giaáu toäi loãi mình seõ khoâng ñöôïc may maén; Nhöng ai xöng noù ra vaø lìa boû noù seõ ñöôïc thöông xoùt.

28:14 Happy is the man that fears always: but he that hardens his heart shall fall into mischief.

28:14 Ngöôøi naøo haèng kính sôï luoân luoân laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay; Coøn ai cöùng loøng mình seõ sa vaøo tai naïn.

28:15 As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.

28:15 Moät vua gian aùc cai trò daân ngheøo khoå, Khaùc naøo sö töû gaàm heùt, vaø gaáu ñuoåi theo moài.

28:16 The prince that wants understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hates covetousness shall prolong his days.

28:16 Quan tröôûng thieáu trí hieåu cuõng haø hieáp ngöôøi ta nhieàu; Nhöng ngöôøi gheùt söï haø tieän seõ ñöôïc tröôøng thoï.

28:17 A man that does violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.

28:17 Keû maéc toäi ñoå huyeát cuûa ngöôøi naøo Seõ troán ñeán moà maû; chôù coù ai ngaên caûn noù!

28:18 Whoso walks uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

28:18 Ai aên ôû caùch ngay thaúng seõ ñöôïc cöùu roãi; Coøn ai ñi theo hai loái caùch cong vaïy seõ sa vaøo moät trong hai loái aáy.

28:19 He that tills his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that follows after vain persons shall have poverty enough.

28:19 Keû naøo caøy ruoäng mình seõ aên baùnh no neâ; Coøn ai theo keû bieáng nhaùc seõ ñöôïc ñaày söï ngheøo khoå.

28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that makes haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

28:20 Ngöôøi thaønh thöïc seõ ñöôïc phöôùc laønh nhieàu; Coøn keû naøo voäi laøm cho giaøu aét seõ chaúng khoûi bò phaït.

28:21 To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress.

28:21 Taây vò ngöôøi laáy laøm chaúng toát; Daàu vì moät mieáng baùnh, ngöôøi cuõng phaïm toäi.

28:22 He that hastes to be rich has an evil eye, and considers not that poverty shall come upon him.

28:22 Ngöôøi naøo coù maét tham, voäi ham kieám cuûa caûi, Chaúng bieát raèng söï thieáu thoán seõ laâm vaøo mình noù.

28:23 He that rebukes a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flatters with the tongue.

28:23 Ai quôû traùch ngöôøi naøo, veà sau seõ ñöôïc ôn Hôn laø keû laáy löôõi maø dua nònh.

28:24 Whoso robs his father or his mother, and says, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer.

28:24 Keû naøo aên caép cuûa cha hay meï mình, Vaø noùi raèng: Chaúng phaûi laø phaïm toäi ñaâu, Keû aáy ñoàng baïn vôùi keû phaù phaùch.

28:25 He that is of a proud heart stirs up strife: but he that puts his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.

28:25 Ngöôøi naøo coù loøng kieâu ngaïo giuïc söï tranh caïnh; Nhöng keû naøo tin caäy Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ ñöôïc no neâ.

28:26 He that trusts in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walks wisely, he shall be delivered.

28:26 Keû naøo tin caäy nôi loøng mình laø keû ngu muoäi; Coøn ai aên ôû caùch khoân ngoan seõ ñöôïc cöùu roãi.

28:27 He that gives unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hides his eyes shall have many a curse.

28:27 Ai cho ngöôøi ngheøo seõ khoâng thieáu thoán; Coøn ai xaây maét khoûi ñi aét seõ bò nhieàu söï ruûa saû.

28:28 When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase.

28:28 Khi keû aùc daáy leân, ngöôøi ta ñeàu aån troán; Nhöng khi chuùng noù hö maát ñi, ngöôøi coâng bình beøn theâm nhieàu leân.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

29:1 He, that being often reproved hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

29:1 Ngöôøi naøo bò quôû traùch thöôøng, laïi cöùng coå mình, Seõ bò baïi hoaïi thình lình, khoâng phöông cöùu chöõa.

29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn.

29:2 Khi ngöôøi coâng bình theâm nhieàu leân, thì daân söï vui möøng; Nhöng khi keû aùc cai trò, daân söï laïi reân sieát.

29:3 Whoso loves wisdom rejoices his father: but he that keeps company with harlots spends his substance.

29:3 Ngöôøi öa meán söï khoân ngoan laøm cho cha mình ñöôïc vui veû; Coøn keû keát baïn vôùi ngöôøi kî nöõ phaù tan cuûa caûi mình.

29:4 The king by judgment establishes the land: but he that receives gifts overthrows it.

29:4 Vua nhôø söï coâng bình maø laøm nöôùc mình vöõng beàn; Nhöng ai laõnh cuûa hoái loä huûy hoaïi noù.

29:5 A man that flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet.

29:5 Ngöôøi naøo dua nònh keû laân caän mình, Giaêng löôùi tröôùc böôùc ngöôøi.

29:6 In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous does sing and rejoice.

29:6 Trong toäi loãi cuûa keû aùc coù moät caùi baãy, Nhöng ngöôøi coâng bình ca haùt möøng rôõ.

29:7 The righteous considers the cause of the poor: but the wicked regards not to know it.

29:7 Ngöôøi coâng bình xeùt cho bieát duyeân côù cuûa keû ngheøo khoå; Coøn keû aùc khoâng coù trí hieåu ñeå bieát ñeán.

29:8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath.

29:8 Keû nhaïo baùng chaâm löûa cho thaønh thieâu chaùy; Nhöng ngöôøi khoân ngoan laøm nguoâi côn giaän.

29:9 If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.

29:9 Neáu ngöôøi khoân ngoan tranh luaän vôùi keû ngu muoäi, Daàu ngöôøi giaän hay cöôøi, cuõng chaúng an hoøa ñöôïc.

29:10 The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.

29:10 Keû laøm ñoå huyeát gheùt ngöôøi troïn veïn; Nhöng ngöôøi ngay thaúng baûo toàn maïng soáng ngöôøi.

29:11 A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards.

29:11 Keû ngu muoäi toû ra söï noùng giaän mình; Nhöng ngöôøi khoân ngoan nguoâi laáp noù vaø caàm giöõ noù laïi.

29:12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

29:12 Neáu vua laéng tai nghe lôøi giaû doái, Thì caùc toâi tôù ngöôøi trôû neân gian aùc.

29:13 The poor and the deceitful man meet together: the LORD lightens both their eyes.

29:13 Keû ngheøo khoå vaø ngöôøi haø hieáp ñeàu gaëp nhau; Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laøm saùng maét cho caû hai.

29:14 The king that faithfully judges the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.

29:14 Vua naøo theo söï chôn thaät maø xeùt ñoaùn keû ngheøo khoå, Ngoâi ngöôøi seõ ñöôïc vöõng beàn ñôøi ñôøi.

29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself brings his mother to shame.

29:15 Roi voït vaø söï quôû traùch ban cho söï khoân ngoan; Coøn con treû phoùng tuùng laøm maát côõ cho meï mình.

29:16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases: but the righteous shall see their fall.

29:16 Khi keû aùc theâm, thì toäi loãi cuõng theâm; Nhöng ngöôøi coâng bình seõ thaáy söï sa ngaõ chuùng noù,

29:17 Correct your son, and he shall give you rest; yea, he shall give delight unto your soul.

29:17 Haõy söûa phaït con ngöôøi, thì noù seõ ban söï an tònh cho ngöôøi, Vaø laøm cho linh hoàn ngöôøi ñöôïc khoaùi laïc.

29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.

29:18 Ñaâu thieáu söï maëc thò, daân söï beøn phoùng töù; Nhöng ai giöõ gìn luaät phaùp laáy laøm coù phöôùc thay!

29:19 A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not answer.

29:19 Chaúng phaûi bôûi lôøi noùi maø söûa trò keû laøm toäi; Vì daàu noù hieåu bieát, noù cuõng khoâng vaâng theo.

29:20 See you a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

29:20 Con coù thaáy keû hoáp toáp trong lôøi noùi mình chaêng? Moät keû ngu muoäi coøn coù söï troâng caäy hôn haén.

29:21 He that delicately brings up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length.

29:21 Ngöôøi naøo dung döôõng keû toâi tôù mình töø thuôû nhoû, Ngaøy sau seõ thaáy noù thaønh con trai cuûa nhaø.

29:22 An angry man stirs up strife, and a furious man abounds in transgression.

29:22 Ngöôøi hay giaän gaây ra ñieàu tranh caïnh; Vaø keû caêm gan phaïm toäi nhieàu thay.

29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

29:23 Söï kieâu ngaïo cuûa ngöôøi seõ laøm haï ngöôøi xuoáng; Nhöng ai coù loøng khieâm nhöôïng seõ ñöôïc toân vinh.

29:24 Whoso is partner with a thief hates his own soul: he hears cursing, and betrayed it not.

29:24 Keû naøo chia phaàn vôùi tay aên troäm gheùt linh hoàn mình; Noù nghe lôøi theá, maø khoâng toû ñieàu gì ra.

29:25 The fear of man brings a snare: but whoso puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

29:25 Söï sôï loaøi ngöôøi gaøi baãy; Nhöng ai nhôø caäy Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va ñöôïc yeân oån voâ söï.

29:26 Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment comes from the LORD.

29:26 Nhieàu keû caàu ôn vua; Song söï lyù ñoaùn cuûa ngöôøi naøo do nôi Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va maø ñeán.

29:27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

29:27 Keû gian taø laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho ngöôøi coâng bình; Vaø ngöôøi aên ôû ngay thaúng laáy laøm gôùm ghieác cho keû gian aùc.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

30:1 The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, even the prophecy: the man spoke unto Ithiel, even unto Ithiel and Ucal,

30:1 Lôøi cuûa A-gu-rô, con trai Gia-keâ, Chaâm ngoân maø ngöôøi aáy noùi ra cho Y-thi-eân vaø U-canh.

30:2 Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.

30:2 Quaû thaät ta laø ngu muoäi hôn ai heát, Ta khoâng coù thoâng saùng baèng moät ngöôøi.

30:3 I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy.

30:3 Ta khoâng hoïc ñöôïc söï khoân ngoan, Vaø chaúng coù ñöôïc söï tri thöùc cuûa Ñaáng Thaùnh.

30:4 Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? who has gathered the wind in his fists? who has bound the waters in a garment? who has established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell?

30:4 Ai ñaõ leân trôøi, roài laïi xuoáng? Ai ñaõ goùp gioù trong loøng tay mình? Ai ñaõ boïc nöôùc trong aùo mình? Ai laäp caùc giôùi haïn cuûa ñaát? Danh ngöôøi laø chi, vaø teân con trai ngöôøi laø gì? Neáu ngöôøi bieát, haõy noùi ñi.

30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

30:5 Caùc lôøi cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi ñeàu ñaõ theùt luyeän: Ngaøi laø caùi thuaãn ñôõ cho ngöôøi nöông caäy nôi Ngaøi.

30:6 Add you not unto his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar.

30:6 Chôù theâm chi vaøo caùc lôøi Ngaøi. E Ngaøi quôû traùch ngöôi, vaø ngöôi bò caàm noùi doái chaêng.

30:7 Two things have I required of you; deny me them not before I die:

30:7 Toâi coù caàu Chuùa hai ñieàu; Xin chôù töø choái tröôùc khi toâi thaùc:

30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:

30:8 Xin dan xa khoûi toâi söï löôøng gaït vaø lôøi doái traù; Chôù cho toâi ngheøo khoå, hoaëc söï giaøu sang; Haõy nuoâi toâi ñuû vaät thöïc caàn duøng,

30:9 Lest I be full, and deny you, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

30:9 E khi noù ñuû, toâi töø choái Chuùa, Maø raèng: Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va laø ai? Vaø laïi keûo e toâi bò ngheøo khoå, aên troäm caép, Vaø laøm oâ danh cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi toâi chaêng.

30:10 Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse you, and you be found guilty.

30:10 Chôù phao vu keû toâi tôù cho chuû noù, E noù ruûa saû ngöôi, vaø ngöôi maéc toäi chaêng.

30:11 There is a generation that curses their father, and does not bless their mother.

30:11 Coù moät doøng doõi ruûa saû cha mình, Cuõng khoâng chuùc phöôùc cho meï mình.

30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.

30:12 Coù moät doøng doõi tö töôûng mình thaùnh saïch, Song chöa ñöôïc röûa saïch nhô bôûn mình.

30:13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.

30:13 Coù moät doøng doõi boä maët kieâu haõnh thay, Mí maét giöông cao döôøng naøo!

30:14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

30:14 Coù moät doøng doõi nanh tôï göôm, Haøm raêng nhö dao, Ñaëng caén xeù nhöõng ngöôøi khoù khaên khoûi ñaát, Vaø nhöõng keû ngheøo khoå khoûi loaøi ngöôøi.

30:15 The horseleach has two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough:

30:15 Con ñæa coù hai con gaùi, noùi raèng: Haõy cho! haõy cho! Coù ba söï chaúng heà no ñuû, Vaø boán ñieàu chaúng noùi raèng: Thoâi, ñuû!

30:16 The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that says not, It is enough.

30:16 Töùc laø aâm phuû, ngöôøi ñôøn baø son seû, Ñaát khoâng no ñuû nöôùc, Vaø löûa maø chaúng heà noùi: Ñuû roài!

30:17 The eye that mocks at his father, and despises to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

30:17 Con maét nhaïo baùng cha mình, Khinh söï vaâng lôøi ñoái vôùi meï mình, Caùc con quaï cuûa truõng seõ moùc maét aáy, Vaø caùc chim öng con seõ aên noù ñi.

30:18 There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:

30:18 Coù ba vieäc laáy laøm dieäu kyø cho ta, Vaø boán ñieàu maø ta chaúng bieát ñöôïc:

30:19 The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.

30:19 Laø ñöôøng chim öng bay treân trôøi; Loái con raén boø treân hoøn ñaù; Laèn taøu chaïy giöõa bieån, Vaø ñöôøng ngöôøi nam giao hôïp vôùi ngöôøi nöõ.

30:20 Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eats, and wipes her mouth, and says, I have done no wickedness.

30:20 Taùnh neát ngöôøi kî nöõ cuõng vaäy: Naøng aên, roài naøng lau mieäng, Vaø noùi raèng: Toâi coù phaïm toäi aùc ñaâu.

30:21 For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear:

30:21 Coù ba vaät laøm cho traùi ñaát ruùng ñoäng, Vaø boán ñieàu, noù chaúng chòu noåi ñöôïc:

30:22 For a servant when he reigns; and a fool when he is filled with food;

30:22 Laø toâi tôù khi ñöôïc töùc vò vua; Keû ngu muoäi khi ñöôïc no neâ ñoà aên;

30:23 For an abhorrent woman when she is married; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress.

30:23 Ngöôøi ñôøn baø ñaùng gheùt khi laáy choàng, Vaø con ñoøi khi keá nghieäp baø chuû mình.

30:24 There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:

30:24 Coù boán vaät nhoû moïn treân traùi ñaát, Song voán raát khoân ngoan:

30:25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer;

30:25 Con kieán daàu laø loaïi yeáu heøn, Lo saém saün vaät thöïc mình trong muøa haï;

30:26 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;

30:26 Con thoû röøng daàu laø loaïi khoâng söùc löïc, Ñoùng cö sôû mình trong hoøn ñaù;

30:27 The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;

30:27 Loaøi caøo caøo daàu khoâng coù vua chuùa, Bay ra coù töøng ñaùm;

30:28 The spider takes hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.

30:28 Con thaèn laèn maø ngöôøi ta laáy tay baét ñöôïc, Vaãn ôû trong ñeàn vua.

30:29 There be three things which go well, yea, four are comely in going:

30:29 Coù ba vaät ñieäu ñi toát ñeïp, Vaø boán vaät nöôùc böôùc xem sang troïng:

30:30 A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turns not away for any;

30:30 Sö töû, maïnh hôn heát trong caùc loaøi vaät, Chaúng lui laïi tröôùc maët loaøi naøo caû;

30:31 A greyhound; an he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up.

30:31 Con ngöïa haêng thaéng töû teá, con deâ ñöïc, Vaø vua khoâng ai ñoái ñòch ñöôïc.

30:32 If you have done foolishly in lifting up yourself, or if you have thought evil, lay yours hand upon your mouth.

30:32 Neáu ngöôøi coù laøm ngu daïi maø töï cao kieâu ngaïo, Vaø neáu ngöôøi coù aùc töôûng, haõy ñaët tay che mieäng mình.

30:33 Surely the churning of milk brings forth butter, and the wringing of the nose brings forth blood: so the forcing of wrath brings forth strife.

30:33 Vì eùp söõa laøm ra môõ söõa, Vaø ñaùnh ñaäp loã muõi beøn laøm cho phun maùu; Cuõng vaäy treâu choïn giaän sanh ra ñieàu tranh caïnh.

 Cham ngon - Proverbs

31:1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.

31:1 Lôøi cuûa vua Leâ-mu-eân, Caùc chaâm ngoân maø meï ngöôøi daïy cho ngöôøi.

31:2 What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows?

31:2 Hôõi con ta seõ noùi gì? Hôõi con cuûa thai ta, ta phaûi noùi chi? Hôõi con cuûa söï khaán nguyeän ta, ta neân noùi ñieàu gì vôùi con?

31:3 Give not your strength unto women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings.

31:3 Chôù phoù söùc löïc con cho ngöôøi ñôøn baø, Ñöøng ôû theo con ñöôøng gaây cho vua chuùa bò baïi hoaïi.

31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink:

31:4 Hôõi Leâ-mu-eân, chaúng xöùng hieäp cho caùc vua, Chaúng xöùng hieäp cho caùc vua uoáng röôïu, Hay laø cho caùc quan tröôûng noùi raèng: Vaät uoáng say ôû ñaâu?

31:5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.

31:5 E chuùng uoáng, queân luaät phaùp, Vaø laøm hö söï xeùt ñoaùn cuûa ngöôøi khoán khoå chaêng.

31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.

31:6 Haõy ban vaät uoáng say cho ngöôøi gaàn cheát, Vaø röôïu cho ngöôøi coù loøng bò cay ñaéng:

31:7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

31:7 Hoï haõy uoáng, vaø queân noãi ngheøo khoå mình, Chaúng nhôù ñeán ñieàu cöïc nhoïc cuûa mình nöõa.

31:8 Open your mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

31:8 Haõy môû mieäng mình binh keû caâm, Vaø duyeân côù cuûa caùc ngöôøi bò ñeå boû.

31:9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

31:9 Khaù môû mieäng con, xeùt ñoaùn caùch coâng bình, Vaø phaân xöû phaûi nghóa cho ngöôøi buoàn thaûm vaø ngheøo naøn.

31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

31:10 Moät ngöôøi nöõ taøi ñöùc ai seõ tìm ñöôïc? Giaù trò naøng troåi hôn chaâu ngoïc.

31:11 The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

31:11 Loøng ngöôøi choàng tin caäy nôi naøng, Ngöôøi seõ chaúng thieáu hueâ lôïi.

31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

31:12 Troïn ñôøi naøng laøm cho choàng ñöôïc ích lôïi, Chôù chaúng heà söï toån haïi.

31:13 She seeks wool, and flax, and works willingly with her hands.

31:13 Naøng lo tìm loâng chieân vaø gai sôïi, Laïc yù laáy tay mình maø laøm coâng vieäc.

31:14 She is like the merchants' ships; she brings her food from far.

31:14 Naøng gioáng nhö caùc chieác taøu buoân baùn, ÔÛ töø choã xa chôû baùnh mình veà.

31:15 She rises also while it is yet night, and gives food to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

31:15 Naøng thöùc daäy khi trôøi coøn toái, Phaùt vaät thöïc cho ngöôøi nhaø mình, Vaø caét coâng vieäc cho caùc tôù gaùi mình.

31:16 She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

31:16 Naøng töôûng ñeán moät ñoàng ruoäng, beøn mua noù ñöôïc; Nhôø hoa lôïi cuûa hai tay mình, naøng troàng moät vöôøn nho.

31:17 She girds her loins with strength, and strengthens her arms.

31:17 Naøng thaét löng baèng söùc löïc, Vaø laøm hai caùnh tay mình ra maïnh meõ.

31:18 She perceives that her merchandise is good: her candle goes not out by night.

31:18 Naøng caûm thaáy coâng vieäc mình ñöôïc ích lôïi; Ban ñeâm ñeøn naøng chaúng taét.

31:19 She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

31:19 Naøng ñaët tay vaøo con quay, Vaø caùc ngoùn tay naøng caàm con cuùi.

31:20 She stretches out her hand to the poor; yea, she reachs forth her hands to the needy.

31:20 Naøng môû ñöa tay ra giuùp keû khoù khaên, Giô tay mình leân tieáp ngöôøi ngheøo khoå.

31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

31:21 Naøng khoâng sôï ngöôøi nhaø mình bò giaù tuyeát, Vì caû nhaø ñeàu maëc aùo baèng loâng chieân ñoû saëm.

31:22 She makes herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

31:22 Naøng laøm laáy nhöõng chaên meàn; Aùo xoáng naøng ñeàu baèng vaûi gai mòn maøu ñoû ñieàu.

31:23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.

31:23 Taïi nôi cöûa thaønh choàng naøng ñöôïc chuùng bieát, Khi ngoài chung vôùi caùc tröôûng laõo cuûa xöù.

31:24 She makes fine linen, and sells it; and delivers girdles unto the merchant.

31:24 Naøng cheá aùo loùt vaø baùn noù; Cuõng giao ñai löng cho con buoân.

31:25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

31:25 Naøng maëc laáy söùc löïc vaø oai phong, Vaø khi töôûng ñeán buoåi sau, beøn vui cöôøi.

31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

31:26 Naøng môû mieäng ra caùch khoân ngoan, Pheùp taéc nhôn töø ôû nôi löôõi naøng.

31:27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness.

31:27 Naøng coi soùc ñöôøng loái cuûa nhaø mình, Khoâng heà aên baùnh cuûa söï bieáng nhaùc.

31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

31:28 Con caùi naøng choåi daäy, chuùc naøng ñöôïc phöôùc; Choàng naøng cuõng choåi daäy, vaø khen ngôïi naøng raèng:

31:29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all.

31:29 Coù nhieàu ngöôøi con gaùi laøm luïng caùch taøi ñöùc, Nhöng naøng troåi hôn heát thaûy.

31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

31:30 Duyeân laø giaû doái, saéc laïi hö khoâng; Nhöng ngöôøi nöõ naøo kính sôï Ñöùc Gieâ-hoâ-va seõ ñöôïc khen ngôïi.

31:31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

31:31 Haõy ban cho naøng boâng traùi cuûa tay naøng; Khaù ñeå caùc coâng vieäc naøng ngôïi khen naøng taïi trong cöûa thaønh.


