The Sacred Bible:  The Book of Psalms

77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90 91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100 101  102  103  104  105  106
[Psalmus 77]
[Psalm 77] (78)

{77:1} Intellectus Asaph. Attendite popule meus legem meam: inclinate aurem vestram in verba oris mei.
{77:1} The understanding of Asaph. O my people, attend to my law. Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

{77:2} Aperiam in parabolis os meum: loquar propositiones ab initio.
{77:2} I will open my mouth in parables. I will speak about concepts that are from the beginning.

{77:3} Quanta audivimus et cognovimus ea: et patres nostri narraverunt nobis.
{77:3} We have heard and known such great things, as our fathers have described to us.

{77:4} Non sunt occultata a filiis eorum, in generatione altera. Narrantes laudes Domini, et virtutes eius, et mirabilia eius quæ fecit.
{77:4} These things have not been hidden from their sons in any generation: declaring the praises of the Lord, and his virtues, and the wonders that he has done.

{77:5} Et suscitavit testimonium in Iacob: et legem posuit in Israel. Quanta mandavit patribus nostris nota facere ea filiis suis:
{77:5} And he has received testimony with Jacob, and he has set a law within Israel. Such great things, he has commanded our fathers, so as to make these things known to their sons,

{77:6} ut cognoscat generatio altera. Filii qui nascentur, et exurgent, et narrabunt filiis suis,
{77:6} so that another generation might know them, and so that the sons, who will be born and who will grow up, shall describe them to their sons.

{77:7} Ut ponant in Deo spem suam, et non obliviscantur operum Dei: et mandata eius exquirant.
{77:7} So then, may they put their hope in God, and may they not forget the works of God, and may they seek his commandments.

{77:8} Ne fiant sicut patres eorum: generatio prava et exasperans. Generatio, quæ non direxit cor suum: et non est creditus cum Deo spiritus eius.
{77:8} May they not become like their fathers, a perverse and exasperating generation: a generation that does not straighten their heart and whose spirit is not trustworthy with God.

{77:9} Filii Ephrem intendentes et mittentes arcum: conversi sunt in die belli.
{77:9} The sons of Ephraim, who bend and shoot the bow, have been turned back in the day of battle.

{77:10} Non custodierunt testamentum Dei, et in lege eius noluerunt ambulare.
{77:10} They have not kept the covenant of God. And they were not willing to walk in his law.

{77:11} Et obliti sunt benefactorum eius, et mirabilium eius quæ ostendit eis.
{77:11} And they have been forgetful of his benefits, and of his miracle, which he revealed to them.

{77:12} Coram patribus eorum fecit mirabilia in terra Ægypti, in campo Taneos.
{77:12} He performed miracles in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Tanis.

{77:13} Interrupit mare, et perduxit eos: et statuit aquas quasi in utre.
{77:13} He broke the sea and he led them through. And he stationed the waters, as if in a vessel.

{77:14} Et deduxit eos in nube diei: et tota nocte in illuminatione ignis.
{77:14} And he led them with a cloud by day, and with illumination by fire throughout the night.

{77:15} Interrupit petram in eremo: et adaquavit eos velut in abysso multa.
{77:15} He broke through the rock in the wasteland, and he gave them to drink, as if from the great abyss.

{77:16} Et eduxit aquam de petra: et deduxit tamquam flumina aquas.
{77:16} He brought forth water from the rock, and he conducted the waters, as if they were rivers.

{77:17} Et apposuerunt adhuc peccare ei: in iram excitaverunt Excelsum in inaquoso.
{77:17} And yet, they continued to sin against him. In a waterless place, they provoked the Most High with resentment.

~ They were angry and resentful that they were led to a waterless place by God.

{77:18} Et tentaverunt Deum in cordibus suis: ut peterent escas animabus suis.
{77:18} And they tempted God in their hearts, by asking for food according to their desires.

{77:19} Et male locuti sunt de Deo: dixerunt: Numquid poterit Deus parare mensam in deserto?
{77:19} And they spoke badly about God. They said, “Would God be able to prepare a table in the desert?

{77:20} Quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo?
{77:20} He struck the rock, and so waters flowed and the torrents flooded, but would even he be able to provide bread, or provide a table, for his people?”

{77:21} Ideo audivit Dominus, et distulit: et ignis accensus est in Iacob, et ira ascendit in Israel:
{77:21} Therefore, the Lord heard, and he was dismayed, and a fire was kindled within Jacob, and an anger ascended into Israel.

{77:22} Quia non crediderunt in Deo, nec speraverunt in salutari eius:
{77:22} For they neither put their trust in God, nor did they hope in his salvation.

{77:23} Et mandavit nubibus desuper, et ianuas cæli aperuit.
{77:23} And he commanded the clouds from above, and he opened the doors of heaven.

{77:24} Et pluit illis manna ad manducandum, et panem cæli dedit eis.
{77:24} And he rained down manna upon them to eat, and he gave them the bread of heaven.

{77:25} Panem angelorum manducavit homo: cibaria misit eis in abundantia.
{77:25} Man ate the bread of Angels. He sent them provisions in abundance.

{77:26} Transtulit Austrum de cælo: et induxit in virtute sua Africum.
{77:26} He transferred the south wind from heaven, and, in his virtue, he brought in the Southwest wind.

{77:27} Et pluit super eos sicut pulverem carnes, et sicut arenam maris volatilia pennata.
{77:27} And he rained down flesh upon them, as if it were dust, and feathered birds, as if they were the sand of the sea.

{77:28} Et ceciderunt in medio castrorum eorum: circa tabernacula eorum.
{77:28} And they fell down in the midst of their camp, encircling their tabernacles.

{77:29} Et manducaverunt et saturati sunt nimis, et desiderium eorum attulit eis:
{77:29} And they ate until they were greatly satisfied, and he brought to them according to their desires.

{77:30} non sunt fraudati a desiderio suo. Adhuc escæ eorum erant in ore ipsorum,
{77:30} They were not cheated out of what they wanted. Their food was still in their mouth,

{77:31} et ira Dei ascendit super eos. Et occidit pingues eorum, et electos Israel impedivit.
{77:31} and then the wrath of God came upon them. And he slew the fat ones among them, and he impeded the elect of Israel.

{77:32} In omnibus his peccaverunt adhuc: et non crediderunt in mirabilibus eius.
{77:32} In all these things, they continued to sin, and they were not trustworthy with his miracles.

{77:33} Et defecerunt in vanitate dies eorum: et anni eorum cum festinatione.
{77:33} And their days faded away into vanity, and their years with haste.

{77:34} Cum occideret eos, quærebant eum: et revertebantur, et diluculo veniebant ad eum.
{77:34} When he slew them, then they sought him. And they returned, and they drew near to him in the early morning.

{77:35} Et rememorati sunt quia Deus adiutor est eorum: et Deus excelsus redemptor eorum est.
{77:35} And they were mindful that God is their helper and that the Most High God is their redeemer.

{77:36} Et dilexerunt eum in ore suo, et lingua sua mentiti sunt ei:
{77:36} And they chose him with their mouth, and then they lied to him with their tongue.

{77:37} Cor autem eorum non erat rectum cum eo: nec fideles habiti sunt in testamento eius.
{77:37} For their heart was not upright with him, nor have they been living faithfully in his covenant.

{77:38} Ipse autem est misericors, et propitius fiet peccatis eorum: et non disperdet eos. Et abundavit ut averteret iram suam: et non accendit omnem iram suam:
{77:38} Yet he is merciful, and he will pardon their sins. And he will not destroy them. And he has abundantly turned aside his own wrath. And he did not enflame his wrath entirely.

{77:39} Et recordatus est quia caro sunt: spiritus vadens, et non rediens.
{77:39} And he remembered that they are flesh: with a spirit that goes forth and does not return.

~ In the ancient view, man is body, spirit, and soul. The spirit of man is not a third part, but merely the quality of being alive, when body and soul are united. At death, body and soul are separated, and spirit (the breath of life) seems to cease to exist, but only because it is a quality, not a thing.

{77:40} Quoties exacerbaverunt eum in deserto, in iram concitaverunt eum in inaquoso?
{77:40} How often did they provoke him in the desert and stir him to wrath in a waterless place?

{77:41} Et conversi sunt, et tentaverunt Deum: et Sanctum Israel exacerbaverunt.
{77:41} And they turned back and tempted God, and they exasperated the Holy One of Israel.

{77:42} Non sunt recordati manus eius, die qua redemit eos de manu tribulantis,
{77:42} They did not remember his hand, in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of the one troubling them.

{77:43} Sicut posuit in Ægypto signa sua, et prodigia sua in campo Taneos.
{77:43} Thus, he positioned his signs in Egypt and his wonders in the field of Tanis.

{77:44} Et convertit in sanguinem flumina eorum, et imbres eorum, ne biberent.
{77:44} And he turned their rivers into blood, along with their rain showers, so that they could not drink.

{77:45} Misit in eos cœnomyiam, et comedit eos: et ranam, et disperdidit eos.
{77:45} He sent among them the common fly, and it devoured them, and the frog, and it scattered them.

{77:46} Et dedit ærugini fructus eorum: et labores eorum locustæ.
{77:46} And he gave up their fruits to mold and their labors to the locust.

{77:47} Et occidit in grandine vineas eorum: et moros eorum in pruina.
{77:47} And he slew their vineyards with hail and their mulberry trees with severe frost.

{77:48} Et tradidit grandini iumenta eorum: et possessionem eorum igni.
{77:48} And he delivered their cattle to the hail and their possessions to fire.

{77:49} Misit in eos iram indignationis suæ: indignationem, et iram, et tribulationem: immissiones per angelos malos.
{77:49} And he sent the wrath of his indignation among them: indignation and wrath and tribulation, sent forth by evil angels.

{77:50} Viam fecit semitæ iræ suæ, non pepercit a morte animabus eorum: et iumenta eorum in morte conclusit.
{77:50} He made way for the path of his anger. He did not spare their souls from death. And he enclosed their beasts of burden in death.

{77:51} Et percussit omne primogenitum in terra Ægypti: primitias omnis laboris eorum in tabernaculis Cham.
{77:51} And he struck all the first-born in the land of Egypt: the first-fruits of all their labor in the tabernacles of Ham.

{77:52} Et abstulit sicut oves populum suum: et perduxit eos tamquam gregem in deserto.
{77:52} And he took away his own people like sheep, and he led them through the wilderness like a flock.

{77:53} Et deduxit eos in spe, et non timuerunt: et inimicos eorum operuit mare.
{77:53} And he led them out in hope, and they did not fear. And the sea covered their enemies.

{77:54} Et induxit eos in montem sanctificationis suæ, montem, quem acquisivit dextera eius. Et eiecit a facie eorum Gentes: et sorte divisit eis terram in funiculo distributionis.
{77:54} And he led them to the mountain of his sanctification: the mountain that his right hand had acquired. And he cast out the Gentiles before their face. And he divided their land by lot to them, with a line of distribution.

{77:55} Et habitare fecit in tabernaculis eorum tribus Israel.
{77:55} And he caused the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles.

{77:56} Et tentaverunt, et exacerbaverunt Deum excelsum: et testimonia eius non custodierunt.
{77:56} Yet they tempted and aggravated God Most High, and they did not keep his testaments.

{77:57} Et averterunt se, et non servaverunt pactum: quemadmodum patres eorum, conversi sunt in arcum pravum.
{77:57} And they turned themselves aside, and they did not serve the covenant. In the same manner as their fathers, they were turned backwards, like a crooked bow.

{77:58} In iram concitaverunt eum in collibus suis: et in sculptilibus suis ad æmulationem eum provocaverunt.
{77:58} They impelled him to anger on their hills, and they provoked him to rivalry with their graven images.

{77:59} Audivit Deus, et sprevit: et ad nihilum redegit valde Israel.
{77:59} God listened, and he spurned them, and he reduced Israel greatly, almost to nothing.

{77:60} Et repulit tabernaculum Silo, tabernaculum suum, ubi habitavit in hominibus.
{77:60} And he rejected the tabernacle of Shiloh, his tabernacle where he had dwelt among men.

{77:61} Et tradidit in captivitatem virtutem eorum: et pulchritudinem eorum in manus inimici.
{77:61} And he delivered their virtue into captivity, and their beauty into the hands of the enemy.

{77:62} Et conclusit in gladio populum suum: et hereditatem suam sprevit.
{77:62} And he enclosed his people with the sword, and he spurned his inheritance.

{77:63} Iuvenes eorum comedit ignis: et virgines eorum non sunt lamentatæ.
{77:63} Fire consumed their young men, and their virgins were not lamented.

{77:64} Sacerdotes eorum in gladio ceciderunt: et viduæ eorum non plorabantur.
{77:64} Their priests fell by the sword, and their widows did not weep.

{77:65} Et excitatus est tamquam dormiens Dominus, tamquam potens crapulatus a vino.
{77:65} And the Lord was awakened, as if out of sleep, and like a powerful man impaired by wine.

{77:66} Et percussit inimicos suos in posteriora: opprobrium sempiternum dedit illis.
{77:66} And he struck his enemies on the back. He gave them over to everlasting disgrace.

{77:67} Et repulit tabernaculum Ioseph: et tribum Ephraim non elegit:
{77:67} And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph, and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.

{77:68} Sed elegit tribum Iuda, montem Sion quem dilexit.
{77:68} But he chose the tribe of Judah: mount Zion, which he loved.

{77:69} Et ædificavit sicut unicornium sanctificium suum in terra, quam fundavit in sæcula.
{77:69} And he built up his sanctuary, like a single-horned beast, in the land that he founded for all ages.

~ The word ‘horn’ in the Old Testament often is used metaphorically to refer to power or a source of power, or leadership or a particular leader.

{77:70} Et elegit David servum suum, et sustulit eum de gregibus ovium: de post fœtantes accepit eum.
{77:70} And he chose his servant David, and he took him from the flocks of the sheep: he received him from following the ewes with their young,

{77:71} Pascere Iacob servum suum, et Israel hereditatem suam:
{77:71} in order to pasture Jacob his servant and Israel his inheritance.

{77:72} Et pavit eos in innocentia cordis sui: et in intellectibus manuum suarum deduxit eos.
{77:72} And he fed them with the innocence of his heart. And he led them with the understanding of his hands.

[Psalmus 78]
[Psalm 78] (79)

{78:1} Psalmus Asaph. Deus venerunt Gentes in hereditatem tuam, polluerunt templum sanctum tuum: posuerunt Ierusalem in pomorum custodiam.
{78:1} A Psalm of Asaph. O God, the Gentiles have entered into your inheritance; they have polluted your holy temple. They have set Jerusalem as a place to tend fruit trees.

{78:2} Posuerunt morticina servorum tuorum, escas volatilibus cæli: carnes sanctorum tuorum bestiis terræ.
{78:2} They have placed the dead bodies of your servants as food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of your saints for the beasts of the earth.

{78:3} Effuderunt sanguinem eorum tamquam aquam in circuitu Ierusalem: et non erat qui sepeliret.
{78:3} They have poured out their blood like water all around Jerusalem, and there was no one who would bury them.

{78:4} Facti sumus opprobrium vicinis nostris: subsannatio et illusio his, qui in circuitu nostro sunt.
{78:4} We have become a disgrace to our neighbors, an object of ridicule and mockery to those who are around us.

{78:5} Usquequo Domine, irasceris in finem: accendetur velut ignis zelus tuus?
{78:5} How long, O Lord? Will you be angry until the end? Will your zeal be kindled like a fire?

{78:6} Effunde iram tuam in Gentes, quæ te non noverunt: et in regna, quæ nomen tuum non invocaverunt:
{78:6} Pour out your wrath among the Gentiles, who have not known you, and upon the kingdoms that have not invoked your name.

{78:7} Quia comederunt Iacob: et locum eius desolaverunt.
{78:7} For they have devoured Jacob, and they have desolated his place.

{78:8} Ne memineris iniquitatum nostrarum antiquarum, cito anticipent nos misericordiæ tuæ: quia pauperes facti sumus nimis.
{78:8} Do not remember our iniquities of the past. May your mercies quickly intercept us, for we have become exceedingly poor.

{78:9} Adiuva nos Deus salutaris noster: et propter gloriam nominis tui Domine libera nos: et propitius esto peccatis nostris, propter nomen tuum:
{78:9} Help us, O God, our Savior. And free us, Lord, for the glory of your name. And forgive us our sins for the sake of your name.

{78:10} Ne forte dicant in Gentibus: Ubi est Deus eorum? et innotescat in nationibus coram oculis nostris. Ultio sanguinis servorum tuorum, qui effusus est:
{78:10} Let them not say among the Gentiles, “Where is their God?” And may your name become known among the nations before our eyes. For the retribution of your servants’ blood, which has been poured out:

~ The verb ‘innotescat,’ in this context, refers to the name of the Lord, as mentioned in the previous verse. The term ‘Gentiles,’ in the Catholic Christian understanding of the text, refers to unbelievers, not to non-Jews. It refers to sinful secular society, to those groups and nations that do not believe.

{78:11} introeat in conspectu tuo gemitus compeditorum. Secundum magnitudinem brachii tui, posside filios mortificatorum.
{78:11} may the groans of the shackled enter before you. According to the greatness of your arm, take possession of the sons of those who have been killed.

{78:12} Et redde vicinis nostris septuplum in sinu eorum: improperium ipsorum, quod exprobraverunt tibi Domine.
{78:12} And repay our neighbors sevenfold within their sinews. It is the reproach of the same ones who brought reproach against you, O Lord.

{78:13} Nos autem populus tuus, et oves pascuæ tuæ, confitebimur tibi in sæculum: In generationem et generationem annunciabimus laudem tuam.
{78:13} But we are your people and the sheep of your pasture: we will give thanks to you in all ages. From generation to generation, we will announce your praise.

[Psalmus 79]
[Psalm 79] (80)

{79:1} In finem, Pro iis, qui commutabuntur, testimonium Asaph, Psalmus.
{79:1} Unto the end. For those who will be changed. The testimony of Asaph. A Psalm.

{79:2} Qui regis Israel, intende: qui deducis velut ovem Ioseph. Qui sedes super cherubim, manifestare
{79:2} The One who reigns over Israel: Be attentive. For you lead Joseph like a sheep. The One who sits upon the cherubim: Shine forth

{79:3} coram Ephraim, Beniamin, et Manasse. Excita potentiam tuam, et veni, ut salvos facias nos.
{79:3} in the presence of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Awaken your power and draw near, so as to accomplish our salvation.

{79:4} Deus converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam, et salvi erimus.
{79:4} Convert us, O God. And reveal your face, and we will be saved.

{79:5} Domine Deus virtutum, quousque irasceris super orationem servi tui?
{79:5} O Lord, God of hosts, how long will you be angry over the prayer of your servant?

~ There are two possible meanings here (at least). One meaning is that God is angry despite (over and above) the prayer of His servant. The other meaning is that He is angry at the inappropriate or sinful prayer of someone who is otherwise a servant of God. Some make the mistake of the Pharisee, praying with some degree of selfishness or self-exaltation. Prayer is not necessarily pleasing to God.

{79:6} Cibabis nos pane lacrymarum: et potum dabis nobis in lacrymis in mensura?
{79:6} How long will you feed us the bread of tears, and give us to drink a full measure of tears?

{79:7} Posuisti nos in contradictionem vicinis nostris: et inimici nostri subsannaverunt nos.
{79:7} You have set us as a contradiction to our neighbors. And our enemies have ridiculed us.

{79:8} Deus virtutum converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam: et salvi erimus.
{79:8} O God of hosts, convert us. And reveal your face, and we will be saved.

{79:9} Vineam de Ægypto transtulisti: eiecisti Gentes, et plantasti eam.
{79:9} You have transferred a vineyard from Egypt. You have cast out the Gentiles, and planted it.

{79:10} Dux itineris fuisti in conspectu eius: plantasti radices eius, et implevit terram.
{79:10} You were the leader of the journey in its sight. You planted its roots, and it filled the earth.

{79:11} Operuit montes umbra eius: et arbusta eius cedros Dei.
{79:11} Its shadow covered the hills, and its branches covered the cedars of God.

{79:12} Extendit palmites suos usque ad mare: et usque ad flumen propagines eius.
{79:12} It extended its new branches even to the sea, and its new seedlings even to the river.

{79:13} Ut quid destruxisti maceriam eius: et vindemiant eam omnes, qui prætergrediuntur viam?
{79:13} So then, why have you destroyed its walls, so that all those who pass by the way gather its grapes?

{79:14} Exterminavit eam aper de silva: et singularis ferus depastus est eam.
{79:14} The wild boar of the forest has trampled it, and a single wild beast has laid waste to it.

~ The word ‘exterminavit’ does not translate as ‘exterminate.’ Rather, it has the sense of crossing a limit or border, or breaking out of a limit or border. In this context, the sense is that the borders and fences of the vineyard have been broken down and trampled over. Also, the ‘singularis ferus’ could be a ‘single wild beast,’ or even a ‘singular wild beast.’

{79:15} Deus virtutum convertere: respice de cælo, et vide, et visita vineam istam.
{79:15} Turn back, O God of hosts. Look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard;

{79:16} Et perfice eam, quam plantavit dextera tua: et super filium hominis, quem confirmasti tibi.
{79:16} and complete what your right hand has planted, and look upon the son of man, whom you have confirmed for yourself.

{79:17} Incensa igni, et suffossa ab increpatione vultus tui peribunt.
{79:17} Whatever has been set on fire and dug under will perish at the rebuke of your countenance.

{79:18} Fiat manus tua super virum dexteræ tuæ: et super filium hominis, quem confirmasti tibi.
{79:18} Let your hand be over the man on your right, and over the son of man, whom you have confirmed for yourself.

{79:19} Et non discedimus a te, vivificabis nos: et nomen tuum invocabimus.
{79:19} For we do not depart from you, and you will revive us. And we will invoke your name.

{79:20} Domine Deus virtutum converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam, et salvi erimus.
{79:20} O Lord, God of hosts, convert us. And reveal your face, and we will be saved.

[Psalmus 80]
[Psalm 80] (81)

{80:1} In finem, Pro torcularibus, Psalmus ipsi Asaph.
{80:1} Unto the end. For the wine and oil presses. A Psalm of Asaph himself.

{80:2} Exultate Deo adiutori nostro: iubilate Deo Iacob.
{80:2} Exult before God our helper. Sing joyfully to the God of Jacob.

{80:3} Sumite psalmum, et date tympanum: psalterium iucundum cum cithara.
{80:3} Take up a psalm, and bring forth the timbrel: a pleasing Psalter with stringed instruments.

~ Even though the word ‘psalterium’ literally refers to an ancient type of musical instrument, it was used to accompany psalms and hymns. Therefore, the word also indirectly refers to the Psalter, that is, to the psalms and particularly to the psalms when they are sung or chanted or accompanied by music. The less literal translation is more meaningful.

{80:4} Buccinate in Neomenia tuba, in insigni die solemnitatis vestræ:
{80:4} Sound the trumpet at the new moon, on the noteworthy day of your solemnity,

{80:5} Quia præceptum in Israel est: et iudicium Deo Iacob.
{80:5} for it is a precept in Israel and a judgment for the God of Jacob.

{80:6} Testimonium in Ioseph posuit illud, cum exiret de Terra Ægypti: linguam, quam non noverat, audivit.
{80:6} He set it as a testimony with Joseph, when he went out of the land of Egypt. He heard a tongue that he did not know.

{80:7} Divertit ab oneribus dorsum eius: manus eius in cophino servierunt.
{80:7} He turned the burdens away from his back. His hands had been a slave to baskets.

{80:8} In tribulatione invocasti me, et liberavi te: exaudivi te in abscondito tempestatis: probavi te apud aquam contradictionis.
{80:8} You called upon me in tribulation, and I freed you. I heard you within the hidden tempest. I tested you with waters of contradiction.

{80:9} Audi populus meus, et contestabor te: Israel si audieris me,
{80:9} My people, listen and I will call you to testify. If, O Israel, you will pay heed to me,

{80:10} non erit in te deus recens, neque adorabis deum alienum.
{80:10} then there will be no new god among you, nor will you adore a foreign god.

{80:11} Ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus, qui eduxi te de terra Ægypti: dilata os tuum, et implebo illud.
{80:11} For I am the Lord your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt. Widen your mouth, and I will fill it.

{80:12} Et non audivit populus meus vocem meam: et Israel non intendit mihi.
{80:12} But my people did not hear my voice, and Israel was not attentive to me.

{80:13} Et dimisi eos secundum desideria cordis eorum, ibunt in adinventionibus suis.
{80:13} And so, I sent them away, according to the desires of their heart. They will go forth according to their own inventions.

{80:14} Si populus meus audisset me: Israel si in viis meis ambulasset:
{80:14} If my people had heard me, if Israel had walked in my ways,

{80:15} Pro nihilo forsitan inimicos eorum humiliassem: et super tribulantes eos misissem manum meam.
{80:15} I would have humbled their enemies, as if it were nothing, and I would have sent my hand upon those who troubled them.

~ Or, ‘perhaps for nothing, I would have humbled their enemies.’

{80:16} Inimici Domini mentiti sunt ei: et erit tempus eorum in sæcula.
{80:16} The enemies of the Lord have lied to him, and their time will come, in every age.

~ Or, ‘and time will be theirs forever.’ The wicked never experience the timelessness of eternity. They will be trapped in the cycle of time, within the fires of Hell, without ceasing.

{80:17} Et cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti: et de petra, melle saturavit eos.
{80:17} And he fed them from the fat of the grain, and he saturated them with honey from the rock.

[Psalmus 81]
[Psalm 81] (82)

{81:1} Psalmus Asaph. Deus stetit in synagoga deorum: in medio autem deos diiudicat.
{81:1} A Psalm of Asaph. God has stood in the synagogue of gods, but, in their midst, he decides between gods.

{81:2} Usquequo iudicatis iniquitatem: et facies peccatorum sumitis?
{81:2} How long will you judge unjustly and favor the faces of sinners?

{81:3} Iudicate egeno, et pupillo: humilem, et pauperem iustificate.
{81:3} Judge for the indigent and the orphan. Do justice to the humble and the poor.

{81:4} Eripite pauperem: et egenum de manu peccatoris liberate.
{81:4} Rescue the poor, and free the needy from the hand of the sinner.

{81:5} Nescierunt, neque intellexerunt, in tenebris ambulant: movebuntur omnia fundamenta terræ.
{81:5} They did not know and did not understand. They wander in darkness. All the foundations of the earth will be moved.

{81:6} Ego dixi: dii estis, et filii excelsi omnes.
{81:6} I said: You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High.

{81:7} Vos autem sicut homines moriemini: et sicut unus de principibus cadetis.
{81:7} But you will die like men, and you will fall just like one of the princes.

{81:8} Surge Deus, iudica terram: quoniam tu hereditabis in omnibus gentibus.
{81:8} Rise up, O God. Judge the earth. For you will inherit it with all the nations.

[Psalmus 82]
[Psalm 82] (83)

{82:1} Canticum Psalmi Asaph.
{82:1} A Canticle Psalm of Asaph.

{82:2} Deus, quis similis erit tibi? ne taceas, neque compescaris Deus:
{82:2} O God, who will ever be like you? Do not be silent, and do not be unmoved, O God.

{82:3} Quoniam ecce inimici tui sonuerunt: et qui oderunt te, extulerunt caput.
{82:3} For behold, your enemies have sounded off, and those who hate you have carried out a head.

~ The verb ‘extulerunt’ can refer to carrying someone out to burial, or, more generally, to carrying out or raising up something.

{82:4} Super populum tuum malignaverunt consilium: et cogitaverunt adversus sanctos tuos.
{82:4} They have acted with malice in counsel over your people, and they have plotted against your holy ones.

{82:5} Dixerunt: Venite, et disperdamus eos de gente: et non memoretur nomen Israel ultra.
{82:5} They have said, “Come, let us scatter them from the nations and not allow the name of Israel to be remembered any longer.”

{82:6} Quoniam cogitaverunt unanimiter: simul adversum te testamentum disposuerunt,
{82:6} For they plotted unanimously. Joined together against you, they ordained a covenant:

~ This and the subsequent verses refer to the deal made by the Antichrist with those who are unfaithful to Christ (as described in Daniel 9:27). Those who are unfaithful to the Church unite with the Antichrist to try to destroy the Church from within, but setting up false worship and perverse teachings. It is the tabernacle of those who have gone astray from Christ.

{82:7} tabernacula Idumæorum et Ismahelitæ: Moab, et Agareni,
{82:7} the tabernacle of Edomites and Ishmaelites, and Moab and the Hagarites,

{82:8} Gebal, et Ammon, et Amalec: alienigenæ cum habitantibus Tyrum.
{82:8} and Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, the foreigners among the inhabitants of Tyre.

{82:9} Etenim Assur venit cum illis: facti sunt in adiutorium filiis Lot.
{82:9} For even Assur comes with them. They have become the helpers of the sons of Lot.

~ Assur is the name of a false god of Assyria; the name is also used to refer to the Antichrist, because he is a false god from Assyria.

{82:10} Fac illis sicut Madian et Sisaræ: sicut Iabin in torrente Cisson.
{82:10} Do to them as you did to Midian and Sisera, just as to Jabin at the torrent of Kishon.

{82:11} Disperierunt in Endor: facti sunt ut stercus terræ.
{82:11} They perished at Endor, and they became like the dung of the earth.

{82:12} Pone principes eorum sicut Oreb, et Zeb, et Zebee, et Salmana: Omnes principes eorum:
{82:12} Set their leaders to be like Oreb and Zeeb, and Zebah and Zalmunna: all their leaders

{82:13} qui dixerunt: Hereditate possideamus Sanctuarium Dei.
{82:13} who said, “Let us possess the Sanctuary of God for an inheritance.”

{82:14} Deus meus pone illos ut rotam: et sicut stipulam ante faciem venti.
{82:14} My God, set them like a wheel, and like stubble before the face of the wind.

{82:15} Sicut ignis, qui comburit silvam: et sicut flamma comburens montes:
{82:15} Set them like a fire burning up the forest, and like a flame burning up the mountains.

{82:16} Ita persequeris illos in tempestate tua: et in ira tua turbabis eos.
{82:16} So will you pursue them in your tempest, and disturb them in your wrath.

{82:17} Imple facies eorum ignominia: et quærent nomen tuum, Domine.
{82:17} Fill their faces with shame, and they will seek your name, O Lord.

{82:18} Erubescant, et conturbentur in sæculum sæculi: et confundantur, et pereant.
{82:18} Let them be ashamed and troubled, from age to age, and let them be confounded and perish.

{82:19} Et cognoscant quia nomen tibi Dominus: tu solus Altissimus in omni terra.
{82:19} And let them know that the Lord is your name. You alone are the Most High in all the earth.

[Psalmus 83]
[Psalm 83] (84)

{83:1} In finem, Pro torcularibus filiis Core, Psalmus.
{83:1} Unto the end. For the wine and oil presses. A Psalm to the sons of Korah.

{83:2} Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Domine virtutum:
{83:2} How beloved are your tabernacles, O Lord of hosts!

{83:3} concupiscit, et deficit anima mea in atria Domini: Cor meum, et caro mea exultaverunt in Deum vivum.
{83:3} My soul longs and faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have exulted in the living God.

{83:4} Etenim passer invenit sibi domum: et turtur nidum sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos: altaria tua Domine virtutum: Rex meus, et Deus meus.
{83:4} For even the sparrow has found a home for himself, and the turtle-dove a nest for herself, where she may lay her young: your altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God.

{83:5} Beati, qui habitant in domo tua Domine: in sæcula sæculorum laudabunt te.
{83:5} Blessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord. They will praise you from age to age.

{83:6} Beatus vir, cuius est auxilium abs te: ascensiones in corde suo disposuit,
{83:6} Blessed is the man whose help is from you. In his heart, he is disposed to ascend

{83:7} in valle lacrymarum in loco, quem posuit.
{83:7} from the valley of tears, from the place which he has determined.

{83:8} Etenim benedictionem dabit legislator, ibunt de virtute in virtutem: videbitur Deus deorum in Sion.
{83:8} For even the lawgiver will provide a blessing; they will go from virtue to virtue. The God of gods will be seen in Zion.

{83:9} Domine Deus virtutum exaudi orationem meam: auribus percipe Deus Iacob.
{83:9} O Lord, God of hosts, hear my prayer. Pay attention, O God of Jacob.

{83:10} Protector noster aspice Deus: et respice in faciem Christi tui.
{83:10} O God, gaze upon our protector, and look upon the face of your Christ.

{83:11} Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis super millia. Elegi abiectus esse in domo Dei mei: magis quam habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum.
{83:11} For one day in your courts is better than thousands elsewhere. I have chosen to be lowly in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners.

{83:12} Quia misericordiam, et veritatem diligit Deus: gratiam, et gloriam dabit Dominus.
{83:12} For God loves mercy and truth. The Lord will give grace and glory.

{83:13} Non privabit bonis eos, qui ambulant in innocentia: Domine virtutum, beatus homo, qui sperat in te.
{83:13} He will not withhold good things from those who walk in innocence. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who hopes in you.

[Psalmus 84]
[Psalm 84] (85)

{84:1} In finem, filiis Core, Psalmus.
{84:1} Unto the end. A Psalm to the sons of Korah.

{84:2} Benedixisti Domine terram tuam: avertisti captivitatem Iacob.
{84:2} O Lord, you have blessed your land. You have turned aside the captivity of Jacob.

{84:3} Remisisti iniquitatem plebis tuæ: operuisti omnia peccata eorum.
{84:3} You have released the iniquity of your people. You have covered all their sins.

{84:4} Mitigasti omnem iram tuam: avertisti ab ira indignationis tuæ.
{84:4} You have mitigated all your wrath. You have turned aside from the wrath of your indignation.

{84:5} Converte nos Deus salutaris noster: et averte iram tuam a nobis.
{84:5} Convert us, O God, our Savior, and turn your anger away from us.

{84:6} Numquid in æternum irasceris nobis? aut extendes iram tuam a generatione in generationem?
{84:6} Will you be angry with us forever? And will you extend your wrath from generation to generation?

{84:7} Deus tu conversus vivificabis nos: et plebs tua lætabitur in te.
{84:7} O God, you will turn back and revive us. And your people will rejoice in you.

{84:8} Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam: et salutare tuum da nobis.
{84:8} O Lord, reveal to us your mercy, and grant to us your salvation.

{84:9} Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus Deus: quoniam loquetur pacem in plebem suam. Et super sanctos suos: et in eos, qui convertuntur ad cor.
{84:9} I will listen to what the Lord God may be saying to me. For he will speak peace to his people, and to his saints, and to those who are being converted to the heart.

~ Or, ‘converted to the core.’

{84:10} Verumtamen prope timentes eum salutare ipsius: ut inhabitet gloria in terra nostra.
{84:10} So then, truly his salvation is near to those who fear him, so that glory may inhabit our land.

{84:11} Misericordia, et veritas obviaverunt sibi: iustitia, et pax osculatæ sunt.
{84:11} Mercy and truth have met each other. Justice and peace have kissed.

{84:12} Veritas de terra orta est: et iustitia de cælo prospexit.
{84:12} Truth has risen from the earth, and justice has gazed down from heaven.

{84:13} Etenim Dominus dabit benignitatem: et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.
{84:13} For so will the Lord give goodness, and our earth will give her fruit.

{84:14} Iustitia ante eum ambulabit: et ponet in via gressus suos.
{84:14} Justice will walk before him, and he will set his steps upon the way.

[Psalmus 85]
[Psalm 85] (86)

{85:1} Oratio ipsi David. Inclina Domine aurem tuam, et exaudi me: quoniam inops, et pauper sum ego.
{85:1} A Prayer of David himself. Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear me. For I am needy and poor.

{85:2} Custodi animam meam, quoniam sanctus sum: salvum fac servum tuum, Deus meus, sperantem in te.
{85:2} Preserve my soul, for I am holy. My God, bring salvation to your servant who hopes in you.

{85:3} Miserere mei Domine, quoniam ad te clamavi tota die:
{85:3} O Lord, be merciful to me, for I have cried out to you all day long.

{85:4} lætifica animam servi tui, quoniam ad te Domine animam meam levavi.
{85:4} Give joy to the soul of your servant, for I have lifted up my soul to you, Lord.

{85:5} Quoniam tu Domine suavis, et mitis: et multæ misericordiæ omnibus invocantibus te.
{85:5} For you are sweet and mild, Lord, and plentiful in mercy to all who call upon you.

{85:6} Auribus percipe Domine orationem meam: et intende voci deprecationis meæ.
{85:6} Pay attention, Lord, to my prayer, and attend to the voice of my supplication.

{85:7} In die tribulationis meæ clamavi ad te: quia exaudisti me.
{85:7} In the day of my tribulation, I cried out to you, because you heeded me.

{85:8} Non est similis tui in diis Domine: et non est secundum opera tua.
{85:8} There is no one like you among the gods, O Lord, and there is no one like you in your works.

{85:9} Omnes gentes quascumque fecisti, venient, et adorabunt coram te Domine: et glorificabunt nomen tuum.
{85:9} All the nations, which you have made, will draw near and adore in your presence, O Lord. And they will glorify your name.

{85:10} Quoniam magnus es tu, et faciens mirabilia: tu es Deus solus.
{85:10} For you are great, and you perform wonders. You alone are God.

{85:11} Deduc me Domine in via tua, et ingrediar in veritate tua: lætetur cor meum ut timeat nomen tuum.
{85:11} Lead me, O Lord, in your way, and I will walk in your truth. May my heart rejoice, so that it will fear your name.

{85:12} Confitebor tibi Domine Deus meus in toto corde meo. Et glorificabo nomen tuum in æternum:
{85:12} I will confess to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart. And I will glorify your name in eternity.

{85:13} Quia misericordia tua magna est super me: et eruisti animam meam ex inferno inferiori.
{85:13} For your mercy toward me is great, and you have rescued my soul from the lower part of Hell.

~ Or, ‘from the deepest depths.’ Or, ‘from the lowest part of the underworld.’ Or, ‘from the bottom of Hell.’

{85:14} Deus, iniqui insurrexerunt super me, et synagoga potentium quæsierunt animam meam: et non proposuerunt te in conspectu suo.
{85:14} O God, the iniquitous have risen up against me, and the synagogue of the powerful have sought my soul, and they have not placed you in their sight.

{85:15} Et tu Domine Deus miserator et misericors, patiens, et multæ misericordiæ, et verax.
{85:15} And you, Lord God, are compassionate and merciful, being patient and full of mercy and truthful.

{85:16} Respice in me, et miserere mei, da imperium tuum puero tuo: et salvum fac filium ancillæ tuæ.
{85:16} Look down upon me and have mercy on me. Grant your authority to your servant, and bring salvation to the son of your handmaid.

{85:17} Fac mecum signum in bonum, ut videant qui oderunt me, et confundantur: quoniam tu Domine adiuvisti me, et consolatus es me.
{85:17} Make me a sign of what is good, so that those who hate me, may look and be confounded. For you, O Lord, have helped me and consoled me.

[Psalmus 86]
[Psalm 86] (87)

{86:1} Filiis Core, Psalmus Cantici. Fundamenta eius in montibus sanctis:
{86:1} A Canticle Psalm to the sons of Korah. Its foundations are in the holy mountains:

{86:2} diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula Iacob.
{86:2} the Lord loves the gates of Zion above all the tabernacles of Jacob.

{86:3} Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas Dei.
{86:3} Glorious things are being said of you, O City of God.

{86:4} Memor ero Rahab, et Babylonis scientium me. Ecce alienigenæ, et Tyrus, et populus Æthiopum, hi fuerunt illic.
{86:4} I will be mindful of Rahab and of Babylon knowing me. Behold, the foreigners, and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians: these have been there.

{86:5} Numquid Sion dicet: Homo, et homo natus est in ea: et ipse fundavit eam Altissimus?
{86:5} Will not Zion say that this man and that man were born in her? And the Most High himself has founded her.

{86:6} Dominus narrabit in scripturis populorum, et principum: horum, qui fuerunt in ea.
{86:6} The Lord will explain, in the writings of peoples and of leaders, about those who have been in her.

{86:7} Sicut lætantium omnium habitatio est in te.
{86:7} For so the dwelling place within you is with all rejoicing.

[Psalmus 87]
[Psalm 87] (88)

{87:1} Canticum Psalmi, Filiis Core, in finem, pro Maheleth ad respondendum, intellectus Eman Ezrahitæ.
{87:1} A Canticle Psalm to the sons of Korah. Unto the end. For Mahalath, to answer the understanding of Heman the Ezrahite.

{87:2} Domine Deus salutis meæ: in die clamavi, et nocte coram te.
{87:2} O Lord, God of my salvation: I have cried out, day and night, in your presence.

{87:3} Intret in conspectu tuo oratio mea: inclina aurem tuam ad precem meam:
{87:3} Let my prayer enter in your sight. Incline your ear to my petition.

{87:4} Quia repleta est malis anima mea: et vita mea inferno appropinquavit.
{87:4} For my soul has been filled with evils, and my life has drawn near to Hell.

{87:5} Æstimatus sum cum descendentibus in lacum: factus sum sicut homo sine adiutorio,
{87:5} I am considered to be among those who will descend into the pit. I have become like a man without assistance,

{87:6} inter mortuos liber, Sicut vulnerati dormientes in sepulchris, quorum non es memor amplius: et ipsi de manu tua repulsi sunt.
{87:6} idle among the dead. I am like the wounded sleeping in sepulchers, whom you no longer remember, and who have been repelled by your hand.

{87:7} Posuerunt me in lacu inferiori: in tenebrosis, et in umbra mortis.
{87:7} They have lain me in the lower pit: in dark places and in the shadow of death.

{87:8} Super me confirmatus est furor tuus: et omnes fluctus tuos induxisti super me.
{87:8} Your fury has been confirmed over me. And you have brought all your waves upon me.

{87:9} Longe fecisti notos meos a me: posuerunt me abominationem sibi. Traditus sum, et non egrediebar:
{87:9} You have sent my acquaintances far from me. They have set me as an abomination to themselves. I was handed over, yet I did not depart.

~ In other words: ‘I was handed over (to be harmed), even though I was not taken captive or taken away.’

{87:10} oculi mei languerunt præ inopia. Clamavi ad te Domine tota die: expandi ad te manus meas.
{87:10} My eyes languished before destitution. All day long, I cried out to you, O Lord. I stretched out my hands to you.

{87:11} Numquid mortuis facies mirabilia: aut medici suscitabunt, et confitebuntur tibi?
{87:11} Will you perform wonders for the dead? Or will physicians raise to life, and so confess to you?

{87:12} Numquid narrabit aliquis in sepulchro misericordiam tuam, et veritatem tuam in perditione?
{87:12} Could anyone declare your mercy in the sepulcher, or your truth from within perdition?

{87:13} Numquid cognoscentur in tenebris mirabilia tua: et iustitia tua in terra oblivionis?
{87:13} Will your wonders be known in the darkness, or your justice in the land of oblivion?

{87:14} Et ego ad te, Domine, clamavi, et mane oratio mea præveniet te.
{87:14} And I have cried out to you, O Lord, and in early morning, my prayer will come before you.

{87:15} Ut quid Domine repellis orationem meam: avertis faciem tuam a me?
{87:15} Lord, why do you reject my prayer? Why do you turn your face away from me?

{87:16} Pauper sum ego, et in laboribus a iuventute mea: exaltatus autem, humiliatus sum et conturbatus.
{87:16} I am poor, and I have been amid hardships from my youth. And, though I have been exalted, I am humbled and disturbed.

{87:17} In me transierunt iræ tuæ: et terrores tui conturbaverunt me.
{87:17} Your wrath has crossed into me, and your terrors have disturbed me.

{87:18} Circumdederunt me sicut aqua tota die: circumdederunt me simul.
{87:18} They have surrounded me like water, all day long. They have surrounded me, all at once.

{87:19} Elongasti a me amicum, et proximum: et notos meos a miseria.
{87:19} Friend and neighbor, and my acquaintances, you have sent far away from me, away from misery.

[Psalmus 88]
[Psalm 88] (89)

{88:1} Intellectus Ethan Ezrahitæ.
{88:1} The understanding of Ethan the Ezrahite.

{88:2} Misericordias Domini in æternum cantabo. In generationem et generationem annunciabo veritatem tuam in ore meo.
{88:2} I will sing the mercies of the Lord in eternity. I will announce your truth with my mouth, from generation to generation.

{88:3} Quoniam dixisti: In æternum misericordia ædificabitur in cælis: præparabitur veritas tua in eis.
{88:3} For you have said: Mercy will be built in the heavens, unto eternity. Your truth will be prepared there.

~ The text literally means ‘in them,’ but ‘them’ refers to ‘the heavens.’ The translation of ‘there’ makes this reference clearer, since English does not generally refer to Heaven as ‘them.’

{88:4} Disposui testamentum electis meis, iuravi David servo meo:
{88:4} I have set up a covenant with my elect. I have sworn to David my servant:

{88:5} usque in æternum præparabo semen tuum. Et ædificabo in generationem, et generationem sedem tuam.
{88:5} I will prepare your offspring, even in eternity. And I will build up your throne, from generation to generation.

{88:6} Confitebuntur cæli mirabilia tua Domine: etenim veritatem tuam in Ecclesia sanctorum.
{88:6} The heavens will confess your miracles, Lord, and also your truth, in the Church of the saints.

{88:7} Quoniam quis in nubibus æquabitur Domino: similis erit Deo in filiis Dei?
{88:7} For who among the clouds is equal to the Lord? Who among the sons of God is like God?

{88:8} Deus, qui glorificatur in consilio sanctorum: magnus et terribilis super omnes qui in circuitu eius sunt.
{88:8} God is glorified by the counsel of the saints. He is great and terrible above all those who are around him.

~ The word ‘consilio’ in Latin can refer to either a deliberative group (council) or to a process of deliberating and giving advice (counsel). But in translating the Latin into English, one must choose within that broad range of meaning. The Latin word has a broader range of meaning than English words that could be used to translate. In this case, the translation is ‘counsel’ because God is more glorified in the deliberations, decisions, and advice of those who are holy than he is glorified by meetings of councils.

{88:9} Domine Deus virtutum quis similis tibi? potens es Domine, et veritas tua in circuitu tuo.
{88:9} O Lord, God of hosts, who is like you? You are powerful, Lord, and your truth is all around you.

{88:10} Tu dominaris potestati maris: motum autem fluctuum eius tu mitigas.
{88:10} You rule over the power of the sea, and you even mitigate the movement of its waves.

{88:11} Tu humiliasti sicut vulneratum, superbum: in brachio virtutis tuæ dispersisti inimicos tuos.
{88:11} You have humbled the arrogant one, like one who has been wounded. You have scattered your enemies with the arm of your strength.

{88:12} Tui sunt cæli, et tua est terra, orbem terræ et plenitudinem eius tu fundasti:
{88:12} Yours are the heavens, and yours is the earth. You founded the whole world in all its fullness.

{88:13} Aquilonem, et mare tu creasti. Thabor et Hermon in nomine tuo exultabunt:
{88:13} You created the north and the sea. Tabor and Hermon will exult in your name.

{88:14} tuum brachium cum potentia. Firmetur manus tua, et exaltetur dextera tua:
{88:14} Your arm acts with power. Let your hand be strengthened, and let your right hand be exalted.

{88:15} iustitia et iudicium præparatio sedis tuæ. Misericordia et veritas præcedent faciem tuam.
{88:15} Justice and judgment are the preparation of your throne. Mercy and truth will precede your face.

{88:16} Beatus populus, qui scit iubilationem. Domine, in lumine vultus tui ambulabunt,
{88:16} Blessed is the people that knows jubilation. They will walk in the light of your countenance, O Lord,

{88:17} et in nomine tuo exultabunt tota die: et in iustitia tua exaltabuntur.
{88:17} and they will exult in your name all day long, and they will be exalted in your justice.

{88:18} Quoniam gloria virtutis eorum tu es: et in beneplacito tuo exaltabitur cornu nostrum.
{88:18} For you are the glory of their virtue, and in your goodness, our horn will be exalted.

{88:19} Quia Domini est assumptio nostra: et sancti Israel regis nostri.
{88:19} For our assumption is of the Lord, and it is of our king, the holy one of Israel.

~ All of the resurrected faithful will be assumed into a new Heaven after the general Resurrection.

{88:20} Tunc locutus es in visione sanctis tuis, et dixisti: Posui adiutorium in potente: et exaltavi electum de plebe mea.
{88:20} Then you spoke in a vision to your holy ones, and you said: I have stationed help with the powerful one, and I have exalted the elect one from my people.

{88:21} Inveni David servum meum: oleo sancto meo unxi eum.
{88:21} I have found my servant David. I have anointed him with my holy oil.

{88:22} Manus enim mea auxiliabitur ei: et brachium meum confortabit eum.
{88:22} For my hand will assist him, and my arm will fortify him.

{88:23} Nihil proficiet inimicus in eo, et filius iniquitatis non apponet nocere ei.
{88:23} The enemy will have no advantage over him, nor will the son of iniquity be positioned to harm him.

{88:24} Et concidam a facie ipsius inimicos eius: et odientes eum in fugam convertam.
{88:24} And I will cut down his enemies before his face. And those who hate him, I will turn to flight.

{88:25} Et veritas mea, et misericordia mea cum ipso: et in nomine meo exaltabitur cornu eius.
{88:25} And my truth and my mercy will be with him. And his horn will be exalted in my name.

{88:26} Et ponam in mari manum eius: et in fluminibus dexteram eius.
{88:26} And I will place his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers.

{88:27} Ipse invocabit me: Pater meus es tu: Deus meus, et susceptor salutis meæ:
{88:27} He will invoke me: “You are my father, my God, and the support of my salvation.”

{88:28} Et ego primogenitum ponam illum, excelsum præ regibus terræ.
{88:28} And I will make him the first-born, preeminent before the kings of the earth.

{88:29} In æternum servabo illi misericordiam meam: et testamentum meum fidele ipsi.
{88:29} I will preserve my mercy for him eternally, and my covenant for him faithfully.

{88:30} Et ponam in sæculum sæculi semen eius: et thronum eius sicut dies cæli.
{88:30} And I will set his offspring from generation to generation, and his throne like the days of heaven.

{88:31} Si autem dereliquerint filii eius legem meam: et in iudiciis meis non ambulaverint:
{88:31} But if his sons abandon my law, and if they do not walk in my judgments,

{88:32} Si iustitias meas profanaverint: et mandata mea non custodierint:
{88:32} if they profane my justices, and if they do not keep my commandments:

{88:33} Visitabo in virga iniquitates eorum: et in verberibus peccata eorum.
{88:33} I will visit their iniquities with a rod, and their sins with a beating.

{88:34} Misericordiam autem meam non dispergam ab eo: neque nocebo in veritate mea:
{88:34} But I will not scatter my mercy from him, and I will not do harm to my truth.

{88:35} Neque profanabo testamentum meum: et quæ procedunt de labiis meis non faciam irrita.
{88:35} And I will not profane my covenant, and I will not make void that which proceeds from my lips.

{88:36} Semel iuravi in sancto meo, si David mentiar:
{88:36} I have sworn by my holiness one time: I will not lie to David,

{88:37} semen eius in æternum manebit. Et thronus eius sicut Sol in conspectu meo,
{88:37} his offspring will remain for eternity. And his throne will be like the sun in my sight,

{88:38} et sicut Luna perfecta in æternum: et testis in cælo fidelis.
{88:38} and, like the moon, it is perfected in eternity, and it is a faithful witness in heaven.

{88:39} Tu vero repulisti et despexisti: distulisti Christum tuum.
{88:39} Yet, truly, you have rejected and despised, you have pushed away, my Christ.

{88:40} Evertisti testamentum servi tui: profanasti in terra Sanctuarium eius.
{88:40} You have overthrown the covenant of your servant. You have profaned his sanctuary on earth.

{88:41} Destruxisti omnes sepes eius: posuisti firmamentum eius formidinem.
{88:41} You have destroyed all his fences. You have made his territory dreadful.

{88:42} Diripuerunt eum omnes transeuntes viam: factus est opprobrium vicinis suis.
{88:42} All who pass by the way have plundered him. He has become a disgrace to his neighbors.

{88:43} Exaltasti dexteram deprimentium eum: lætificasti omnes inimicos eius.
{88:43} You have exalted the right hand of those who oppress him. You have brought joy to all his enemies.

{88:44} Avertisti adiutorium gladii eius: et non es auxiliatus ei in bello.
{88:44} You have diverted the help of his sword, and you have not assisted him in battle.

{88:45} Destruxisti eum ab emundatione: et sedem eius in terram collisisti.
{88:45} You have torn him away from cleansing, and you have smashed his throne down to the ground.

{88:46} Minorasti dies temporis eius: perfudisti eum confusione.
{88:46} You have reduced the days of his time. You have flooded him with confusion.

{88:47} Usquequo Domine avertis in finem: exardescet sicut ignis ira tua?
{88:47} How long, O Lord? Will you turn away unto the end? Will your wrath flare up like a fire?

{88:48} Memorare quæ mea substantia: numquid enim vane constituisti omnes filios hominum?
{88:48} Remember what my substance is. For could you really have appointed all the sons of men in vain?

{88:49} Quis est homo, qui vivet, et non videbit mortem: eruet animam suam de manu inferi?
{88:49} Who is the man that will live, and yet not see death? Who will rescue his own soul from the hand of the underworld?

{88:50} Ubi sunt misericordiæ tuæ antiquæ Domine, sicut iurasti David in veritate tua?
{88:50} O Lord, where are your mercies of antiquity, just as you swore to David in your truth?

{88:51} Memor esto Domine opprobrii servorum tuorum (quod continui in sinu meo) multarum gentium.
{88:51} Be mindful, O Lord, of the disgrace of your servants (which I have sustained in my sinews) among many nations.

{88:52} Quod exprobraverunt inimici tui Domine, quod exprobraverunt commutationem Christi tui.
{88:52} With these, your enemies have reproached you, O Lord; with these, they have reproached the commutation of your Christ.

~ This last part of the verse refers to the trans-substantiation, that is, to the consecration of bread and wine to become the body and blood of Christ. The word ‘commutation’ refers to changing one thing into another. The commutation that gives us Christ in the Eucharist is called trans-substantiation. The doctrine of trans-substantiation is true doctrine, but the terminology itself is superfluous. Another term could be used to describe the same truth.

{88:53} Benedictus Dominus in æternum: fiat, fiat.
{88:53} Blessed is the Lord for all eternity. Amen. Amen.

[Psalmus 89]
[Psalm 89] (90)

{89:1} Oratio Moysi hominis Dei. Domine, refugium factus es nobis: a generatione in generationem.
{89:1} A prayer of Moses, the man of God. O Lord, you have been our refuge from generation to generation.

{89:2} Priusquam montes fierent, aut formaretur terra, et orbis: a sæculo et usque in sæculum tu es Deus.
{89:2} Before the mountains became, or the land was formed along with the world: from ages past, even to all ages, you are God.

{89:3} Ne avertas hominem in humilitatem: et dixisti: Convertimini filii hominum.
{89:3} And, lest man be turned aside in humiliation, you have said: Be converted, O sons of men.

{89:4} Quoniam mille anni ante oculos tuos, tamquam dies hesterna, quæ præteriit, Et custodia in nocte,
{89:4} For a thousand years before your eyes are like the days of yesterday, which have passed by, and they are like a watch of the night,

{89:5} quæ pro nihilo habentur, eorum anni erunt.
{89:5} which was held for nothing: so their years shall be.

~ Either the watch of the night was considered to be nothing (meaningless, valueless), or it was uneventful (nothing to report on that watch), or even futile.

{89:6} Mane sicut herba transeat, mane floreat, et transeat: vespere decidat, induret, et arescat.
{89:6} In the morning, he may pass away like grass; in the morning, he may flower and pass away. In the evening, he will fall, and harden, and become dry.

{89:7} Quia defecimus in ira tua, et in furore tuo turbati sumus.
{89:7} For, at your wrath, we have withered away, and we have been disturbed by your fury.

{89:8} Posuisti iniquitates nostras in conspectu tuo: sæculum nostrum in illuminatione vultus tui.
{89:8} You have placed our iniquities in your sight, our age in the illumination of your countenance.

{89:9} Quoniam omnes dies nostri defecerunt: et in ira tua defecimus. Anni nostri sicut aranea meditabuntur:
{89:9} For all our days have faded away, and at your wrath, we have fainted. Our years will be considered to be like a spider’s web.

{89:10} dies annorum nostrorum in ipsis, septuaginta anni. Si autem in potentatibus octoginta anni: et amplius eorum, labor et dolor. Quoniam supervenit mansuetudo: et corripiemur.
{89:10} The days of our years in them are seventy years. But in the powerful, they are eighty years, and more of these are with hardship and sorrow. For mildness has overwhelmed us, and we shall be corrected.

{89:11} Quis novit potestatem iræ tuæ: et præ timore tuo iram tuam
{89:11} Who knows the power of your wrath? And, before fear, can your wrath

{89:12} dinumerare? Dexteram tuam sic notam fac: et eruditos corde in sapientia.
{89:12} be numbered? So make known your right hand, along with men learned in heart, in wisdom.

{89:13} Convertere Domine usquequo? et deprecabilis esto super servos tuos.
{89:13} Return, O Lord, how long? And may you be persuaded on behalf of your servants.

{89:14} Repleti sumus mane misericordia tua: et exultavimus, et delectati sumus omnibus diebus nostris.
{89:14} We were filled in the morning with your mercy, and we exulted and delighted all our days.

{89:15} Lætati sumus pro diebus, quibus nos humiliasti: annis, quibus vidimus mala.
{89:15} We have been rejoicing, because of the days in which you humbled us, because of the years in which we saw evils.

{89:16} Respice in servos tuos, et in opera tua: et dirige filios eorum.
{89:16} Look down upon your servants and upon their works, and direct their sons.

{89:17} Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos: et opus manuum nostrarum dirige.
{89:17} And may the splendor of the Lord our God be upon us. And so, direct the works of our hands over us; direct even the work of our hands.

[Psalmus 90]
[Psalm 90] (91)

{90:1} Laus Cantici David. Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi, in protectione Dei cæli commorabitur.
{90:1} The Praise of a Canticle, of David. Whoever dwells with the assistance of the Most High will abide in the protection of the God of heaven.

~ The Challoner revision has “God of Jacob,” whereas the original Douay-Rheims and the Wycliffe translations both have “God of heaven.” The Hetzenauer edition of 1914 (Latin Vulgate) has “Dei cæli.”

{90:2} Dicet Domino: Susceptor meus es tu, et refugium meum: Deus meus sperabo in eum.
{90:2} He will say to the Lord, “You are my supporter and my refuge.” My God, I will hope in him.

{90:3} Quoniam ipse liberavit me de laqueo venantium, et a verbo aspero.
{90:3} For he has freed me from the snare of those who go hunting, and from the harsh word.

{90:4} Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi: et sub pennis eius sperabis:
{90:4} He will overshadow you with his shoulders, and you will hope under his wings.

{90:5} Scuto circumdabit te veritas eius: non timebis a timore nocturno,
{90:5} His truth will surround you with a shield. You will not be afraid: before the terror of the night,

{90:6} A sagitta volante in die, a negotio perambulante in tenebris: ab incursu, et dæmonio meridiano.
{90:6} before the arrow flying in the day, before the troubles that wander in the darkness, nor of invasion and the midday demon.

{90:7} Cadent a latere tuo mille, et decem millia a dextris tuis: ad te autem non appropinquabit.
{90:7} A thousand will fall before your side and ten thousand before your right hand. Yet it will not draw near you.

{90:8} Verumtamen oculis tuis considerabis: et retributionem peccatorum videbis.
{90:8} So then, truly, you will consider with your eyes, and you will see the retribution of sinners.

{90:9} Quoniam tu es Domine spes mea: Altissimum posuisti refugium tuum.
{90:9} For you, O Lord, are my hope. You have set the Most High as your refuge.

{90:10} Non accedet ad te malum: et flagellum non appropinquabit tabernaculo tuo.
{90:10} Disaster will not draw near to you, and the scourge will not approach your tabernacle.

{90:11} Quoniam angelis suis mandavit de te: ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis.
{90:11} For he has given his Angels charge over you, so as to preserve you in all your ways.

{90:12} In manibus portabunt te: ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum.
{90:12} With their hands, they will carry you, lest you hurt your foot against a stone.

{90:13} Super aspidem, et basiliscum ambulabis: et conculcabis leonem et draconem.
{90:13} You will walk over the asp and the king serpent, and you will trample the lion and the dragon.

~ The word ‘basiliscum’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘king,’ and it is used in Latin to refer to a dangerous snake.

{90:14} Quoniam in me speravit, liberabo eum: protegam eum, quoniam cognovit nomen meum.
{90:14} Because he has hoped in me, I will free him. I will protect him because he has known my name.

{90:15} Clamabit ad me, et ego exaudiam eum: cum ipso sum in tribulatione: eripiam eum et glorificabo eum.
{90:15} He will cry out to me, and I will heed him. I am with him in tribulation. I will rescue him, and I will glorify him.

{90:16} Longitudine dierum replebo eum: et ostendam illi salutare meum.
{90:16} I will fill him with length of days. And I will reveal to him my salvation.

[Psalmus 91]
[Psalm 91] (92)

{91:1} Psalmus Cantici, In die Sabbati.
{91:1} A Canticle Psalm. On the day of the Sabbath.

{91:2} Bonum est confiteri Domino: et psallere nomini tuo Altissime.
{91:2} It is good to confess to the Lord and to sing psalms to your name, O Most High:

{91:3} Ad annunciandum mane misericordiam tuam: et veritatem tuam per noctem.
{91:3} to announce your mercy in the morning, and your truth throughout the night,

{91:4} In decachordo, psalterio: cum cantico, in cithara.
{91:4} upon the ten strings, upon the psaltery, with a canticle, upon stringed instruments.

{91:5} Quia delectasti me Domine in factura tua: et in operibus manuum tuarum exultabo.
{91:5} For you, O Lord, have delighted me with your doings, and I will exult in the works of your hands.

{91:6} Quam magnificata sunt opera tua Domine! nimis profundæ factæ sunt cogitationes tuæ:
{91:6} How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts have been made exceedingly deep.

{91:7} Vir insipiens non cognoscet: et stultus non intelliget hæc.
{91:7} A foolish man will not know these things, and a senseless one will not understand:

{91:8} Cum exorti fuerint peccatores sicut fœnum: et apparuerint omnes, qui operantur iniquitatem: Ut intereant in sæculum sæculi:
{91:8} when sinners will have risen up like grass, and when all those who work iniquity will have appeared, that they shall pass away, age after age.

{91:9} tu autem Altissimus in æternum Domine.
{91:9} But you, O Lord, are the Most High for all eternity.

{91:10} Quoniam ecce inimici tui Domine, quoniam ecce inimici tui peribunt: et dispergentur omnes, qui operantur iniquitatem.
{91:10} For behold your enemies, O Lord, for behold your enemies will perish, and all those who work iniquity will be dispersed.

{91:11} Et exaltabitur sicut unicornis cornu meum: et senectus mea in misericordia uberi.
{91:11} And my horn will be exalted like that of the single-horned beast, and my old age will be exalted in fruitful mercy.

~ Here the adjective ‘uberi’ (fertile, fruitful, productive; related to the word for breast) is used to describe the mercy of one’s old age (old age is not generally thought of as fertile or productive).

{91:12} Et despexit oculus meus inimicos meos: et in insurgentibus in me malignantibus audiet auris mea.
{91:12} And my eye has looked down upon my enemies, and my ear will hear of the malignant rising up against me.

{91:13} Iustus ut palma florebit: sicut cedrus Libani multiplicabitur.
{91:13} The just one will flourish like the palm tree. He will be multiplied like the cedar of Lebanon.

{91:14} Plantati in domo Domini, in atriis domus Dei nostri florebunt.
{91:14} Those planted in the house of the Lord will flourish in the courts of the house of our God.

{91:15} Adhuc multiplicabuntur in senecta uberi: et bene patientes erunt,
{91:15} They will still be multiplied in a fruitful old age, and they will endure well,

{91:16} ut annuncient: Quoniam rectus Dominus Deus noster: et non est iniquitas in eo.
{91:16} so that they may announce that the Lord our God is righteous and that there is no iniquity in him.

[Psalmus 92]
[Psalm 92] (93)

{92:1} Laus Cantici ipsi David, in die ante Sabbatum, quando fundata est terra.
{92:1} The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. In the time before the Sabbath, when the earth was founded.

~ The numbering of the Ninety-Second Psalm has been altered in the CPDV and the corresponding edit of the Vulgate. The prologue is now verse one, and what was formerly one long first verse has been broken into verses two and three. The other verses are numbered consecutively, totaling seven verses instead of five.

~ The word ‘die’ is translated as ‘time’ instead of ‘day’ because that is the meaning and because the use of day would be confusing since the creation of the world is metaphorically divided into 6 days. The 7th day was the first Sabbath, a day of rest.

{92:2} Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est:
{92:2} The Lord has reigned. He has been clothed with beauty.

{92:3} indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se. Etenim firmavit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur.
{92:3} The Lord has been clothed with strength, and he has girded himself. Yet he has also confirmed the world, which will not be moved.

{92:4} Parata sedes tua ex tunc: a sæculo tu es.
{92:4} My throne is prepared from of old. You are from everlasting.

{92:5} Elevaverunt flumina Domine: elevaverunt flumina vocem suam. Elevaverunt flumina fluctus suos,
{92:5} The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice. The floods have lifted up their waves,

{92:6} a vocibus aquarum multarum. Mirabiles elationes maris, mirabilis in altis Dominus.
{92:6} before the noise of many waters. Wondrous are the surges of the sea; wondrous is the Lord on high.

{92:7} Testimonia tua credibilia facta sunt nimis: domum tuam decet sanctitudo Domine in longitudinem dierum.
{92:7} Your testimonies have been made exceedingly trustworthy. Sanctity befits your house, O Lord, with length of days.

[Psalmus 93]
[Psalm 93] (94)

{93:1} Psalmus ipsi David, Quarta Sabbati. Deus ultionum Dominus: Deus ultionum libere egit.
{93:1} A Psalm of David himself. The Fourth Sabbath. The Lord is the God of retribution. The God of retribution acts in order to deliver.

{93:2} Exaltare qui iudicas terram: redde retributionem superbis.
{93:2} Lift yourself up, for you judge the earth. Repay the arrogant with retribution.

{93:3} Usquequo peccatores Domine: usquequo peccatores gloriabuntur:
{93:3} How long will sinners, O Lord, how long will sinners glory?

{93:4} Effabuntur, et loquentur iniquitatem: loquentur omnes, qui operantur iniustitiam?
{93:4} How long will they utter and speak iniquity? How long will all who work injustice speak out?

~ The translation words ‘how long...’ are implied from the previous verse.

{93:5} Populum tuum Domine humiliaverunt: et hereditatem tuam vexaverunt.
{93:5} They have humiliated your people, O Lord, and they have harassed your inheritance.

{93:6} Viduam, et advenam interfecerunt: et pupillos occiderunt.
{93:6} They have executed the widow and the new arrival, and they have slaughtered the orphan.

{93:7} Et dixerunt: Non videbit Dominus, nec intelliget Deus Iacob.
{93:7} And they have said, “The Lord will not see, nor will the God of Jacob understand.”

{93:8} Intelligite insipientes in populo: et stulti aliquando sapite.
{93:8} Understand, you senseless ones among the people. And be wise at last, you foolish ones.

{93:9} Qui plantavit aurem, non audiet? aut qui finxit oculum, non considerat?
{93:9} He who formed the ear, will he not hear? And he who forged the eye, does he not look closely?

{93:10} Qui corripit gentes, non arguet: qui docet hominem scientiam?
{93:10} He who chastises nations, he who teaches man knowledge, will he not rebuke?

~ Or, ‘He who chastises nations, will he not rebuke? for it is he who teaches man knowledge.’

{93:11} Dominus scit cogitationes hominum, quoniam vanæ sunt.
{93:11} The Lord knows the thoughts of men: that these are in vain.

{93:12} Beatus homo, quem tu erudieris Domine: et de lege tua docueris eum.
{93:12} Blessed is the man whom you will instruct, O Lord. And you will teach him from your law.

{93:13} Ut mitiges ei a diebus malis: donec fodiatur peccatori fovea.
{93:13} So may you soothe him from the evil days, until a pit may be dug for sinners.

{93:14} Quia non repellet Dominus plebem suam: et hereditatem suam non derelinquet.
{93:14} For the Lord will not drive away his people, and he will not abandon his inheritance,

{93:15} Quoadusque iustitia convertatur in iudicium: et qui iuxta illam omnes qui recto sunt corde.
{93:15} even until the time when justice is being converted into judgment, and when those who are close to justice are all those who are upright of heart.

~ The pronoun ‘illam’ is singular feminine, so it refers to ‘justitia’ not ‘judicium.’ The translation is somewhat loose in order to preserve the meaning of the Latin.

{93:16} Quis consurget mihi adversus malignantes? aut quis stabit mecum adversus operantes iniquitatem?
{93:16} Who will rise up with me against the malignant? Or who will stand with me against the workers of iniquity?

{93:17} Nisi quia Dominus adiuvit me: paulominus habitasset in inferno anima mea.
{93:17} Except that the Lord assisted me, my soul almost would have dwelt in Hell.

{93:18} Si dicebam: Motus est pes meus: misericordia tua Domine adiuvabat me.
{93:18} If ever I said, “My foot is slipping,” then your mercy, O Lord, assisted me.

{93:19} Secundum multitudinem dolorum meorum in corde meo: consolationes tuæ lætificaverunt animam meam.
{93:19} According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, your consolations have given joy to my soul.

{93:20} Numquid adhæret tibi sedes iniquitatis: qui fingis laborem in præcepto?
{93:20} Does the seat of iniquity adhere to you, you who contrive hardship within a commandment?

{93:21} Captabunt in animam iusti: et sanguinem innocentem condemnabunt.
{93:21} They will hunt down the soul of the just, and they will condemn innocent blood.

{93:22} Et factus est mihi Dominus in refugium: et Deus meus in adiutorium spei meæ.
{93:22} And the Lord has been made into a refuge for me, and my God into the assistance of my hope.

{93:23} Et reddet illis iniquitatem ipsorum: et in malitia eorum disperdet eos: disperdet illos Dominus Deus noster.
{93:23} And he will repay them their iniquity, and he will destroy them in their malice. The Lord our God will utterly destroy them.

[Psalmus 94]
[Psalm 94] (95)

{94:1} Laus Cantici ipsi David. Venite, exultemus Domino: iubilemus Deo salutari nostro:
{94:1} The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. Come, let us exult in the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to God, our Savior.

~ Or, ‘A Canticle Praise....’

{94:2} Præoccupemus faciem eius in confessione: et in psalmis iubilemus ei.
{94:2} Let us anticipate his presence with confession, and let us sing joyfully to him with psalms.

{94:3} Quoniam Deus magnus Dominus: et Rex magnus super omnes deos.
{94:3} For the Lord is a great God and a great King over all gods.

{94:4} Quia in manu eius sunt omnes fines terræ: et altitudines montium ipsius sunt.
{94:4} For in his hand are all the limits of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are his.

{94:5} Quoniam ipsius est mare, et ipse fecit illud: et siccam manus eius formaverunt.
{94:5} For the sea is his, and he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.

{94:6} Venite adoremus, et procidamus: et ploremus ante Dominum, qui fecit nos.
{94:6} Come, let us adore and fall prostrate, and let us weep before the Lord who made us.

{94:7} Quia ipse est Dominus Deus noster: et nos populus pascuæ eius, et oves manus eius.
{94:7} For he is the Lord our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.

{94:8} Hodie si vocem eius audieritis, nolite obdurare corda vestra;
{94:8} If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts:

{94:9} Sicut in irritatione secundum diem tentationis in deserto: ubi tentaverunt me patres vestri, probaverunt me, et viderunt opera mea.
{94:9} as in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness, where your fathers tempted me; they tested me, though they had seen my works.

{94:10} Quadraginta annis offensus fui generationi illi, et dixi: Semper hi errant corde.
{94:10} For forty years, I was offended by that generation, and I said: These have always strayed in heart.

{94:11} Et isti non cognoverunt vias meas: ut iuravi in ira mea: Si introibunt in requiem meam.
{94:11} And these have not known my ways. So I swore in my wrath: They shall not enter into my rest.

[Psalmus 95]
[Psalm 95] (96)

{95:1} Canticum ipsi David, Quando domus ædificabatur post captivitatem. Cantate Domino canticum novum: cantate Domino omnis terra.
{95:1} A Canticle of David himself, when the house was built after the captivity. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

{95:2} Cantate Domino, et benedicite nomini eius: annunciate de die in diem salutare eius.
{95:2} Sing to the Lord and bless his name. Announce his salvation from day to day.

{95:3} Annunciate inter Gentes gloriam eius, in omnibus populis mirabilia eius.
{95:3} Announce his glory among the Gentiles, his miracles among all peoples.

{95:4} Quoniam magnus Dominus, et laudabilis nimis: terribilis est super omnes deos.
{95:4} For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised. He is terrible, beyond all gods.

{95:5} Quoniam omnes dii Gentium dæmonia: Dominus autem cælos fecit.
{95:5} For all the gods of the Gentiles are demons, but the Lord made the heavens.

{95:6} Confessio, et pulchritudo in conspectu eius: sanctimonia, et magnificentia in sanctificatione eius.
{95:6} Confession and beauty are in his sight. Sanctity and magnificence are in his sanctuary.

~ Or, ‘Purity and magnificence are in his sanctuary.’

{95:7} Afferte Domino patriæ gentium, afferte Domino gloriam et honorem:
{95:7} Bring to the Lord, you natives of the nations, bring to the Lord glory and honor.

{95:8} afferte Domino gloriam nomini eius. Tollite hostias, et introite in atria eius:
{95:8} Bring to the Lord glory for his name. Lift up sacrifices, and enter into his courts.

{95:9} adorate Dominum in atrio sancto eius. Commoveatur a facie eius universa terra:
{95:9} Adore the Lord in his holy court. Let the entire earth be shaken before his face.

{95:10} dicite in Gentibus quia Dominus regnavit. Etenim correxit orbem terræ qui non commovebitur: iudicabit populos in æquitate.
{95:10} Say among the Gentiles: The Lord has reigned. For he has even corrected the whole world, which will not be shaken. He will judge the peoples with fairness.

~ Even though the previous verse said that the entire earth could be shaken before the face of God, this verse says that the whole world will not be shaken (or moved). Presently, the earth can and will be shaken, but eventually God will establish His kingdom on earth and it shall never be shaken (or moved or destroyed) again.

{95:11} Lætentur cæli, et exultet terra, commoveatur mare, et plenitudo eius:
{95:11} Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth exult; let the sea and all its fullness be moved.

{95:12} gaudebunt campi, et omnia quæ in eis sunt. Tunc exultabunt omnia ligna silvarum
{95:12} The fields and all the things that are in them will be glad. Then all the trees of the forest will rejoice

{95:13} a facie Domini, quia venit: quoniam venit iudicare terram. Iudicabit orbem terræ in æquitate, et populos in veritate sua.
{95:13} before the face of the Lord: for he arrives. For he arrives to judge the earth. He will judge the whole world with fairness and the peoples with his truth.

[Psalmus 96]
[Psalm 96] (97)

{96:1} Huic David, Quando terra eius restituta est. Dominus regnavit, exultet terra: lætentur insulæ multæ.
{96:1} This is to David, when his land was restored to him. The Lord has reigned, let the earth exult. Let the many islands rejoice.

~ The first two words are usually translated as ‘to this David,’ or ‘to the same David.’ The word ‘huic’ is dative, indicating an indirect object, which is often translated using the English ‘to’ or ‘for.’ Essentially, the first word, ‘huic’ translates as ‘for this,’ or ‘to this.’ The word ‘David’ (as with many non-Latin names) is not usually altered in its ending to indicate case. The translation could be ‘To this David,’ but then the word ‘this’ would not be of much use, except to indicate the case of the word ‘David,’ i.e. ‘To David,’ rather than ‘To this David.’ Another possible translation (a somewhat loose translation), would be to view ‘David’ as the subject: ‘David is for this,’ which can be rephrased in English as ‘This is for David.’

~ So the translation should be either: ‘To David,’ or, ‘This is for David.’ Both of which have approximately the same meaning.

{96:2} Nubes, et caligo in circuitu eius: iustitia, et iudicium correctio sedis eius.
{96:2} Clouds and mist are all around him. Justice and judgment are corrections from his throne.

{96:3} Ignis ante ipsum præcedet, et inflammabit in circuitu inimicos eius.
{96:3} A fire will precede him, and it will enflame his enemies all around.

{96:4} Illuxerunt fulgura eius orbi terræ: vidit, et commota est terra.
{96:4} His lightnings have enlightened the whole world. The earth saw, and it was shaken.

{96:5} Montes, sicut cera fluxerunt a facie Domini: a facie Domini omnis terra.
{96:5} The mountains flowed like wax before the face of the Lord, before the face of the Lord of all the earth.

{96:6} Annunciaverunt cæli iustitiam eius: et viderunt omnes populi gloriam eius.
{96:6} The heavens announced his justice, and all peoples saw his glory.

{96:7} Confundantur omnes, qui adorant sculptilia: et qui gloriantur in simulacris suis. Adorate eum omnes angeli eius:
{96:7} May all those who adore graven images be confounded, along with those who glory in their false images. All you his Angels: Adore him.

{96:8} audivit, et lætata est Sion. Et exultaverunt filiæ Iudæ, propter iudicia tua Domine:
{96:8} Zion heard, and was glad. And the daughters of Judah exulted because of your judgments, O Lord.

{96:9} Quoniam tu Dominus altissimus super omnem terram: nimis exaltatus es super omnes deos.
{96:9} For you are the Most High Lord over all the earth. You are greatly exalted above all gods.

{96:10} Qui diligitis Dominum, odite malum: custodit Dominus animas sanctorum suorum, de manu peccatoris liberabit eos.
{96:10} You who love the Lord: hate evil. The Lord watches over the souls of his holy ones. He will free them from the hand of the sinner.

{96:11} Lux orta est iusto, et rectis corde lætitia.
{96:11} The light has risen for the just, and joy for the upright of heart.

{96:12} Lætamini iusti in Domino: et confitemini memoriæ sanctificationis eius.
{96:12} Rejoice in the Lord, you just ones, and confess to the memory of his sanctuary.

[Psalmus 97]
[Psalm 97] (98)

{97:1} Psalmus ipsi David. Cantate Domino canticum novum: quia mirabilia fecit. Salvavit sibi dextera eius: et brachium sanctum eius.
{97:1} A Psalm of David himself. Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has performed wonders. His right hand has accomplished salvation for him, with his holy arm.

{97:2} Notum fecit Dominus salutare suum: in conspectu gentium revelavit iustitiam suam.
{97:2} The Lord has made known his salvation. He has revealed his justice in the sight of the nations.

{97:3} Recordatus est misericordiæ suæ, et veritatis suæ domui Israel. Viderunt omnes termini terræ salutare Dei nostri.
{97:3} He has remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

{97:4} Iubilate Deo omnis terra: cantate, et exultate, et psallite.
{97:4} Sing joyfully to God, all the earth. Sing and exult, and sing psalms.

{97:5} Psallite Domino in cithara, in cithara et voce psalmi:
{97:5} Sing psalms to the Lord with stringed instruments, with strings and the voice of a psalmist,

~ The translation here is less strict, in order to take into account a wide range of musical instruments, rather than trying to convey the type of instruments used in ancient times.

{97:6} in tubis ductilibus, et voce tubæ corneæ. Iubilate in conspectu regis Domini:
{97:6} with subtle wind instruments and the voice of woodwinds. Make a joyful noise before the Lord our king.

~ The ‘ductile’ tuba or trumpet, is not so much made of ductile metal, as it is metaphorically ductile, i.e. subtle and easily flowing in musical quality. The ‘tubæ corneæ’ refers to woodwinds because ‘tubae’ refers to any type of wind instrument, and ‘corneae’ refers to anything made from the wood of the cornel tree.

{97:7} moveatur mare, et plenitudo eius: orbis terrarum, et qui habitant in eo.
{97:7} Let the sea be moved and all its fullness, the whole world and all who dwell in it.

{97:8} Flumina plaudent manu, simul montes exultabunt
{97:8} The rivers will clap their hands, the mountains will exult together,

{97:9} a conspectu Domini: quoniam venit iudicare terram. Iudicabit orbem terrarum in iustitia, et populos in æquitate.
{97:9} before the presence of the Lord. For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the whole world with justice, and the peoples with fairness.

[Psalmus 98]
[Psalm 98] (99)

{98:1} Psalmus ipsi David. Dominus regnavit, irascantur populi: qui sedet super cherubim, moveatur terra.
{98:1} A Psalm of David himself. The Lord has reigned: let the peoples be angry. He sits upon the cherubim: let the earth be moved.

{98:2} Dominus in Sion magnus: et excelsus super omnes populos.
{98:2} The Lord is great in Zion, and he is high above all peoples.

{98:3} Confiteantur nomini tuo magno: quoniam terribile, et sanctum est:
{98:3} May they confess to your great name, for it is terrible and holy.

{98:4} et honor regis iudicium diligit. Tu parasti directiones: iudicium et iustitiam in Iacob tu fecisti.
{98:4} And the honor of the king loves judgment. You have prepared guidance. You have accomplished judgment and justice in Jacob.

{98:5} Exaltate Dominum Deum nostrum, et adorate scabellum pedum eius: quoniam sanctum est.
{98:5} Exalt the Lord our God, and adore the footstool of his feet, for it is holy.

{98:6} Moyses et Aaron in sacerdotibus eius: et Samuel inter eos, qui invocant nomen eius: Invocabant Dominum, et ipse exaudiebat eos:
{98:6} Moses and Aaron are among his priests, and Samuel is among those who call upon his name. They called upon the Lord, and he heeded them.

{98:7} in columna nubis loquebatur ad eos. Custodiebant testimonia eius, et præceptum quod dedit illis.
{98:7} He spoke to them in the pillar of the cloud. They kept his testimonies and the precept that he gave them.

{98:8} Domine Deus noster tu exaudiebas eos: Deus tu propitius fuisti eis, et ulciscens in omnes adinventiones eorum.
{98:8} You heeded them, O Lord our God. You were a forgiving God to them, though taking vengeance on all their inventions.

{98:9} Exaltate Dominum Deum nostrum, et adorate in monte sancto eius: quoniam sanctus Dominus Deus noster.
{98:9} Exalt the Lord our God, and adore on his holy mountain. For the Lord our God is holy.

[Psalmus 99]
[Psalm 99] (100)

{99:1} Psalmus in confessione.
{99:1} A Psalm of Confession.

{99:2} Iubilate Deo omnis terra: servite Domino in lætitia. Introite in conspectu eius, in exultatione.
{99:2} Shout joyfully to God, all the earth. Serve the Lord with rejoicing. Enter into his sight in exultation.

{99:3} Scitote quoniam Dominus ipse est Deus: ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos: Populus eius, et oves pascuæ eius:
{99:3} Know that the Lord himself is God. He made us, and we ourselves did not. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.

{99:4} introite portas eius in confessione, atria eius in hymnis: confitemini illi. Laudate nomen eius:
{99:4} Enter his gates with confession, his courts with hymns, and acknowledge him. Praise his name.

{99:5} quoniam suavis est Dominus, in æternum misericordia eius, et usque in generationem et generationem veritas eius.
{99:5} For the Lord is sweet, his mercy is in eternity, and his truth is from generation to generation.

[Psalmus 100]
[Psalm 100] (101)

{100:1} Psalmus ipsi David. Misericordiam, et iudicium cantabo tibi Domine: Psallam,
{100:1} A Psalm of David himself. I will sing mercy and judgment to you, O Lord. I will sing psalms.

{100:2} et intelligam in via immaculata, quando venies ad me. Perambulabam in innocentia cordis mei, in medio domus meæ.
{100:2} And I will have understanding within the immaculate way, when you will draw near to me. I wandered about in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.

{100:3} Non proponebam ante oculos meos rem iniustam: facientes prævaricationes odivi.
{100:3} I will not display any unjust thing before my eyes. I have hated those carrying out betrayals.

{100:4} Non adhæsit mihi cor pravum: declinantem a me malignum non cognoscebam.
{100:4} The perverse heart did not adhere to me. And the malignant, who turned away before me, I would not recognize.

{100:5} Detrahentem secreto proximo suo, hunc persequebar. Superbo oculo, et insatiabili corde, cum hoc non edebam.
{100:5} The one who secretly detracted his neighbor, this one I pursued. The one with an arrogant eye and an insatiable heart, with that one I would not eat.

{100:6} Oculi mei ad fideles terræ ut sedeant mecum: ambulans in via immaculata, hic mihi ministrabat.
{100:6} My eyes looked toward the faithful of the earth, to sit with me. The one walking in the immaculate way, this one ministered to me.

{100:7} Non habitabit in medio domus meæ qui facit superbiam: qui loquitur iniqua, non direxit in conspectu oculorum meorum.
{100:7} He who has acted arrogantly will not dwell in the midst of my house. He who has spoken iniquity was not guided with the sight of my eyes.

{100:8} In matutino interficiebam omnes peccatores terræ: ut disperderem de civitate Domini omnes operantes iniquitatem.
{100:8} In the morning, I executed all the sinners of the earth, so that I might scatter all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.

[Psalmus 101]
[Psalm 101] (102)

{101:1} Oratio pauperis, cum anxius fuerit, et in conspectu Domini effuderit precem suam.
{101:1} The prayer of the pauper, when he was anxious, and so he poured out his petition in the sight of the Lord.

{101:2} Domine exaudi orationem meam: et clamor meus ad te veniat.
{101:2} O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my outcry reach you.

{101:3} Non avertas faciem tuam a me: in quacumque die tribulor, inclina ad me aurem tuam. In quacumque die invocavero te, velociter exaudi me.
{101:3} Do not turn your face away from me. In whatever day that I am in trouble, incline your ear to me. In whatever day that I will call upon you, heed me quickly.

{101:4} Quia defecerunt sicut fumus dies mei: et ossa mea sicut cremium aruerunt.
{101:4} For my days have faded away like smoke, and my bones have dried out like firewood.

{101:5} Percussus sum ut fœnum, et aruit cor meum: quia oblitus sum comedere panem meum.
{101:5} I have been cut down like hay, and my heart has withered, for I had forgotten to eat my bread.

~ This last part refers to those who separate themselves from the Eucharist: they dry out like hay and are cut down, and their hearts wither.

{101:6} A voce gemitus mei adhæsit os meum carni meæ.
{101:6} Before the voice of my groaning, my bone has adhered to my flesh.

{101:7} Similis factus sum pellicano solitudinis: factus sum sicut nycticorax in domicilio.
{101:7} I have become like a pelican in solitude. I have become like a night raven in a house.

{101:8} Vigilavi, et factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto.
{101:8} I have kept vigil, and I have become like a solitary sparrow on a roof.

{101:9} Tota die exprobrabant mihi inimici mei: et qui laudabant me adversum me iurabant.
{101:9} All day long my enemies reproached me, and those who praised me swore oaths against me.

{101:10} Quia cinerem tamquam panem manducabam, et potum meum cum fletu miscebam.
{101:10} For I chewed on ashes like bread, and I mixed weeping into my drink.

{101:11} A facie iræ et indignationis tuæ: quia elevans allisisti me.
{101:11} By the face of your anger and indignation, you lifted me up and threw me down.

{101:12} Dies mei sicut umbra declinaverunt: et ego sicut fœnum arui.
{101:12} My days have declined like a shadow, and I have dried out like hay.

{101:13} Tu autem Domine in æternum permanes: et memoriale tuum in generationem et generationem.
{101:13} But you, O Lord, endure for eternity, and your memorial is from generation to generation.

{101:14} Tu exurgens misereberis Sion: quia tempus miserendi eius, quia venit tempus.
{101:14} You will rise up and take pity on Zion, for it is time for its mercy, for the time has come.

{101:15} Quoniam placuerunt servis tuis lapides eius: et terræ eius miserebuntur.
{101:15} For its stones have pleased your servants, and they will take pity on its land.

{101:16} Et timebunt Gentes nomen tuum Domine, et omnes reges terræ gloriam tuam.
{101:16} And the Gentiles will fear your name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth your glory.

{101:17} Quia ædificavit Dominus Sion: et videbitur in gloria sua.
{101:17} For the Lord has built up Zion, and he will be seen in his glory.

{101:18} Respexit in orationem humilium: et non sprevit precem eorum.
{101:18} He has noticed the prayer of the humble, and he has not despised their petition.

{101:19} Scribantur hæc in generatione altera: et populus, qui creabitur, laudabit Dominum:
{101:19} Let these things be written in another generation, and the people who will be created will praise the Lord.

{101:20} Quia prospexit de excelso sancto suo: Dominus de cælo in terram aspexit:
{101:20} For he has gazed from his high sanctuary. From heaven, the Lord has beheld the earth.

{101:21} Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum: ut solveret filios interemptorum:
{101:21} So may he hear the groans of those in shackles, in order that he may release the sons of the slain.

{101:22} Ut annuncient in Sion nomen Domini: et laudem eius in Ierusalem.
{101:22} So may they announce the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem:

{101:23} In conveniendo populos in unum, et reges ut serviant Domino.
{101:23} while the people convene, along with kings, in order that they may serve the Lord.

{101:24} Respondit ei in via virtutis suæ: Paucitatem dierum meorum nuncia mihi.
{101:24} He responded to him in the way of his virtue: Declare to me the brevity of my days.

{101:25} Ne revoces me in dimidio dierum meorum: in generationem et generationem anni tui.
{101:25} Do not call me back in the middle of my days: your years are from generation to generation.

{101:26} Initio tu Domine terram fundasti: et opera manuum tuarum sunt cæli.
{101:26} In the beginning, O Lord, you founded the earth. And the heavens are the work of your hands.

{101:27} Ipsi peribunt, tu autem permanes: et omnes sicut vestimentum veterascent. Et sicut opertorium mutabis eos, et mutabuntur:
{101:27} They will perish, but you remain. And all will grow old like a garment. And, like a blanket, you will change them, and they will be changed.

{101:28} tu autem idem ipse es, et anni tui non deficient.
{101:28} Yet you are ever yourself, and your years will not decline.

{101:29} Filii servorum tuorum habitabunt: et semen eorum in sæculum dirigetur.
{101:29} The sons of your servants will live, and their offspring will be guided aright in every age.

[Psalmus 102]
[Psalm 102] (103)

{102:1} Ipsi David. Benedic anima mea Domino et omnia, quæ intra me sunt, nomini sancto eius.
{102:1} To David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and bless his holy name, all that is within me.

{102:2} Benedic anima mea Domino: et noli oblivisci omnes retributiones eius:
{102:2} Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his recompenses.

{102:3} Qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis: qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas.
{102:3} He forgives all your iniquities. He heals all your infirmities.

{102:4} Qui redimit de interitu vitam tuam: qui coronat te in misericordia et miserationibus.
{102:4} He redeems your life from destruction. He crowns you with mercy and compassion.

{102:5} Qui replet in bonis desiderium tuum: renovabitur ut aquilæ iuventus tua:
{102:5} He satisfies your desire with good things. Your youth will be renewed like that of the eagle.

{102:6} Faciens misericordias Dominus: et iudicium omnibus iniuriam patientibus.
{102:6} The Lord accomplishes mercies, and his judgment is for all who patiently endure injuries.

{102:7} Notas fecit vias suas Moysi, filiis Israel voluntates suas.
{102:7} He has made his ways known to Moses, his will to the sons of Israel.

{102:8} Miserator, et misericors Dominus: longanimis, et multum misericors.
{102:8} The Lord is compassionate and merciful, patient and full of mercy.

{102:9} Non in perpetuum irascetur: neque in æternum comminabitur.
{102:9} He will not be angry forever, and he will not threaten for eternity.

{102:10} Non secundum peccata nostra fecit nobis: neque secundum iniquitates nostras retribuit nobis.
{102:10} He has not dealt with us according to our sins, and he has not repaid us according to our iniquities.

{102:11} Quoniam secundum altitudinem cæli a terra: corroboravit misericordiam suam super timentes se.
{102:11} For according to the height of the heavens above the earth, so has he reinforced his mercy toward those who fear him.

{102:12} Quantum distat Ortus ab Occidente: longe fecit a nobis iniquitates nostras.
{102:12} As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our iniquities from us.

{102:13} Quomodo miseretur pater filiorum, misertus est Dominus timentibus se:
{102:13} As a father is compassionate to his sons, so has the Lord been compassionate to those who fear him.

{102:14} quoniam ipse cognovit figmentum nostrum. Recordatus est quoniam pulvis sumus:
{102:14} For he knows our form. He has called to mind that we are dust.

{102:15} homo, sicut fœnum dies eius, tamquam flos agri sic efflorebit.
{102:15} Man: his days are like hay. Like the flower of the field, so will he flourish.

{102:16} Quoniam spiritus pertransibit in illo, et non subsistet: et non cognoscet amplius locum suum.
{102:16} For the spirit in him will pass away, and it will not remain, and he will know his place no longer.

{102:17} Misericordia autem Domini ab æterno, et usque in æternum super timentes eum. Et iustitia illius in filios filiorum,
{102:17} But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity, and even unto eternity, upon those who fear him. And his justice is with the sons of the sons,

{102:18} his qui servant testamentum eius: Et memores sunt mandatorum ipsius, ad faciendum ea.
{102:18} with those who serve his covenant and have been mindful of his commandments by doing them.

{102:19} Dominus in cælo paravit sedem suam: et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur.
{102:19} The Lord has prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom will rule over all.

{102:20} Benedicite Domino omnes angeli eius: potentes virtute, facientes verbum illius, ad audiendam vocem sermonum eius.
{102:20} Bless the Lord, all you his Angels: powerful in virtue, doing his word, in order to heed the voice of his discourse.

{102:21} Benedicite Domino omnes virtutes eius: ministri eius, qui facitis voluntatem eius.
{102:21} Bless the Lord, all his hosts: his ministers who do his will.

{102:22} Benedicite Domino omnia opera eius: in omni loco dominationis eius, benedic anima mea Domino.
{102:22} Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

[Psalmus 103]
[Psalm 103] (104)

{103:1} Ipsi David. Benedic anima mea Domino: Domine Deus meus magnificatus es vehementer. Confessionem, et decorem induisti:
{103:1} To David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are exceedingly great. You have clothed yourself with confession and beauty;

{103:2} amictus lumine sicut vestimento: Extendens cælum sicut pellem:
{103:2} you are dressed with light like a garment, while you stretch out heaven like a tent.

{103:3} qui tegis aquis superiora eius. Qui ponis nubem ascensum tuum: qui ambulas super pennas ventorum.
{103:3} You cover its heights with water. You set the clouds as your stairs. You walk upon the wings of the winds.

{103:4} Qui facis angelos tuos, spiritus: et ministros tuos ignem urentem.
{103:4} You make your Angels a breath of life, and your ministers a burning fire.

{103:5} Qui fundasti terram super stabilitatem suam: non inclinabitur in sæculum sæculi.
{103:5} You founded the earth upon its stable base. It will not be bent from age to age.

{103:6} Abyssus, sicut vestimentum, amictus eius: super montes stabunt aquæ.
{103:6} The abyss, like a garment, is its clothing. The waters will remain standing above the mountains.

{103:7} Ab increpatione tua fugient: a voce tonitrui tui formidabunt.
{103:7} At your rebuke, they will flee. At the voice of your thunder, they will dread.

{103:8} Ascendunt montes: et descendunt campi in locum, quem fundasti eis.
{103:8} The mountains ascend, and the plains descend, to the place which you have founded for them.

{103:9} Terminum posuisti, quem non transgredientur: neque convertentur operire terram.
{103:9} You have set a limit that they will not cross. And they will not return to cover the earth.

{103:10} Qui emittis fontes in convallibus: inter medium montium pertransibunt aquæ.
{103:10} You spring forth fountains in steep valleys. The waters will cross through the midst of the mountains.

{103:11} Potabunt omnes bestiæ agri: expectabunt onagri in siti sua.
{103:11} All the wild beasts of the field will drink. The wild donkeys will anticipate in their thirst.

{103:12} Super ea volucres cæli habitabunt: de medio petrarum dabunt voces.
{103:12} Above them, the flying things of the air will dwell. From the midst of the rocks, they will utter voices.

{103:13} Rigans montes de superioribus suis: de fructu operum tuorum satiabitur terra:
{103:13} You irrigate the mountains from your heights. The earth will be satiated from the fruit of your works,

{103:14} Producens fœnum iumentis, et herbam servituti hominum: Ut educas panem de terra:
{103:14} producing grass for cattle and herbs for the service of men. So may you draw bread from the earth,

{103:15} et vinum lætificet cor hominis: Ut exhilaret faciem in oleo: et panis cor hominis confirmet.
{103:15} and wine, in order to cheer the heart of man. Then he may gladden his face with oil, and bread will confirm the heart of man.

{103:16} Saturabuntur ligna campi, et cedri Libani, quas plantavit:
{103:16} The trees of the field will be saturated, along with the cedars of Lebanon, which he planted.

{103:17} illic passeres nidificabunt. Herodii domus dux est eorum:
{103:17} There, the sparrows will make their nests. The leader of them is the house of the heron.

~ Notice that in Latin, ‘heron’ is ‘Herod,’ making this verse a spiritual reference to Herod the great, and to other evil leaders who follow in his footsteps.

{103:18} montes excelsi cervis: petra refugium herinaciis.
{103:18} The heights of the hills are for the deer; the rock is a refuge for the hedgehog.

{103:19} Fecit lunam in tempora: sol cognovit occasum suum.
{103:19} He has made the moon for seasons; the sun knows its setting.

{103:20} Posuisti tenebras, et facta est nox: in ipsa pertransibunt omnes bestiæ silvæ.
{103:20} You appointed darkness, and it has become night; all the beasts of the forest will cross through it.

{103:21} Catuli leonum rugientes, ut rapiant, et quærant a Deo escam sibi.
{103:21} The young lions will roar, while searching for and seizing their meal from God.

{103:22} Ortus est sol, et congregati sunt: et in cubilibus suis collocabuntur.
{103:22} The sun arose, and they were gathered together; and in their dens, they will lie down together.

{103:23} Exibit homo ad opus suum: et ad operationem suam usque ad vesperum.
{103:23} Man will go forth to his work and to his activities, until the evening.

{103:24} Quam magnificata sunt opera tua Domine! omnia in sapientia fecisti: impleta est terra possessione tua.
{103:24} How great are your works, O Lord! You have made all things in wisdom. The earth has been filled with your possessions.

{103:25} Hoc mare magnum, et spatiosum manibus: illic reptilia, quorum non est numerus. Animalia pusilla cum magnis:
{103:25} This sea is great and its hands are spacious. There are creeping things without number: the small animals with the great.

~ Or, ‘animals great and small.’

{103:26} illic naves pertransibunt. Draco iste, quem formasti ad illudendum ei:
{103:26} There, the ships will pass by this sea-serpent that you have formed to mock them.

{103:27} omnia a te expectant ut des illis escam in tempore.
{103:27} All these expect you to give them food in due time.

{103:28} Dante te illis, colligent: aperiente te manum tuam, omnia implebuntur bonitate.
{103:28} What you give to them, they will gather. When you open your hand, they will all be filled with goodness.

{103:29} Avertente autem te faciem, turbabuntur: auferes spiritum eorum, et deficient, et in pulverem suum revertentur.
{103:29} But if you turn your face away, they will be disturbed. You will take away their breath, and they will fail, and they will return to their dust.

{103:30} Emittes Spiritum tuum, et creabuntur: et renovabis faciem terræ.
{103:30} You will send forth your Spirit, and they will be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

{103:31} Sit gloria Domini in sæculum: lætabitur Dominus in operibus suis:
{103:31} May the glory of the Lord be for all ages. The Lord will rejoice in his works.

{103:32} Qui respicit terram, et facit eam tremere: qui tangit montes, et fumigant.
{103:32} He considers the earth, and he makes it tremble. He touches the mountains, and they smoke.

{103:33} Cantabo Domino in vita mea: psallam Deo meo quamdiu sum.
{103:33} I will sing to the Lord with my life. I will sing psalms to my God, as long as I am.

~ A holy life is a pure and pleasing song to the Lord. I will sing to the Lord with my life.

{103:34} Iucundum sit ei eloquium meum: ego vero delectabor in Domino.
{103:34} May my speech be pleasing to him. Truly, I will take delight in the Lord.

{103:35} Deficiant peccatores a terra, et iniqui ita ut non sint: benedic anima mea Domino.
{103:35} Let sinners fade away from the earth, along with the unjust, so that they may not be. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

[Psalmus 104]
[Psalm 104] (105)

{104:1} Alleluia. Confitemini Domino, et invocate nomen eius: annunciate inter gentes opera eius.
{104:1} Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, and invoke his name. Announce his works among the nations.

{104:2} Cantate ei, et psallite ei: narrate omnia mirabilia eius.
{104:2} Sing to him, and sing psalms to him. Describe all his wonders.

{104:3} Laudamini in nomine sancto eius: lætetur cor quærentium Dominum.
{104:3} Be praised in his holy name. Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

{104:4} Quærite Dominum, et confirmamini: quærite faciem eius semper.
{104:4} Seek the Lord, and be confirmed. Seek his face always.

{104:5} Mementote mirabilium eius, quæ fecit: prodigia eius, et iudicia oris eius.
{104:5} Remember his miracles, which he has done, his portents and the judgments of his mouth:

{104:6} Semen Abraham, servi eius: filii Iacob electi eius.
{104:6} you offspring of Abraham his servant, you sons of Jacob his elect.

{104:7} Ipse Dominus Deus noster: in universa terra iudicia eius.
{104:7} He is the Lord our God. His judgments are throughout the entire earth.

{104:8} Memor fuit in sæculum testamenti sui: verbi, quod mandavit in mille generationes:
{104:8} He has remembered his covenant for all ages: the word that he entrusted to a thousand generations,

{104:9} Quod disposuit ad Abraham: et iuramenti sui ad Isaac:
{104:9} which he assigned to Abraham, and his oath to Isaac.

{104:10} Et statuit illud Iacob in præceptum: et Israel in testamentum æternum:
{104:10} And he stationed the same for Jacob with a precept, and for Israel with an eternal testament,

{104:11} Dicens: Tibi dabo Terram Chanaan, funiculum hereditatis vestræ.
{104:11} saying: To you, I will give the land of Canaan, the allotment of your inheritance.

~ Literally, ‘the line of your inheritance.’ A line or string was used to cast a certain type of lot.

{104:12} Cum essent numero brevi, paucissimi et incolæ eius:
{104:12} Though they may have been but a small number, very few and foreigners there,

{104:13} Et pertransierunt de gente in gentem, et de regno ad populum alterum.
{104:13} and though they passed from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people,

{104:14} Non reliquit hominem nocere eis: et corripuit pro eis reges.
{104:14} he allowed no man to harm them, and he reproved kings on their behalf.

{104:15} Nolite tangere Christos meos: et in prophetis meis nolite malignari.
{104:15} Do not be willing to touch my Christ, and do not be willing to malign my prophets.

{104:16} Et vocavit famem super terram: et omne firmamentum panis contrivit.
{104:16} And he called a famine upon the land, and he crushed every foundation of the bread.

{104:17} Misit ante eos virum: in servum venundatus est Ioseph.
{104:17} He sent a man before them: Joseph, who had been sold as a slave.

{104:18} Humiliaverunt in compedibus pedes eius, ferrum pertransiit animam eius,
{104:18} They humbled his feet in shackles; the iron pierced his soul,

{104:19} donec veniret verbum eius. Eloquium Domini inflammavit eum:
{104:19} until his word arrived. The eloquence of the Lord inflamed him.

{104:20} misit rex, et solvit eum; princeps populorum, et dimisit eum.
{104:20} The king sent and released him; he was the ruler of the people, and he dismissed him.

{104:21} Constituit eum dominum domus suæ: et principem omnis possessionis suæ:
{104:21} He established him as master of his house and ruler of all his possessions,

{104:22} Ut erudiret principes eius sicut semetipsum: et senes eius prudentiam doceret.
{104:22} so that he might instruct his princes as himself, and teach his elders prudence.

{104:23} Et intravit Israel in Ægyptum: et Iacob accola fuit in Terra Cham.
{104:23} And Israel entered into Egypt, and Jacob became a sojourner in the land of Ham.

{104:24} Et auxit populum suum vehementer: et firmavit eum super inimicos eius.
{104:24} And he helped his people greatly, and he strengthened them over their enemies.

{104:25} Convertit cor eorum ut odirent populum eius: et dolum facerent in servos eius.
{104:25} He turned their heart to hate his people, and to deal deceitfully with his servants.

{104:26} Misit Moysen servum suum: Aaron, quem elegit ipsum.
{104:26} He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, the one whom he chose.

{104:27} Posuit in eis verba signorum suorum, et prodigiorum in Terra Cham.
{104:27} He placed with them signs of his word, and portents in the land of Ham.

{104:28} Misit tenebras, et obscuravit: et non exacerbavit sermones suos.
{104:28} He sent darkness and made it conceal, and he did not afflict them with his speech.

~ They would not listen to God’s word, so He in turn did not aggravate them by continuing to speak to them. Instead, he gave them signs in the form of afflictions.

{104:29} Convertit aquas eorum in sanguinem: et occidit pisces eorum.
{104:29} He turned their waters into blood, and he slaughtered their fish.

{104:30} Edidit terra eorum ranas in penetralibus regum ipsorum.
{104:30} Their land brought forth frogs, even in the inner chambers of their kings.

{104:31} Dixit, et venit cœnomyia: et cinifes in omnibus finibus eorum.
{104:31} He spoke, and there came forth common flies and gnats, in every region.

{104:32} Posuit pluvias eorum grandinem: ignem comburentem in terra ipsorum.
{104:32} He gave them a shower of hail and a burning fire, in the same land.

{104:33} Et percussit vineas eorum, et ficulneas eorum: et contrivit lignum finium eorum.
{104:33} And he struck their vineyards and their fig trees, and he crushed the trees of their region.

{104:34} Dixit, et venit locusta, et bruchus, cuius non erat numerus:
{104:34} He spoke, and the locust came forth, and the caterpillar, of which there was no number.

{104:35} Et comedit omne fœnum in terra eorum: et comedit omnem fructum terræ eorum.
{104:35} And it devoured all the grass in their land, and it consumed all the fruit of their land.

{104:36} Et percussit omne primogenitum in terra eorum: primitias omnis laboris eorum.
{104:36} And he struck all the first-born in their land, the first-fruits of all their labor.

{104:37} Et eduxit eos cum argento et auro: et non erat in tribubus eorum infirmus.
{104:37} And he led them out with silver and gold, and there was not an infirm one among their tribes.

{104:38} Lætata est Ægyptus in profectione eorum: quia incubuit timor eorum super eos.
{104:38} Egypt was joyful at their departure, for the fear of them lay heavy upon them.

{104:39} Expandit nubem in protectionem eorum, et ignem ut luceret eis per noctem.
{104:39} He spread a cloud for their protection, and a fire, to give them light through the night.

{104:40} Petierunt, et venit coturnix: et pane cæli saturavit eos.
{104:40} They petitioned, and the quail came; and he satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

{104:41} Dirupit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ: abierunt in sicco flumina;
{104:41} He ruptured the rock and the waters flowed: rivers gushed in the dry land.

{104:42} Quoniam memor fuit verbi sancti sui, quod habuit ad Abraham puerum suum.
{104:42} For he had called to mind his holy word, which he kept near to his servant Abraham.

{104:43} Et eduxit populum suum in exultatione, et electos suos in lætitia.
{104:43} And he led forth his people in exultation, and his elect in rejoicing.

{104:44} Et dedit illis regiones Gentium: et labores populorum possederunt:
{104:44} And he gave them the regions of the Gentiles, and they possessed the labors of the peoples,

{104:45} Ut custodiant iustificationes eius, et legem eius requirant.
{104:45} so that they might observe his justifications, and inquire about his law.

[Psalmus 105]
[Psalm 105] (106)

{105:1} Alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
{105:1} Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is with every generation.

{105:2} Quis loquetur potentias Domini, auditas faciet omnes laudes eius?
{105:2} Who will declare the powers of the Lord? Who make a hearing for all his praises?

{105:3} Beati, qui custodiunt iudicium, et faciunt iustitiam in omni tempore.
{105:3} Blessed are those who keep judgment and who do justice at all times.

{105:4} Memento nostri Domine in beneplacito populi tui: visita nos in salutari tuo:
{105:4} Remember us, O Lord, with good will for your people. Visit us with your salvation,

{105:5} Ad videndum in bonitate electorum tuorum, ad lætandum in lætitia gentis tuæ: ut lauderis cum hereditate tua.
{105:5} so that we may see the goodness of your elect, so that we may rejoice in the joy of your nation, so that you may be praised along with your inheritance.

{105:6} Peccavimus cum patribus nostris: iniuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.
{105:6} We have sinned, as have our fathers. We have acted unjustly; we have wrought iniquity.

{105:7} Patres nostri in Ægypto non intellexerunt mirabilia tua: non fuerunt memores multitudinis misericordiæ tuæ. Et irritaverunt ascendentes in mare, Mare Rubrum.
{105:7} Our fathers did not understand your miracles in Egypt. They did not remember the multitude of your mercies. And they provoked you, while going up to the sea, even the Red Sea.

{105:8} Et salvavit eos propter nomen suum: ut notam faceret potentiam suam.
{105:8} And he saved them for the sake of his name, so that he might make known his power.

{105:9} Et increpuit Mare Rubrum, et exiccatum est: et deduxit eos in abyssis sicut in deserto.
{105:9} And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up. And he led them into the abyss, as if into a desert.

{105:10} Et salvavit eos de manu odientium: et redemit eos de manu inimici.
{105:10} And he saved them from the hand of those who hated them. And he redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

{105:11} Et operuit aqua tribulantes eos: unus ex eis non remansit.
{105:11} And the water covered those who troubled them. Not one of them remained.

{105:12} Et crediderunt verbis eius: et laudaverunt laudem eius.
{105:12} And they believed his words, and they sang his praises.

{105:13} Cito fecerunt, obliti sunt operum eius: et non sustinuerunt consilium eius.
{105:13} As soon as they had finished, they forgot his works, and they would not endure his counsel.

{105:14} Et concupierunt concupiscentiam in deserto: et tentaverunt Deum in inaquoso.
{105:14} And they coveted their desire in the desert, and they tempted God in a waterless place.

{105:15} Et dedit eis petitionem ipsorum: et misit saturitatem in animas eorum.
{105:15} And he granted to them their request, and he sent abundance into their souls.

{105:16} Et irritaverunt Moysen in castris: Aaron sanctum Domini.
{105:16} And they provoked Moses in the camp, and Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.

{105:17} Aperta est terra, et deglutivit Dathan: et operuit super congregationem Abiron.
{105:17} The earth opened and swallowed Dathan, and it covered the congregation of Abiram.

{105:18} Et exarsit ignis in synagoga eorum: flamma combussit peccatores.
{105:18} And a fire broke out in their congregation. A flame burned up the sinners.

{105:19} Et fecerunt vitulum in Horeb: et adoraverunt sculptile.
{105:19} And they fashioned a calf at Horeb, and they adored a graven image.

{105:20} Et mutaverunt gloriam suam in similitudinem vituli comedentis fœnum.
{105:20} And they exchanged their glory for the likeness of a calf that eats hay.

{105:21} Obliti sunt Deum, qui salvavit eos, qui fecit magnalia in Ægypto,
{105:21} They forgot God, who saved them, who did great things in Egypt:

{105:22} mirabilia in Terra Cham: terribilia in Mari Rubro.
{105:22} miracles in the land of Ham, terrible things at the Red Sea.

{105:23} Et dixit ut disperderet eos: si non Moyses electus eius stetisset in confractione in conspectu eius: Ut averteret iram eius ne disperderet eos:
{105:23} And he said that he would destroy them, yet Moses, his elect, stood firm before him in the breach, in order to avert his wrath, lest he destroy them.

{105:24} et pro nihilo habuerunt terram desiderabilem: Non crediderunt verbo eius,
{105:24} And they held the desirable land to be nothing. They did not trust in his word.

{105:25} et murmuraverunt in tabernaculis suis: non exaudierunt vocem Domini.
{105:25} And they murmured in their tabernacles. They did not heed the voice of the Lord.

{105:26} Et elevavit manum suam super eos: ut prosterneret eos in deserto:
{105:26} And he lifted up his hand over them, in order to prostrate them in the desert,

{105:27} Et ut deiiceret semen eorum in Nationibus: et dispergeret eos in regionibus.
{105:27} and in order to cast their offspring among the nations, and to scatter them among the regions.

{105:28} Et initiati sunt Beelphegor: et comederunt sacrificia mortuorum.
{105:28} And they were initiated into Baal of Peor, and they ate the sacrifices of the dead.

{105:29} Et irritaverunt eum in adinventionibus suis: et multiplicata est in eis ruina.
{105:29} And they provoked him with their inventions, and ruination was multiplied in them.

{105:30} Et stetit Phinees, et placavit: et cessavit quassatio.
{105:30} Then Phinehas stood up and placated him: and so the violent disturbance ceased.

{105:31} Et reputatum est ei in iustitiam, in generationem et generationem usque in sempiternum.
{105:31} And it was reputed to him unto justice, from generation to generation, even forever.

{105:32} Et irritaverunt eum ad Aquas Contradictionis: et vexatus est Moyses propter eos:
{105:32} And they provoked him at the Waters of Contradiction, and Moses was afflicted because of them,

{105:33} quia exacerbaverunt spiritum eius. Et distinxit in labiis suis:
{105:33} for they exasperated his spirit. And so he divided them with his lips.

{105:34} non disperdiderunt gentes, quas dixit Dominus illis.
{105:34} They did not destroy the nations, about which the Lord had spoken to them.

{105:35} Et commisti sunt inter Gentes, et didicerunt opera eorum:
{105:35} And they were mixed among the Gentiles. And they learned their works,

{105:36} et servierunt sculptilibus eorum: et factum est illis in scandalum.
{105:36} and they served their graven images, and it became a scandal to them.

{105:37} Et immolaverunt filios suos, et filias suas dæmoniis.
{105:37} And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.

{105:38} Et effuderunt sanguinem innocentem: sanguinem filiorum suorum et filiarum suarum, quas sacrificaverunt sculptilibus Chanaan. Et infecta est terra in sanguinibus,
{105:38} And they shed innocent blood: the blood of their sons and of their daughters, which they sacrificed to the graven images of Canaan. And the land was infected with bloodshed,

{105:39} et contaminata est in operibus eorum: et fornicati sunt in adinventionibus suis.
{105:39} and was contaminated with their works. And they fornicated according to their own inventions.

{105:40} Et iratus est furore Dominus in populum suum: et abominatus est hereditatem suam.
{105:40} And the Lord became furiously angry with his people, and he abhorred his inheritance.

{105:41} Et tradidit eos in manus gentium: et dominati sunt eorum qui oderunt eos.
{105:41} And he delivered them into the hands of the nations. And those who hated them became rulers over them.

{105:42} Et tribulaverunt eos inimici eorum, et humiliati sunt sub manibus eorum:
{105:42} And their enemies afflicted them, and they were humbled under their hands.

{105:43} sæpe liberavit eos. Ipsi autem exacerbaverunt eum in consilio suo: et humiliati sunt in iniquitatibus suis.
{105:43} Many times, he delivered them. Yet they provoked him with their counsel, and they were brought low by their iniquities.

{105:44} Et vidit cum tribularentur: et audivit orationem eorum.
{105:44} And he saw that they were in tribulation, and he heard their prayer.

{105:45} Et memor fuit testamenti sui: et pœnituit eum secundum multitudinem misericordiæ suæ.
{105:45} And he was mindful of his covenant, and he repented according to the multitude of his mercies.

{105:46} Et dedit eos in misericordias in conspectu omnium qui ceperant eos.
{105:46} And he provided for them with mercies, in the sight of all those who had seized them.

{105:47} Salvos nos fac Domine Deus noster: et congrega nos de Nationibus: Ut confiteamur nomini sancto tuo: et gloriemur in laude tua.
{105:47} Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from the nations, so that we may confess your holy name and glory in your praise.

{105:48} Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel a sæculo et usque in sæculum: et dicet omnis populus: Fiat, fiat.
{105:48} Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, from ages past, even to all ages. And let all the people say: Amen. Amen.

[Psalmus 106]
[Psalm 106] (107)

{106:1} Alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
{106:1} Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is with every generation.

{106:2} Dicant qui redempti sunt a Domino, quos redemit de manu inimici: et de regionibus congregavit eos:
{106:2} Let those who have been redeemed by the Lord say so: those whom he redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered from the regions,

{106:3} A solis ortu, et occasu: ab Aquilone, et mari.
{106:3} from the rising of the sun and its setting, from the north and from the sea.

{106:4} Erraverunt in solitudine in inaquoso: viam civitatis habitaculi non invenerunt,
{106:4} They wandered into solitude in a waterless place. They did not find the way of the city to be their dwelling place.

{106:5} Esurientes, et sitientes: anima eorum in ipsis defecit.
{106:5} They were hungry, and they were thirsty. Their soul fainted within them.

{106:6} Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum eripuit eos.
{106:6} And they cried out to the Lord in tribulation, and he rescued them in their necessity.

{106:7} Et deduxit eos in viam rectam: ut irent in civitatem habitationis.
{106:7} And he led them in the right way, so that they might go forth to a city of habitation.

~ Or, ‘on a straight path.’ The phrase ‘civitatem habitationis’ refers to a livable city, unlike the cities of the unbelievers, which are places of desolation for those who believe.

{106:8} Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
{106:8} Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.

{106:9} Quia satiavit animam inanem: et animam esurientem satiavit bonis.
{106:9} For he has satisfied the empty soul, and he has satisfied the hungry soul with good things:

{106:10} Sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis: vinctos in mendicitate, et ferro.
{106:10} those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, shackled by extreme poverty and by iron.

{106:11} Quia exacerbaverunt eloquia Dei: et consilium Altissimi irritaverunt.
{106:11} For they exasperated the eloquence of God, and they irritated the deliberation of the Most High.

{106:12} Et humiliatum est in laboribus cor eorum: infirmati sunt, nec fuit qui adiuvaret.
{106:12} And their heart was brought low with hardships. They were weakened, and there was no one to help them.

{106:13} Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
{106:13} And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he freed them from their distress.

{106:14} Et eduxit eos de tenebris, et umbra mortis: et vincula eorum dirupit.
{106:14} And he led them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and he broke apart their chains.

{106:15} Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
{106:15} Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.

{106:16} Quia contrivit portas æreas: et vectes ferreos confregit.
{106:16} For he has crushed the gates of brass and broken the iron bars.

{106:17} Suscepit eos de via iniquitatis eorum: propter iniustitias enim suas humiliati sunt.
{106:17} He has taken them up, from the way of their iniquity. For they were brought low, because of their injustices.

{106:18} Omnem escam abominata est anima eorum: et appropinquaverunt usque ad portas mortis.
{106:18} Their soul abhorred all food, and they drew near even to the gates of death.

{106:19} Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
{106:19} And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he delivered them in their necessity.

{106:20} Misit verbum suum, et sanavit eos: et eripuit eos de interitionibus eorum.
{106:20} He sent his word, and he healed them, and he rescued them from their utter destruction.

{106:21} Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
{106:21} Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.

{106:22} Et sacrificent sacrificium laudis: et annuncient opera eius in exultatione.
{106:22} And let them offer sacrifice with the sacrifice of praise, and let them announce his works in exultation.

{106:23} Qui descendunt mare in navibus, facientes operationem in aquis multis.
{106:23} Those who descend to the sea in ships, making their livelihood in the great waters:

{106:24} Ipsi viderunt opera Domini, et mirabilia eius in profundo.
{106:24} these have seen the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep.

{106:25} Dixit, et stetit spiritus procellæ: et exaltati sunt fluctus eius.
{106:25} He spoke: and a windstorm stood up, and its waves were exalted.

{106:26} Ascendunt usque ad cælos, et descendunt usque ad abyssos: anima eorum in malis tabescebat.
{106:26} They ascend even to the heavens, and they descend even to the abyss. Their soul will waste away in distress.

{106:27} Turbati sunt, et moti sunt sicut ebrius: et omnis sapientia eorum devorata est.
{106:27} They were troubled, and they moved like a drunkard, and all their wisdom was consumed.

{106:28} Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur, et de necessitatibus eorum eduxit eos.
{106:28} And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he led them out of their distress.

{106:29} Et statuit procellam eius in auram: et siluerunt fluctus eius.
{106:29} And he replaced the storm with a breeze, and its waves were stilled.

{106:30} Et lætati sunt quia siluerunt: et deduxit eos in portum voluntatis eorum.
{106:30} And they were joyful that it was stilled, and he led them into the haven that they desired.

{106:31} Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
{106:31} Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.

{106:32} Et exaltent eum in Ecclesia plebis: et in cathedra seniorum laudent eum.
{106:32} And let them exalt him in the Church of the people, and praise him in the chair of the elders.

{106:33} Posuit flumina in desertum: et exitus aquarum in sitim.
{106:33} He has placed rivers in the desert and sources of water in dry places,

{106:34} Terram fructiferam in salsuginem, a malitia inhabitantium in ea.
{106:34} a fruit-bearing land in the midst of brine, before the malice of those who dwell in it.

~ The fruitful land in the midst of brine symbolizes the faithful living in the midst of persons of malice.

{106:35} Posuit desertum in stagna aquarum: et terram sine aqua in exitus aquarum.
{106:35} He has placed a desert in the midst of pools of waters, and a land without water in the midst of sources of water.

{106:36} Et collocavit illic esurientes: et constituerunt civitatem habitationis.
{106:36} And he has gathered the hungry together there, and they constructed a city of habitation.

{106:37} Et seminaverunt agros, et plantaverunt vineas: et fecerunt fructum nativitatis.
{106:37} And they sowed fields and planted vineyards, and they produced the fruit of nativity.

{106:38} Et benedixit eis, et multiplicati sunt nimis: et iumenta eorum non minoravit.
{106:38} And he blessed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly. And he did not diminish their beasts of burden.

{106:39} Et pauci facti sunt: et vexati sunt a tribulatione malorum, et dolore.
{106:39} And they became few, and they were afflicted by the tribulation of evils and of sorrow.

{106:40} Effusa est contemptio super principes: et errare fecit eos in invio, et non in via.
{106:40} Contempt was poured over their leaders, and he caused them to wander in an impassable place, and not on the way.

{106:41} Et adiuvit pauperem de inopia: et posuit sicut oves familias.
{106:41} And he helped the poor out of destitution, and he stationed families like sheep.

{106:42} Videbunt recti, et lætabuntur: et omnis iniquitas oppilabit os suum.
{106:42} The upright will see, and they will rejoice. And every iniquity will block its mouth.

{106:43} Quis sapiens et custodiet hæc? et intelliget misericordias Domini?
{106:43} Who is wise and will keep these things? And who will understand the mercies of the Lord?