The Sacred Bible:  The Book of Ecclesiasticus

35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50 51
[Sirach 35]
[Sirach 35]

{35:1} Qui conservat legem, multiplicat oblationem.
{35:1} Whoever observes the law multiplies oblations.

{35:2} Sacrificium salutare est attendere mandatis, et discedere ab omni iniquitate.
{35:2} It is a salutary sacrifice to attend to the commandments and to withdraw from all iniquity.

{35:3} Et propitiationem litare sacrificii super iniustitias, et deprecatio pro peccatis, recedere ab iniustitia.
{35:3} And to depart from injustice is to offer a propitiatory sacrifice for injustices and a supplication for sins.

{35:4} Retribuet gratiam qui offert similaginem: et qui facit misericordiam, offert sacrificium.
{35:4} Whoever gives thanks, offers a gift of fine flour, and whoever acts with mercy, offers a sacrifice.

{35:5} Beneplacitum est Domino recedere ab iniquitate: et deprecatio pro peccatis recedere ab iniustitia.
{35:5} To withdraw from iniquity is well-pleasing to the Lord. And to withdraw from injustice is a supplication for sins.

{35:6} Non apparebis ante conspectum Domini vacuus.
{35:6} You should not appear empty before the sight of the Lord.

{35:7} Hæc enim omnia propter mandatum Dei fiunt.
{35:7} For all these things are to be done because of the commandment of God.

{35:8} Oblatio iusti impinguat altare, et odor suavitatis est in conspectu Altissimi.
{35:8} The oblation of the just fattens the altar, and is a fragrance of sweetness in the sight of the Most High.

{35:9} Sacrificium iusti acceptum est, et memoriam eius non obliviscetur Dominus.
{35:9} The sacrifice of the just is acceptable, and the Lord will never forget the memorial of it.

{35:10} Bono animo gloriam redde Deo: et non minuas primitias manuum tuarum.
{35:10} Render glory to God with a good heart. And you should not reduce the first-fruits of your hands.

{35:11} In omni dato hilarem fac vultum tuum, et in exultatione sanctifica decimas tuas.
{35:11} With every gift, have a cheerful countenance, and sanctify your tithes with exultation.

{35:12} Da Altissimo secundum datum eius, et in bono oculo adinventionem facito manuum tuarum:
{35:12} Give to the Most High according to his gifts to you, and act with a good eye toward the creations of your hands.

{35:13} quoniam Dominus retribuens est, et septies tantum reddet tibi.
{35:13} For the Lord gives recompense, and he will repay you seven times as much.

{35:14} Noli offerre munera prava, non enim suscipiet illa.
{35:14} Do not be willing to offer corrupt gifts. For he will not accept them.

{35:15} Et noli inspicere sacrificum iniustum, quoniam Dominus iudex est, et non est apud illum gloria personæ.
{35:15} And do not be willing to consider an unjust sacrifice. For the Lord is the judge, and with him there is no favoritism toward anyone.

{35:16} Non accipiet Dominus personam in pauperem, et deprecationem læsi exaudiet.
{35:16} The Lord will not accept favoritism against the poor, but he will heed the prayer of one who has been harmed.

{35:17} Non despiciet preces pupilli: nec viduam, si effundat loquelam gemitus.
{35:17} He will not despise the prayers of the orphan, nor of the widow, if she utters a lamenting complaint.

{35:18} Nonne lacrymæ viduæ ad maxillam descendunt, et exclamatio eius super deducentem eas?
{35:18} Do a widow’s tears not run down her cheek? And will her outcry not cause their downfall?

{35:19} A maxilla enim ascendunt usque ad cælum, et Dominus exauditor non delectabitur in illis.
{35:19} For from her cheek, her tears ascend even to heaven. And the Lord, the One who listens, will not take delight in them.

{35:20} Qui adorat Deum in oblectatione suscipietur, et deprecatio illius usque ad nubes propinquabit.
{35:20} Whoever adores God with joy will be accepted, and his prayer will reach even to the clouds.

{35:21} Oratio humiliantis se, nubes penetrabit: et donec propinquet non consolabitur: et non discedet donec Altissimus aspiciat.
{35:21} The prayer of one who humbles himself will pierce the clouds. And it will not be consoled until it draws near; and it will not withdraw until the Most High beholds.

{35:22} Et Dominus non elongabit, et iudicabit iustos, et faciet iudicium: et Fortissimus non habebit in illis patientiam, ut contribulet dorsum ipsorum:
{35:22} And the Lord will not delay, and he will judge for those who are just, and he will accomplish judgment. And the Almighty will not have patience with them, so that he may crush their back.

{35:23} et Gentibus reddet vindictam donec tollat plenitudinem superborum: et sceptra iniquorum contribulet,
{35:23} And he will repay vengeance to the Gentiles, until he has taken away the multitude of the arrogant, and broken the scepters of the iniquitous,

{35:24} donec reddat hominibus secundum actus suos, et secundum opera Adæ, et secundum præsumptionem illius,
{35:24} until he has rendered to men according to their deeds, and according to the works of Adam, and according to his presumption,

{35:25} donec iudicet iudicium plebis suæ, et oblectabit iustos misericordia sua.
{35:25} until he has judged the judgment of his people. And he will delight the just with his mercy.

{35:26} Speciosa misericordia Dei, in tempore tribulationis, quasi nubes pluviæ in tempore siccitatis.
{35:26} The mercy of God is beautiful in the time of tribulation, like a rain cloud in the time of drought.

[Sirach 36]
[Sirach 36]

{36:1} Miserere nostri Deus omnium, et respice nos, et ostende nobis lucem miserationum tuarum:
{36:1} O God of all, take pity on us, and look with favor on us, and show us the light of your compassion.

{36:2} et immitte timorem tuum super Gentes, quæ non exquisierunt te, ut cognoscant quia non est Deus nisi tu, et enarrent magnalia tua.
{36:2} And send your fear upon the Gentiles, who have not sought you, so that they may acknowledge that there is no God except you, and so that they may declare your great deeds.

{36:3} Alleva manum tuam super gentes alienas, ut videant potentiam tuam.
{36:3} Lift up your hand over unbelieving nations, so that they may see your power.

~ The word ‘gentes’ in this context refers to those who are unbelieving; in the context of the Jews of Old Testament times, this would refer to non-Jews, but in the context of the present-day, this would refer to non-Catholic, especially non-Christians. The word ‘alienas’ is often translated as strangers or foreigners, but here it refers more to nations or peoples other than those who believe.

{36:4} Sicut enim in conspectu eorum sanctificatus es in nobis, sic in conspectu nostro magnificaberis in eis,
{36:4} For just as, in their sight, you have been sanctified in us, so also, in our sight, you will be magnified in them.

{36:5} ut cognoscant te, sicut et nos cognovimus quoniam non est Deus præter te Domine.
{36:5} So may they know you, as we also have known you. For there is no God apart from you, O Lord.

{36:6} Innova signa, et immuta mirabilia.
{36:6} Renew your signs, and work new wonders.

{36:7} Glorifica manum, et brachium dextrum.
{36:7} Glorify your hand and your right arm.

{36:8} Excita furorem, et effunde iram.
{36:8} Stir up your fury, and pour out your wrath.

{36:9} Tolle adversarium, et afflige inimicum.
{36:9} Take away our adversary, and afflict our enemy.

{36:10} Festina tempus, et memento finis, ut enarrent mirabilia tua.
{36:10} Hasten the time, and remember the end, so that they may declare your miracles.

{36:11} In ira flammæ devoretur qui salvatur: et qui pessimant plebem tuam, inveniant perditionem.
{36:11} Let those who escape be devoured by the wrath of fire. And let those who harass your people find perdition.

{36:12} Contere caput principum inimicorum, dicentium: Non est alius præter nos.
{36:12} Crush the head of the leaders of the enemies, for they say: “There is no other beside us.”

{36:13} Congrega omnes tribus Iacob: ut cognoscant quia non est Deus nisi tu, et enarrent magnalia tua: et hereditabis eos, sicut ab initio.
{36:13} Gather together all the tribes of Jacob, so that they may acknowledge that there is no God except you, and so that they may declare your great deeds. And you will inherit them, as from the beginning.

{36:14} Miserere plebi tuæ, super quam invocatum est nomen tuum: et Israel, quem coæquasti primogenito tuo.
{36:14} Take pity on your people, over whom your name has been invoked, and on Israel, whom you have treated as your firstborn.

{36:15} Miserere civitati sanctificationis tuæ Ierusalem, civitati requiei tuæ.
{36:15} Take pity on Jerusalem, the city of your sanctification, the city of your rest.

{36:16} Reple Sion inenarrabilibus verbis tuis, et gloria tua populum tuum.
{36:16} Fill Zion with your ineffable words, and fill your people with your glory.

{36:17} Da testimonium his, qui ab initio creaturæ tuæ sunt, et suscita prædicationes, quas locuti sunt in nomine tuo prophetæ priores.
{36:17} Give testimony to those who have been your creations from the beginning, and lift up the prophecies which the former prophets spoke in your name.

{36:18} Da mercedem sustinentibus te, ut prophetæ tui fideles inveniantur: et exaudi orationes servorum tuorum
{36:18} Give a reward to those who endure for you, so that your prophets may be found to be faithful. And heed the prayers of your servants,

{36:19} secundum benedictionem Aaron de populo tuo, et dirige nos in viam iustitiæ, et sciant omnes qui habitant terram, quia tu es Deus conspector sæculorum.
{36:19} in accord with the blessing of Aaron over your people. And direct us in the way of justice, and let all who inhabit the earth know that you are God, the Beholder of all ages.

{36:20} Omnem escam manducabit venter, et est cibus cibo melior.
{36:20} The belly can devour any food, yet one meal is better than another.

{36:21} Fauces contingunt cibum feræ, et cor sensatum verba mendacia.
{36:21} The palate tests the meat of wild animals, and the understanding heart tests false words.

{36:22} Cor pravum dabit tristitiam, et homo peritus resistet illi.
{36:22} A corrupt heart will cause grief, and a man of experience will resist it.

{36:23} Omnem masculum excipiet mulier: et est filia melior filia.
{36:23} A woman can receive any male, yet one daughter is better than another.

{36:24} Species mulieris exhilarat faciem viri sui, et super omnem concupiscentiam hominis superducit desiderium.
{36:24} The beauty of a wife cheers the face of her husband, and rises above his desire, above all the desires of man.

{36:25} Si est lingua curationis, est et mitigationis et misericordiæ: non est vir illius secundum filios hominum.
{36:25} If she offers healing words, then she both comforts and shows mercy; and so her husband is not like other men.

{36:26} Qui possidet mulierem bonam, inchoat possessionem: adiutorium secundum illum est, et columna ut requies.
{36:26} He who holds to a good wife establishes a possession. She is a helper in agreement with him, and she is a pillar of rest.

{36:27} Ubi non est sepes, diripietur possessio: et ubi non est mulier, ingemiscit egens.
{36:27} Where there is no hedge, a possession will be trampled. And where there is no wife, he will mourn her absence.

{36:28} Quis credit ei, qui non habet nidum, et deflectens ubicumque obscuraverit, quasi succinctus latro exiliens de civitate in civitatem?
{36:28} Who will trust one who has no nest, and who conceals himself wherever his course may take him, like a well-equipped robber passing from city to city?

[Sirach 37]
[Sirach 37]

{37:1} Omnis amicus dicet: Et ego amicitiam copulavi. Sed est amicus solo nomine amicus. Nonne tristitia inest usque ad mortem?
{37:1} Every friend will say: “I also am a close friend.” But there is a friend who is a friend in name only. Is this not a grief even unto death?

{37:2} Sodalis autem et amicus ad inimicitiam convertentur.
{37:2} But a companion and friend may turn into an enemy.

{37:3} O præsumptio nequissima, unde create es cooperire aridam malitia, et dolositate illius?
{37:3} O wicked presumption! From what were you created that you would cover the dry land with your malice and deceitfulness?

{37:4} Sodalis amico coniucundatur in oblectationibus, et in tempore tribulationis adversarius erit.
{37:4} A companion may rejoice with his friend in good times, but in a time of tribulation, he will be an adversary.

{37:5} Sodalis amico condolet causa ventris, et contra hostem accipiet scutum.
{37:5} There is a companion who commiserates with a friend for the sake of the stomach, but he will shield himself from the enemy.

{37:6} Non obliviscaris amici tui in animo tuo, et non immemor sis illius in opibus tuis.
{37:6} You should not forget your friend in your soul, and you should not be unmindful of him in your wealth.

{37:7} Noli consiliari cum eo, qui tibi insidiatur, et a zelantibus te absconde consilium.
{37:7} Do not choose to consult with someone who waits in ambush for you. And hide your counsel from those who rival you.

{37:8} Omnis consiliarius prodit consilium, sed est consiliarius in semetipso.
{37:8} Every counselor offers advice, but some are counselors only for themselves.

{37:9} A consiliario serva animam tuam. Prius scito quæ sit illius necessitas: et ipse enim animo suo cogitabit:
{37:9} Guard your soul from a counselor. And know beforehand what his interests are. For he will form thoughts from his own soul.

{37:10} ne forte mittat sudem in terram, et dicat tibi:
{37:10} Otherwise, he may set a signpost in the ground, and he may say to you:

{37:11} Bona est via tua; et stet e contrario videre quid tibi eveniat.
{37:11} “Your own way is good.” But then he will stand at a distance to see what befalls you.

{37:12} Cum viro irreligioso tracta de sanctitate, et cum iniusto de iustitia, et cum muliere de ea, quæ æmulatur: cum timido de bello: cum negotiatore de traiectione, cum emptore de venditione, cum viro livido de gratiis agendis,
{37:12} Do not discuss holiness with an irreligious man, nor justice with one who is unjust. You should not speak with a woman about her who is a rival, nor with a coward about war, nor with a merchant about exaggeration, nor with a buyer about selling, nor with a spiteful man about giving thanks,

~ In the context of a merchant trying to sell his wares, the word ‘trajectione’ refers to exaggeration, to advertising hyperbole.

{37:13} cum impio de pietate, cum inhonesto de honestate, cum operario agrario de omni opere,
{37:13} nor with the impious about piety, nor with the dishonest about honesty, nor with the field worker about other kinds of work,

{37:14} cum operario annuali de consummatione anni, cum servo pigro de multa operatione: non attendas his in omni consilio.
{37:14} nor with a worker hired for a year about the end of the year, nor with a lazy servant about great works. You should pay no heed to these persons in any matter of counsel.

{37:15} Sed cum viro sancto assiduus esto, quemcumque cognoveris observantem timorem Dei,
{37:15} But be continually with a holy man, with anyone whom you know to observe the fear of God,

{37:16} cuius anima est secundum animam tuam: et qui, cum titubaveris in tenebris, condolebit tibi.
{37:16} whose soul is in agreement with your own soul, and who, when you falter in the dark, will share your sorrows.

{37:17} Cor boni consilii statue tecum: non est enim tibi aliud pluris illo.
{37:17} And establish a heart of good counsel within yourself. For there is nothing of greater usefulness to you than this.

~ In this context, ‘delaturam’ does not refer to a fear of detraction if one does not mourn, but to a sinking down into bitterness, willingly, for a day or so, and then accepting consolation.

{37:18} Anima viri sancti enunciat aliquando vera, quam septem circumspectores sedentes in excelso ad speculandum.
{37:18} At any time, the soul of a holy man declares more truths than seven vigilant watchmen sitting in a high place.

~ In this context ‘detractionem’ does not refer to slander or to the fear of detraction, but to a removal, that is, to a loss of a human person created by God. The reason for mourning is not fear of accusation, but because of the loss to the world.

{37:19} Et in his omnibus deprecare Altissimum ut dirigat in veritate viam tuam.
{37:19} But concerning all things, pray to the Most High, so that he may direct your way in truth.

{37:20} Ante omnia opera verbum verax præcedat te, et ante omnem actum consilium stabile.
{37:20} In all your works, let a true word precede you, with steadfast counsel before every deed.

{37:21} Verbum nequam immutabit cor: ex quo partes quattuor oriuntur, bonum et malum, vita et mors: et dominatrix illorum est assidua lingua. Est vir astutus multorum eruditor, et animæ suæ inutilis est.
{37:21} A wicked word can change the heart. From the heart four kinds of things arise: good and evil, life and death. And the tongue is continually their ruler. There is a man who is an astute teacher of many, and yet this is useless to his own soul.

{37:22} Vir peritus multos erudivit, et animæ suæ suavis est.
{37:22} A man of experience has taught many, and this is pleasant to his own soul.

{37:23} Qui sophistice loquitur, odibilis est: in omni re defraudabitur.
{37:23} Whoever speaks mere rhetoric is hateful; he will be deceived in every matter.

{37:24} Non est illi data a Domino gratia: omni enim sapientia defraudatus est.
{37:24} Grace is not given to him from the Lord. For he has been deprived of all wisdom.

{37:25} Est sapiens animæ suæ sapiens: et fructus sensus illius laudabilis.
{37:25} There is a wise man who is wise within his own soul, and the fruit of his understanding is praiseworthy.

{37:26} Vir sapiens plebem suam erudit, et fructus sensus illius fideles sunt.
{37:26} A wise man instructs his own people, and the fruit of his understanding is faithful.

{37:27} Vir sapiens implebitur benedictionibus, et videntes illum laudabunt.
{37:27} A wise man will be filled with blessings, and those who see will praise him.

{37:28} Vita viri in numero dierum: dies autem Israel innumerabiles sunt.
{37:28} The life of a man is in the number of his days. But the days of Israel are innumerable.

{37:29} Sapiens in populo hereditabit honorem, et nomen illius erit vivens in æternum.
{37:29} A wise man will inherit honor among the people, and his name will live in eternity.

{37:30} Fili in vita tua tenta animam tuam: et si fuerit nequam, non des illi potestatem:
{37:30} Son, test your own mind in your life, and if it is lacking, you should not give it authority.

{37:31} non enim omnia omnibus expediunt, et non omni animæ omne genus placet.
{37:31} For not all things are fitting for all persons, and not every kind of thing is agreeable to every soul.

{37:32} Noli avidus esse in omni epulatione, et non te effundas super omnem escam:
{37:32} Do not choose to be eager during any feast, and you should not act with excess toward any food.

{37:33} in multis enim escis erit infirmitas, et aviditas appropinquabit usque ad choleram.
{37:33} For in excessive eating there will be infirmity, and gluttony will continue even unto illness.

{37:34} Propter crapulam multi obierunt: qui autem abstinens est, adiiciet vitam.
{37:34} By excessive drinking, many have passed away. But he who abstains will add to his life.

[Sirach 38]
[Sirach 38]

{38:1} Honora medicum propter necessitatem: etenim illum creavit Altissimus.
{38:1} Honor the physician because of necessity, and because the Most High created him.

{38:2} A Deo est enim omnis medela, et a rege accipiet donationem.
{38:2} For all healing is from God, and so he will receive gifts from the King.

{38:3} Disciplina medici exaltabit caput illius, et in conspectu magnatorum collaudabitur.
{38:3} The expertise of the physician will lift up his head, and in the sight of great men, he will be praised.

{38:4} Altissimus creavit de terra medicamenta, et vir prudens non abhorrebit illa.
{38:4} The Most High has created medicines from the earth, and a prudent man will not abhor them.

{38:5} Nonne a ligno indulcata est aqua amara?
{38:5} Was not bitter water made sweet with wood?

{38:6} Ad agnitionem hominum virtus illorum, et dedit hominibus scientiam Altissimus, honorari in mirabilibus suis.
{38:6} The benefits of these things is recognized by men, and the Most High has given this knowledge to men, so that he may be honored in his wonders.

{38:7} In his curans mitigabit dolorem, et unguentarius faciet pigmenta suavitatis, et unctiones conficiet sanitatis, et non consummabuntur opera eius.
{38:7} By these things, he will cure or mitigate their suffering, and the pharmacist will make soothing ointments, and he will form healing medicines, and there will be no end to his works.

{38:8} Pax enim Dei super faciem terræ.
{38:8} For the peace of God is upon the surface of the earth.

{38:9} Fili in tua infirmitate ne despicias te ipsum, sed ora Dominum, et ipse curabit te.
{38:9} Son, in your infirmity, you should not neglect yourself, but pray to the Lord, and he will cure you.

{38:10} Averte a delicto, et dirige manus, et ab omni delicto munda cor tuum.
{38:10} Turn away from sin, and direct your hands, and cleanse your heart from every offense.

{38:11} Da suavitatem et memoriam similaginis, et impingua oblationem, et da locum medico:
{38:11} Give a sweet offering, and a memorial of fine flour, and fatten your oblation, but also give a place to the physician.

{38:12} etenim illum Dominus creavit: et non discedat a te, quia opera eius sunt necessaria.
{38:12} For the Lord created him. And so, do not let him depart from you, for his works are necessary.

{38:13} Est enim tempus quando in manus illorum incurras:
{38:13} For there is a time when you may fall into their hands.

{38:14} ipsi vero Dominum deprecabuntur, ut dirigat requiem eorum, et sanitatem, propter conversationem illorum.
{38:14} Truly, they will beseech the Lord, so that he may direct their treatments and cures, for the sake of their way of life.

{38:15} Qui delinquit in conspectu eius, qui fecit eum, incidet in manus medici.
{38:15} He who sins in the sight of the One who made him will fall into the hands of the physician.

{38:16} Fili in mortuum produc lacrymas, et quasi dira passus incipe plorare, et secundum iudicium contege corpus illius, et non despicias sepulturam illius.
{38:16} Son, shed tears over the dead, and begin to weep, as if you had suffered dreadfully. And according to judgment, cover his body, and you should not neglect his burial.

{38:17} Propter delaturam autem amare fer luctum illius uno die, et consolare propter tristitiam,
{38:17} And though you will sink down into bitterness, bear his mourning for one day, and then be consoled in your sadness.

{38:18} et fac luctum secundum meritum eius uno die, vel duobus propter detractionem.
{38:18} And carry out his mourning, according to his merit, for one or two days because of this loss.

{38:19} A tristitia enim festinat mors, et cooperit virtutem, et tristitia cordis flectit cervicem.
{38:19} Yet sadness hastens death and overwhelms strength, and the sorrow of the heart bows down the neck.

{38:20} In abductione permanet tristitia: et substantia inopis secundum cor eius.
{38:20} When one is taken away, sorrow remains. But the resources of a destitute man is found in his heart.

{38:21} Ne dederis in tristitia cor tuum, sed repelle eam a te: et memento novissimorum,
{38:21} You should not give your heart over to sadness, but push it away from you. And remember the very end.

{38:22} noli obliviscari: neque enim est conversio, et huic nihil proderis, et teipsum pessimabis.
{38:22} Do not be willing to forget this; for there is no turning back. Otherwise, it will not benefit you, and you will cause great harm to yourself.

{38:23} Memor esto iudicii mei: sic enim erit et tuum: mihi heri, et tibi hodie.
{38:23} Call to mind my judgment. For so shall it be for you also. Yesterday is mine, and today is yours.

{38:24} In requie mortui requiescere fac memoriam eius, et consolare illum in exitu spiritus sui.
{38:24} When the deceased is at rest, let his memory rest also. And console him at the departure of his spirit.

{38:25} Sapientia scribæ in tempore vacuitatis: et qui minoratur actu, sapientiam percipiet:
{38:25} The wisdom of a scribe is found in his time of leisure. So whoever has less to do will gain wisdom.

{38:26} qua sapientia replebitur qui tenet aratrum, et qui gloriatur in iaculo, stimulo boves agitat, et conversatur in operibus eorum, et enarratio eius in filiis taurorum.
{38:26} With what wisdom will someone be filled who holds the plow, and who boasts of the cattle prod that drives the oxen forward, and who is occupied in these labors, and whose only conversation is about the offspring of bulls?

{38:27} Cor suum dabit ad versandos sulcos, et vigilia eius in sagina vaccarum.
{38:27} He will give his mind over to the plowing of furrows, and his vigilance to the fattening of the cows.

{38:28} Sic omnis faber et architectus, qui noctem tamquam diem transigit, qui sculpit signacula sculptilia, et assiduitas eius variat picturam: cor suum dabit in similitudinem picturæ, et vigilia sua perficiet opus.
{38:28} Similarly, every craftsman and artisan, who crafts in the night as well as in the day, who sculpts graven seals, and who, by his diligence, varies the image, will give his mind over to the likeness of the image. And he will complete the work by his vigilance.

{38:29} Sic faber ferrarius sedens iuxta incudem, et considerans opus ferri: Vapor ignis uret carnes eius, et in calore fornacis concertatur:
{38:29} The blacksmith, sitting by his anvil and considering a work of iron, is similar. The steam from the fire singes his flesh, and he struggles against the heat of the furnace.

{38:30} Vox mallei innovat aurem eius, et contra similitudinem vasis oculus eius:
{38:30} The voice of the hammer is ever in his ears, and his eye is upon the pattern of the ironwork.

{38:31} Cor suum dabit in consummationem operum, et vigilia sua ornabit in perfectionem.
{38:31} He gives his heart to the completion of his work, and his vigilance adorns it to perfection.

{38:32} Sic figulus sedens ad opus suum, convertens pedibus suis rotam, qui in solicitudine positus est semper propter opus suum, et in numero est omnis operatio eius.
{38:32} The potter, sitting at his work and turning the wheel with his feet, is similar. He has settled into a continual concern for his work, and there is a rhythm in all that he does.

{38:33} In brachio suo formabit lutum, et ante pedes suos curvabit virtutem suam.
{38:33} He forms the clay with his arm, and he bends his strength over his feet.

{38:34} Cor suum dabit ut consummet linitionem, et vigilia sua mundabit fornacem.
{38:34} He will give his heart over to the completion of the glazing, and his vigilance to the cleansing of the furnace.

{38:35} Omnes hi in manibus suis speraverunt, et unusquisque in arte sua sapiens est.
{38:35} All these persons trust in their own hands, and each one is wise in his own art.

{38:36} Sine his omnibus non ædificatur civitas.
{38:36} Without these persons, a city is not built.

{38:37} Et non inhabitabunt, nec inambulabunt, et in ecclesiam non transilient.
{38:37} But they will neither inhabit nor walk around in the city. And they will not go across to the church.

{38:38} Super sellam iudicis non sedebunt, et testamentum iudicii non intelligent, neque palam facient disciplinam et iudicium, et in parabolis non invenientur:
{38:38} They will not sit upon the seats of judges, and they will not understand a decree of judgment. And they will not make clear discipline and judgment, and they will not be found to understand parables.

{38:39} sed creaturam ævi confirmabunt, et deprecatio illorum in operatione artis, accomodantes animam suam, et conquirentes in lege Altissimi.
{38:39} But they will strengthen the state of the world, and their prayer will be in their artistic works, applying their soul, and searching the law of the Most High.

[Sirach 39]
[Sirach 39]

{39:1} Sapientiam omnium antiquorum exquiret sapiens, et in prophetis vacabit.
{39:1} A wise man will seek the wisdom of all the ancients, and he will be occupied in the prophets.

{39:2} Narrationem virorum nominatorum conservabit, et in versutias parabolarum simul introibit.
{39:2} He will preserve the words of renowned men, and he will enter with them into the subtleties of parables.

{39:3} Occulta proverbiorum exquiret, et in absconditis parabolarum conversabitur.
{39:3} He will search for the hidden meanings of proverbs, and he will become familiar with the mysteries of parables.

{39:4} In medio magnatorum ministrabit, et in conspectu præsidis apparebit.
{39:4} He will minister in the midst of great men, and he will appear in the sight of the foremost leader.

{39:5} In terram alienigenarum gentium pertransiet: bona enim et mala in hominibus tentabit.
{39:5} He will pass through the land of foreign nations. For he will test good and evil among men.

{39:6} Cor suum tradet ad vigilandum diluculo ad Dominum, qui fecit illum, et in conspectu Altissimi deprecabitur.
{39:6} At first light, he will offer his heart with watchfulness to the Lord who made him, and he will pray in the sight of the Most High.

{39:7} Aperiet os suum in oratione, et pro delictis suis deprecabitur.
{39:7} He will open his mouth in prayer, and he will make supplication for his offenses.

{39:8} Si enim Dominus magnus voluerit, spiritu intelligentiæ replebit illum:
{39:8} For if the great Lord is willing, he will fill him with the Spirit of understanding.

{39:9} et ipse tamquam imbres mittet eloquia sapientiæ suæ, et in oratione confitebitur Domino:
{39:9} And he will send forth the eloquence of his wisdom like rain showers, and in his prayer, he will confess to the Lord.

{39:10} et ipse diriget consilium eius, et disciplinam, et in absconditis suis consiliabitur.
{39:10} And he will direct his counsel and his discipline, and he will meditate on his mysteries.

{39:11} Ipse palam faciet disciplinam doctrinæ suæ, et in lege testamenti Domini gloriabitur.
{39:11} He will make the discipline of his doctrine clear, and he will glory in the law of the covenant of the Lord.

{39:12} Collaudabunt multi sapientiam eius, et usque in sæculum non delebitur.
{39:12} Many persons will together praise his wisdom, and it will never be abolished, for all ages.

{39:13} Non recedet memoria eius, et nomen eius requiretur a generatione in generationem.
{39:13} The memory of him will not fade away, and his name will be sought from generation to generation.

{39:14} Sapientiam eius enarrabunt gentes, et laudem eius enunciabit Ecclesia.
{39:14} The peoples will declare his wisdom, and the Church will announce his praise.

{39:15} Si permanserit, nomen derelinquet plus quam mille: et si requieverit, proderit illi.
{39:15} While he remains, he leaves behind a name greater than a thousand, and when he will rest, it will be to his benefit.

{39:16} Adhuc consiliabor ut enarrem: ut furore enim repletus sum.
{39:16} I will meditate further, so that I may explain. For I have been filled with a passion.

{39:17} In voce dicit: Obaudite me divini fructus, et quasi rosa plantata super rivos aquarum fructificate.
{39:17} In a voice, he says: Listen to me, divine fruits. You shall bear fruit, like roses planted beside streams of waters.

{39:18} Quasi Libanus odorem suavitatis habete.
{39:18} You shall have a sweet fragrance, like the cedars of Lebanon.

{39:19} Florete flores, quasi lilium, et date odorem, et frondete in gratiam, et collaudate canticum, et benedicite Dominum in operibus suis.
{39:19} Blossom with flowers, like the lily, and diffuse a fragrance, and sprout leaves in grace, and give praise with canticles, and bless the Lord in his works.

{39:20} Date nomini eius magnificentiam, et confitemini illi in voce labiorum vestrorum, et in canticis labiorum, et citharis, et sic dicetis in confessione:
{39:20} Give magnificence to his name, and confess to him with the voice of your lips and with the canticles of your mouth and with stringed instruments. And in so praising him, you will confess:

{39:21} Opera Domini universa bona valde.
{39:21} All the works of the Lord are very good.

{39:22} In verbo eius stetit aqua sicut congeries: et in sermone oris illius sicut exceptoria aquarum:
{39:22} At his word, the waters stood still, as if piled together. And at the words of his mouth, the waters were contained, as if in basins of water.

{39:23} quoniam in præcepto ipsius placor fit, et non est minoratio in salute ipsius.
{39:23} For it is made pleasing by his precept, and there is no decrease in his salvation.

{39:24} Opera omnis carnis coram illo, et non est quidquam absconditum ab oculis eius.
{39:24} The works of all flesh are in his sight, and there is nothing hidden from his eyes.

{39:25} A sæculo usque in sæculum respicit, et nihil est mirabile in conspectu eius.
{39:25} His gaze is from eternity to eternity, and nothing is a wonder in his sight.

{39:26} Non est dicere: Quid est hoc, aut quid est istud? Omnia enim in tempore suo quærentur.
{39:26} Let it not be said: “What is this?” or, “What is that?” For all things will be sought in their time.

{39:27} Benedictio illius quasi fluvius inundavit.
{39:27} His blessing has overflowed like a river.

{39:28} Quomodo cataclysmus aridam inebriavit, sic ira ipsius gentes, quæ non exquisierunt eum, hereditabit.
{39:28} In the same way that a flood inundates the dry land, so also will his wrath inherit the peoples that have not sought him.

{39:29} Quomodo convertit aquas in siccitatem, et siccata est terra: et viæ illius viis illorum directæ sunt: sic peccatoribus offensiones in ira eius.
{39:29} In the same way that he turned the waters into dry land, and made the earth dry, and just as his ways have been directed for their journey, so also will sinners stumble before his wrath.

{39:30} Bona bonis creata sunt ab initio, sic nequissimis bona et mala.
{39:30} From the beginning, good things were created for those who are good, and similarly, good and evil things are for those who are wicked.

{39:31} Initium necessariæ rei vitæ hominum, aqua, ignis, et ferrum, sal, lac, et panis similagineus, et mel et botrus uvæ, et oleum, et vestimentum.
{39:31} The principal things necessary for the life of men are: water, fire, and iron, salt, milk, and flour for bread, and honey, and the grape cluster, and oil, and clothing.

{39:32} Hæc omnia sanctis in bona, sic et impiis et peccatoribus in mala convertentur.
{39:32} All these things will be used for good by those who are holy, but they will be turned to evil use by the impious and by sinners.

{39:33} Sunt spiritus, qui ad vindictam creati sunt, et in furore suo confirmaverunt tormenta sua:
{39:33} There are spirits that have been created for vengeance, and they strengthen their torments by their fury.

{39:34} in tempore consummationis effundent virtutem: et furorem eius, qui fecit illos, placabunt.
{39:34} In the time of the consummation, they will pour forth their strength. And they will appease the fury of the One who made them.

{39:35} Ignis, grando, fames, et mors, omnia hæc ad vindictam creata sunt:
{39:35} Fire, hail, famine, and death: all these were created for vengeance.

{39:36} bestiarum dentes, et scorpii, et serpentes, et rhomphæa vindicans in exterminium impios.
{39:36} The teeth of wild beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the spear: all these take vengeance upon the impious, unto utter destruction.

{39:37} In mandatis eius epulabuntur, et super terram in necessitatem præparabuntur, et in temporibus suis non præterient verbum.
{39:37} At his command, they will feast. And they will be prepared upon the earth until they are needed. And in their time, they will not ignore his word.

{39:38} Propterea ab initio confirmatus sum, et consiliatus sum, et cogitavi, et scripta dimisi.
{39:38} For this reason, from the beginning, I was strengthened, and I have meditated, and I have considered, and I have put these things in writing.

{39:39} Omnia opera Domini bona, et omne opus hora sua subministrabit.
{39:39} All the works of the Lord are good, and he will provide for each work in its own hour.

{39:40} Non est dicere: Hoc illo nequius est: omnia enim in tempore suo comprobabuntur.
{39:40} Let it not be said: “This is worse than that.” For all things will be tested in their time.

{39:41} Et nunc in omni corde et ore collaudate, et benedicite nomen Domini.
{39:41} And now, with the whole heart and mouth, give praise to him, and bless the name of the Lord.

[Sirach 40]
[Sirach 40]

{40:1} Occupatio magna creata est omnibus hominibus, et iugum grave super filios Adam, a die exitus de ventre matris eorum, usque in diem sepulturæ, in matrem omnium.
{40:1} A great occupation was created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day of their departure from their mother’s womb, even until the day of their burial into the mother of all:

{40:2} Cogitationes eorum, et timores cordis, adinventio expectationis, et dies finitionis:
{40:2} their thoughts, and the fears of their heart, their imagined expectations, and the day of their end,

{40:3} a residente super sedem gloriosam, usque ad humiliatum in terra et cinere:
{40:3} from him who sits upon a glorious throne, even to him who is humbled in earth and ashes,

{40:4} ab eo, qui utitur hyacintho, et portat coronam, usque ad eum, qui operitur lino crudo: furor, zelus, tumultus, fluctuatio, et timor mortis, iracundia perseverans, et contentio,
{40:4} from him who wears hyacinth and bears a crown, even to him who is covered with rough linen: wrath, envy, tumult, restlessness, and the fear of death, continual anger and contention.

{40:5} et in tempore refectionis in cubili, somnus noctis immutat scientiam eius.
{40:5} And in the time of rest upon his bed, the sleep of the night changes his knowledge.

{40:6} Modicum tamquam nihil in requie, et ab eo in somnis, quasi in die respectus.
{40:6} There is little or no rest, and sleep is taken from him, as if on a day of keeping watch.

{40:7} Conturbatus est in visu cordis sui, tamquam qui evaserit in die belli. In tempore salutis suæ exurrexit, et admirans ad nullum timorem:
{40:7} He is disturbed by a vision of his heart, as if he had escaped in a day of warfare. In the time of his salvation, he rose up and wondered that there was no fear.

{40:8} cum omni carne, ab homine usque ad pecus, et super peccatores septuplum.
{40:8} This is so with all flesh, from man even to cattle, but upon sinners it is seven times as great.

{40:9} Ad hæc mors, sanguis, contentio, et romphæa, oppressiones, fames, et contritio, et flagella:
{40:9} Add to this: death, bloodshed, contention, and the spear, oppression, famine, and affliction, and scourges.

{40:10} super iniquos creata sunt hæc omnia, et propter illos factus est cataclysmus.
{40:10} All these things have been created because of iniquity, and it is due to iniquity that the great flood was made.

{40:11} Omnia, quæ de terra sunt, in terram convertentur, et omnes aquæ in mare revertentur.
{40:11} All things that are of the earth shall return to the earth, and all waters shall return to the sea.

{40:12} Omne munus, et iniquitas delebitur, et fides in sæculum stabit.
{40:12} All bribery and iniquity will be wiped away, but faith shall stand forever.

{40:13} Substantiæ iniustorum sicut fluvius siccabuntur, et sicut tonitruum magnum in pluvia personabunt.
{40:13} The substance of the unjust will dry up like a river, and will pass away with a noise like loud thunder in a rainstorm.

{40:14} In aperiendo manus suas lætabitur: sic prævaricatores in consummatione tabescent.
{40:14} When he opens his hands, he will rejoice. So will transgressors pass away at the consummation.

{40:15} Nepotes impiorum non multiplicabunt ramos, et radices immundæ super cacumen petræ sonant.
{40:15} The descendants of the impious will not produce many branches, for they may be compared to dirty roots at the edge of a rock.

~ The word ‘sonant’ can refer to either the making of a noise, or to a description or expression of something using the spoken word. In this case, the progeny of the impious are spoken of as being like dirty roots, rather than fruitful leafy branches.

{40:16} Super omnem aquam viriditas, et ad oram fluminis ante omne fœnum evelletur.
{40:16} The weeds, which grow above every water and beside the banks of the river, will be uprooted before all the grass.

{40:17} Gratia sicut paradisus in benedictionibus, et misericordia in sæculum permanet.
{40:17} Grace is like a paradise of blessings, and mercy continues for eternity.

{40:18} Vita sibi sufficientis operarii condulcabitur, et in ea invenies thesaurum.
{40:18} The life of a worker, when content with what is sufficient, will become sweet, and in it you will find a treasure.

{40:19} Filii, et ædificatio civitatis confirmabit nomen, et super hæc mulier immaculata computabitur.
{40:19} Sons, and the building of a city, will establish a name, but an immaculate wife will be ranked above these things.

{40:20} Vinum et musica lætificant cor: et super utraque dilectio sapientiæ.
{40:20} Wine and music rejoice the heart, but the love of wisdom is above them both.

{40:21} Tibiæ, et psalterium suavem faciunt melodiam, et super utraque lingua suavis.
{40:21} The flute and the psaltery make a sweet melody, but a pleasant word is above them both.

{40:22} Gratiam, et speciem desiderabit oculus tuus, et super hæc virides sationes.
{40:22} Your eye desires elegance and beauty, but verdant fields are above these things.

{40:23} Amicus, et sodalis in tempore convenientes, et super utrosque mulier cum viro.
{40:23} A friend and a companion meet one another in time, but above them both is a wife with her husband.

{40:24} Fratres in adiutorium in tempore tribulationis, et super eos misericordia liberabit.
{40:24} Brothers are a help in time of tribulation, but mercy will liberate, more so than they will.

{40:25} Aurum et argentum est constitutio pedum: et super utrumque consilium beneplacitum.
{40:25} Gold and silver provide a firm position for the feet, but well-spoken counsel is above them both.

{40:26} Facultates et virtutes exaltant cor, et super hæc timor Domini.
{40:26} Ability and strength lift up the heart, but the fear of the Lord is above these things.

{40:27} Non est in timore Domini minoratio, et non est in eo inquirere adiutorium.
{40:27} There is no loss in the fear of the Lord, and it has no need to ask for assistance.

{40:28} Timor Domini sicut paradisus benedictionis, et super omnem gloriam operuerunt illum.
{40:28} The fear of the Lord is like a paradise of blessings, and they have covered it above all glory.

{40:29} Fili in tempore vitæ tuæ ne indigeas: melius est enim mori, quam indigere.
{40:29} Son, in your lifetime you should not be indigent, for it is better to die than to be destitute.

{40:30} Vir respiciens in mensam alienam, non est vita eius in cogitatione victus. Alit enim animam suam cibis alienis.
{40:30} The life of him who looks to another man’s table should not be thought of as a way of life. For he feeds his life with another man’s food.

{40:31} Vir autem disciplinatus, et eruditus custodiet se.
{40:31} But a disciplined and well-taught man will take care of himself.

{40:32} In ore imprudentis condulcabitur inopia, et in ventre eius ignis ardebit.
{40:32} Scarcity will seem sweet to the mouth of the imprudent, but a fire will burn in his belly.

[Sirach 41]
[Sirach 41]

{41:1} O mors quam amara est memoria tua homini pacem habenti in substantiis suis:
{41:1} O death, how bitter is the memory of you: to a man who has peace in his substance,

{41:2} viro quieto, et cuius viæ directæ sunt in omnibus, et adhuc valenti accipere cibum!
{41:2} to a quiet man, and to him whose ways are directed properly in all things, and who still has the strength to take nourishment.

{41:3} O mors, bonum est iudicium tuum homini indigenti, et qui minoratur viribus,
{41:3} O death, your judgment is good to the indigent man, and to him whose strength has diminished,

{41:4} defecto ætate, et cui de omnibus cura est, et incredibili, qui perdit patientiam!
{41:4} who is failing due to old age, and who is anxious about all things, and to the unbelieving man who has lost patience.

{41:5} Noli metuere iudicium mortis. Memento quæ ante te fuerunt, et quæ superventura sunt tibi: hoc iudicium a Domino omni carni:
{41:5} Do not choose to dread the judgment of death. Remember the things that occurred before you, and the things that will occur after you. This judgment is from the Lord upon all flesh.

{41:6} et quid superveniet tibi in beneplacito Altissimi: sive decem, sive centum, sive mille anni.
{41:6} And what will happen to you is well-pleasing to the Most High, whether in ten, or one hundred, or one thousand years.

{41:7} Non est enim in inferno accusatio vitæ.
{41:7} For death is no indictment of life.

~ The word ‘inferno’ can refer to Hell, but it can also refer to death in general, even for the good.

{41:8} Filii abominationum fiunt filii peccatorum, et qui conversantur secus domos impiorum.
{41:8} The sons of sinners, and those who pass their time in the manner of the houses of the impious, become sons of abominations.

{41:9} Filiorum peccatorum periet hereditas, et cum semine illorum assiduitas opprobrii.
{41:9} The inheritance of the sons of sinners will perish, and continual disgrace will be with their offspring.

{41:10} De patre impio queruntur filii, quoniam propter illum sunt in opprobrio.
{41:10} The sons of an impious father will complain, for they are in disgrace because of him.

{41:11} Væ vobis viri impii, qui dereliquistis legem Domini Altissimi!
{41:11} Woe to you, impious men, who have abandoned the law of the Most High Lord!

{41:12} Et si nati fueritis, in maledictione nascemini: et si mortui fueritis, in maledictione erit pars vestra.
{41:12} And when you are born, you will be born into a curse; and when you die, your portion will be in a curse.

{41:13} Omnia, quæ de terra sunt, in terram convertentur: sic impii a maledicto in perditionem.
{41:13} All things that are from the earth shall return to the earth. Similarly, the impious will proceed from a curse unto perdition.

{41:14} Luctus hominum in corpore ipsorum, nomen autem impiorum delebitur.
{41:14} The grieving of men is in their body, but the name of the impious will be wiped away.

{41:15} Curam habe de bono nomine: hoc enim magis permanebit tibi, quam mille thesauri pretiosi et magni.
{41:15} Have concern for your good name. For this will continue with you, more so than a thousand precious and great treasures.

{41:16} Bonæ vitæ numerus dierum: bonum autem nomen permanebit in ævum.
{41:16} A good life has its number of days, but a good name will continue forever.

{41:17} Disciplinam in pace conservate filii. Sapientia enim abscondita, et thesaurus invisus, quæ utilitas in utrisque?
{41:17} Sons, practice discipline peacefully. For what use is there in either concealed wisdom, or undiscovered treasure?

{41:18} Melior est homo, qui abscondit stultitiam suam, quam homo, qui abscondit sapientiam suam.
{41:18} Better is the man who hides his foolishness than the man who hides his wisdom.

{41:19} Verumtamen reveremini in his, quæ procedunt de ore meo.
{41:19} Yet truly, have respect for these things which proceed from my mouth.

{41:20} Non est enim bonum omnem reverentiam observare: et non omnia omnibus bene placent in fide.
{41:20} For it is not good to observe every reverence. And all things do not please all persons in their beliefs.

~ You cannot please everyone, nor can you always avoid offending everyone. So respect for the opinions of others has its limits.

{41:21} Erubescite a patre et a matre de fornicatione: et a præsidente et a potente de mendacio:
{41:21} Have shame of these things: of fornication before father and mother, and of a lie before the first leader and the powerful,

~ Shame, in the Biblical context, does not merely mean to be ashamed of something sinful or wrong. It also refers to modesty, to a feeling of unworthiness before God, to a reverence of others and a humbling of one’s self. Thus, we should have shame before the truth of God, and the covenant, and the bread that we eat (especially the consecrated bread of the Eucharist), and the humble place where you live.

{41:22} a principe et a iudice de delicto: a synagoga et plebe de iniquitate:
{41:22} of a crime before a ruler or a judge, of iniquity before a congregation or a people,

{41:23} a socio et amico de iniustitia: et de loco, in quo habitas,
{41:23} of injustice before a companion or a friend, and of the place in which you live,

{41:24} de furto, de veritate Dei, et testamento: de discubitu in panibus, et ab obfuscatione dati et accepti:
{41:24} of theft, and of the truth before God, and of the covenant, of reclining to eat bread, and of deceitfulness in giving or receiving,

{41:25} a salutantibus de silentio: a respectu mulieris fornicariæ: et ab aversione vultus cognati.
{41:25} of silence before those who greet you, of looking upon a woman of fornication, and of averting your face from a relative.

{41:26} Ne avertas faciem a proximo tuo, et ab auferendo partem et non restituendo.
{41:26} You should not avert your face from your neighbor, nor should you take away a portion and not restore it.

{41:27} Ne respicias mulierem alieni viri, et ne scruteris ancillam eius, neque steteris ad lectum eius.
{41:27} You should not stare at another man’s wife, nor pursue his handmaid, nor approach her bed.

{41:28} Ab amicis de sermonibus improperii: et cum dederis, ne improperes.
{41:28} Avoid reproachful speeches before friends, and when you give, you should not place blame.

[Sirach 42]
[Sirach 42]

{42:1} Non duplices sermonem auditus de revelatione sermonis absconditi, et eris vere sine confusione, et invenies gratiam in conspectu omnium hominum: ne pro his omnibus confundaris, et ne accipias personam ut delinquas:
{42:1} You should not repeat a claim heard from the revealing of a hidden word. And then, truly, you will be without shame, and you will find favor in the sight of all men. You should not accept the reputation of someone, so that you would sin, nor should you be confounded in any of the following things:

{42:2} de lege Altissimi, et testamento, et de iudicio iustificare impium,
{42:2} in the law of the Most High and his covenant, or by giving a judgment to justify the impious;

~ Notice that the first thing one should not have shame in is good (the law and the covenant), and the second thing is bad (unjust judgment). So there is a two-fold meaning: the type of shame where one feels shame in something that is actually good, wherein there is no reason for shame, and the type of shame which one feels shame for an immoral act, wherein there is reason for shame. Do not have shame in God’s covenant and in His law; follow the covenant and the law without shame. But then, do not have shame in unjust judgment by avoiding unjust judgment (not by doing it without shame).

{42:3} de verbo sociorum et viatorum, et de datione hereditatis amicorum,
{42:3} in a word among companions and fellow travelers, or by distributing the inheritance of friends;

{42:4} de æqualitate stateræ et ponderum, de acquisitione multorum et paucorum,
{42:4} in the fairness of scales and weights, or in acquiring much or little;

{42:5} de corruptione emptionis, et negotiatorum, et de multa disciplina filiorum, et servo pessimo latus sanguinare.
{42:5} by the corruption of buying and negotiating, or in the ample discipline of children, or in causing the side of a wicked servant to bleed.

{42:6} Super mulierem nequam bonum est signum.
{42:6} A seal is good over a wicked wife.

{42:7} Ubi manus multæ sunt, claude, et quodcumque trades, numera, et appende: datum vero, et acceptum omne describe.
{42:7} Where there are many hands, seal and deliver all things by number and weight; and truly, give and receive everything in writing.

{42:8} De disciplina insensati et fatui, et de senioribus, qui iudicantur ab adolescentibus: et eris eruditus in omnibus, et probabilis in conspectu omnium vivorum.
{42:8} You should not have shame in correcting the senseless, the foolish, and those youths who would judge their elders. And so shall you be well-instructed in all things and well-approved in the sight of all the living.

{42:9} Filia patris abscondita est vigilia, et solicitudo eius aufert somnum, ne forte in adolescentia sua adulta efficiatur, et cum viro commorata odibilis fiat:
{42:9} The vigilance of a father for his daughter is hidden, and his concern for her takes away his sleep. For perhaps, in her adolescence, she might be brought into adulthood. Or when she lives with her husband, she might become hateful.

{42:10} nequando polluatur in virginitate sua, et in paternis suis gravida inveniatur: ne forte cum viro commorata transgrediatur, aut certe sterilis efficiatur.
{42:10} In her virginity, she might be defiled, and then she may be found to be pregnant in her father’s house. Or perhaps, when she lives with her husband, she might stray, or at least become barren.

{42:11} Super filiam luxuriosam confirma custodiam: ne quando faciat te in opprobrium venire inimicis, a detractione in civitate, et obiectione plebis, et confundat te in multitudine populi.
{42:11} Keep a close watch over a self-indulgent daughter. Otherwise, at some time, she might bring you into disgrace before your enemies, and into disrepute in the city, and into reproach among the people, and so she may confound you before the multitude of the people.

{42:12} Omni homini noli intendere in specie: et in medio mulierum noli commorari:
{42:12} She should not choose to gaze upon the beauty of every man, and she should not choose to spend her time in the midst of married women.

~ This passage is advice concerning how one’s young unmarried daughter should behave, in order to retain chastity. So, the verb was changed in translation to the third person singular, feminine, from the second person singular imperative. Looking at the attractiveness of every man is harmful to her chastity. So is spending time with married women, who might talk about marital relations, perhaps even in a crass manner.

{42:13} de vestimentis enim procedit tinea, et a muliere iniquitas viri.
{42:13} For a moth goes forth from garments, and iniquity over a man goes forth from a woman.

~ Iniquity pertaining to men, i.e. sins committed because of her attraction to a man, proceeds from a woman. Again, this advice pertains to a young unmarried daughter and is in the context of the previous verse about avoiding sins related to attraction of a young unmarried daughter to men.

{42:14} Melior est enim iniquitas viri, quam mulier benefaciens, et mulier confundens in opprobrium.
{42:14} Yet iniquity over a man is better for her than if a married woman, seeking to benefit her, instead leads her into confusion and disgrace.

~ Yet the iniquity of a man [sins of women pertaining to men] is better than a woman [an older married woman] seeking to benefit [the younger unmarried woman] and yet confusing her to her disgrace.

~ The sense of verse 14 is that even though the problems a daughter might encounter, which are warned against in verse 13, are harmful, there is a worse situation, that of married women influencing your daughter, leading her into confusion and disgrace. This passage is not saying that men's sins are better than women's sins. Rather, it is advice as to how to advise and govern a young unmarried daughter. If she hangs around older women, they might think to 'help' her by giving her advice about men which is not fitting to someone who is young and unmarried, so instead of benefiting her, they would lead her into confusion and disgrace. In other words, hanging around older married women might corrupt your virgin unmarried daughter, since they might talk about men in a licentious manner.

{42:15} Memor ero igitur operum Domini, et quæ vidi annunciabo. In sermonibus Domini opera eius.
{42:15} And now, I will remember the works of the Lord, and I will announce what I have seen. The words of the Lord are in his works.

{42:16} Sol illuminans per omnia respexit, et gloria Domini plenum est opus eius.
{42:16} The sun illuminates and considers all things, and its work shows the fullness of the glory of the Lord.

{42:17} Nonne Dominus fecit sanctos enarrare omnia mirabilia sua, quæ confirmavit Dominus omnipotens stabiliri in gloria sua?
{42:17} Has not the Lord caused the holy ones to describe all his miracles, which the all-powerful Lord has firmly established in his glory?

{42:18} Abyssum, et cor hominum investigavit: et in astutia eorum excogitavit.
{42:18} He has examined the abyss and the hearts of men. And he has considered their astuteness.

{42:19} Cognovit enim Dominus omnem scientiam, et inspexit in signum ævi, annuncians quæ præterierunt, et quæ superventura sunt, revelans vestigia occultorum.
{42:19} For the Lord comprehends all knowledge, and he has gazed upon the signs of the times: announcing the things of the past, as well as the things of the future, and revealing the traces of hidden things.

{42:20} Non præterit illum omnis cogitatus, et non abscondit se ab eo ullus sermo.
{42:20} No thought passes by him unnoticed, and no word can conceal itself from him.

{42:21} Magnalia sapientiæ suæ decoravit: qui est ante sæculum et usque in sæculum, neque adiectum est,
{42:21} He has adorned the magnificent works of his wisdom. He is before eternity and even unto eternity. And nothing can be added,

{42:22} neque minuitur, et non eget alicuius consilio.
{42:22} and nothing can be taken away. And he has no need of any counselor.

{42:23} Quam desiderabilia omnia opera eius! Et tamquam scintilla, quæ est considerare.
{42:23} O how desirable are all his works! And all that we consider is but a spark.

{42:24} Omnia hæc vivunt, et manent in sæculum, et in omni necessitate omnia obaudiunt ei.
{42:24} All these works exist, and they remain in the present age, and they all obey him in every purpose.

{42:25} Omnia duplicia, unum contra unum, et non fecit quidquam deesse.
{42:25} All things are two-fold, one facing another, and he has not made anything to be lacking.

{42:26} Uniuscuiusque confirmavit bona. Et quis satiabitur videns gloriam eius?
{42:26} He has confirmed each thing as good. And who would tire of beholding his glory?

[Sirach 43]
[Sirach 43]

{43:1} Altitudinis firmamentum pulchritudo eius est, species cæli in visione gloriæ.
{43:1} The firmament on high is his beauty; it is the beauty of heaven in a vision of glory.

{43:2} Sol in aspectu annuncians in exitu, vas admirabile opus Excelsi.
{43:2} The sun, at its appearance, announces its journey; it is an instrument of wonder, a work of the Most High.

{43:3} In meridiano exurit terram, et in conspectu ardoris eius quis poterit sustinere? Fornacem custodiens in operibus ardoris:
{43:3} At midday, it scorches the earth. And in the presence of its heat, who would be able to endure? It is like the custodian of a furnace in its works of heat.

{43:4} tripliciter sol exurens montes, radios igneos exsufflans, et refulgens radiis suis obcæcat oculos.
{43:4} In three ways, the sun acts: scorching the mountains, emitting fiery rays, and shining with its beams that can blind the eyes.

{43:5} Magnus Dominus qui fecit illum, et in sermonibus eius festinavit iter.
{43:5} Great is the Lord who made it, and at his word, it hurries on its journey.

{43:6} Et luna in omnibus in tempore suo, ostensio temporis, et signum ævi.
{43:6} And the moon, in all its phases, serves to mark the seasons and to be a sign of the times.

{43:7} A luna signum diei festi, luminare quod minuitur in consummatione.
{43:7} From the moon is the sign of a feast day; it is a light which diminishes at its consummation.

~ Feast days were often at the full moon (e.g. Passover, Feast of Tabernacles), and often lasted about 7 days, so that the feast ended as the moons light was diminishing. This verse also has an eschatological meaning, in that changes in the appearance of the moon is one of the signs of the consummation (the end times).

{43:8} Mensis secundum nomen eius est, crescens mirabiliter in consummatione.
{43:8} A month is named according to its phases, increasing wonderfully at its culmination.

{43:9} Vas castrorum in excelsis, in firmamento cæli resplendens gloriose.
{43:9} It is an instrument of the armies on high, shining gloriously in the firmament of heaven.

{43:10} Species cæli gloria stellarum, mundum illuminans in excelsis Dominus.
{43:10} The glory of the stars is the beauty of heaven; the Lord illuminates the world from on high.

{43:11} In verbis Sancti stabunt ad iudicium, et non deficient in vigiliis suis.
{43:11} At the words of the Holy One, they stand for judgment, and they will never fail in their vigilance.

{43:12} Vide arcum, et benedic eum, qui fecit illum: valde speciosus est in splendore suo.
{43:12} Consider the rainbow, and bless the One who made it; it is very beautiful in its splendor.

{43:13} Gyravit cælum in circuitu gloriæ suæ, manus Excelsi aperuerunt illum.
{43:13} It encompasses the heavens with the circle of its glory; the hands of the Most High made it appear.

{43:14} Imperio suo acceleravit nivem, et accelerat coruscationes emittere iudicii sui.
{43:14} By his order, he hastens the snow, and he spurs on the lightning to express his judgment.

{43:15} Propterea aperti sunt thesauri, et evolaverunt nebulæ sicut aves.
{43:15} In like manner, his storehouses are opened, and the clouds fly out like birds.

{43:16} In magnitudine sua posuit nubes, et confracti sunt lapides grandinis.
{43:16} By his greatness, he has positioned the clouds, and the hailstones have been broken.

{43:17} In conspectu eius commovebuntur montes, et in voluntate eius aspirabit Notus.
{43:17} At his glance, the mountains will be shaken, and by his will, the south wind will blow.

{43:18} Vox tonitrui eius verberavit terram, tempestas aquilonis, et congregatio spiritus:
{43:18} The voice of his thunder will reverberate through the earth, by a storm from the north, and by a gathering of the whirlwind.

{43:19} et sicut avis deponens ad sedendum, aspergit nivem, et sicut locusta demergens descensus eius.
{43:19} And like the birds landing in a flock upon the earth, he sends down the snow; and its descent is like the arrival of a swarm of locusts.

{43:20} Pulchritudinem candoris eius admirabitur oculus, et super imbrem eius expavescet cor.
{43:20} The eye is in wonder at the beauty of its whiteness, and the heart is astonished at its falling.

{43:21} Gelu sicut salem effundet super terram: et dum gelaverit, fiet tamquam cacumina tribuli.
{43:21} He will pour out frost like salt upon the earth. And when it freezes, it will become like the tops of thistles.

{43:22} Frigidus ventus aquilo flavit, et gelavit crystallus ab aqua, super omnem congregationem aquarum requiescet, et sicut lorica induet se aquis.
{43:22} The cold north wind blows, and the water freezes into crystals; it will rest upon every gathering of water, and it will clothe the water like a breastplate.

{43:23} Et devorabit montes, et exuret desertum, et extinguet viride, sicut igne.
{43:23} And it will devour the mountains, and burn the wilderness, and extinguish the greenery, like a fire.

{43:24} Medicina omnium in festinatione nebulæ: et ros obvians ab ardore venienti humilem efficiet eum.
{43:24} Relief for all is in the hurried arrival of a cloud. And the lowly dew will arrive to meet the heat and overpower it.

~ This is a prophetic figure for the Return of Jesus Christ on a cloud, and the return with Him of the lowly Virgin Mary; and at His Return, He will destroy the ardor of sin and of the sinful Antichrist (who will be of the kingdom of the North).

{43:25} In sermone eius siluit ventus, et cogitatione sua placavit abyssum, et plantavit in illa Dominus insulas.
{43:25} At his word, the wind grows quiet, and by his thought, he appeases the abyss, for the Lord has planted islands in it.

{43:26} Qui navigant mare, enarrent pericula eius: et audientes auribus nostris admirabimur.
{43:26} Let those who navigate the sea describe its perils. And when we have heard it with our ears, we will wonder.

{43:27} Illic præclara opera, et mirabilia: varia bestiarum genera, et omnium pecorum, et creatura belluarum.
{43:27} There are illustrious and wondrous works: the various kinds of wild animals, and all manner of cattle, and the great creatures of the sea.

{43:28} Propter ipsum confirmatus est itineris finis, et in sermone eius composita sunt omnia.
{43:28} Through him, the end of their journey is confirmed, and by his word, all things fit together.

{43:29} Multa dicemus, et deficiemus in verbis; consummatio autem sermonum, ipse est in omnibus.
{43:29} We can say much, and yet still lack for words. But the consummation of our words is this: He is in all things.

{43:30} Gloriantes ad quid valebimus? Ipse enim Omnipotens super omnia opera sua.
{43:30} What would we be able to do to glorify him? For the Almighty himself is above all his own works.

{43:31} Terribilis Dominus, et magnus vehementer, et mirabilis potentia ipsius.
{43:31} The Lord is terrible, and exceedingly great, and his power is wonderful.

{43:32} Glorificantes Dominum quantumcumque potueritis, supervalebit enim adhuc, et admirabilis magnificentia eius.
{43:32} Glorify the Lord as much as you are able, yet still he will far exceed this. For his magnificence is beyond wonder.

{43:33} Benedicentes Dominum, exaltate illum quantum potestis: maior enim est omni laude.
{43:33} Bless the Lord and exalt him, as much as you are able. But he is beyond all praise.

{43:34} Exaltantes eum replemini virtute; ne laboretis: non enim comprehendetis.
{43:34} When you exalt him, use all your ability, and do not cease in this labor. For you can never comprehend him.

{43:35} Quis videbit eum, et enarrabit? Et quis magnificabit eum sicut est ab initio?
{43:35} Who will see him and explain? And who will magnify him, as he is from the beginning?

{43:36} Multa abscondita sunt maiora his: pauca enim vidimus operum eius.
{43:36} There are many things, hidden from us, which are greater than these things. For we have seen but a few of his works.

{43:37} Omnia autem Dominus fecit, et pie agentibus dedit sapientiam.
{43:37} But the Lord has made all things, and he has given wisdom to those who act with piety.

[Sirach 44]
[Sirach 44]

{44:1} Laudemus viros gloriosos, et parentes nostros in generatione sua.
{44:1} Let us praise the men of glory, and our ancestors in their generation.

{44:2} Multam gloriam fecit Dominus magnificentia sua a sæculo:
{44:2} The Lord has wrought great glory, by his own magnificence, from ancient times.

{44:3} Dominantes in potestatibus suis, homines magni virtute, et prudentia sua præditi, nunciantes in prophetis dignitatem prophetarum,
{44:3} There are those who rule with their authority, men of great virtue, who are gifted with prudence. There are those who announce among the prophets, with the dignity of prophets.

{44:4} et imperantes in præsenti populo, et virtute prudentiæ populis sanctissima verba.
{44:4} And there are those who rule over the present generation, by the virtue of prudence, with very holy words for the people.

{44:5} In peritia sua requirentes modos musicos, et narrantes carmina Scripturarum.
{44:5} There are those who, by their skill, compose musical themes, so as to set the verses of Scripture to music.

{44:6} Homines divites in virtute, pulchritudinis studium habentes: pacificantes in domibus suis.
{44:6} There are men rich in virtue, who make a study of beauty, who live in peacefulness in their houses.

{44:7} Omnes isti in generationibus gentis suæ gloriam adepti sunt, et in diebus suis habentur in laudibus.
{44:7} All these obtained glory in their generations, and they had praise in their days.

{44:8} Qui de illis nati sunt, reliquerunt nomen narrandi laudes eorum:
{44:8} They left behind a name for those who were born of them, so that their praises might be described.

{44:9} et sunt quorum non est memoria: perierunt quasi qui non fuerint: et nati sunt, quasi non nati, et filii ipsorum cum ipsis.
{44:9} But for some of them, there is no memorial. They have passed away as if they had never existed; and they have become as if they had never been born, and their sons along with them.

{44:10} Sed illi viri misericordiæ sunt, quorum pietates non defuerunt:
{44:10} But these were men of mercy, whose pious deeds have not failed.

{44:11} cum semine eorum permanent bona,
{44:11} Good things continue with their offspring.

{44:12} hereditas sancta nepotes eorum, et in testamentis stetit semen eorum:
{44:12} Their descendants are a holy inheritance, and their offspring stand firm in the covenants.

{44:13} et filii eorum propter illos usque in æternum manent: semen eorum et gloria eorum non derelinquetur.
{44:13} And because of them, their sons remain even unto eternity. Their offspring and their glory will not be forsaken.

{44:14} Corpora ipsorum in pace sepulta sunt, et nomen eorum vivit in generationem et generationem.
{44:14} Their bodies were buried in peace, and their name lives on, from generation to generation.

{44:15} Sapientiam ipsorum narrent populi, et laudem eorum nunciet ecclesia.
{44:15} Let the people declare their wisdom, and let the Church announce their praise.

{44:16} Henoch placuit Deo, et translatus est in paradisum, ut det gentibus pœnitentiam.
{44:16} Enoch pleased God, and he was transferred to Paradise, so that he might offer repentance to the nations.

{44:17} Noe inventus est perfectus, iustus, et in tempore iracundiæ factus est reconciliatio.
{44:17} Noah was found to be perfect and just, and so, in the time of wrath, he was made a reconciliation.

{44:18} Ideo dimissum est reliquum terræ, cum factum est diluvium.
{44:18} As a result, there was a remnant left for the earth, when the great flood was made.

{44:19} Testamenta sæculi posita sunt apud illum, ne deleri possit diluvio omnis caro.
{44:19} The covenants of the world were placed with him, so that all flesh would not be wiped away by the great flood.

{44:20} Abraham magnus pater multitudinis gentium, et non est inventus similis illi in gloria: qui conservavit legem Excelsi, et fuit in testamento cum illo.
{44:20} Abraham was the great father of a multitude of nations, and no one was found to be like him in glory. He observed the law of the Most High, and he formed a covenant with him.

{44:21} In carne eius stare fecit testamentum, et in tentatione inventus est fidelis.
{44:21} In his flesh, he caused the covenant to stand, and when tested, he was found to be faithful.

{44:22} Ideo iureiurando dedit illi gloriam in gente sua, crescere illum quasi terræ cumulum,
{44:22} Therefore, by an oath, he gave glory to him among his people, so as to increase him like the dust of the earth,

{44:23} et ut stellas exaltare semen eius, et hereditare illos a mari usque ad mare, et a flumine usque ad terminos terræ.
{44:23} and to exalt his offspring like the stars, and to give an inheritance to them from sea to sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth.

{44:24} Et in Isaac eodem modo fecit propter Abraham patrem eius.
{44:24} And he acted in like manner toward Isaac, because of his father Abraham.

{44:25} Benedictionem omnium gentium dedit illi Dominus, et testamentum confirmavit super caput Iacob.
{44:25} The Lord gave the blessing of all the nations to him, and he confirmed his covenant upon the head of Jacob.

{44:26} Agnovit eum in benedictionibus suis, et dedit illi hereditatem, et divisit illi partem in tribubus duodecim.
{44:26} He acknowledged him in his blessings, and he gave an inheritance to him, and he distributed to him the portion of the twelve tribes.

{44:27} Et conservavit illi homines misericordiæ, invenientes gratiam in oculis omnis carnis.
{44:27} And he preserved for him men of mercy, who were found to have grace before the eyes of all flesh.

[Sirach 45]
[Sirach 45]

{45:1} Dilectus Deo, et hominibus Moyses: cuius memoria in benedictione est.
{45:1} Moses was beloved by God and men. The remembrance of him is a blessing.

{45:2} Similem illum fecit in gloria sanctorum, et magnificavit eum in timore inimicorum, et in verbis suis monstra placavit.
{45:2} He made him like the holy ones in glory, and he magnified him by the fear of his enemies, and he appeased great portents by his words.

{45:3} Glorificavit illum in conspectu regum, et iussit illi coram populo suo, et ostendit illi gloriam suam.
{45:3} He glorified him in the sight of kings, and he gave commandments to him in the sight of his people, and he revealed his glory to him.

{45:4} In fide et lenitate ipsius sanctum fecit illum, et elegit eum ex omni carne.
{45:4} He made him holy by his faith and meekness, and he chose him from among all flesh.

{45:5} Audivit enim eum, et vocem ipsius, et induxit illum in nubem.
{45:5} For he heard him and his voice, and he led him into a cloud.

{45:6} Et dedit illi coram præcepta, et legem vitæ et disciplinæ, docere Iacob testamentum suum, et iudicia sua Israel.
{45:6} And he gave him precepts in his presence, with a law of life and discipline, so as to teach Jacob his covenant and Israel his judgments.

{45:7} Excelsum fecit Aaron fratrem eius, et similem sibi de tribu Levi:
{45:7} He exalted his brother Aaron and those who were similar to him from the tribe of Levi.

{45:8} statuit ei testamentum æternum, et dedit illi sacerdotium gentis: et beatificavit illum in gloria,
{45:8} He established an eternal covenant with him, and he gave him the priesthood of the people, and he caused him to be blessed in glory.

{45:9} et circumcinxit eum zona gloriæ, et induit eum stolam gloriæ, et coronavit eum in vasis virtutis.
{45:9} And he encircled him with a glorious belt, and he clothed him with a robe of glory, and he crowned him with virtuous attire.

{45:10} Circumpedes, et femoralia, et humerale posuit ei, et cinxit illum tintinnabulis aureis plurimis in gyro,
{45:10} He placed upon him a garment to the feet, and pants, and an ephod, and he wrapped him all around with many little bells of gold,

~ The word ‘femoralia’ refers to an undergarment, similar to pants or shorts, which Jewish priests and Levites wore for the sake of modesty.

{45:11} dare sonitum in incessu suo, auditum facere sonitum in templo in memoriam filiis gentis suæ.
{45:11} so that there would be a sound at his arrival, and so as to make a noise that would be heard in the temple, as a memorial for the sons of his people.

{45:12} Stolam sanctam, auro, et hyacintho, et purpura, opus textile, viri sapientis, iudicio et veritate præditi:
{45:12} He provided him with a holy robe of gold and hyacinth and purple, a woven work for a wise man of judgment and truth,

{45:13} torto cocco opus artificis gemmis pretiosis figuratis in ligatura auri, et opere lapidarii sculptis in memoriam secundum numerum tribuum Israel.
{45:13} a work of twisted scarlet, the work of an artist, with precious stones, cut and set in gold, and engraved by the work of a jeweler, as a memorial according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

{45:14} Corona aurea super mitram eius expressa signo sanctitatis, et gloria honoris: opus virtutis, et desideria oculorum ornata.
{45:14} He provided him with a crown of gold upon his headdress, on which was written a symbol of holiness, a mark of honor. This was a work of virtue and a delight to the eyes in its beauty.

{45:15} Sic pulchra ante ipsum non fuerunt talia usque ad originem.
{45:15} Prior to him, there was no one of such beauty, even from the beginning.

{45:16} Non est indutus illa alienigena aliquis, sed tantum filii ipsius soli, et nepotes eius per omne tempus.
{45:16} No foreigner was ever clothed with these things, but only his sons and his descendants alone, for all time.

{45:17} Sacrificia ipsius consumpta sunt igne quotidie.
{45:17} His sacrifices were consumed by fire daily.

{45:18} Complevit Moyses manus eius, et unxit illum oleo sancto.
{45:18} Moses filled his hands and anointed him with holy oil.

{45:19} Factum est illi in testamentum æternum, et semini eius sicut dies cæli, fungi sacerdotio, et habere laudem, et glorificare populum suum in nomine eius.
{45:19} An eternal covenant was made, with him and with his offspring, like the days of heaven, to execute the office of the priesthood, and to give praise and to glorify his people, in his name.

{45:20} Ipsum elegit ab omni vivente, offerre sacrificium Deo, incensum, et bonum odorem, in memoriam placare pro populo suo:
{45:20} He chose him from among all living men to offer to God sacrifice, incense, and a pleasing fragrance, as a memorial of appeasement on behalf of his people.

{45:21} et dedit illi in præceptis suis potestatem in testamentis iudiciorum, docere Iacob testimonia, et in lege sua lucem dare Israel.
{45:21} And he gave him authority by his precepts, in the covenants of his judgments, to teach Jacob his testimonies, and to give light by his law to Israel.

{45:22} Quia contra illum steterunt alieni, et propter invidiam circumdederunt illum homines in deserto, qui erant cum Dathan et Abiron, et congregatio Core in iracundia.
{45:22} Then strangers stood up against him, and, because of envy, the men who were with Dathan and Abiram surrounded him in the desert, along with the congregation of Korah, in their anger.

{45:23} Vidit Dominus Deus, et non placuit illi, et consumpti sunt in impetu iracundiæ.
{45:23} The Lord God saw this, and it did not please him, and so they were consumed by the force of his anger.

{45:24} Fecit illis monstra, et consumpsit illos in flamma ignis.
{45:24} He wrought great portents among them, and he consumed them with a flame of fire.

{45:25} Et addidit Aaron gloriam, et dedit illi hereditatem, et primitias frugum terræ divisit illi.
{45:25} And he added glory to Aaron, and he gave him an inheritance, and he allotted to him the first-fruits of the earth.

{45:26} Panem ipsis in primis paravit in satietatem: nam et sacrificia Domini edent, quæ dedit illi, et semini eius.
{45:26} He prepared for them the finest bread unto fullness. And they shall also eat from the sacrifices of the Lord, which he gave to him and to his offspring.

{45:27} Ceterum in terra gentes non hereditabit, et pars non est illi in gente: ipse est enim pars eius, et hereditas.
{45:27} And yet he will not have an inheritance among the people of the land, and he has no portion among the people. For the Lord himself is his portion and his inheritance.

{45:28} Phinees filius Eleazari tertius in gloria est, imitando eum in timore Domini:
{45:28} Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, is third in glory, by imitating him in the fear of the Lord.

{45:29} et stare in reverentia gentis: in bonitate et alacritate animæ suæ placuit Deo pro Israel.
{45:29} And he stood up against the shamefulness of the people. By the goodness and responsiveness of his soul, he appeased God on behalf of Israel.

{45:30} Ideo statuit illi testamentum pacis, principem sanctorum et gentis suæ, ut sit illi et semini eius sacerdotii dignitas in æternum.
{45:30} For this reason, he made him a covenant of peace, a leader of the sanctuary and of his people, so that the dignity of the priesthood would remain with him and with his offspring unto eternity.

{45:31} Et testamentum David regi filio Iesse de tribu Iuda, hereditas ipsi et semini eius, ut daret sapientiam in cor nostrum, iudicare gentem suam in iustitia, ne abolerentur bona ipsorum, et gloriam ipsorum in gentem eorum æternam fecit.
{45:31} And he made a covenant with king David, the son of Jesse from the tribe of Judah, an inheritance for him and for his offspring, so that he might provide wisdom for our hearts, so as to judge his people in justice, lest their good things be abolished. And he caused their glory within their nation to be everlasting.

[Sirach 46]
[Sirach 46]

{46:1} Fortis in bello Iesus Nave successor Moysi in prophetis, qui fuit magnus secundum nomen suum,
{46:1} Joshua, the son of Nun, was valiant in warfare; he was the successor of Moses among the prophets. He was great in accord with his name,

{46:2} maximus in salutem electorum Dei, expugnare insurgentes hostes, ut consequeretur hereditatem Israel.
{46:2} very great in the saving the elect of God. He fought against the insurgent enemies, so that he might obtain the inheritance for Israel.

{46:3} Quam gloriam adeptus est in tollendo manus suas, et iactando contra civitates rhomphæas!
{46:3} What great glory he secured, by lifting up his hands and throwing his spears against the cities!

{46:4} Quis ante illum sic restitit? Nam hostes ipse Dominus perduxit:
{46:4} Who before him has stood so firmly? For the Lord himself led forward the enemies.

{46:5} An non in iracundia eius impeditus est sol, et una dies facta est quasi duo?
{46:5} Was not the sun halted by his wrath, and one day made as if two?

{46:6} Invocavit Altissimum Potentem in oppugnando inimicos undique, et audivit illum magnus et sanctus Deus in saxis grandinis virtutis valde fortis.
{46:6} He called upon the Most High Power, when the enemies assailed him on every side. And the great and holy God answered him with hailstones of exceedingly great force.

{46:7} Impetum fecit contra gentem hostilem, et in descensu perdidit contrarios,
{46:7} He made a violent assault against a hostile nation, and at his descent, he destroyed his adversaries,

{46:8} ut cognoscant gentes potentiam eius: quia contra Deum pugnare non est facile. Et secutus est a tergo Potentis:
{46:8} so that the nations would acknowledge his power: that it is not easy to fight against God. And he followed the Almighty.

{46:9} et in diebus Moysi misericordiam fecit ipse, et Caleb filius Iephone, stare contra hostem, et prohibere gentem a peccatis, et perfringere murmur malitiæ.
{46:9} And in the days of Moses, he accomplished a work of mercy. He and Caleb, the son of Jephuneh, stood against the enemy, and forbid the people from sin, and broke their wicked murmuring.

{46:10} Et ipsi duo constituti, a periculo liberati sunt a numero sexcentorum millium peditum, inducere illos in hereditatem, in terram, quæ manat lac et mel.
{46:10} And these two, having been appointed, were freed from peril, from foot soldiers numbering six hundred thousand, so as to lead them into their inheritance, into a land flowing with milk and honey.

{46:11} Et dedit Dominus ipsi Caleb fortitudinem, et usque in senectutem permansit illi virtus, ut ascenderet in excelsum terræ locum, et semen ipsius obtinuit hereditatem:
{46:11} And the Lord gave strength to Caleb also, and his strength remained even in his old age, so that he ascended to the high places of the land, and his offspring obtained it as an inheritance.

{46:12} ut viderent omnes filii Israel quia bonum est obsequi sancto Deo.
{46:12} This was so that all the sons of Israel would see that it is good to obey the holy God.

{46:13} Et iudices singuli suo nomine, quorum non est corruptum cor: qui non aversi sunt a Domino,
{46:13} Then there were the judges, each one called by name, whose heart was not corrupted. They did not turn away from the Lord,

{46:14} ut sit memoria illorum in benedictione, et ossa eorum pullulent de loco suo,
{46:14} so that their memory might be blessed, and their bones might spring forth from their place,

{46:15} et nomen eorum permaneat in æternum, permanens ad filios illorum, sanctorum virorum gloria.
{46:15} and their name might remain forever, continuing in their sons, holy men of glory.

{46:16} Dilectus a Domino Deo suo Samuel propheta Domini, renovavit imperium, et unxit principes in gente sua.
{46:16} Samuel, prophet of the Lord, beloved by the Lord his God, established a new government, and he anointed leaders over his people.

{46:17} In lege Domini congregationem iudicavit, et vidit Deus Iacob, et in fide sua probatus est propheta.
{46:17} By the law of the Lord, he judged the congregation, and the God of Jacob saw it, and so, by his fidelity, he was proven to be a prophet.

{46:18} Et cognitus est in verbis suis fidelis, quia vidit Deum lucis:
{46:18} And he was known to be faithful in his words. For he saw the God of light.

{46:19} et invocavit Dominum omnipotentem, in oppugnando hostes circumstantes undique in oblatione agni inviolati.
{46:19} And when fighting against the enemies, who stood against him on every side, he called upon the name of the Almighty Lord, with an offering of an inviolate lamb.

{46:20} Et intonuit de cælo Dominus, et in sonitu magno auditam fecit vocem suam,
{46:20} And the Lord thundered from heaven, and with a great noise, he made his voice to be heard.

{46:21} et contrivit principes Tyriorum, et omnes duces Philisthiim:
{46:21} And he crushed the leaders of the Tyrians, and all the commanders of the Philistines.

{46:22} et ante tempus finis vitæ suæ et sæculi, testimonium præbuit in conspectu Domini, et Christi, pecunias et usque ad calceamenta ab omni carne non accepit, et non accusavit illum homo.
{46:22} And before the time of the end of his life in the world, he offered testimony in the sight of the Lord and of his Christ, that he had not taken a bribe from any flesh, not even so much as a shoe, and that no man made an accusation against him.

{46:23} Et post hoc dormivit, et notum fecit regi, et ostendit illi finem vitæ suæ, et exaltavit vocem suam de terra in prophetia delere impietatem gentis.
{46:23} And after this, he slept. And he made known to the king and revealed to him the end of his life. And he lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy, to abolish the impiety of the people.

[Sirach 47]
[Sirach 47]

{47:1} Post hæc surrexit Nathan propheta in diebus David.
{47:1} After these things, Nathan the prophet arose, in the days of David.

{47:2} Et quasi adeps separatus a carne, sic David a filiis Israel.
{47:2} And just as fat is separated from meat, so was David separated from the sons of Israel.

{47:3} Cum leonibus lusit quasi cum agnis: et in ursis similiter fecit sicut in agnis ovium in iuventute sua.
{47:3} He played with lions, as if with lambs, and he acted similarly with bears, as if they were lambs of the flock, in his youth.

{47:4} Numquid non occidit gigantem, et abstulit opprobrium de gente?
{47:4} Did he not kill the giant, and take away the reproach from his people?

{47:5} In tollendo manum, saxo fundæ deiecit exultationem Goliæ:
{47:5} By lifting up his hand, with a stone in a sling, he threw down the boasting of Goliath.

{47:6} nam invocavit Dominum omnipotentem, et dedit in dextera eius tollere hominem fortem in bello, et exaltare cornu gentis suæ.
{47:6} For he called upon the Almighty Lord, and he swore with his right hand to take away the mighty man of war, and to exalt the horn of his people.

~ The expression ‘dedit in dextera eius’ means to swear an oath by raising one’s right hand. Compare 1 Maccabees 11:62.

{47:7} Sic in decem millibus glorificavit eum, et laudavit eum in benedictionibus Domini in offerendo illi coronam gloriæ:
{47:7} So he glorified him amid ten thousand, and he praised him with the blessings of the Lord, by offering him a crown of glory.

{47:8} contrivit enim inimicos undique, et extirpavit Philisthiim contrarios usque in hodiernum diem: contrivit cornu ipsorum usque in æternum.
{47:8} For he crushed the enemies on every side, and he eradicated his adversaries, the Philistines, even to this day. He broke their horn, even for all time.

{47:9} In omni opere dedit confessionem Sancto, et Excelso in verbo gloriæ.
{47:9} In all his works, he gave thanks to the Holy One, to the Most High, with words of glory.

{47:10} De omni corde suo laudavit Dominum, et dilexit Deum, qui fecit illum: et dedit illi contra inimicos potentiam:
{47:10} With all his heart, he praised the Lord and he loved God, who made him and who gave him power against his enemies.

{47:11} Et stare fecit cantores contra altare, et in sono eorum dulces fecit modos.
{47:11} And he appointed singers to stand opposite the altar, and by their voices he provided sweet music.

{47:12} Et dedit in celebrationibus decus, et ornavit tempora usque ad consummationem vitæ, ut laudarent nomen sanctum Domini, et amplificarent mane Dei sanctitatem.
{47:12} And he provided beauty for the celebrations, and he gave order to the times, even until the end of his life, so that they would praise the holy name of the Lord, and magnify the sanctity of God, from early morning.

{47:13} Dominus purgavit peccata ipsius, et exaltavit in æternum cornu eius: et dedit illi testamentum regni, et sedem gloriæ in Israel.
{47:13} The Lord purged his sins, and he exalted his horn forever. And he gave him the covenant of the kingdom, and a throne of glory in Israel.

{47:14} Post ipsum surrexit filius sensatus, et propter illum deiecit omnem potentiam inimicorum.
{47:14} After him, an understanding son rose up. And by means of him, he cast down all the power of the enemies.

{47:15} Salomon imperavit in diebus pacis, cui subiecit Deus omnes hostes, ut conderet domum in nomine suo, et pararet sanctitatem in sempiternum: quemadmodum eruditus es in iuventute tua,
{47:15} Solomon reigned in days of peace, and God subjected all his enemies to him, so that he might build a house in his name, and prepare a sanctuary for all time. O how well-taught you were in your youth!

{47:16} et impletus es, quasi flumen, sapientia, et terram retexit anima tua.
{47:16} And you were filled with wisdom like a river, and your mind exposed the world.

{47:17} Et replesti in comparationibus ænigmata: ad insulas longe divulgatum est nomen tuum, et dilectus es in pace tua.
{47:17} And you explained mysteries by means of parables. Your name became known to far off islands, and you were beloved for your peace.

{47:18} In cantilenis, et proverbiis, et comparationibus, et interpretationibus miratæ sunt terræ,
{47:18} The earth was in wonder over your canticles, and proverbs, and parables, and interpretations,

{47:19} et in nomine Domini Dei, cui est cognomen, Deus Israel.
{47:19} and over the name of the Lord God, who is known as the God of Israel.

{47:20} Collegisti quasi auricalcum aurum, et ut plumbum complesti argentum,
{47:20} You gathered gold like copper, and you multiplied silver like lead.

{47:21} et inclinasti femora tua mulieribus: potestatem habuisti in corpore tuo,
{47:21} But you bent your thigh to women, and you were held by the power of your body.

{47:22} dedisti maculam in gloria tua, et profanasti semen tuum inducere iracundiam ad liberos tuos, et incitari stultitiam tuam,
{47:22} You brought a stain upon your glory, and you profaned your seed, so as to bring wrath upon your children, and to incite your foolishness,

{47:23} ut faceres imperium bipartitum, et ex Ephraim imperare imperium durum.
{47:23} so that you would cause the kingdom to be divided, and an obstinate kingdom to rule from Ephraim.

{47:24} Deus autem non derelinquet misericordiam suam, et non corrumpet, nec delebit opera sua, neque perdet a stirpe nepotes electi sui: et semen eius, qui diligit Dominum non corrumpet.
{47:24} But God will not abandon his mercy, nor will he corrupt or abolish his own works. And he will not perish the stock of the descendants of his elect. And he will not destroy the offspring of him who loves the Lord.

{47:25} Dedit autem reliquum Iacob, et David de ipsa stirpe.
{47:25} Therefore, he left behind a remnant for Jacob and for David, from the same stock.

{47:26} Et finem habuit Salomon cum patribus suis.
{47:26} And Solomon had his end with his fathers.

{47:27} Et dereliquit post se de semine suo, gentis stultitiam,
{47:27} And he left behind himself some of his offspring, as the folly of the nation:

{47:28} et imminutum a prudentia, Roboam, qui avertit gentem consilio suo:
{47:28} both Rehoboam, who had little prudence, and who turned away the people by his counsel,

{47:29} et Ieroboam filium Nabat, qui peccare fecit Israel, et dedit viam peccandi Ephraim, et plurima redundaverunt peccata ipsorum.
{47:29} and Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, and who provided a way of sin to Ephraim. And their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

{47:30} Valde averterunt illos a terra sua.
{47:30} They thoroughly turned them away from their own land.

{47:31} Et quæsivit omnes nequitias usque dum perveniret ad illos defensio, et ab omnibus peccatis liberavit eos.
{47:31} And they sought every kind of wickedness, even until punishment overwhelmed them, and freed them from every kind of sin.

[Sirach 48]
[Sirach 48]

{48:1} Et surrexit Elias propheta, quasi ignis, et verbum ipsius quasi facula ardebat.
{48:1} And the prophet Elijah arose like a fire, and his word burned like a torch.

{48:2} Qui induxit in illos famem, et irritantes illum invidia sua pauci facti sunt. Non enim poterant sustinere præcepta Domini.
{48:2} He brought a famine upon them, and those who provoked him in their envy became few. For they could not bear the precepts of the Lord.

{48:3} Verbo Domini continuit cælum, et deiecit de cælo ignem ter.
{48:3} By the word of the Lord, he closed the heavens, and he brought down fire from heaven three times.

{48:4} Sic amplificatus est Elias in mirabilibus suis. Et quis potest similiter sic gloriari tibi?
{48:4} In this way, Elijah was magnified in his wondrous works. So who can say that he is similar to you in glory?

{48:5} Qui sustulisti mortuum ab inferis de sorte mortis in verbo Domini Dei.
{48:5} He raised up a dead man from the grave, from the fate of death, by the word of the Lord God.

{48:6} Qui deiecisti reges ad pernicem, et confregisti facile potentiam ipsorum, et gloriosos de lecto suo.
{48:6} He threw down kings unto perdition, and he easily shattered their power and boasting from his bed.

~ Notice that ‘suo’ is singular, while ‘ipsorum’ is plural. The former refers to Elijah and the latter to the kings. Elijah was able to throw down kings from his bed (or couch); he did not even have to stand up to defeat them.

{48:7} Qui audis in Sina iudicium, et in Horeb iudicia defensionis.
{48:7} He heeded the judgment at Sinai, and the judgments of punishment at Horeb.

{48:8} Qui ungis reges ad pœnitentiam, et prophetas facis successores post te.
{48:8} He anointed kings unto repentance, and he chose the prophets who would follow after him.

~ The verb here is in the second person singular because the subject is represented by the pronoun ‘qui’ (who). But using ‘who’ in English when it is not a question is awkward, so the pronoun used in third person singular. Thus, ‘post te’ becomes ‘after him’.

{48:9} Qui receptus es in turbine ignis, in curru equorum igneorum.
{48:9} He was received into a whirlwind of fire, into a swift chariot with fiery horses.

{48:10} Qui scriptus es in iudiciis temporum lenire iracundiam Domini: conciliare cor patris ad filium, et restituere tribus Iacob.
{48:10} He is written in the judgments of the times, so as to lessen the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.

{48:11} Beati sunt, qui te viderunt, et in amicitia tua decorati sunt.
{48:11} Blessed are those who saw you, and who were adorned with your friendship.

{48:12} Nam nos vita vivimus tantum, post mortem autem non erit tale nomen nostrum.
{48:12} For we live only in our life, and after death, our name will not be the same.

{48:13} Elias quidem in turbine tectus est, et in Eliseo completus est spiritus eius: in diebus suis non pertimuit principem, et potentia nemo vicit illum.
{48:13} Certainly, Elijah was covered by the whirlwind, and his spirit was completed in Elisha. In his days, he was not fearful of the ruler, and no power defeated him.

{48:14} Nec superavit illum verbum aliquod et mortuum prophetavit corpus eius.
{48:14} No word overwhelmed him, and after death, his body prophesied.

{48:15} In vita sua fecit monstra, et in morte mirabilia operatus est.
{48:15} In his life, he gave great portents, and in death, he wrought miracles.

{48:16} In omnibus istis non pœnituit populus, et non recesserunt a peccatis suis usque dum eiecti sunt de terra sua, et dispersi sunt in omnem terram:
{48:16} In all these things, the people did not repent, and they did not withdraw from their sins, even until they were cast out of their land, and were dispersed throughout all the earth.

{48:17} et relicta est gens perpauca, et princeps in domo David.
{48:17} And there was left behind a people very few in number, but with a leader in the house of David.

{48:18} Quidam ipsorum fecerunt quod placeret Deo: alii autem multa commiserunt peccata.
{48:18} Some of these did what pleased God. But others committed many sins.

{48:19} Ezechias munivit civitatem suam, et induxit in medium ipsius aquam, et fodit ferro rupem, et ædificavit ad aquam puteum.
{48:19} Hezekiah fortified his city, and he brought water into its midst, and he dug into rock with iron, and he built a well for water.

{48:20} In diebus ipsius ascendit Sennacherib, et misit Rabsacen, et sustulit manum suam contra illos, et extulit manum suam in Sion, et superbus factus est potentia sua.
{48:20} In his days, Sennacherib rose up, and he sent Rabshakeh, and he lifted up his hand against them, and he extended his hand against Zion, and he became arrogant in his power.

{48:21} Tunc mota sunt corda, et manus ipsorum: et doluerunt quasi parturientes mulieres.
{48:21} Then their hearts and hands shook. And they were in pain, like women giving birth.

{48:22} Et invocaverunt Dominum misericordem, et expandentes manus suas, extulerunt ad cælum: et sanctus Dominus Deus audivit cito vocem ipsorum.
{48:22} And they called upon the merciful Lord. And they spread their hands and lifted them up to heaven. And the holy Lord God quickly heeded their voice.

{48:23} Non est commemoratus peccatorum illorum, neque dedit illos inimicis suis, sed purgavit eos in manu Isaiæ sancti prophetæ.
{48:23} He was not mindful of their sins, and he did not give them over to their enemies. Instead, he purified them by the hand of Isaiah, the holy prophet.

{48:24} Deiecit castra Assyriorum, et contrivit illos Angelus Domini.
{48:24} He threw down the army of the Assyrians, and the Angel of the Lord crushed them.

{48:25} Nam fecit Ezechias quod placuit Deo, et fortiter ivit in via David patris sui, quam mandavit illi Isaias propheta magnus, et fidelis in conspectu Dei.
{48:25} For Hezekiah did what pleased God, and he went with fortitude in the way of David his father, just as he had been commanded by Isaiah, a prophet great and faithful in the sight of God.

{48:26} In diebus ipsius retro rediit Sol, et addidit regi vitam.
{48:26} In his days, the sun went backwards, and he added to the king’s life.

{48:27} Spiritu magno vidit ultima, et consolatus est lugentes in Sion.
{48:27} With a great spirit he saw the final things. And he consoled the mourners in Zion.

{48:28} Usque in sempiternum ostendit futura et abscondita antequam evenirent.
{48:28} He revealed the future, even the distant future, and hidden things before they occurred.

[Sirach 49]
[Sirach 49]

{49:1} Memoria Iosiæ in compositionem odoris facta opus pigmentarii.
{49:1} The memory of Josiah is like a blend of fragrances composed by the work of a perfumer.

{49:2} In omni ore quasi mel indulcabitur eius memoria, et ut musica in convivio vini.
{49:2} His remembrance will be sweet like honey in every mouth, and like music at a banquet of wine.

{49:3} Ipse est directus divinitus in pœnitentiam gentis, et tulit abominationes impietatis.
{49:3} He was divinely directed for the repentance of the nation, and he took away the abominations of impiety.

{49:4} Et gubernavit ad Dominum cor ipsius, et in diebus peccatorum corroboravit pietatem.
{49:4} And he guided his heart toward the Lord. And during the days of sinners, he strengthened piety.

{49:5} Præter David, et Ezechiam, et Iosiam, omnes peccatum commiserunt:
{49:5} Other than David, and Hezekiah, and Josiah, everyone committed sin.

{49:6} nam reliquerunt legem Altissimi reges Iuda, et contempserunt timorem Dei.
{49:6} For the kings of Judah abandoned the law of the Most High, and they held contempt for the fear of God.

{49:7} Dederunt enim regnum suum aliis, et gloriam suam alienigenæ genti.
{49:7} For they gave their kingdom to foreigners, and their glory to a strange people.

{49:8} Incenderunt electam sanctitatis civitatem, et desertas fecerunt vias ipsius in manu Ieremiæ.
{49:8} They set fire to the chosen city of sanctity, and they made its streets desolate, in accord with the hand of Jeremiah.

{49:9} Nam male tractaverunt illum, qui a ventre matris consecratus est propheta, evertere, et eruere, et perdere, et iterum ædificare, et renovare.
{49:9} For they treated him wickedly, though he was consecrated as a prophet from his mother’s womb: to overthrow, and to root out, and to destroy, and also to rebuild and to renew.

{49:10} Ezechiel qui vidit conspectum gloriæ, quam ostendit illi in curru Cherubim.
{49:10} It was Ezekiel who saw a vision of glory, which was revealed to him with the chariot of the Cherubim.

{49:11} Nam commemoratus est inimicorum in imbre, benefacere illis, qui ostenderunt rectas vias.
{49:11} For it called to mind the enemies under the figure of rain, to do good to those who have revealed the upright ways.

{49:12} Et duodecim prophetarum ossa pullulent de loco suo: nam corroboraverunt Iacob, et redemerunt se in fide virtutis.
{49:12} And may the bones of the twelve prophets spring up from their place. For they strengthened Jacob, and they redeemed themselves with a virtuous faith.

{49:13} Quomodo amplificemus Zorobabel? Nam et ipse quasi signum in dextera manu,
{49:13} How will we magnify Zerubbabel? For he, too, was like a signet on the right hand.

{49:14} sic et Iesum filium Iosedec: qui in diebus suis ædificaverunt domum, et exaltaverunt templum sanctum Domino, paratum in gloriam sempiternam.
{49:14} So also was Jesus, the son of Jozadak, who in their days built the house, and raised up a holy temple to the Lord, as a preparation for everlasting glory.

{49:15} Et Nehemias in memoriam multi temporis, qui erexit nobis muros eversos, et stare fecit portas et seras, qui erexit domos nostras.
{49:15} And may Nehemiah be remembered for a long time. He raised up for us the walls that had been torn down. And he made firm the gates and the bars. He raised up our houses.

{49:16} Nemo natus est in terra qualis Henoch: nam et ipse receptus est a terra.
{49:16} No one has been born upon the earth like Enoch. And he was also taken up from the earth.

{49:17} Neque ut Ioseph, qui natus est homo, princeps fratrum, firmamentum gentis, rector fratrum, stabilimentum populi:
{49:17} And there was no one like Joseph, who was a man born to be foremost among his brothers, the firmament of his clan, a guide to his brethren, the mainstay of his people.

{49:18} et ossa ipsius visitata sunt, et post mortem prophetaverunt.
{49:18} And his bones were visited, and after death, they prophesied.

{49:19} Seth, et Sem apud homines gloriam adepti sunt: et super omnem animam in origine Adam.
{49:19} Shem and Seth obtained glory among men. And above every soul, at the very beginning, was Adam.

[Sirach 50]
[Sirach 50]

{50:1} Simon Oniæ filius, sacerdos magnus, qui in vita sua suffulsit domum, et in diebus suis corroboravit templum.
{50:1} Simon, the high priest, son of Onias: in his life, he propped up the house, and in his days, he strengthened the temple.

{50:2} Templi etiam altitudo ab ipso fundata est, duplex ædificatio et excelsi parietes templi.
{50:2} Even the height of the temple was established by him: the double building and the high walls of the temple.

{50:3} In diebus ipsius emanaverunt putei aquarum, et quasi mare adimpleti sunt supra modum.
{50:3} In his days, waters flowed out from the wells, and these were full beyond measure, like the sea.

{50:4} Qui curavit gentem suam, et liberavit eam a perditione.
{50:4} He cared for his nation, and he freed it from perdition.

{50:5} Qui prævaluit amplificare civitatem, qui adeptus est gloriam in conversatione gentis: et ingressum domus, et atrii amplificavit.
{50:5} He prevailed, so as to enlarge the city. And he obtained glory by his behavior among the people. And he enlarged the entrance of the house and of the atrium.

{50:6} Quasi stella matutina in medio nebulæ, et quasi luna plena in diebus suis lucet.
{50:6} He shined in his days like the morning star through the midst of a cloud, and like the full moon.

{50:7} Et quasi Sol refulgens, sic ille effulsit in templo Dei.
{50:7} And he shined forth in the temple of God in this manner: like the sun when it shines brightly,

{50:8} Quasi arcus refulgens inter nebulas gloriæ, et quasi flos rosarum in diebus vernis, et quasi lilia quæ sunt in transitu aquæ, et quasi thus redolens in diebus æstatis.
{50:8} and like a rainbow shining amid clouds of glory, and like flowering roses in the days of spring, and like lilies along the water’s edge, and like sweet smelling frankincense in the days of summer,

{50:9} Quasi ignis effulgens, et thus ardens in igne.
{50:9} like a fire shining brightly, and like frankincense burning within a fire,

{50:10} Quasi vas auri solidum, ornatum omni lapide pretioso.
{50:10} like a vessel of solid gold, adorned with every precious stone,

{50:11} Quasi oliva pullulans, et cypressus in altitudinem se extollens, in accipiendo ipsum stolam gloriæ, et vestiri eum in consummationem virtutis.
{50:11} like an olive tree producing buds, and like a cypress tree lifting itself on high, when he received the robe of glory and was vested with the consummation of virtue.

{50:12} In ascensu altaris sancti, gloriam dedit sanctitatis amictum.
{50:12} He gave glory to the vestment of sanctity, when he ascended to the holy altar.

{50:13} In accipiendo autem partes de manu sacerdotum, et ipse stans iuxta aram. Et circa illum corona fratrum: quasi plantatio cedri in monte Libano,
{50:13} Then, when he received the portions from the hands of the priests, he himself stood next to the altar. And around him was the crown of his brethren, like a cedar planted on a mountain of Lebanon.

{50:14} sic circa illum steterunt quasi rami palmæ, et omnes filii Aaron in gloria sua.
{50:14} And they stood around him like palm branches, and all were sons of Aaron in their glory.

{50:15} Oblatio autem Domini in manibus ipsorum, coram omni synagoga Israel: et consummatione fungens in ara, amplificare oblationem Excelsi Regis,
{50:15} Then the oblation of the Lord was in their hands, in the sight of the entire synagogue of Israel. And completing his service at the altar, so as to magnify the offering to the Most High King,

{50:16} porrexit manum suam in libatione, et libavit de sanguine uvæ.
{50:16} he extended his hand to make a libation, and he offered from the blood of the grape.

{50:17} Effudit in fundamento altaris odorem divinum Excelso Principi.
{50:17} At the base of the altar, he poured out a divine fragrance to the Most High Prince.

{50:18} Tunc exclamaverunt filii Aaron, in tubis productilibus sonuerunt, et auditam fecerunt vocem magnam in memoriam coram Deo.
{50:18} Then the sons of Aaron shouted; they sounded finely-made trumpets, and they made a great noise, as a memorial in the sight of God.

{50:19} Tunc omnis populus simul properaverunt, et ceciderunt in faciem super terram, adorare Dominum Deum suum, et dare preces omnipotenti Deo excelso.
{50:19} Then all the people at once hurried forward, and they fell to the ground on their faces, to adore the Lord their God, and to offer prayers to Almighty God Most High.

{50:20} Et amplificaverunt psallentes in vocibus suis, et in magna domo auctus est sonus suavitatis plenus.
{50:20} And the singers of Psalms raised their voices, and a full sweet sound increased in the great house.

{50:21} Et rogavit populus Dominum excelsum in prece, usque dum perfectus est honor Domini, et munus suum perfecerunt.
{50:21} And the people petitioned the Most High Lord in prayer, even until the honor of the Lord was completed, and they finished offering their gifts.

{50:22} Tunc descendens, manus suas extulit in omne congregationem filiorum Israel dare gloriam Deo a labiis suis, et in nomine ipsius gloriari:
{50:22} Then, descending, he extended his hands over the entire congregation of the sons of Israel, to give glory to God from his lips, and to glory in his name.

{50:23} et iteravit orationem suam, volens ostendere virtutem Dei.
{50:23} And he repeated his prayer, wanting to reveal the virtue of God.

{50:24} Et nunc orate Deum omnium, qui magna fecit in omni terra, qui auxit dies nostros a ventre matris nostræ, et fecit nobiscum secundum suam misericordiam:
{50:24} And now, pray to the God of all, who has accomplished great things over all the earth, who has increased our days from our mother’s womb, and who has acted toward us in accord with his mercy.

{50:25} det nobis iucunditatem cordis, et fieri pacem in diebus nostris in Israel per dies sempiternos:
{50:25} May he give us joyfulness in heart, and may there be peace in our days, in Israel for unending days,

{50:26} credere Israel nobiscum esse Dei misericordiam, ut liberet nos in diebus suis.
{50:26} so that Israel may trust the mercy of God to be with us, in order to free us in his days.

{50:27} Duas gentes odit anima mea: tertia autem non est gens, quam oderim:
{50:27} Two nations my soul hates, and a third, which I hate, is not a nation:

{50:28} qui sedent in monte Seir, et Philisthiim, et stultus populus, qui habitat in Sichimis.
{50:28} those who sit upon mount Seir, and the Philistines, and the foolish people who live at Shechem.

{50:29} Doctrinam sapientiæ et disciplinæ scripsit in codice isto Iesus filius Sirach Ierosolymita, qui renovavit sapientiam de corde suo.
{50:29} Jesus, the son of Sirach, of Jerusalem, who renewed wisdom from his heart, wrote the doctrine of wisdom and discipline in this book.

{50:30} Beatus, qui in istis versatur bonis: qui ponit illa in corde suo, sapiens erit semper.
{50:30} Blessed is he who lives by these good things. Whoever places these things in his heart will be ever wise.

{50:31} Si enim hæc fecerit, ad omnia valebit: quia lux Dei, vestigium eius est.
{50:31} For if he does these things, he will prevail in all things. For the light of God is upon his footsteps.

[Sirach 51]
[Sirach 51]

{51:1} Oratio Iesu filii Sirach: Confitebor tibi Domine, Rex, et collaudabo te Deum, Salvatorem meum.
{51:1} The prayer of Jesus, the son of Sirach: I will confess to you, O Lord and King, and I will give praise to you, O God my Saviour.

{51:2} Confitebor nomini tuo: quoniam Adiutor et Protector factus es mihi,
{51:2} I will acknowledge your name. For you have been my Helper and Protector.

{51:3} et liberasti corpus meum a perditione, a laqueo linguæ iniquæ, et a labiis operantium mendacium, et in conspectu astantium factus es mihi Adiutor.
{51:3} And you have freed my body from perdition, from the snare of the iniquitous tongue, and from the lips of those who forge lies. And you have been my Helper in the sight of those who stood nearby.

{51:4} Et liberasti me secundum multitudinem misericordiæ nominis tui a rugientibus, præparatis ad escam,
{51:4} And you have freed me according to the multitude of the mercy of your name: from those who roared and prepared to devour,

{51:5} de manibus quærentium animam meam, et de portis tribulationum quæ circumdederunt me:
{51:5} from the hands of those who sought my life, and from the gates of tribulation that surrounded me,

{51:6} a pressura flammæ, quæ circumdedit me, et in medio ignis non sum æstuatus:
{51:6} from the oppression of the flames that surrounded me, and so I was not burned in the midst of the fire,

{51:7} de altitudine ventris inferi, et a lingua coinquinata, et a verbo mendacii, a rege iniquo, et a lingua iniusta:
{51:7} from the depths of the bowels of hell, and from the defiled tongue, and from lying words, from an iniquitous king, and from an unjust tongue.

{51:8} laudabit usque ad mortem anima mea Dominum,
{51:8} My soul shall praise the Lord, even unto death.

{51:9} et vita mea appropinquans erat in inferno deorsum.
{51:9} For my life was drawing near to hell below.

{51:10} Circumdederunt me undique, et non erat qui adiuvaret. Respiciens eram ad adiutorium hominum, et non erat.
{51:10} And they surrounded me on every side. And there was no one who would help me. I looked around for the assistance of men, and there was none.

{51:11} Memoratus sum misericordiæ tuæ Domine, et operationis tuæ, quæ a sæculo sunt.
{51:11} Then I remembered your mercy, O Lord, and your works, which are from the very beginning.

{51:12} Quoniam eruis sustinentes te Domine, et liberas eos de manibus gentium.
{51:12} For you rescue those who persevere for you, O Lord, and you free them from the hands of the Gentiles.

~ In the Christian interpretation of Scripture, the Gentiles would refer to non-believers (heathens), not to non-Jews.

{51:13} Exaltasti super terram habitationem meam, et pro morte defluente deprecatus sum.
{51:13} You exalted my habitation upon the earth, and I made supplication that death would pass away.

{51:14} Invocavi Dominum, Patrem Domini mei, ut non derelinquat me in die tribulationis meæ, et in tempore superborum sine adiutorio.
{51:14} I called upon the Lord, the Father of my Lord, so that he would not abandon me in the day of my tribulation, nor in the time of arrogance without assistance.

{51:15} Laudabo nomen tuum assidue, et collaudabo illud in confessione, et exaudita est oratio mea.
{51:15} I will praise your name unceasingly, and I will praise it with thanksgiving, for my prayer was heeded.

{51:16} Et liberasti me de perditione, et eripuisti me de tempore iniquo.
{51:16} And you freed me from perdition, and you rescued me from the time of iniquity.

{51:17} Propterea confitebor, et laudem dicam tibi, et benedicam nomini Domini.
{51:17} Because of this, I will give thanks and praise to you, and I will bless the name of the Lord.

{51:18} Cum adhuc iunior essem, priusquam oberrarem, quæsivi sapientiam palam in oratione mea.
{51:18} When I was still young, before I wandered astray, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer.

{51:19} Ante templum postulabam pro illis, et usque in novissimis inquiram eam. Et effloruit tamquam præcox uva,
{51:19} I asked for her before the temple, and even to the very end, I will inquire after her. And she flourished like a newly-ripened grape.

{51:20} lætatum est cor meum in ea. Ambulavit pes meus iter rectum, a iuventute mea investigabam eam.
{51:20} My heart rejoiced in her. My feet walked in the right path. From my youth, I pursued her.

{51:21} Inclinavi modico aurem meam, et excepi illam.
{51:21} I bent my ear a little and accepted her.

{51:22} Multam inveni in meipso sapientiam, et multum profeci in ea.
{51:22} I found much wisdom within myself, and I benefited greatly by her.

{51:23} Danti mihi sapientiam, dabo gloriam.
{51:23} I will give glory to him who gives wisdom to me.

{51:24} Consiliatus sum enim ut facerem illam: zelatus sum bonum, et non confundar.
{51:24} For I have decided that I should act according to wisdom. I have been zealous for what is good, and so I will not be confounded.

{51:25} Colluctata est anima mea in illa, et in faciendo eam confirmatus sum.
{51:25} My soul has struggled for wisdom, and in doing so, I have been confirmed.

{51:26} Manus meas extendi in altum, et insipientiam eius luxi.
{51:26} I extended my hands on high, and I mourned my ignorance of her.

{51:27} Animam meam direxi ad illam, et in agnitione inveni eam.
{51:27} I directed my soul toward her, and I found her within knowledge.

{51:28} Possedi cum ipsa cor ab initio: propter hoc non derelinquar.
{51:28} From the beginning, I held my heart to wisdom. Because of this, I will not be forsaken.

{51:29} Venter meus conturbatus est quærendo illam: propterea bonam possidebo possessionem.
{51:29} My stomach was stirred up while seeking her. Because of her, I will hold a good possession.

{51:30} Dedit mihi Dominus linguam mercedem meam: et in ipsa laudabo eum.
{51:30} The Lord has given me a tongue as my reward, and I will praise him with it.

{51:31} Appropiate ad me indocti, et congregate vos in domum disciplinæ.
{51:31} Draw near to me, you who are untaught, and gather yourselves into the house of discipline.

{51:32} Quid adhuc retardatis? Et quid dicitis in his? Animæ vestræ sitiunt vehementer.
{51:32} Why are you reluctant? And what do you have to say about these things? Your souls are exceedingly thirsty!

{51:33} Aperui os meum, et locutus sum: Comparate vobis sine argento,
{51:33} I have opened my mouth, and I have spoken. Buy wisdom for yourselves without silver,

{51:34} et collum vestrum subiicite iugo, et suscipiat anima vestra disciplinam: in proximo est enim invenire eam.
{51:34} and subject your neck to her yoke, and let your soul accept her discipline. For she is close enough to be found.

{51:35} Videte oculis vestris quia modicum laboravi, et inveni mihi multam requiem.
{51:35} See with your own eyes how I have labored only a little, and have found much rest for myself.

{51:36} Assumite disciplinam in multo numero argenti, et copiosum aurum possidete in ea.
{51:36} Take up discipline, as if it were a great sum of money, and possess an abundance of gold in her.

{51:37} Lætetur anima vestra in misericordia eius, et non confundemini in laude ipsius.
{51:37} Let your soul rejoice in his mercy. For you will not be confounded by his praise.

{51:38} Operamini opus vestrum ante tempus, et dabit vobis mercedem vestram in tempore suo.
{51:38} Accomplish your work before the time. And he will give you your reward in his time.