English - UKJV 2000
Vietnamese - 1934
Chuong 1  2  3  4  5  2 Te sa lo ni ca  1  2  3

Te sa lo ni ca - 1 Thessalonians

1:1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1:1 Phao-loâ, Sin-vanh vaø Ti-moâ-theâ gôûi cho Hoäi-thaùnh ôû thaønh Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca, Hoäi trong Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Cha, vaø trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ, Chuùa chuùng ta: nguyeàn xin aân ñieån vaø söï bình an ban cho anh em!

1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;

1:2 Chuùng toâi haèng vì anh em taï ôn Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, thöôøng nhaéc ñeán anh em trong khi caàu nguyeän;

1:3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, (o. agape) and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;

1:3 vì tröôùc maët Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Cha, chuùng toâi nhôù maõi veà coâng vieäc cuûa ñöùc tin anh em, coâng lao cuûa loøng yeâu thöông anh em, söï beàn ñoå veà söï troâng caäy cuûa anh em trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta;

1:4 Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

1:4 hôõi anh em ñöôïc Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi yeâu daáu, chuùng toâi bieát anh em laø keû ñöôïc löïa choïn.

1:5 For our gospel came not unto you in word (o. logos) only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, (o. pneuma) and in much assurance; as all of you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

1:5 Vaû, ñaïo Tin Laønh chuùng toâi ñaõ rao truyeàn cho anh em, khoâng nhöõng baèng lôøi noùi thoâi, laïi cuõng baèng quyeàn pheùp, Ñöùc Thaùnh Linh vaø söùc maïnh cuûa söï tin quyeát nöõa. Vì anh em bieát roõ caùch chuùng toâi ôû giöõa anh em vaø loøng yeâu thöông ñoái vôùi anh em laø theå naøo.

1:6 And all of you became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word (o. logos) in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit. (o. pneuma)

1:6 Anh em cuõng ñaõ baét chöôùc toâi vaø baét chöôùc Chuùa, laáy söï vui veû cuûa Ñöùc Thaùnh Linh maø tieáp nhaän ñaïo giöõa luùc nhieàu söï khoán khoù,

1:7 So that all of you were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.

1:7 ñeán noãi anh em trôû neân göông toát cho heát thaûy tín ñoà ôû xöù Ma-xeâ-ñoan vaø xöù A-chai.

1:8 For from you sounded out the word (o. logos) of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.

1:8 Vì ñaïo Chuùa khoâng nhöõng töø nôi anh em vang ra trong xöù Ma-xeâ-ñoan vaø A-chai thoâi ñaâu, nhöng ñöùc tin maø anh em coù trong Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi ñaõ ñoàn khaép moïi nôi, ñeán noãi chuùng toâi khoâng caàn phaûi noùi ñeán nöõa.

1:9 For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how all of you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;

1:9 Vaû, moïi ngöôøi ñeàu thuaät laïi theå naøo anh em ñaõ tieáp ñaõi chuùng toâi, vaø theå naøo ñaõ trôû laïi cuøng Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, boû hình töôïng ñaëng thôø Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi haèng soáng vaø chaân thaät,

1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

1:10 ñaëng chôø ñôïi Con Ngaøi töø treân trôøi, laø Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus maø Ngaøi ñaõ khieán töø keû cheát soáng laïi, töùc laø Ñaáng giaûi cöùu chuùng ta khoûi côn thònh noä ngaøy sau.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 1 Thessalonians

2:1 For yourselves, brethren, know our entrance in unto you, that it was not in vain:

2:1 Hôõi anh em, chính anh em bieát roõ raèng chuùng toâi ñaõ ñeán nôi anh em, aáy chaúng phaûi laø voâ ích ñaâu;

2:2 But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully pleaded, as all of you know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.

2:2 nhöng sau khi bò ñau ñôùn vaø sæ nhuïc taïi thaønh Phi-líp, nhö anh em ñaõ bieát, thì chuùng toâi troâng caäy Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, cöù rao truyeàn ñaïo Tin Laønh cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi caùch daïn dó giöõa côn ñaïi chieán.

2:3 For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile:

2:3 Vì söï giaûng ñaïo cuûa chuùng toâi chaúng phaûi bôûi söï sai laàm, hoaëc yù khoâng thanh saïch, cuõng chaúng duøng ñieàu gian doái.

2:4 But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which tries our hearts.

2:4 Nhöng vì Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi ñaõ xeùt chuùng toâi laø xöùng ñaùng giao cho vieäc giaûng Tin Laønh, neân chuùng toâi cöù noùi, khoâng phaûi ñeå ñeïp loøng loaøi ngöôøi, nhöng ñeå ñeïp loøng Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Ñaáng doø xeùt loøng chuùng toâi.

2:5 For neither at any time used we flattering words, (o. logos) as all of you know, nor a coat of covetousness; God is witness:

2:5 Vaû, anh em coù bieát, chuùng toâi khoâng heà duøng nhöõng lôøi dua nònh, cuõng khoâng heà bôûi loøng tö lôïi maø laøm, coù Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chöùng cho.

2:6 Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.

2:6 Daãu raèng chuùng toâi coù theå baét anh em toân troïng chuùng toâi, vì laø söù ñoà cuûa Ñaáng Christ, song cuõng chaúng caàu vinh hieån ñeán töø loaøi ngöôøi, hoaëc töø nôi anh em, hoaëc töø nôi keû khaùc.

2:7 But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherishes her children:

2:7 Nhöng chuùng toâi ñaõ aên ôû nhu mì giöõa anh em, nhö moät ngöôøi vuù saên soùc chính con mình caùch dòu daøng vaäy.

2:8 So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because all of you were dear unto us.

2:8 Vaäy, vì loøng raát yeâu thöông cuûa chuùng toâi ñoái vôùi anh em, neân öôùc ao ban cho anh em, khoâng nhöõng Tin Laønh Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi thoâi ñaâu, song caû ñeán chính söï soáng chuùng toâi nöõa, bôûi anh em ñaõ trôû neân thieát nghóa vôùi chuùng toâi laø bao.

2:9 For all of you remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.

2:9 Hôõi anh em, anh em coøn nhôù coâng lao, khoù nhoïc cuûa chuùng toâi; aáy laø trong khi chuùng toâi giaûng Tin Laønh cho anh em, laïi cuõng laøm vieäc caû ngaøy laãn ñeâm, ñeå cho khoûi luïy ñeán moät ngöôøi naøo trong anh em heát.

2:10 All of you are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:

2:10 Anh em laøm chöùng, Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi cuõng laøm chöùng raèng caùch aên ôû cuûa chuùng toâi ñoái vôùi anh em coù loøng tin, thaät laø thaùnh saïch, coâng bình, khoâng choã traùch ñöôïc.

2:11 As all of you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father does his children,

2:11 Anh em cuõng bieát raèng chuùng toâi ñoái ñaõi vôùi moãi ngöôøi trong anh em, nhö cha ñoái vôùi con,

2:12 That all of you would walk worthy of God, who has called you unto his kingdom and glory.

2:12 khuyeân lôn, yeân uûi, vaø naøi xin anh em aên ôû moät caùch xöùng ñaùng vôùi Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Ñaáng goïi anh em ñeán nöôùc Ngaøi vaø söï vinh hieån Ngaøi.

2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when all of you received the word (o. logos) of God which all of you heard of us, all of you received it not as the word (o. logos) of men, but as it is in truth, the word (o. logos) of God, which effectually works also in you that believe.

2:13 Bôûi vaäy, chuùng toâi taï ôn Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi khoâng thoâi veà söï anh em tieáp nhaän lôøi cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi maø chuùng toâi ñaõ truyeàn cho, khoâng coi nhö lôøi cuûa loaøi ngöôøi, beøn coi nhö lôøi cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, vì thaät laø lôøi Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, cuõng haønh ñoäng trong anh em coù loøng tin.

2:14 For all of you, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for all of you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

2:14 Hôõi anh em, anh em thaät ñaõ trôû neân ngöôøi baét chöôùc caùc hoäi thaùnh cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi taïi xöù Giu-ñeâ, laø caùc Hoäi thaùnh trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ: anh em ñaõ chòu khoå bôûi ngöôøi Giu-ña,

2:15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

2:15 laø ngöôøi ñaõ gieát Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus vaø caùc Ñaáng tieân tri, ñaõ baét bôù chuùng toâi; laøm traùi yù Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi vaø thuø nghòch vôùi moïi ngöôøi nöõa,

2:16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.

2:16 ngaên trôû chuùng toâi giaûng daïy daân ngoaïi cho ñöôïc cöùu, laïi haèng ñaày daãy caùi löôïng toäi loãi mình. Nhöng côn thònh noä cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi sau heát ñaõ ñeán treân hoï.

2:17 But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to see your face with great desire.

2:17 Hôõi anh em, veà phaàn chuùng toâi, ñaõ xa caùch anh em ít laâu nay, thaân tuy caùch nhöng loøng khoâng caùch, chuùng toâi ñaõ noân naû bieát bao, tìm phöông ñeå thoûa loøng ao öôùc, laïi thaáy maët anh em.

2:18 Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.

2:18 Vì vaäy, ñaõ hai laàn, chuùng toâi, nhöùt laø toâi, Phao-loâ, muoán ñi ñeán cuøng anh em; nhöng quæ Sa-tan ñaõ ngaên trôû chuùng toâi.

2:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even all of you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

2:19 Vì söï troâng caäy, vui möøng vaø maõo trieàu thieân vinh hieån cuûa chuùng toâi laø gì, haù chaèng phaûi laø anh em cuõng ñöôïc ñöùng tröôùc maët Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus chuùng ta trong khi Ngaøi ñeán sao?

2:20 For all of you are our glory and joy.

2:20 Phaûi, anh em thaät laø söï vinh hieån vaø vui möøng cuûa chuùng toâi vaäy.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 1 Thessalonians

3:1 Wherefore when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to be left at Athens alone;

3:1 Vì khoâng theå chôø ñôïi ñöôïc nöõa, neân chuùng toâi thaø ñaønh ôû laïi moät mình taïi A-theân,

3:2 And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:

3:2 vaø sai Ti-moâ-theâ, laø anh em chuùng toâi, toâi tôù cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, keû giuùp vieäc ñaïo Tin Laønh cuûa Ñaáng Christ, ñeán cuøng anh em, ñeå khieán anh em ñöôïc vöõng vaøng vaø giuïc loøng anh em trong ñöùc tin,

3:3 That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.

3:3 haàu cho khoâng moät ngöôøi naøo trong anh em bò ruùng ñoäng bôûi nhöõng söï khoán khoù döôøng aáy; vì anh em töï bieát raèng aáy ñoù laø ñieàu ñaõ ñònh tröôùc cho chuùng ta.

3:4 For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and all of you know.

3:4 Laïi khi ôû cuøng anh em, chuùng toâi ñaõ noùi tröôùc raèng seõ coù söï khoán khoù phaûi chòu, ñieàu ñoù xaûy ñeán roài, vaø anh em ñaõ bieát roõ.

3:5 For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labour be in vain.

3:5 Vaäy, khoâng theå ñôïi laâu hôn nöõa, neân toâi ñaõ sai Ti-moâ-theâ ñi, ñeå cho bieát ñöùc tin anh em ra laøm sao, e raèng keû caùm doã ñaõ caùm doã anh em, maø coâng phu cuûa chuùng toâi trôû neân voâ ích chaêng.

3:6 But now when Timotheus came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings of your faith and love, (o. agape) and that all of you have good remembrance of us always, desiring greatly to see us, as we also to see you:

3:6 Nhöng Ti-moâ-theâ ôû nôi anh em môùi trôû veà ñaây, coù thuaät cho chuùng toâi tin toát veà ñöùc tin cuøng loøng yeâu thöông cuûa anh em. Ngöôøi laïi noùi raèng anh em thöôøng töôûng nhôù chuùng toâi, vaø ao öôùc gaëp chuùng toâi, cuõng nhö chính chuùng toâi öôùc ao gaëp anh em vaäy.

3:7 Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith:

3:7 Hôõi anh em, nhö vaäy thì ôû giöõa moïi söï gian nan khoán khoù cuûa chuùng toâi, anh em ñaõ laáy ñöùc tin mình maø laøm moät côù yeân uûi cho chuùng toâi ñoù.

3:8 For now we live, if all of you stand fast in the Lord.

3:8 Vì hieän nay chuùng toâi soáng, laø taïi anh em ñöùng vöõng trong Chuùa.

3:9 For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God;

3:9 Chuùng toâi laøm theå naøo ñaëng ñuû taï ôn Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi veà anh em, vì chuùng toâi bôûi côù anh em ñöôïc ñaày loøng vui veû ôû tröôùc maët Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chuùng toâi?

3:10 Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?

3:10 Ñeâm ngaøy chuùng toâi coá söùc naøi xin Ngaøi cho pheùp chuùng toâi laïi gaëp anh em, vaø gia theâm cho ñöùc tin anh em ñieàu chi coøn keùm.

3:11 Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.

3:11 Nguyeàn xin chính Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi Cha chuùng ta, vaø Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus, Chuùa chuùng ta, daãn chuùng toâi ñeán cuøng anh em!

3:12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love (o. agape) one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:

3:12 Laïi nguyeàn xin Chuùa laøm cho anh em theâm vaø ñaày loøng yeâu thöông ñoái vôùi nhau cuøng ñoái vôùi moïi ngöôøi, cuøng nhö loøng yeâu thöông cuûa chuùng toâi ñoái vôùi anh em vaäy,

3:13 To the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

3:13 haàu cho loøng anh em ñöôïc vöõng vaøng, vaø thaùnh saïch khoâng traùch ñöôïc tröôùc maët Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Cha chuùng ta, khi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus chuùng ta seõ ñeán vôùi heát thaûy thaùnh ñoà Ngaøi!

 Te sa lo ni ca - 1 Thessalonians

4:1 Furthermore then we plead to you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as all of you have received of us how all of you ought to walk and to please God, so all of you would abound more and more.

4:1 Vaû laïi, hôõi anh em, anh em ñaõ hoïc nôi chuùng toâi phaûi aên ôû caùch naøo cho ñeïp yù Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, vaø ñieàu ñoù anh em ñaõ laøm roài, thì chuùng toâi nhôn Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus xin vaø caàu anh em phaûi ñi luoân theo ñöôøng aáy caøng ngaøy caøng tôùi.

4:2 For all of you know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.

4:2 Anh em bieát roõ chuùng toâi ñaõ bôûi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus maø truyeàn cho anh em nhöõng ñieàu raên naøo.

4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that all of you should abstain from fornication:

4:3 Vì yù muoán Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, aáy laø khieán anh em neân thaùnh: töùc laø phaûi laùnh söï oâ ueá,

4:4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;

4:4 moãi ngöôøi phaûi bieát giöõ thaân mình cho thaùnh saïch vaø toân troïng,

4:5 Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:

4:5 chaúng bao giôø sa vaøo tình duïc luoâng tuoàng nhö ngöôøi ngoaïi ñaïo, laø keû khoâng nhìn bieát Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi.

4:6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.

4:6 Chôù coù ai phænh phôø anh em mình, hay laø laøm haïi anh em baát kyø vieäc gì, vì Chuùa laø Ñaáng baùo oaùn nhöõng söï ñoù, nhö chuùng toâi ñaõ noùi tröôùc cuøng anh em vaø ñaõ laøm chöùng.

4:7 For God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

4:7 Bôûi chöng Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chaúng goïi chuùng ta ñeán söï oâ ueá ñaâu, beøn laø söï neân thaùnh vaäy.

4:8 He therefore that despises, despises not man, but God, who has also given unto us his holy Spirit. (o. pneuma)

4:8 Cho neân ai khinh boû ñieàu chuùng toâi noùi, thì khoâng phaûi khinh boû ngöôøi ta ñaâu beøn laø khinh boû Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, laø Ñaáng ñaõ ban Thaùnh Linh cuûa Ngaøi trong anh em.

4:9 But as concerning brotherly love all of you need not that I write unto you: for all of you yourselves are taught of God to love one another.

4:9 Coøn nhö söï anh em yeâu thöông nhau, veà ñieàu ñoù, khoâng caàn vieát cho anh em, vì chính anh em ñaõ hoïc nôi Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, phaûi yeâu thöông nhau;

4:10 And indeed all of you do it toward all the brethren which are in all Macedonia: but we plead to you, brethren, that all of you increase more and more;

4:10 vaø ñoái vôùi moïi anh em khaùc, trong caû xöù Ma-xeâ-ñoan, cuõng laøm nhö vaäy. Nhöng, hôõi anh em, chuùng toâi khuyeân anh em haèng toû loøng yeâu thöông ñoù theâm maõi,

4:11 And that all of you study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;

4:11 raùng taäp aên ôû cho yeân laëng, saên soùc vieäc rieâng mình, laáy chính tay mình laøm luïng, nhö chuùng toâi ñaõ daën baûo anh em,

4:12 That all of you may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that all of you may have lack of nothing.

4:12 haàu cho aên ôû vôùi ngöôøi ngoaïi caùch ngay thaúng, vaø khoâng thieáu chi heát.

4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that all of you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

4:13 Hôõi anh em, chuùng toâi chaúng muoán anh em khoâng bieát veà phaàn ngöôøi ñaõ nguû, haàu cho anh em chôù buoàn raàu nhö ngöôøi khaùc khoâng coù söï troâng caäy.

4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

4:14 Vì neáu chuùng ta tin Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus ñaõ cheát vaø soáng laïi, thì cuõng vaäy, Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi seõ ñem nhöõng keû nguû trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus cuøng ñeán vôùi Ngaøi.

4:15 For this we say unto you by the word (o. logos) of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

4:15 Vaû, naày laø ñieàu chuùng toâi nhôø lôøi Chuùa maø rao baûo cho anh em: chuùng ta laø keû soáng, coøn ôû laïi cho ñeán kyø Chuùa ñeán, thì khoâng leân tröôùc nhöõng ngöôøi ñaõ nguû roài.

4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

4:16 Vì seõ coù tieáng keâu lôùn vaø tieáng cuûa thieân söù lôùn cuøng tieáng keøn cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, thì chính mình Chuùa ôû treân trôøi giaùng xuoáng; baáy giôø nhöõng keû cheát trong Ñaáng Christ, seõ soáng laïi tröôùc heát.

4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

4:17 Keá ñeán chuùng ta laø keû soáng, maø coøn ôû laïi, seõ cuøng nhau ñeàu ñöôïc caát leân vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi aáy giöõa ñaùm maây, taïi nôi khoâng trung maø gaëp Chuùa, nhö vaäy chuùng ta seõ ôû cuøng Chuùa luoân luoân.

4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (o. logos)

4:18 Theá thì, anh em haõy duøng lôøi ñoù maø yeân uûi nhau.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 1 Thessalonians

5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, all of you have no need that I write unto you.

5:1 Hôõi anh em, veà thôøi vaø kyø, thì khoâng caàn vieát cho anh em;

5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

5:2 vì chính anh em bieát roõ laém raèng ngaøy cuûa Chuùa seõ ñeán nhö keû troäm trong ban ñeâm vaäy.

5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

5:3 Khi ngöôøi ta seõ noùi raèng: Bình hoøa vaø an oån, thì tai hoïa thình lình vuït ñeán, nhö söï ñau ñôùn xaûy ñeán cho ngöôøi ñôøn baø coù ngheùn, vaø ngöôøi ta chaéc khoâng traùnh khoûi ñaâu.

5:4 But all of you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

5:4 Nhöng, hôõi anh em, anh em chaúng phaûi ôû nôi toái taêm, neân noãi ngaøy ñoù ñeán thình lình cho anh em nhö keû troäm.

5:5 All of you are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

5:5 Anh em ñeàu laø con cuûa söï saùng vaø con cuûa ban ngaøy. Chuùng ta khoâng phaûi thuoäc veà ban ñeâm, cuõng khoâng phaûi thuoäc veà söï môø toái.

5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

5:6 Vaäy, chuùng ta chôù nguû nhö keû khaùc, nhöng phaûi tænh thöùc vaø gieø giöõ.

5:7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

5:7 Vì keû nguû thì nguû ban ñeâm, keû say thì say ban ñeâm.

5:8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; (o. agape) and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

5:8 Nhöng chuùng ta thuoäc veà ban ngaøy, neân haõy gieø giöõ, maëc aùo giaùp baèng ñöùc tin vaø loøng yeâu thöông, laáy söï troâng caäy veà söï cöùu roãi laøm maõo truï.

5:9 For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

5:9 Vì Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chaúng ñònh saün cho chuùng ta bò côn thaïnh noä, nhöng cho ñöôïc söï giaûi cöùu bôûi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta,

5:10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

5:10 laø Ñaáng ñaõ cheát vì chuùng ta, haàu cho chuùng ta hoaëc thöùc hoaëc nguû, ñeàu ñöôïc ñoàng soáng vôùi Ngaøi.

5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also all of you do.

5:11 Vaäy thì anh em haõy khuyeân baûo nhau, gaây döïng cho nhau, nhö anh em vaãn thöôøng laøm.

5:12 And we plead to you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;

5:12 Hôõi anh em, xin anh em kính troïng keû coù coâng khoù trong voøng anh em, laø keû tuaân theo Chuùa maø chæ daãn vaø daïy baûo anh em.

5:13 And to esteem them very highly in love (o. agape) for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

5:13 Haõy laáy loøng raát yeâu thöông ñoái vôùi hoï vì côù coâng vieäc hoï laøm. Haõy ôû cho hoøa thuaän vôùi nhau.

5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

5:14 Nhöng, hôõi anh em, xin anh em haõy raên baûo nhöõng keû aên ôû baäy baï, yeân uûi nhöõng keû ngaõ loøng, naâng ñôõ nhöõng keû yeáu ñuoái, phaûi nhòn nhuïc ñoái vôùi moïi ngöôøi.

5:15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

5:15 Haõy giöõ, ñöøng coù ai laáy aùc baùo aùc cho keû khaùc; nhöng haõy tìm ñieàu thieän luoân luoân, hoaëc trong voøng anh em, hoaëc ñoái vôùi thieân haï.

5:16 Rejoice evermore.

5:16 Haõy vui möøng maõi maõi,

5:17 Pray without ceasing.

5:17 caàu nguyeän khoâng thoâi,

5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

5:18 phaøm laøm vieäc gì cuõng phaûi taï ôn Chuùa; vì yù muoán cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ ñoái vôùi anh em laø nhö vaäy.

5:19 Quench not the Spirit. (o. pneuma)

5:19 Chôù daäp taét Thaùnh Linh;

5:20 Despise not prophesyings.

5:20 chôù khinh deå caùc lôøi tieân tri;

5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

5:21 haõy xem xeùt moïi vieäc, ñieàu chi laønh thì giöõ laáy.

5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

5:22 Baát cöù vieäc gì töïa nhö ñieàu aùc, thì phaûi traùnh ñi.

5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit (o. pneuma) and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5:23 Nguyeàn xin chính Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi bình an khieán anh em neân thaùnh troïn veïn, vaø nguyeàn xin taâm thaàn, linh hoàn, vaø thaân theå cuûa anh em ñeàu ñöôïc giöõ veïn, khoâng choã traùch ñöôïc, khi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta ñeán!

5:24 Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it.

5:24 Ñaáng ñaõ goïi anh em laø thaønh tín, chính Ngaøi seõ laøm vieäc ñoù.

5:25 Brethren, pray for us.

5:25 Hôõi anh em, haõy caàu nguyeän cho chuùng toâi vôùi.

5:26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

5:26 Haõy laáy caùi hoân thaùnh maø chaøo heát thaûy anh em.

5:27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.

5:27 Toâi nhôn Chuùa naøi xin anh em haõy ñoïc thô naày cho heát thaûy anh em ñeàu nghe.

5:28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

5:28 Nguyeàn xin aân ñieån cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ, Chuùa chuùng ta, ôû vôùi anh em.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 2 Thessalonians

1:1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ;

1:1 Phao-loâ, Sin-vanh vaø Ti-moâ-theâ gôûi cho Hoäi thaùnh Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca, laø Hoäi thaùnh ôû trong Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, Cha chuùng ta, vaø trong Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ, laø Chuùa:

1:2 Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1:2 nguyeàn xin anh em ñöôïc aân ñieån vaø söï bình an ban cho bôûi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ!

1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith grows exceedingly, and the love (o. agape) of every one of you all toward each other abounds;

1:3 Hôõi anh em, chuùng toâi phaûi vì anh em caûm taï Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi luoân luoân; ñieàu ñoù laø phaûi laém, vì ñöùc tin anh em raát taán tôùi, vaø loøng yeâu thöông cuûa moãi ngöôøi trong heát thaûy anh em ñoái vôùi nhau caøng ngaøy caøng theâm.

1:4 So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that all of you endure:

1:4 Chuùng toâi cuõng vì anh em maø khoe mình cuøng caùc Hoäi thaùnh cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, vì loøng nhòn nhuïc vaø ñöùc tin anh em trong moïi söï baét bôù khoán khoù ñöông chòu.

1:5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that all of you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which all of you also suffer:

1:5 Ñoù ñuû chöùng côù veà söï ñoaùn xeùt coâng bình cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, Ngaøi muoán khieán anh em neân xöùng ñaùng cho nöôùc Ngaøi, vaø vì nöôùc ñoù maø anh em chòu khoå.

1:6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

1:6 Vaû, theo söï coâng bình Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, thì aét laø Ngaøi laáy ñieàu khoå baùo cho nhöõng keû laøm khoå anh em,

1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

1:7 vaø cho anh em, laø keû chòu khoå, ñöôïc nghæ ngôi vôùi chuùng toâi, trong khi Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus töø trôøi hieän ñeán vôùi caùc thieân söù cuûa quyeàn pheùp Ngaøi, giöõa ngoïn löûa höøng,

1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

1:8 baùo thuø nhöõng keû chaúng heà nhaän bieát Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, vaø khoâng vaâng phuïc Tin Laønh cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta.

1:9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

1:9 Hoï seõ bò hình phaït hö maát ñôøi ñôøi, xa caùch maët Chuùa vaø söï vinh hieån cuûa quyeàn pheùp Ngaøi,

1:10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

1:10 töùc laø khi Ngaøi seõ ñeán trong ngaøy ñoù, ñeå ñöôïc saùng danh trong caùc thaùnh ñoà, ñöôïc khen ngôïi trong moïi keû tin; vì anh em ñaõ tin lôøi chuùng toâi laøm chöùng tröôùc maët anh em.

1:11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:

1:11 Cho neân, chuùng toâi vì anh em caàu nguyeän khoâng thoâi, haàu cho Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chuùng ta khieán anh em xöùng ñaùng vôùi söï goïi cuûa Ngaøi, vaø cho Ngaøi laáy quyeàn pheùp laøm troïn trong anh em moïi yù ñònh thöông xoùt cuûa loøng nhôn Ngaøi vaø coâng vieäc cuûa ñöùc tin;

1:12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and all of you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1:12 ñeán noãi laøm saùng danh Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus chuùng ta trong anh em, vaø anh em trong Ngaøi, tuøy theo aân ñieån cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi chuùng ta vaø cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 2 Thessalonians

2:1 Now we plead to you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2:1 Luaän veà söï ñeán cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta, vaø veà söï chuùng ta hoäi hieäp cuøng Ngaøi,

2:2 That all of you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, (o. pneuma) nor by word, (o. logos) nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

2:2 thì, hôõi anh em, xin chôù voäi boái roái vaø kinh hoaøng hoaëc bôûi thaàn caûm giaû maïo, hoaëc bôûi lôøi noùi hay laø bôûi böùc thô naøo töïa nhö chuùng toâi ñaõ gôûi maø noùi raèng ngaøy Chuùa gaàn ñeán.

2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

2:3 Maëc ai duøng caùch naøo, cuõng ñöøng ñeå hoï löøa doái mình. Vì phaûi coù söï boû ñaïo ñeán tröôùc, vaø coù ngöôøi toäi aùc, con cuûa söï hö maát hieän ra,

2:4 Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

2:4 töùc laø keû ñoái ñòch, toân mình leân treân moïi söï maø ngöôøi ta xöng laø Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi hoaëc ngöôøi ta thôø laïy, raát ñoãi ngoài trong ñeàn Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, chính mình töï xöng laø Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi.

2:5 Remember all of you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

2:5 Anh em haù khoâng nhôù khi toâi coøn ôû vôùi anh em, thì ñaõ noùi veà nhöõng söï ñoù sao?

2:6 And now all of you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time.

2:6 Hieän nay anh em bieát roõ ñieàu laøm ngaên trôû noù, haàu cho noù chæ hieän ra ñuùng kyø noù thoâi.

2:7 For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way.

2:7 Vì ñaõ coù söï maàu nhieäm cuûa ñieàu boäi nghòch ñöông haønh ñoäng roài; song Ñaáng coøn ngaên trôû caàn phaûi caát ñi.

2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit (o. pneuma) of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

2:8 Baáy giôø keû nghòch cuøng luaät phaùp kia seõ hieän ra, Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus seõ duøng hôi mieäng Ngaøi maø huûy dieät noù, vaø tröø boû noù bôûi söï choùi saùng cuûa söï Ngaøi ñeán.

2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

2:9 Keû ñoù seõ laáy quyeàn cuûa quæ Sa-tan maø hieän ñeán, laøm ñuû moïi thöù pheùp laï, daáu dò vaø vieäc kyø doái giaû;

2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love (o. agape) of the truth, that they might be saved.

2:10 duøng moïi caùch phænh doå khoâng coâng bình maø doå nhöõng keû hö maát, vì chuùng noù ñaõ khoâng nhaän laõnh söï yeâu thöông cuûa leõ thaät ñeå ñöôïc cöùu roãi.

2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2:11 Aáy vì theá maø Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi cho chuùng noù maéc phaûi söï laàm laïc, laø söï khieán chuùng noù tin ñieàu doái giaû,

2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2:12 haàu cho heát thaûy nhöõng ngöôøi khoâng tin leõ thaät, song chuoäng söï khoâng coâng bình, ñieàu bò phuïc döôùi söï phaùn xeùt cuûa Ngaøi.

2:13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit (o. pneuma) and belief of the truth:

2:13 Hôõi anh em yeâu daáu cuûa Chuùa, coøn nhö chuùng toâi, phaûi vì anh em taï ôn Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi khoâng thoâi, vì vöøa luùc ban ñaàu, Ngaøi ñaõ choïn anh em bôûi söï neân thaùnh cuûa Thaùnh Linh, vaø bôûi tin leõ thaät, ñaëng ban söï cöùu roãi cho anh em.

2:14 Unto which he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2:14 Aáy cuõng laø vì ñoù maø Ngaøi ñaõ duøng Tin Laønh chuùng toâi goïi anh em, ñaëng anh em höôûng ñöôïc söï vinh hieån cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta.

2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which all of you have been taught, whether by word, (o. logos) or our epistle.

2:15 Hôõi anh em, vaäy thì haõy ñöùng vöõng, haõy vaâng giöõ nhöõng ñieàu daïy doã maø chuùng toâi ñaõ truyeàn cho anh em, hoaëc baèng lôøi noùi, hoaëc baèng thô töø cuûa chuùng toâi.

2:16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which has loved us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

2:16 Nguyeàn xin chính Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta, vaø Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi Cha chuùng ta, laø Ñaáng ñaõ yeâu thöông chuùng ta, vaø ñaõ laáy aân ñieån maø ban cho chuùng ta söï yeân uûi ñôøi ñôøi vaø söï troâng caäy toát laønh,

2:17 Comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word (o. logos) and work.

2:17 haõy yeân uûi loøng anh em, khieán anh em ñöôïc beàn vöõng trong moïi vieäc laønh cuøng moïi lôøi noùi laønh.

 Te sa lo ni ca - 2 Thessalonians

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word (o. logos) of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:1 Vaû laïi, hôõi anh em, haõy caàu nguyeän cho chuùng toâi, haàu cho ñaïo Chuùa ñöôïc ñoàn ra vaø ñöôïc saùng danh, nhö theå ôû trong anh em vaäy,

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:2 laïi haàu cho chuùng toâi ñöôïc giaûi thoaùt khoûi keû voâ lyù vaø ngöôøi aùc; vì chaúng phaûi heát thaûy ñeàu coù ñöùc tin.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.

3:3 Chuùa laø thaønh tín, seõ laøm cho anh em beàn vöõng vaø giöõ cho khoûi Aùc giaû.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that all of you both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:4 Veà phaàn anh em, chuùng toâi coù loøng tin caäy trong Chuùa raèng anh em ñöông laøm vaø seõ laøm nhöõng vieäc chuùng toâi daën bieåu.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love (o. agape) of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:5 Nguyeàn xin Chuùa soi daãn loøng anh em tôùi ñeán söï yeâu meán Ñöùc Chuùa Trôøi, vaø söï nhòn nhuïc cuûa Ñaáng Christ!

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:6 Hôõi anh em, nhôn danh Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta, chuùng toâi khuyeân anh em phaûi laùnh ngöôøi anh em naøo khoâng bieát tu ñöùc haïnh mình, vaø khoâng böôùc theo caùc ñieàu daïy doã maø anh em ñaõ nhaän laõnh nôi chuùng toâi.

3:7 For yourselves know how all of you ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:7 Chính anh em bieát ñieàu mình phaûi laøm ñeå hoïc ñoøi chuùng toâi; vì chuùng toâi khoâng coù aên ôû saùi baäy giöõa anh em,

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nothing; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:8 chöa töøng aên döng cuûa ai, nhöng ñeâm ngaøy laøm luïng khoù nhoïc, ñeå khoûi luïy ñeán moät ngöôøi naøo trong anh em heát.

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an example unto you to follow us.

3:9 Chaúng phaûi chuùng toâi khoâng coù quyeàn lôïi ñöôïc aên döng, nhöng muoán laøm göông cho anh em, ñeå anh em baét chöôùc.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:10 Khi chuùng toâi ôû cuøng anh em, cuõng ñaõ rao baûo cho anh em raèng: neáu ai khoâng khöùng laøm vieäc, thì cuõng khoâng neân aên nöõa.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:11 Vaû, chuùng toâi nghe trong anh em coù keû aên ôû baäy baï, chaúng heà laøm luïng, trôû chaêm nhöõng söï voâ ích thoâi.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:12 Chuùng toâi nhôn danh Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ, baûo vaø khuyeân nhöõng keû ñoù phaûi yeân laëng maø laøm vieäc, haàu cho aên baùnh cuûa mình laøm ra.

3:13 But all of you, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:13 Hôõi anh em, phaàn anh em chôù neân chaùn meät laøm söï laønh.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word (o. logos) by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:14 Ví baèng coù ai khoâng tuaân theo lôøi chuùng toâi noùi trong thô naày, thì haõy ghi laáy, chôù giao thoâng vôùi hoï, haàu cho hoï nhôn ñoù bieát xaáu hoå.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

3:15 Tuy vaäy, chôù coi ngöôøi ñoù nhö keû nghòch thuø, nhöng haõy raên baûo ngöôøi nhö anh em vaäy.

3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

3:16 Nguyeàn xin chính Chuùa bình an ban söï bình an cho anh em trong moïi khi, ñuû moïi caùch! Laïi xin Chuùa ôû cuøng anh em heát thaûy!

3:17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

3:17 Chính tay toâi, laø Phao-loâ, vieát lôøi chaøo thaêm naày cho anh em: aáy ñoù laø daáu kyù cuûa toâi trong moïi thô töø cuûa toâi, toâi vieát nhö vaäy.

3:18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

3:18 Nguyeàn xin aân ñieån cuûa Ñöùc Chuùa Jeâsus Christ chuùng ta ôû cuøng anh em heát thaûy!


